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湖北省十堰市高考英语 单项选择阅读理解回顾训练22.docx

1、湖北省十堰市高考英语 单项选择阅读理解回顾训练22十堰市2014高考英语单项选择、阅读理解回顾训练(22)及答案单项选择1. -Have you ever seen Peter recently?-Yes. He_ me to ask you how you_ along with your new job these days. A. has asked;have been getting B. asked ;were gettingC. often asks;are getting D. asked;are getting2. The managers discussed the plan

2、 that they would like to see_ the next yearA. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out3. -Ill help you whenever you need me,-I would love_.A. you helping B. that youll helpC. you to help D. that you help4. I hope_ the job shes applied for(申请).A. shes going to get B. shell get C. she

3、is to get D. she decides to get5. Mrs. Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she_ that the cloth_ very well.A. has been told;washes B. is told;is washedC. has been told ;is washed D. is told ;is washed6. Let us not waste_ time we have left.A. the little B. little C. a little D. a little more

4、7. I think the doctor is able to cure ofA. all B. what C. whatever D. anything8. _ , well come to see you again.A. If time will permit B. Time permitsC. Time permitting D. Time permited9. -Nancy is not coming tonight.-But she _ !A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised10._ some maddal

5、s came to live in the sea is notA. Which B. Since C. Although D. How11. -Paul, Id like to have a talk with you at tea break.- _ Have what with me?A. Yes, please. B. Sorry? C. Thanks. D. Youre welcome.12. If you _ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.A. wont B. would not C. do not D.

6、 can not13. Hes unlucky,and hes always suffering_ luck one after another.A. a sick B. an ill C. sick D. ill14. The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged _ there for a sightseeing.A. us from going B. us to go C. our going D. our to go15. If I had_ , Id visit Europe, stopping at all

7、the small interesting places.A. a logn enough holiday B an enough long holidayC. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough16. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to_.A. put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out17. Besides Tom, _ Crosettes have two other so

8、ns, _ of whom are all interested in making model planes.A. 不填; two B. 不填; the two C. the, three D. the, the three18. Mr. Zhang gaVeall textbooks to all the pupils, except_ who had already taken tem.A. these B. dnes C. the ones D. the others19. _professional violinist practices for several hours a da

9、y, but_ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert.A. Each, every B. Every, each C. One, a D. All, each20.Who has taken my pen away?_. He was here a moment ago.A. It must be Li Ping B. It is Li Ping take C. Li Ping is D. Li Ping must take21. My dictionary_. I have looked for it every

10、where but stillA. has lost;do not find B. is missing;do not findC. has lost;have not found D. is missing;have not found22. Shortly after the accident, two_ police were sent to the spot to keep order.A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen23. May I have another chocolate?Yes, of course._.A. Take

11、it yourself B. Eat it, pleaseC. Help yourself D. Have it yourself24. We will take_ wants to go there for a sight - seeing.A. whoever B. who C. anybody D. all that25. I caught the last bus from town, but Harry came home_ that night.A. very late B. even later C. the same late D. the last one26. -What

12、was the party like? -Wonderful. It is years_ I enjoyed myself so much.27. Isnt it very kind _ your parents to do that for us?A. for B to C. about D. of28. There is a _ of 1000 dollars for the returnA. reward B. prize C. thank D. prsise29. A man does not know the difficulty of anything_ he does it pe

13、rsonally.A. although B. if C. because D. unless30. I dont remember_ to the airport that year.A. to be taken B. being taken C. having D. to take参考答案15 DCCBA 610 ACCBD 1115 BADAA1620 DDCBA 2125 DDCAB 2630 DDADB 1(2012课标全国高考)Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can_almost every word her tea

14、cher says.Aput out Bput downCput away Dput together2(2012全国高考)We _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.Aset about Bset upCset out Dset down3(2012天津高考)Parents and children should communicate more to _ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.Ao

15、pen BnarrowCwiden Dleave4(2012安徽高考)The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. Awent on Bgot throughCpaid off Dended up5(2012安徽高考)You had better _ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.Aset aside Btake upCput away Dgive out6(201

16、2湖北高考)Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to_our schools campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.Asponsor BlaunchCorganize Dplan7(2012湖北高考)Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and_ every page of my dr

17、aft.Aapproved BquotedCpolished Dfolded8(2012湖北高考)Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to_ his courage.Ahold up Bkeep upCset up Dtake up9(2012湖北高考)Im so glad youve come here to_ this matter in person.Alead to Bsee toCturn to Drefer to10(2012江苏高考)OK,Ive had enough of it.I give up.You cant _ your

18、 responsibilities.Arun off with Brun up againstCrun out of Drun away from11(2012江西高考)Ive _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.Acome into Bgone intoCgot into Drun into12(2012江西高考)We were all agreed that the cottage would _ a perfect holiday home for the family.Amake

19、 BturnCtake Dhave13(2012辽宁高考)Rod loves _ clocks.However,he never manages to put them together again.Ataking apart Bgiving awayCmaking up Dturning off14(2012陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the airconditioning system _.Abroke in Bbroke upCbroke out Db

20、roke down15(2012四川高考)Its surprising that your brother_Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.Apicked up Blooked upCput up Dmade up16(2012浙江高考)According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to _ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.Adiffer BshrinkCfail Ddecline17(20

21、12浙江高考)Armed with the information you have gathered,you can _ preparing your business plan.Aset out Bset about Cset off Dset up18(2011课标全国高考)I can _ the house being untidy,but I hate it if its not clean.Acome up with Bput up withCturn to Dstick to19(2011课标全国高考)William found it increasingly difficult

22、 to read,for his eyesight was beginning to _.Adisappear BfallCfail Ddamage20(2011全国高考)Mary,I _ John of his promise to help you.Atold BremindedCwarned Dadvised参考答案 1Bput out意为“伸出,长出,熄灭,扑灭,出版”;put down意为“把放下,镇压,平息,写下,记下”;put away意为“把收起来放好”;put together意为“把放在一起,组合”。根据句意判断应选B项,句意:玛丽真的擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说

23、的每一个字。2Cset about后接doing sth.,意为“着手做某事”;set up意为“建立”,不与to do连用;set out后接to do sth.,表示“着手做某事”;set down意为“写下,登记,放下”。句意:我们着手粉刷整个房子,但那天我们只粉刷完了房子前面的部分。故选C项。3B句意:为了缩小彼此间的差距,父母和子女应该更多地交流,从而更好地理解彼此。open打开,开始;narrow压缩,使变窄;widen放宽,加宽;leave离开,离去。4Cgo on“(时间)过去,灯亮,开始运行,继续,接着,进行,发生”;get through“完成,度过,(使人)明白,通过,接

24、通(电话)”;pay off “还清(债),得到好结果,取得成功”;end up“结束,结尾,停止”。句意:当这位运动员获得了奥运金牌时,她多年的辛苦训练终于有了回报。由句意可知,C项符合题意。5Aset aside意为“留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)”;take up意为“占据(时间、空间等),从事”;put away“把收起,放好”;give out意为“分发,用尽”。句意:为了能使自己精力充沛,你最好每天留出一段时间来运动。故选A项。6A句意:两位律师捐赠了五万美金赞助我们学校的“扶贫”活动,该活动是三年前由我们的前任校长发起的。sponsor“赞助”;launch“发动,发射”;organ

25、ize“组织”;plan“计划”。7C句意:最后,我要向我的导师表示感谢,他为我的论文提供了很多建议和意见,并为我的草稿的每一页都进行了润色。approve“支持,赞同”;quote“引用,引述”;polish“修改,润色”;fold“折叠,对折”。8B句意:独自一个人走在黑暗中,男孩为给自己壮胆吹起了口哨。keep up ones courage 意为“鼓足勇气”。9B句意:我很高兴你来到这里亲自处理这个事件。lead to“导致,通往”;see to“处理,料理”;turn to“转向,求助,转行”;refer to“提及,查阅,参考”。10Drun off with意为“带着逃走,与私奔

26、”;run up against意为“意外地碰到,偶遇”;run out of意为“用完,耗尽”;ran away from意为“从逃离,回避”。后半句句意:你不能逃脱你自己的责任。11C句意:我已经养成了在放学回家的路上去看望爷爷奶奶的习惯。get into the habit of是固定搭配,意为“养成的习惯”。12A句意:我们一致认为,那个小屋将会成为一家人度假的完美居所。make在此处意为“成为”。13A句意:罗德喜欢将钟表拆开。然而,他从来不能将它们再次组装起来。take apart “拆开,拆卸”;give away“分发,赠送”; make up“构成,弥补,化装,编造”;tur

27、n off“关闭”。根据句意A项正确。14D句意:他不得不时而停下来擦擦额头上的汗,因为空调坏了。break in “插话”;break up “打碎,(学校)放假,解散”;break out “爆发,发生”;break down “出毛病,停止运转”。根据句意可知选D项。15Apick up在此句中意为“无意中获得或学到”。句意:你哥哥学俄语如此之快让人感到惊讶他住在那儿也没有多长时间。look up“仰望,尊敬”;put up“建造,搭起”;make up“组成,构成,弥补”。16D句意:据科学家们说,我们大脑的能力在22岁达到最高水平后,从27岁开始下降。differ“不同,有异”;shrink“变小,减少,收缩”;fail “(健康、体力、视力等)衰退,减弱”;decline“下降,衰退,减退”。17B句意:有了你积累的这些信息,就可以着手开始准备你的经营计划了。set out“着手,开始”,后面接动词不定式;set about“开始做某事”,后面接动名词形式;set off“出发,动身”;set up“建立,创立,竖立”。18Bcome up with意为“提出”;put up with意为“忍受,容忍”;turn to意为“转向,求助于”;stick to意为“坚持”。句

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