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1、英语口语Hello darkness my old friend. 你好我的老伙伴黑暗。Ive come to talk with you again. 我又回来再和你谈谈。Because a vision softly creeping. 因为有个悄然而入的幻影Left its seeds while I was sleeping. 像种子一样种在了我的梦里。And the vision that was planted in my brain. 这个植入我脑中的幻影啊Still remains. 至今仍在Within the sound of silence ! 这沉默之声里!In res

2、tless dreams I walked alone. 在这些不安的梦里,我独自游荡。Narrow streets of cobble stone. 独行在狭窄的鹅卵石街上。Neath the halo of a street lamp. 笼罩在街灯的昏暗光晕里。I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 我竖起衣领以抵御寒冷潮湿。When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light. 突然一道虚幻的闪光刺得我睁不开眼。That split the night. 这闪光劈开了夜空。And touch

3、ed the sound of silence. 触动了这沉默之声。And in the naked light I saw. 在赤裸的光影中我看到了Ten thousand people maybe more. 芸芸万人之众People talking without speaking. 他们只能无言地交谈People hearing without listening. 他们只能无心地倾听People writing songs that voices never share. 他们只能谱写不能吟唱的歌曲And no one dare. 没有一个人胆敢Disturb the sound o

4、f silence. 打破这沉默之声。Fools said I, You do not know. “愚人们啊”,我说,“你们不知道Silence like a cancer grows. 沉默会像癌症般绝望地生长Hear my words that I might teach you. 听从我的劝导吧Take my arms that I might reach you. 接受我的帮助吧”But my words like silent rain-drops fell. 但是我的话却如沉默的雨滴徒劳地落下。And echoed in the wells of silence. 回响在沉默之井

5、。And the people bowed and prayed. 人们依然顶礼膜拜。To the neon God they made. 自己塑造的虚幻之神。And the sign flashed out its warning. 这个符号自己却亮出了警讯。In the words that it was forming. 用它本身所生成的虚幻言语。And the sign said The words of the prophets. 符号告诫道:“先知的预言Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. 写满地铁墙壁以及住户的厅堂

6、。And whispered in the sounds of silence. 悄然耳语在沉默之声里”。1这首歌创作于60年代,60年代对美国而言是个多事之秋,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著“越战”沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖约翰肯尼迪(John F.Kennedy)总统于1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也日益壮大。美国人民的梦在肯尼迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟着粉碎了!就在这样的时

7、空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗西蒙(Paul Simon)创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲我们可发现这首歌基本上含盖了两个主题,一为抨击资本主义的拜金主义,二为人际之间的疏离(alienation)与冷漠(apathy)造成了人类丧失了沟通的能力,其实这两个主题是互为因果的。fry (炒), deep fry (炸), shallow fry(煎), steam (蒸), stew/braise (炖,焖), boil(煮), roast/broil (烤), bake, smoke (熏), pickle (腌), barbecue (烧烤),Pepper salt (椒盐)Monosodi

8、um ,mnsdmglutamate (简称M.S.G.)(味精) Chilli (辣椒) salt, oil, sugar, honey, soya sauce, oyster sauce, (tomato) ketchup, vinegar, kmncumin powder(孜然), chicken essence, pepper/chilli, ginger(姜), dndgarlic(蒜), shallot lt (葱), leek (韭) 最后,给大家几道中国菜名翻译:其实规则很简单,就是烹饪方法+主料+配料+风味 蛋炒饭stir-fried rice with egg 凉拌黄瓜 f

9、resh cucumber with bean sauce; mixed fresh cucumber 醋溜土豆 potato with vinegar flavor 糖醋排骨fried spareribs with sweet and sour sauce 红烧肉braised pork with soy sauce 宫爆鸡丁stir-fried diced chicken with chili sauce and peanuts 清蒸鱼steamed fish色香味形俱权全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance四

10、大菜系:four major Chinese cuisines山东菜:Shandong cuisine川菜:Sichuan cuisine粤菜:Guangdong/Canton cuisine扬州菜:Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸:the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine 或者the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north.东甜西辣:the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisi

11、ne 或者 the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west白斩鸡:tender boiled chicken臭豆腐:odd-odour bean curd风味小吃:local delicacydelks快餐:snack火锅:hot pot价格低廉的餐馆:greasy spoon(美国俚语)结账、买单:foot the bill家常便饭:potluck用于打包带走的食品袋:doggy bag(美国俚语)大火/旺火/武火:strong heat中火:medium heat小火/微火/文火:gentle heat烹饪方法词汇

12、烹饪方法:cooking techniques煎:pan-frying炒:stir-frying爆:quick-frying炸:deep-frying烩:stewing熏:smoking煨:simmering煮:boiling烘:baking烤:roasting蒸:steaming红烧:braising (with soy sauce)pot 锅 stew pot 炖锅 cover, lid 锅盖 wok 炒勺 1、具有中国特色且被外国人接受的传统食品,本着推广汉语及中国餐饮文化的原则,使用汉语拼音。 如:饺子 Jiaozi 包子 Baozi 馒头 Mantou 花卷 Huajuan 烧麦 S

13、haomai 南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米 Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉 mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜 莴苣lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage kbd(celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage 萝卜 radish 胡萝卜 carrot 韭菜leek 木耳 agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear 秋葵 okra 洋葱 onion 芹菜 celery selr 芹菜杆 celery sticks 地瓜 sweet

14、potato 蘑菇 mushroom 橄榄 olive 菠菜spinach spnd 冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕 lotus root 紫菜 laver 油菜 cole rape 茄子 eggplant 香菜 caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒 green pepper 四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean 银耳 silvery fungi fnda 腱子肉tendon 肘子 pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用) 鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑 needle mushroom 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca 牛蒡g

15、reat burdock 水萝卜 summer radish 竹笋 bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung mbean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉 lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud) 豆芽菜 bean sprout 丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不Hi, Florent,I like cycling too, actually very much, but my bike looks not so cool, its a kind of fe

16、male bicycle, you can use your imagination! I like everything make me feel freedom, such as cycling, running, swimming, skating, if I had a wing, I would definitely fly immediately! Maybe cos I was born in December, my constellation is Sagittarius! And what about you :) The music I sent to you actua

17、lly is the background music of the Chinese tv serials, one performed by 笛子( a kind of flute), sounds sad , it was a prince performed alone at one night near the river in the ancient china in the tv show, cos china have 5000 years history, so there are many dynasties, about 100-300 years will change

18、a dynasty, so after the defeat of the war, the prince knows it will be a new dynasty , and nothing gonna change it, so he performed the flute alone, shows his desperate spirits and the deep love for the lost dynasties! Another piece of music performed by 葫芦丝 is also the background music, have you he

19、ard some words, such as Chinese gongfu, and 江湖( a kind of society people walking around the country play gongfu to help the weak and punish the bully), so this piece of music is set as the background music , an old fisherman rowing a boat at a turbulent sea and singing this song, actually he is a gr

20、eat hero, and he has the first class gongfu, after he experienced so much in the perilous 江湖, he just has a laugh for all the things he had experienced before, ! the most high level with playing gongfu is always keep a peachful and kind hearts! And I am sorry to hear your wrists hurt, and hope you c

21、an get recovered finally ! And you like the countryside in china,: p I think you can try to go to chongqing , i think its famous for its food, especially spicy food, such as hot-pot, Shanghai is just a modern city,i think every city in China have their distinct features, if you want to see something

22、withstrongethniccharacteristics, you can come to visit Yunnan, Tibet, orFenghuangAncientTown(凤凰古镇),Lijiang(丽江),or Sanya (三亚),Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟) in Hunan, its hard to translate many places, so i just write it in pinyin( 拼音),or some ancient building in Beijing, such as theTheForbiddenCity , the great wa

23、ll, to name just a few!Sorry, it seemed I just wrote a short paper above,hahaha , I am a standard nerds! Hope you dont fell asleep aready! Are u fell asleep while you are reading my letter? Please lie to me .:pPretty janeBaby Now 天与地The Rob Donnelly Band 天与地 Not Looking Back 天与地 Little boy leaving 天

24、与地 Be one 法证先锋3 Different as night and day 法证先锋3 fireflies 法证先锋3(Angel和Ken接吻时的那首) The Final Combat 潜行狙击 The Last Hero 潜行狙击 Apocalypse Warrior 潜行狙击Angel Eyes 妙手仁心 英文插曲 Big Big World 刑事侦缉档案 英文插曲 Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲 I will be the one 陀枪师姐,十万吨情缘 英文插曲 In love again Anika Paris 天涯侠医 插曲 Lets Get Together

25、Again 十万吨情缘 英文插曲 Make it better again 十万吨情缘 插曲 Miss You Finally 妙手仁心 英文插曲 Moon River( 泰文版) 争分夺秒 插曲 My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲 Phil Cunning ham Aertisti Vari 冲上云霄 插曲 Running In The Rain 妙手仁心 背景伴奏音乐 Sad Moments 冲上云霄 插曲 The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲 Whenever you call 刑事侦缉档案 插曲 youll be my lo

26、ve 十万吨情缘 英文插曲 Baby, Baby CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 Shoulda Been Baby CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 Tell My Heart Its Over CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 From the Heart CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 Lost CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 In Love Again CIB 刑事情报科 插曲 The Last Worthless Evening 我本善良 插曲 End of the innocence 我本善良 插曲 Goin Home 我本善良 插曲 Esther 我本善良 插曲 Song Bird 我本善良 插曲 Another

27、 Day In Paradise 我本善良 插曲 I will wait for you 我本善良 插曲 Endless Love 我本善良 插曲 Dont Know Much 我本善良 插曲 When something is wrong with my baby 我本善良 插曲 Right here waiting 我本善良 插曲 Bad Medicine 我本善良 插曲 Ill be loving u forever 我本善良 插曲 As tears go by 我本善良 插曲 Promises Dont Come Easy 创世纪 插曲 This Time I Know 创世纪 插曲I

28、CE CREAM( 溏心2之家好月圆插曲)i will be your shelter (陀枪师姐插曲)前奏很有感觉 Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲 Knock On My Door(下一站彩虹 插曲) My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲 (这首在溏心1里出现频率最高) The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲 Shoulda Been Baby (CIB刑事情报科 )插曲 From the Heart CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Lost CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Tell My Heart Its Over CIB刑事情报科 插

29、曲 entre los dos,是西班牙歌曲。 (TVB电视剧法证先锋法文插曲)Fireflies. every valley TVB的电视剧,和中都有这首英文歌曲 you are my angel 这首歌是法证先锋2的英文插曲 In Another Time 水浒无间道英文插曲- Someone there for me隔世追凶英文插曲- Dreaming of you 壹号皇庭英文插曲 Heres The Story下一站彩虹英文插曲 Promises dont come easy 创世纪插曲 Moon river 争分夺秒插曲 No matter妙手仁心3英文插曲 Vincent溏心风暴

30、 if we were together法证先锋 Sweet Dream 随时侯命英文插曲 Trois amants dans une semaine 两妻时代 Youre A Part Of Me(TVB- 楝笃神探 插曲) Someplace Good(TVB- 楝笃神探 插曲) 咏叹调(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) 笛子二重奏(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) Someone There For Me(TVB- 隔世追凶 插曲) Heaven Knows(TVB- 争分夺秒 插曲) Theme from Split Second(TVB- 争分夺秒 主题曲) Knock On My Door(TVB

31、- 下一站彩虹 插曲) Twenty Years(TVB- 下一站彩虹 插曲) Aine(TVB- 冲上云宵 配乐) When I Was Young(TVB- 冲上云宵 配乐) Be My Girl(TVB- 智勇新警界 插曲) Make It Better Again(TVB- 智勇新警界 插曲) Choices and Release( 电影-忘不了 配乐) Falling Again( 电影-忘不了 配乐) 父亲的故事(电影-极速传说 配乐) My Love Will Get You Home(TVB- 天涯侠医 插曲) In Love Again(TVB- 天涯侠医 插曲) Sad Mo

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