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1、人教版九年级英语Unit8单元同步测试题有详解第八单元检测卷时间:120分钟满分:150分班级:_姓名:_得分:_第一部分听力(共2小节,满分30分)第一节听力选择(共15小题,每小题1.5分,共计22.5分)A图片理解请听句子,从A、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片。(听两遍)( )1.A. B. C.( )2.A. B. C.( )3.A. B. C.( )4.A. B. C.( )5.A. B. C.B小对话理解请听小对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案。(听两遍)( )6.A.The girls. BThe boys. CWe dont know.( )7.A.Because

2、the germs can cause lots of diseases.BBecause the germs can get into the human body.CBecause the germs are too dirty.( )8.A.His parents. BHis PE.teacher. CHis friends.( )9.A.Lucy. BJohn. CJack.( )10.A.John. BLucy. CJim.C长对话理解请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍)( )11.Who is this phone call for?AFr

3、ed. BAlice. CMum.( )12.Whats the weather like today?ACloudy. BSunny. CWindy.( )13.Where are they going?ATo the school. BTo the beach. CTo the farm.( )14.What are they going there for?AVisiting the farm. BTaking a walk. CHaving a picnic.( )15.When will they start out tomorrow?AAt 6:30. BAt 6:45. CAt

4、7:15.第二节听力填空(共5小题,每小题1.5分,计7.5分)D短文理解请听短文,根据其内容填写表格。(听三遍)ThingPlaceDescriptionA CDOn the 16._It belongs to Toby.Dale is his favorite 17._A pencil Under the shelfIt cant be Bobs,because its 18._A toy bearBehind the door Miss Brown doesnt know whose it is.Its too 19._A ring In the drawerIt was a birth

5、day 20._ from her husband.第二部分语言知识运用(共3小节,满分40分)第一节单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)从A、B、C中选出最佳答案。( )21.Mike had _ unusual experience last week.He said he saw _ alien in his garden.Really?I cant believe it!Aa;an Ba;a Can;an( )22.She was interviewed _ the local newspaper this morning.Yes.The TV station intervi

6、ewed her _ the same time.Aby;at Bby;for Cas;in( )23._ books are these?Im not sure.They might be Jacks.AWhich BWhose CWho( )24.Did your pen pal send a postcard to you last week?Yes.But I havent _ it so far.Areceived Baccepted Crefused( )25.If you stay up for your favorite TV programs,youll feel _.Yes

7、.Enough sleep is good for our health.Asurprised Bsleepy Cexcited( )26.Linda seems very sad.Of course.She lost her mobile phone and it is _ for her.Aenjoyable Bcomfortable Cvaluable( )27.Why did Ruths mother _ her going out to play?Because she hasnt finished her homework.Aadvise Bpromise Cprevent( )2

8、8.Look at the man beside the black car.Is he Mr.Jackson?No,he _ be Mr.Jackson.He has gone to China.Acan Bcant Cmust( )29.There must be many people _ at the train station now.Awaiting Bwaited Cto wait( )30.Here is a new dictionary.Whose is it?It _ Grace.She bought it this morning.Abelongs to Basks fo

9、r Ccares for( )31.After a long walk,the old man _ be tired now.Acan Bmust Cneed( )32.I think this book must be _.She bought one last week.AKate BKates CKates( )33.Must I hand in my homework now?_.You may have a rest first.AYes,you may BNo,you neednt CNo,you mustnt( )34.I havent seen my cat for two d

10、ays.Im very _ about her.Aworry Bworries Cworried( )35.Its dangerous to _ each other on the playground.You may hurt yourself.Arun after Bget off Cfall down第二节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选出最佳答案。Mr.Clinton and his son Tony were both basketball fans.On Tonys 13th birthday,Mr.Clinton _36_

11、to drive him to New York to watch the first game of the World Series.They had no _37_ but hoped to buy a pair from scalpers (票贩子)After they arrived,they walked on the street for two hours,carrying a _38_ that read,“We need two tickets.” There were many scalpers around,but the cheapest ticket was $20

12、0.They were about to leave when suddenly a man _39_ them.He took out two tickets and gave them to Mr.Clinton.“_40_ do you want?”“Just a present,” said the man.“Enjoy the game.”Mr.Clinton wouldnt accept,so the man _41_,“Im Jackson.Hans is my boss.He and his wife havent missed a World Series in 18 yea

13、rs.But he is ill and _42_ watch the game this time.So he told me to give the two tickets to people who I thought would _43_ enjoy the game.A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them.Then I saw you and I followed you for a while.You seemed very _44_You made me think o

14、f my dad and me when I was a child.I dreamed of going to a World Series game with my father.But my dream never _45_”Mr.Clinton said,“This is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us.We will never forget you and Hans.”( )36.A.hated Bdecided Cfailed( )37.A.ticket Bmoney Cfriend( ) Bc

15、halk Csign( )39.A.warned Bmentioned Cstopped( )40.A.How long BHow far CHow much( )41.A.agreed Bshouted Cexplained( )42.A.can Bcant Cmust( )43.A.actually Blately Cnearly( )44.A.excited Blonely Cdisappointed( )45.A.ended up Bcame true Cpassed by第三节口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)情景七选五请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出

16、能填入对话的五个选项。A:Hello,Nick!Have you seen David?B:No,I havent.46._A:I found a yellow jacket on the playground.I think it is his.B:It cant be his.47._A:Then it might be Bobs.I saw him on the playground just now.B:But Bobs jacket is black.A:48._B:Let me have a look.Oh,it must be Johns.A:49._B:Look!I found

17、 his school ID card in one of the pockets(口袋)A:Youre right.50._B:OK.He is in the library.Lets go.AWhose do you think it could be?BWhat color is the jacket?CWhats wrong?DLets go and give it to him.EHe bought this jacket last week.FWhy do you think so?GThe jacket is much too small for him.第三部分词汇与阅读(共3

18、小节,满分55分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分)请阅读材料A、B、C,根据其内容选择填空;请阅读材料D,回答问题及翻译画线部分的句子。AWe moved to a beautiful twostorey old house.The house was built in 1905.It was repaired in 1997.At first,really small things began to happen.They didnt make me believe that anything was wrong,but as time went on,things st

19、arted becoming stranger and stranger.Early something was missing,and later on would be found somewhere else.I just thought I had forgotten where I put it,or perhaps my daughter was playing around with these things.Then later on I would hear strange sounds when nobody was at home but meyet it was an

20、old house,and sometimes an old house did make little noises,so again,I didnt really mind.Then things that I couldnt explain started happening.It was last November and I was at home alone cleaning house.When I was sweeping the kitchen floor,I felt a very cold wind blew my hair.I thought the kitchen w

21、indow must have been opened,but when I checked it,it was closed.The windows were new,and there was no way any cold air came in.We all felt very strange and moved away from there in October.I was never really frightened.It was just strange,like something or someone was trying to get my attention or s

22、omething.( )51.The house is _ years old.Aabout 97 Bmore than 100 Cover 200( )52.According to the passage,the things that were missing in the old house _.Awould never be foundBwould be seen in another placeCmust be taken away by her daughter( )53.At first the writer didnt mind the strange sounds happ

23、ened because _.Athe house was very old Bsome animals made themCher daughter made them( )54._ when the writer was sweeping the kitchen floor last November.AThe window was closed by someoneBA very cold wind blew in from the open windowCA very cold wind blew her hair( )55.From the passage,we could know

24、 that the writer was _.Ainterested in everythingBsurprised at the strange thingsCafraid of the strange thingsBDo you think there is a ghost in the world?More than 20 years ago,a student jumped from the top of the clock tower in the University of Birmingham.He did this only because he failed his fina

25、l exam.After his death,a superstition(迷信) began:Anyone who walks under the clock tower will have bad luck in his exam.Years later,students there still remembered the story of the tower.Although Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain,and the university is green and quiet.The grass around th

26、e tower has been worn away(踩坏) by the feet of students who refuse to pass underneath(在下面) the tower.The university had to pave(铺) extra paths,so students could walk to their classrooms without passing under the most terrible area.But,one day just before an important exam,a top student in the univers

27、ity walked under the clock tower because he was lost in thought.However,he got high marks in the exam the next day.Quickly students all knew about it.Then they realized that the most important thing is working hard.Whenever I go under the clock tower,I will tell myself,“Working hard is the key to su

28、ccess.”( )56.Why did the student jump from the top of the tower?ABecause he saw a ghost there.BBecause he was very careless.CBecause he didnt pass his final exam.( )57.The University of Birmingham lies in _.Athe largest countryBthe second largest city in BritainCthe largest city in Britain( )58.The

29、grass around the tower has been worn away by the students who _.Aknow there is a ghost in the tower and are afraid of itBthink they will fail exams if they walk under the towerCbelieve anyone who walks under the tower will die( )59.What did the university do with the problem?AIt paved other roads fo

30、r the students.BIt didnt do anything for the students.CIt moved the clock tower away at last.( )60.Whats the writers opinion in the passage?AHe thinks its dangerous to risk walking under the clock tower.BHe doesnt believe the story is true.CWorking hard is important to success.CIn 1945,6 planes and 17 men disappeared without a sign,all in one day.This

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