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1、学年高一英语下册单元过关检测2Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note 课文知识点解析Warming up1.A rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like.What will you do with it?一个富人给了你一大笔钱,让你随便花,你打算怎么办呢?(1)a large amount of sth. (不可数名词):大量的,大笔的e.g.a large amount of work/money/furniture 大量的工作/钱/家具比较:A large amount o

2、f money was spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用单数)Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.(谓语动词用复数)建这座大桥花了一大笔钱。注意:“the amount of+不可数名词”表示“的总数、总额、总值”。(2) as you like“按照你喜欢的方式”,as conj.是连词,引导方式状语从句。e.g.Leave the room as it is.房间的东西不要动。Do as I told you to.按照我的要求去做。(3)do sth. with sth. 主要用于疑问句中,与what配合使用

3、,意思是“处理、对付,安排”。e.g.What have you done with my umbrella?你把我的伞放哪里去了?What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?我们宴会上剩下的食物怎么办呢?She doesnt know what to do with herself.她不知道怎么办才好。What will you do with this kind of letter?你打算怎么处理这封信呢?2.Have you ever made a bet with a friend?你和朋友打过赌吗?ma

4、ke a bet 打赌He made a bet with me on whether the famous actress would come.他和我打赌,赌那位有名的演员是否会来。相似短语:win a bet 打赌而赢了lose a bet 打赌而输put/place a bet on a horse 在一匹马上下赌注 e.g.How did you feel about the bet if you lose it?如果这次赌博你输了,你觉得赌博如何?have a bet on sth. 赌博People in Hong Kong like having a bet on horse

5、races.香港人喜欢在马的比赛上下赌注。3.If so,what do you think of it?如果你读过这本书或看过这场电影,你觉得它怎么样?What do you think of sth.?=How do you like/find sth.?表达个人看法“你认为某事怎么样?”e.g What do you think of my clothes?你认为我的衣服怎么样?Reading Act One1.Scenes 1 and 2 are provided in Teachers Book.第一幕和第二幕看教师用书。provide sb. with sth./provide s

6、th.for sb.给某人供应/提供某物My company provided me with a car.我的公司给我配备了一辆车。Can you provide accommodation for me?你能为我提供食宿吗?The painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective.那幅画给我们提供了采用透视画法的最早的范例。2.Now,ladies and gentlemen,you are about to hear the most incredible tale.女士们,先

7、生们,你马上要听到最令人不可思议的故事。be about to do sth. 立刻要做某事,马上要做某事(在此结构中,没有时间状语)误:He is about to start soon/at 2 a.m.正:He is about to about to do 使用的典型句式:was/were about to do when.“正打算这时”e.g.I was about to leave home when something unexpected happened.我正打算离家这时发生了意想不到的事情。3.It is the summer of 1903,and He

8、nry Adams,an American businessman,has had some very bad luck.这是1903年的夏天,一个美国商人亨利亚当斯,遇到了一些麻烦。has bad/poor/little/hard luck 运气不好、欠佳 have good luck 运气好 e.g.I had the good luck to find a job immediately I left school.我很幸运,一毕业就找到了工作。luck n. U 运气,造化I hope good luck will be with you forever.我希望好运永远陪伴你。4.He

9、 is lost in London.他在伦敦迷路了。lose vt. 丢失,迷失be lost in.(1)(在城市、森林、人群中)迷路e.g.He is lost in the forest.他在森林里迷了路。He is lost in the crowd and didnt know where to go.他在人群中迷了路,不知该往哪里走。(2)专心致志于Lost in thought,he almost ran into a tree.沉思之中,他差一点撞到前面的树。5.Walking down the street,he hears someone calling him.正在街上

10、流浪,他听到有人叫他。hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在干某事e.g.I heard the girl singing in the house.我听见那个女孩正在房子里唱歌。比较:hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做过某事e.g.I heard the girl sing a song yesterday.我昨天听见那个女孩唱了一首歌。hear sth./sb. done 听见某人/某事被e.g.I heard my name called in the street.我听到街上有人叫我的名字。6.Who?Me,sir?谁?我吗,先生?英语里,在简略答语中要用宾格,

11、而不用主格。e.g.Who broke the window?谁打破了窗户?Me.我。7.Through the front door on you left.通过你左侧的前门。through 和in有关,表示动作是在某一物体的空间里进行的,翻译成“穿过”。e.g.walk through the forest 走过森林flow through the city 流过城市come in through the window 从窗户进来The river flows through the city from west to east.这条河自西向东流过这座城市。8.Permit me to l

12、ead the way,sir.请允许我带路,先生。permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 e.g.Permit me to explain,will you?请允许我解释,好吗?The teacher wont permit her students to wear jewels.老师不允许她的学生戴首饰。permit doing sth.e.g.We dont permit smoking in the office.在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。9.Not at all.Its my first trip here.一点也不,这是我的第一次旅行。at all用在肯定句、疑

13、问句中,起强调作用,意为“竟然,到底,真的”。e.g.Its a miracle that you returned at all.你竟然还回来了,这真是个奇迹。Did you do the work at all?你真的做了这事?10.I wonder,Mr Adams,if youd mind us asking a few questions.亚当斯先生,不知您是否介意我们问几个问题。(1)I wonder if/whether.“请问您是否”,可以用以提出要求,为礼貌的表达方式。e.g.I wonder if you can lend me your bike.我能否用一下你的自行车。

14、wonder 后也可跟其他的疑问词,如who,where,when,how 等。e.g.I wonder who he is.我不知道他是谁。I wonder where they come from.我不知道他们是哪里的人。(2)mind doing sth. 反对,介意主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件句等。e.g.Did she mind not getting the job?她没得到那份工作是不是很介意?Do you mind the noise?这声音影响你吗?Do you mind if I smoke?我吸烟你反对吗?11.As a matter of fact,I landed i

15、n Britain by accident.实际上,我是很偶然的机会才到英国的。(1) as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上= in fact,actually As a matter of fact,I like English very much.实际上,我很喜欢英语。(2)by accident 偶然的,意外的= by chance I found it by accident.我很意外地发现了它。I met her quite by chance.我偶然碰到了她。12.His eyes stare at whats left of the brothers dinne

16、r on the table.他目不转睛地盯着桌子上吃剩的饭菜。stare at凝视着e.g.Its rude to stare at strangers.盯着陌生人看是没有礼貌的。No one likes being stared at.没有人喜欢被别人盯着看。13.I didnt know whether I could survive.我不知道我能否幸存下来。survive “幸存,从中逃脱”,既可为及物动词,又可为不及物动词。e.g.The house survived the storm.这房子在暴风雨中脱险。Fishes are known to survive condition

17、s well below freezing point.人们知道许多鱼在冰点以下仍能生存。No ship could long survive in such a storm.在这样的暴风雨中,没有一只船能长期坚持下去。Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.查克在一个荒凉的小岛上幸存下来。14.The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早晨,我几乎认为自己没有生还的可能了,突然我被一条船给

18、救了。give sb. up for lost认为某人没有生还的可能e.g.The air crash happened on the sea and the government gave the people on board up for lost.这次空难发生在海上,官方认为机上人员生还的可能性渺茫。15.To be honest,I have none.说实话,我什么也没有。to be honest说实话e.g.To be honest,I dont like him very much.说实话,我真得不喜欢他。16.Now,if youll excuse me,I think Il

19、l be on my way.现在,如果你愿意原谅我的话,我想我要上路了。on ones way to a place在去某地的路上e.g.He found a wallet on his way home.他在回家的路上发现了一个钱包。17.You mustnt think we dont care about you.你千万不要认为我们不关心你。care about 担心; 关心e.g.You must learn to care about others if you want to make friends with others.如果你想和别人交朋友,你就必须为别人担心。care f

20、or=like 喜欢e.g.I dont much care for his parents.我不是很喜欢他的父母。18.James,show Mr Adams out.詹姆斯,把亚当斯先生送出去。show sb.out 带某人出去e.g.The secretary showed me out of the office.秘书把我送出办公室。show sb. around 领某人参观show off 夸耀;卖弄19.This way.走这边。way C路;道路;方向;距离e.g.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?请问去医院怎么走?Will you

21、please come this way?请这边走。He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.他有一种奇妙的方法,使他的课上得生动有趣。He is on his way to school.他正走在上学的路上。READING:About Mark Twain1.Three of his most famous books describe people on this great river.在他的最为著名的著作里,其中有三部是描写密西西比河沿岸人民的生活的。describe vt.描述;描绘;作图;画I

22、 will describe you.我来把你描述一番。It is easy to describe a circle if you have a pair of compasses.如果有圆规,很容易画一个圆。2.Indeed,this author loved the rivers so much that even his pen name is about the river.确实,这位作家如此热爱河流以至他的笔名就与这条河有关。indeed adv.(表示赞同对方的意见)的确;实在(用以加强very等词的语气)确实,实在(表示让步)当然;固然(表示进一层的意思)甚至Are you p

23、leased at your sons success?对你儿子的成功你感到高兴吗?Yes,indeed.是的,实在高兴。e.g.I was indeed very glad to hear the news.我听到这条消息的确非常高兴。These problems are indeed difficult ones,but I am sure they can be solved.这些问题固然是一些难题,但我相信是能够解决的。There are many good deeds in our class,indeed in the whole school.我们班上好事很多,甚至全校都是这样。

24、3.A fathom is equal to six feet or 1.83 meters.一英寻等于6英尺或1.83米。(1)fathom英寻,长度单位,相当于6英尺(1.83米),主要用于测量水深。(2)be equal to等于;与相等,有的能力(勇气、力量等),胜任,能干,忍耐得住e.g.One li is equal to half a kilometer.一华里等于半公里。It is equal to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都一样。John is quite equal to the job of running the office.

25、约翰很能胜任管理这个办事处的工作。He was equal to the occasion.他能应付这个局势。She did not feel equal to receiving visitors.她的身体不适,不能接见客人。4.Over the next two decades he was a printer,a riverboat pilot,a soldier,a gold miner,a businessman and a newspaper reporter.在这之后的40年里,他当过印刷工、领航员、士兵、矿工、商人、还当过新闻记者。over prep.在期间,在时间内e.g.o

26、ver many years在许多年内work over night通宵工作over the years在这些年Lets talk more over a cup of tea.让我们再喝杯茶,多聊会儿。5.His writing became famous for its description of common people and the way they talked,but especially for his humor.他的作品因描写普通老百姓及其交谈方式而著名,但尤其出名的是他的幽默。be/become famous for 以著名e.g.This town is famou

27、s for its beautiful buildings.这个城镇以它漂亮的建筑而出名。France is famous for its fine food and wine.法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。6.Yale and Oxford Universities honored him for his writing.耶鲁大学和牛津大学都因他的优秀的作品而给予他很高的荣誉。honor vt.给以光荣;礼遇;赐给;尊敬;崇拜;承兑;兑现e.g.You honor us by being with us today.今天你能跟我们在一起,我们深感荣幸。Children should honor t

28、heir mother and father.孩子们应该尊敬父母。Flowers were placed there to honor the dead.为了纪念死者,人们把鲜花放在那里。hono(u)r a check承兑支票7.However,the last years of his life were filled with sad events,lonelines and the loss of much money.但是,他的后半生却充满了悲伤,孤独和经济损失。be filled with充满着,用填满e.g.My heart is filled with joy.我的心里充满欢乐

29、。The sails are filled with wind.帆被风张满。He filled the bucket with water.他把水桶装满水。Grammar1.表语从句作表语的从句叫做表语从句。引导表语从句的关联词除了as if/as though,because外,其余与引导主语从句的关联词一样。(1)引导表语从句的thate.g.The face is (that) he doesnt agree with you about it.事实是关于这一事件他不同意你的观点。My hope is that youll get well very soon.我祝愿你早日康复。(2)引

30、导表语从句的关联词as if/as thoughe.g.It looks as if it is going to rain this afternoon.看来好像今天下午会下雨。The question is whether he will come or not.问题是他会不会来。It seems (as if) they have already finished the work.看来好像他们已经完成任务。(3)wh-疑问词引导表语从句Changsha is not what it used to be.长沙不再是过去的样子了。(what=the city that,充当表语)The problem is who is in charge of it.问题是谁负责这项工作。(who=which person,充当主语)Thats why he decided to buy a mobile phone.那就是他决定买手机的原因。(why=the reason that,充当原因状语)This is where we often have a chat.这就是我们常常聊天的地方。(where=the place that,充当地点状语)2宾语从句置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是

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