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1、智能温度巡测仪毕业设计(论文)题目: 智能温度巡测仪 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本

2、和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。作者签名: 日 期: 学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用

3、学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日目 录一、毕业设计(论文)开题报告二、毕业设计(论文)原文及外文资料翻译三、学生“毕业设计(论文)计划、进度、检察及落实表”四、学生教学实习实训记录xx大学xx学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 智能温度巡测仪 系 专业学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: (职称: ) (职称: )xxxx年x

4、月xx日课题来源本课题来源于工程。应用这种仪器适用于工业生产中对温度的监控和检测。仪器采用热电偶将测试点和该点的温度直观的显示出来。智能温度巡测仪在工程应用中具有广泛的应用前景,因此对它的研究具有现实意义。科学依据(包括课题的科学意义;国内外研究概况、水平和发展趋势;应用前景等)发电机的线圈温度需要检测,以保证发电机的正常运行。热电偶测温元件可以解决这一问题。将现场的热电偶测温元件接到仪表端子。该仪器对测试点进行计算并显示温度值。研究内容本课题要求设计一个智能温度巡测仪。具体要求如下(1)了解热电偶测温的原理。 (2)热电偶具有冷端补偿功能。有上下限报警,每路报警值分别设置,每路带报警记忆提示

5、,报警触点输出。 (3)完成巡测仪的软、硬件设计。拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析设计智能温度巡测仪,关键是了解热电偶的测温原理和工作过程,并对其功能进行合理的运用。通过运用单片机知识,设定上下线报警,报警触电输出。使其具有反应快、检测点显示精确等优点。通过对已经学习的各种知识的融会贯通以及Protel99等工具的合理运用,完成巡测仪的软,硬件设计。该方案具有安装方便、数字化程度高、精度高、适应性强等特点,在多种温度检测中具有广阔的应用前景。研究计划及预期成果2009年10月12日- 12月25日 查找资料,完成毕业设计开题报告2010年1月11日-3月5日 完成毕业实习任务2

6、010年3月8日-3月14日 掌握设计中AT89C51数据模块的用法及数据传输网的相关知识2010年3月15日-3月21日 知道了AT89C51模块在本系统中的作用2010年3月22日-3月28日 了解AT89C51协议2010年3月29日-4月4日 了解数据采集模块2010年4月5日-4月11日 绘制系统原理图2010年4月12日4月18日 原理图交老师检查,自己再进行修改2010年4月19日-4月25日 完成软件相关程序设计2010年4月26日-5月2日 完成论文初稿,交老师检查2010年5月3日-5月9日 对初稿进行修改2010年5月10日-5月16日 再次进行修改2010年5月17日-

7、5月21日 上交正式论文及软件,进行毕业论文答辩特色或创新之处本设计涉及传感器与检测技术、模拟电路、数字电路、电路原理等相关知识,它有数字温度显示、检测点显示、自动巡测等功能,具有反应快、检测点显示精确等优点,同时还具有线性好、性能高、价格低、抗干扰能力强等特点。因此在许多领域具有广泛的应用价值。 已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题已学过微机原理、单片机两门与本课题相关的课程。在电路图设计和汇编语言方面有较好基础。有过单片机课程设计的经验,并会使用Protel99制作电路图。需要解决的问题是对热电偶的冷端补偿功能和测温原理还不熟悉,需要进一步查阅资料。指导教师意见 指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室(学

8、科组、研究所)意见 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日系意见 主管领导签名: 年 月 日英文原文Sensor development of new technologiesSensor can be a physical, chemical, biomass and other devices into electrical signals. Output signal has different forms, such as voltage, current, frequency, pulse, etc., to meet the information transmission, process

9、ing, recording, display and control requirements, is the automatic detection system and automatic control systems are indispensable components. If the computer compared to the brain, then the sensor is equivalent to features, the sensor can be correctly measured and converted into feelings of the co

10、rresponding output, the quality of the system play a decisive role. The higher degree of automation, the higher the system requirements on the sensor. In todays information age, the information industry, including information collection, transmission, processing of three parts, namely, sensor techno

11、logy, communication technology, computer technology. Modern computer technology and communication technology as the rapid development of large scale integrated circuits, after already fully developed, not only on the sensor accuracy, reliability, response rate, the amount of information required to

12、obtain higher and higher, the cost is cheap and also requested easy to use. Obviously because of the traditional sensor functions, features, size, cost has been difficult to meet the gradually be eliminated. Many developed countries are speeding up the world of the sensor research and development of

13、 new technologies, and have made tremendous breakthroughs. Today, the new sensor technology, mainly in the following areas: Find and use new phenomenon Using physical phenomena, chemical reactions, biological effects as a sensor principle, the study found that effects of new phenomena and new sensor

14、 technology development is an important work is the basis for research and development of new sensors. Sharp developed using high-temperature superconductivity superconducting technology magnetic sensor, is a major breakthrough in sensor technology, its high sensitivity, second only to superconducti

15、ng quantum interference device. Its manufacturing process than the superconducting quantum interference devices simple. For magnetic imaging, wide popularization. Use of antibody and antigen complex on the electrode surface, when met, will cause changes in electrode potential, take advantage of this

16、 phenomenon can be the immune system of the sensor. Made with this antibody immune sensor can have such an in vivo antigen tests. As with hepatitis C virus antibodies can check whether a person is suffering from hepatitis, play fast, accurate effect. University of California, had developed a type of

17、 sensor. The use of new materials Sensor technology, sensor material is an important foundation, because materials of scientific progress, people can create new types of sensors. For example, polymer films made with a temperature sensor; optical fiber can be made of pressure, flow, temperature, disp

18、lacement and other sensors; pressure sensor made of ceramic. Polymers with the surrounding environment to the relative humidity in proportion to the size of the adsorption and release of water molecules. Polymer dielectric constant is small, water molecules can increase the polymers dielectric const

19、ant. Will be made of polymer dielectric capacitor, capacitance measured changes in relative humidity can be obtained. This principle is made use of plasma polymerization, polystyrene film temperature sensor, which has the following characteristics: Wide range of measuring humidity; Wide temperature

20、range, up to -400 +1500 ; Fast response, less than 1S; Small size, can be used to test wet small space; Temperature coefficient. Ceramic capacitive pressure sensor is a non-intermediary fluid pressure sensor dry. Advanced ceramic technology, thick film technology, its technical performance is stable

21、, the annual drift of less than 0.1% FS, drift less than 0.15% / 10K, strong anti-overload, range up to several hundred times. Measurement range from 0 to 60mpa. E + H Company of Germany and the United States Kavlio products leader. Application of optical fiber sensor material is a major breakthroug

22、h, the first for the optical communication technology. Found in optical communication using the temperature, pressure, electric field, magnetic field and other environmental conditions change, causing fiber-optic transmission of light intensity, phase, frequency, polarization and other changes, the

23、measurement light quantity changes, we can know the cause of these changes in light quantity temperature, pressure, electric field, magnetic field and other physical size, use of these principles can be developed optical fiber sensors. Compared with traditional sensors optical fiber sensor has many

24、characteristics: high sensitivity, simple structure, small size, corrosion resistance, good electrical insulation, optical flexible, easy to implement remote sensing and so on. Japan is in advanced fiber-optic sensors. If Idec Izumi Corporation and Sunx company. Optical Fiber and integrated optical

25、technology receptors combine to accelerate the development of fiber optic sensor technology. Integrated optical devices will replace the existing passive optical components and optical devices, so that a high-bandwidth fiber-optic sensors, signal processing and low voltage, high reliability and low

26、cost. Micro-machining technology Semiconductor technology in the processing methods of oxidation, photolithography, diffusion, deposition, surface electronic process, the wizard of corrosion and deposition, sputtering and thin film, which have already been brought to the sensor manufacturing. And so

27、 many new sensors, such as the use of semiconductor technology to produce silicon micro-sensors, using membrane technology to produce fast response gas and humidity sensor using sputtered thin film pressure sensor technology system. Yokogawa Corporation of Japan using the Wizard of corrosion technol

28、ogy for high-precision three-dimensional processing, all made of silicon resonant pressure sensor. Core part of the silicon diaphragm by the pressure sensitive silicon diaphragm and above the production of two resonant beam forming, the two resonant beam frequency difference corresponding to differe

29、nt pressures, with the frequency method of measuring the pressure difference, temperature and other factors to eliminate the errors caused . When the ambient temperature changes, the two resonant frequency and amplitude of the same beam, the frequency difference between the two, its the same variati

30、on can cancel each other out. The most accurate measurement of up to 0.01% FS. U.S. Silicon Microstructure Inc. (SMI) has developed a series of low-cost, linearity of 0.1% to 0.65% within the silicon micro pressure sensor, the minimum full scale for the 0.15psi (1KPa), the silicon-material, has a un

31、ique three-dimensional structure, light micro machining, and multiple Wheatstone bridge made of etched silicon diaphragm on, when the top silicon wafer by the force, its deformation, resistor bridge piezoresistive effect of the loss of balance, output signal proportional to pressure. like this silic

32、on micro-sensor is the development of todays cutting-edge sensor technology, its basic feature is the volume of sensitive components micrometers, dozens of traditional sensors, a few per cent. In industrial control, aerospace, bio-medicine have an important role, such as aircraft weight, reduce aircraft utilization and reduce energy. Another feature is sensitive to small

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