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1、语法训练练习专题一:1、Shooting, as _ means of survival originally, developed into _ sport only in the late 19th century.Aa; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 2、Beijing able to speak another language fluently could be a great _ when you are looking for a job.A. advantage B. chance C. assistance D. importance 3

2、、In China, shaking hands with each other is a common _when people meet for the first time.A. sense B. practice C. scene D. rule 4、The old couple used to live deep in the countryside, without easy _ to shops.A. approach B. access C. transport D. convenience 5、China is planning for more space work aft

3、er the successful launch of Shenzhou VII Spaceship, including _ building of _space station around 2020.A. a; 不填 B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 6、-How about _ party?-Cool! It was really _great fun! Pity you werent there.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; 不填 D. a; 不填7、How do you do like the _ that children be

4、 sent abroad to study ?A. idea B. view C. opinion D. suggestion 8、The pianist missed a _ when playing the piano on the stage in the Grand Theater last night.9、Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest _.A. interruption B. instruction C. consideration D. c

5、onvenience 10、There was _ accident yesterday. A car hit a tree and _ drive was killed.A. a; the B. an; the C. a; a D. an; 不填11、John wrote Julia a letter to show his _of her consideration.A. attitude B. appreciation C. agreement D. attention 专题二:1、here are only a few minutes left. Youd better tell me

6、 the truth _.A. briefly B. completely C. perfectly D. actually 2、Do you like the place of interest?-Oh the contrary, its the _ place that I went to visit.Aworst B. last C. best D. latest 3、We have every reason to believe the print media are usually more _and reliable than Internet.A. accurate B. rid

7、iculous C. urgent D. shallow4、The plane was _ to arrive at 9:30, but was an hour late.A. certain B. likely C. about D. supposed 5、Football fans are always arguing over those _ goals in the World Cup.A. confidential B. fundamental c. specific D. available 6、Kids shouldnt offer_ information like home

8、addresses and phone numbers to strangers.A. general B. fundamental C. specific D. available 7、-What a lot of fun it is to play on a frozen sports filed! -Isnt it rather risky, _?A. though B. also C. either D. too 8、 Those suffering a(n)_ level of sugar in the blood are supposed to consult their and

9、maybe change their diets.A. urgent B. abnormal C. complex D. negative 9、David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you see, he made _mistakes.A. few B. fewer C. little D. less 10、her adaptable mind is always open to new knowledge and _ of others viewpoints, which makes her popular with her col

10、leagues.A. particular B. tolerant C. jealous D. ambitious 11、The computer software is old, _ very out of date.A. or rather B. rather than C. other than D. more than 12、Christchurch is New Zealands _city after Auckland.A. second large B. second larger C. second largest D. the second large 13、The spok

11、esman said that this was a _ negotiation, because it solved a lot of problem between the two sides.A. primitive B. persuasive C. protective D. productive14、Color TV was first shown in 1929. It look more than two decades. _, until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA.A. though B. therefore

12、C. otherwise D. anyway 专题三 代词:1. You seem busy these days.-Yes. I am looking for a house. Its really not easy to find _with a garden.A. this D. that 2. I have watched you two for the past minutes and _of you has done any work in that time.A. neither B. either C. none D. both 3. I wanted t

13、o talk to the boss _ and to nobody else.A. yourself B. themselves C. himself D. myself 4. They all wanted to stop working because they were very tired, but _of them would say so.A. any B.some C.none D. neither 5. I hate _ when people have prejudice against female employees and think women are less c

14、apable.A.that D.them 6. When it comes to buying computers, I prefer a computer less than 10 000 yuan to _over the amount.A.that C.this 7. Home milk delivery has almost disappeared in China now, and gone with _ are milkmen.A.which C.what D.them8. Low-carbon lifestyle is of

15、great benefit to improve the world environment _ can be enjoyed from it until you have a deep understanding of it, however.ASomething B.Nothing C.Few D.Much 9. Before “Wolf Father ” promoted the book “Thats why they go to Peking University ”, no one would have imagined _ starting such a heated Discu

16、ssion on parenting.A.they B.their C.he D.his 10. These animals live in conditions similar to _ existed millions of years ago, when animals began making the transition from water onto land.A.those B.that C.those that D.what those 11. The previous lecture focused on the reading problems in new words,

17、while this lecture will turn to _ in complex sentence structures.A.that C.those D.ones 12. Mrs Smith managed to settle the quarrel between Michael and Allen without hurting the feelings of _.A.neither B.none C.either D.both 13. Knowing the meaning of a word of one thing; yet using it both gram

18、matically and communicatively properly is quite _.A. much B.another C.little D.many 专题四 介词和介词短语:1. It is unwise to pursue economic development _ the return for he cost of a result of case of 2. These inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers s

19、lowly _the fine cover, he opened it, wondering _ what greater value it was.A.above;in B.through; with C.around; about D.over; of 3. James Cameron is considered one of the greatest directors in the world _ his influence in film exchange for spite of C.on behalf of terms of 4.

20、This stranger is familiar _ this B.for C.with 5. Parents should be aware that communication between parents and their children is important, _ their heavy work loads.A.but for B.besides C.because of D.despite 6. Funding arrangements for the poor students are already _, with which they

21、 can go back to school to continue they study.A. in order demand place vain 7. The Chinese government holds that peace and development _ the Taiwain Straits is the correct path.A.beyond B.over C.through D.across 8. They are similar _ appearance, but differ _; from;

22、 from; in; in 9. The success of a government should be measured _ the happiness of the people as well as the development of favor of place of terms of honour of 10. In the pictures _ my uncle, stars look quite bright _ the dark blue sky.A.of; through; again

23、st C. from; across D.for; towards 11. It is a good idea to get students to retell a story _their own words.A.of D.through 专题五:连词状语从句1. House prices very from place to place and are usually high _ these are famous schools.A.where B.since C.when D.whether 2. _, I could not memorize the text.

24、A.However hard did I try B.However hard I tried C.However I tried hard D.However I had tried hard 3. Premier When Jiabao was chosen “Person of the Year 2008” by 12st Century after discussion with readers because he was on the frontlines _ he was needed.A.whatever B.however C.whoever D.whenever 4. Yo

25、ud better take down all the key points _ the memory is still fresh in your mind.A.unless B.while C.before D.until 5. Please dont try to break your word _everything has been arranged.A.since then that C.only if long6. I had not been reading for half an hour _ I heared the steps outside. A.

26、when B.while D.since7. The news, so far, has been good, there may be had days ahead. A. When B. While C.If D.As8. I give you my word, I mean what I say, _ you come any nearer, I will fire. A.that if B.if C. what if D.that专题6:动词和动词短语1. In a formal football match, each team can have three players

27、 to _their teammates when necessary.A.replace B. substitute C.represent D. exchange 2. Putin has won the Russians presidential election as expected, over which many hold the opinion that he _ it in terms of his contribution to thecountry.A.permits B.deseves C. admits D. preserves3. There is a growin

28、g tendency for people to do shopping on the Internet. But sometimes its difficult to quality of the products.A.assume B.suppose C.measure D.ensure4. Excuse me, but can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the verb phrase?A.bring up B.bring in C.bring about D.bring out5. The lift _ and we were tra

29、pped inside it.A.broke down B.broke up C. broke up D. broke in6. The sale of the companys new product is good. It has _ two million dollars so far.A.carried on B.kept up C.brought in D.consisted of7. Thanks to the success of the business, we can _ a flat this year. A.make B.devote C.remove D.afford8. The driver began to speed up to _ for the hour hed lost in thetraffic jams. A.keep up B. make up C.take up D.catch up 专题7:动词和动词短语21. With tourism having _ the economy a great deal, the local government has passed a new law to invest double

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