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1、小升初面测题2019年南京外国语初中招生英语能力面测第1题:诗歌题The lion is big and the mouse is_.Cinderella is beautiful in the ball.Bobby is short and Sam is_.I like them_.第2题:智力题1.From0to9,which number is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“w“?2.In four seasons,which season is pronounced with a silent(不发音的“n“?3.Which month is prono

2、unced with a silent(不发音的)“e“?4.Which day in a week is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“d“?第3题:根据规律写单词1.are-share arm-_2.pair-air train-_3.water-waiter pace-_4.peach-cheap evil-_第4题:as shown below,(1)what is the area of the figure?(2)There are two kinds of tiles:Price(yuan)area1201123012How much will i

3、t cost to pave the floor?How much at least will it cost to pave the floor?第5题:If 1of paper weigh70g,what is the weight of500pieces of A4(210297)paper like this(answer in the kg)?(结果保留两位小数)第6题:He areas of two big squares in the following pictures are both72.The shades regions are marked as A and B.if

4、 we fold the two shaded regions into two open cubic box a and b,then(1)What is S A and S B?(2)What is V b?(3)Which integer is closet to V a ?A.10B.20C.24D.27第7题:字母排序题1.The_is something that tells you time.(LOOCK)2.The car is waiting for the_light.(AFRRTIC)3.The black and white stripes of the_protect

5、 them.(BRZEA)4.The_is running on the rail (轨道).(ARITN)第8题:首字母填空1.2019marks the s_year of building the country.2.Tu Youyou used a part of plant to make the m_to cure illnesses.3.The scientists felt e_when they took photos of black holes.4.Shanghai b_the first city to use 5G.第9题:第10题:1.What is the boo

6、ks title?_A.Animal BookB.Animal LoversC.Animal WorldD.Animal Food2.What could be the content of the second chapter?_A.Live in the seaB.Live in the riverC.Live on the landD.Live in the air3.If someone wants to write something to appeal to(IFIF)us to protect the tigers,which page is the most possible

7、one?A.32B.52C.89D.94第11题:水循环排序图A.The rain from the air falls into the water,sea,and river.B.h vr(水蒸气) g u nt th r.C.The rain from the air falls onto the ground.D.The rain becomes cold and turns into cloud.排序:B_ _ _第12题:A.22356748B.22524826C.23527350D.24736542第13题: (1)If S is a two-digit number aa (n

8、bm第15题:天干:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸地支:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥(1)This year is“Jihai,what year is2020?A.丙申B.庚子C.戊戌D.甲午(2)How many kinds of combinations do“Tianganand“Dizhihave?(3)“我劝天公重抖撒,不拘一格降人”comes from Gongzizhens (1792.8.22-1841.9.26)己亥朶寺.When did he write this poem?A.1809B.1829C.1839D.1841第16题:排序:关于孩子

9、给妈妈擦窗户1.We got up early to clean the window.2.The window looked like new after we cleaned it.3.My work was to get the water.4.My mother always wanted to clean the window for a long time.5.Finally,we finished the cleaning.6.This Saturday,I helped my mother do the cleaning.回答问题:(1)Whats the right orde

10、r?A.641352B.641325C.461325D.461352(2)What kind of housework do you usually do at home?_(最多十词)第17题:破译新语言Non Neo Hil means he teaches her.Lesl Neo Num means she teaches him.Lesl Neo Hilmeans she teaches her. Mille means like.Which sentence means“He likes her”?A.Lesl Neo MilleB.Non Mille HilC.Non Mille

11、 LeslD.Non Mille Non第18题:Lost and FoundA.I lost my purse.I like it very much.Call me at:3141592658.My name is Peter.B.This is my favourite birthday gift.It is a green hat from my uncle.Call me at:314178766.My name is Mary.C.I lost my wallet.It is black and white.My name is Ann.Call me.D.I left my gr

12、ay coat in the library.Call me at: 133*回答下面问题:1.Who didnt mention the contact number?2.Who didnt say what he lost?3.Who didnt describe what he lost?4.Who didnt say his own name?第19题:There are four people whose blood types are A,B,O and AB.(1)Peters blood type does not have letter B.(2)Marys blood ty

13、pe has one letter and is not O.(3)Annas blood type does not contain two letters.(4)Peters blood type is not O.Question:(1)Whats Marys blood type?(2)Whats Carols blood type?第20题:视频题(视频略),选择题。1.What do the children do with the marshmallows?A.Lick it.B.Smell it.C.Touch it.D.Bite it.E.Stab it.(戳)F.Cut i

14、t2.Finally,how many children can get another marshmallow in the video?A.1B.2C.3D.4第21题:听下面一段录音:There are six numbers l,2,3,4,5and8,from which Tom picks two numbers and Marypicks three numbers.The sum of numbers Mary picks is3times of that of Tom picks.回答下面问题:(1)What is the sum of these five numbers?

15、(2)Among these six numbers,which one is not selected?第22题:Four children A,B,C and D were looking for story books.The numbers of story books each of them found were different and were no more than5.They found13books in total.A found3books,and he found more books than B.D found the most books.How many

16、 books did C and D find respectively?第23题:视频题(视频略),填词。1)The_is telling the story.2)Reduce,recycle and_.3)Turn off the TV,the light and the_.4)If you want to throw trash,you need to put them into different_of bins.5)When we finish using paper,we cant throw it away.You cant throw away_sided paper.第24题

17、:Roads are usually built for transportation and can connect the world.1.The countries which built roads of this kind are China,Ancient Babylon and Egypt.2.Romans_the first builders.3.The roads have changed during the years.4.The Romans were good at painting and music.Which one is not related to the

18、topic?()A.1B.2C.3D.4第25题:Western painting are known for bright colors,which of the following paintings exemplifies this?( )第26题:Which of the following poem can prove that the earth is autorotating?( )A.坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河。B.两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。C.飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。D.红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。第27题:Venus is much closer to

19、 the sun than Earth is.It is also much hotter than earth because its atmosphere(大气)is full of( ).A.氮气B.二氧化碳C.氧化碳D.氧气第28题:In which of the following cities do people drive on the right?( )A.LondonB.TaipeiC.SydneyD.Hong Kong第29题:Which of the following instruments is used to predict/measure earthquake i

20、n ancient time?( ) A.日晷 B.司南 C.浑天仪 D.地动仪第30题:Which of the following behavior is inappropriate in a western party?( )A.Dine with forks and knivesB.Be late for a few minutesC.Open the present as soon as you get itD.When someone compliments your English,you say not really第31题:Which of the following wil

21、l NOT appear in a western breakfast?( ) A.Coffee B.Bread C.Sausages D.Dumplings第32题:Find the right shadow that matches the picture.第33题:Observe the following pictures,and find the picture“?”(1)(2)第34题:听一段文章,播放两遍。填下列句子。1.The coldest weather is-_F,-86.2.The hottest weather is_,136F.3.The hottest weath

22、er was in_.第35题:What is the new house that he has bought?第36题:听录音,选择对应的英语。Please listen to these greeting words in another language and then selectthe right English. Hello See you tomorrowGood morning See you in the afternoonGoodbye Good nightSee you laterWhat does the phrase mean?A.See you this mor

23、ningB.Happy birthdayC.Good afternoonD.Good night( )1.Billy wants to join a football club. Some people say he is not good enough. For the first time he failed, but he worked hard for three years afterwards. He tried for the second time and the third time. Finally, he succeeded.( )2.She is an excellen

24、t student. She is always in the first place. Some people praise her and she just answers, All the other students are great while I am just lucky.第38题:Name the video within five words:_.(视频略)2019初中招生英语能力面测答案1、诗歌题(1) small (2) tall (3) all 2、智力题(1) Two/2. (2) Autumn. (3) June. (4)Wednesday.3、根据规律,写单词(

25、1)warm (2) rain (3) place (4) live4、数学题(1) 18 (2) 360;2805、数学题 2.18kg6、数学题(1) 40;45 (2) 27 (3) C7、字母排序题(1) clock (2) traffic (3) zebra (4) train8、首字母填空(1) seventieth (2) medicine (3) excited (4) became9、数学题(1) 43 (2) 1610、阅读题(1) C (2) D (3) C11、水循环排序题BDCA12、数学题 C13、数学题(1) 10或11 (2) 3614、数学题(1) (2) (

26、3) (4) (5) (6) 15、数学题天干地支 (1) B (2) 60 (3) C16、排序:关于孩子给妈妈擦窗户(1) D (2) Sweep the floor, wash the dishes.17、破译新语言 B18、Lost and Found (1) C (2) B (3) A (4) D19、数学题(1) B (2) AB20、视听题(1) B (2) A21、数学题(1) 20 (2) 322、数学题C=4;D=523、视听题(1) Earth/earth (2) Reuse (3) computer (4) kinds (5) one24、(1) were (2) D25、百科 B26、百科 A27、百科 B28、百科 B29、百科 D30、百科 D31、百科 D32、D33、数学题(1) B (2) C34、视听题(1) 128 (2) 58 (3) 192235、视听题 D36、视听题 C37、阅读(1) E (2) F38、视听题Childrens Picture/ Dreaming of the Future/Painting the Dreams

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