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三一口语考试五级话题 集锦.docx

1、三一口语考试五级话题 集锦三一口语考试五级话题集锦三一口语五级话题:元宵节、春节、交通三一口语五级补充问题 补充问题:1. What is the origin of Lantern Festival?The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. Because the 1st lunar month is Yuan-month and in the ancient times, people called Night Xiao. The 15th day is the 1st night to see

2、 a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. It also marks the last day of Spring Festival.2. What do people usually do to celebrate the festival?When the night comes, countless colorful lanterns are hanging in the open air. They are made by different people, so all of them h

3、ave different shapes and colors. Some look like animals, some look like pumpkins and some look like other things. You can never imagine that a lantern can be made into so many shapes.关于交通本话题还可以这样写话题表:Topic form Title: Transportation1.What kind of transportation people often use.2.The good and bad si

4、des of cars/bikes.3.-How I go to school every day.4.The traffic problems will be better or worse in the future.5.The transportation in my hometown.针对上面话题表第四点的答题思路I think the traffic problem will be better in the future. The government has done many things to solve the problem. For instance, we can c

5、hoose days to go out , we can build more roads and more flyovers, we can improve the bus system and let more people use public transportation .You know . now the price of bus tickets is lower than before, while the price of gasoline is higher. So there will be more people taking buses or subways. It

6、s a good way to reduce the number of cars running on the roads.三一口语考试历次考官问题07.12.3 5级 What festival do you like best?Do you know about some traditional festivals in China?What is the most important festival in China?How to celebrate Mid-Autumn Day?How to celebrate your birthday?Do you like to decora

7、te your room? How to decorate it?Do you know about some festivals in western country?What do you think about the traffic in Beijng?Could you tell me some traffic problems in Beijing?How to solve these problems?How to avoid the traffic jam?Can you predict the future traffic?What do you do in your spa

8、re time?Do you have any classes on weekend?What subject do you like best?How many classes do you have?Do you like listening to music?Whats your favourite teacher?Whats your favourite music, singer? And why?三一口语考试五级10月份考官问题回顾节日 What do you often do in spring festival? Where did you go last Do you lik

9、e festival? Where are you going to go next ? Whats the difference on shopping between two places? 汽车和自行车 Do you like a car or a bike? How often do you go shopping? Tell me something about your car? Whats the problem with Beijings traffic jam?庆祝活动 How do you celebrate your birthday party? What do you

10、 want to do in the future? Who are on xxx birthday party? When is the Childrens Day? When is the teachers Day? How do you celebrate?娱乐(电影,电视,俱乐部) Do you like music or movies What kind of movies/music do you like best? Why? Have you ever learned from movies/music? When did you watch movies the last t

11、ime? When did you go to a live concert the latest time? last time Can you play any music instrument?三一口语五级考试8、9月考官问题回顾有关节日What do you often do in Spring Festival?Where did you go last Spring Festival?Which festival do you like?What kinds of legal holidays and festivals are there in China?Which festi

12、val is important for the Chinese people?交通问题What is your favorite way of transportation?What is your feeling when you travel by it?What are the advantages of it?What are the disadvantages of it?Why do you like this way of transportation?How do you go to work or school every day?Do you often take tax

13、is? What is the benefit of taxi services?Do you think how the traffic problems can be best solved?有关庆祝活动How do you celebrate your birthday party?What do you want to do in the future?When is the Childrens Day? How do you celebrate?When is the Teachers Day? How do you celebrate?Have you attended the w

14、edding ceremony?What do you think the wedding in China?有关娱乐Do you like watching television?Do you like watching films?What kind of television programs do you like best?Which film is your favorite?When do you usually watch television?How often do you watch films?What do you think of Chinese films?有关音

15、乐Do you like listening to music?What kind of music do you like? Why?When and where do you listen to music?Who is your favorite singer?Do you like to listen to music while studying or working?Does music affect your mood?What function does music play in your life?有关最近活动What did you do recently?What di

16、d you go last weekend?Have you attended your best friends birthday party two days before?Where did you go for entertainment these days?Did you go to the big stars performance?How did you do on the National Day this year?What did you go for a holiday recently?三一口语考试五级11月份考官问题回顾音乐When do you listen to

17、 the music? How often do you listen to the music?Who is your favorite star?Why do you like him/her?What instrument can you play?What kind of music do you like best?Whats your feeling when playing ?Why do so many people like Jay Zhou?Why is Jay so famous? Do you know something about Peking Opera?What

18、s your favourite music, singer? And why? 娱乐When do you watch TV?What kind of movies is bad for children?Whats your favorite TV program? 汽车与自行车How do you go to school?Do you like a car or a bike?What is the advantage and disadvantage of the cars and bikes?Do you ride bikes to school?Is it safe to rid

19、e bikes?Can you ride bikes? Do you want to learn it?What do you take to go to school in winter?When did you learn to ride bikes?Did you learn it by yourself or someone taught you?What are you going to do when you grow up?Do you often exercise?Do you often have bad dreams at night?What do you think a

20、bout the traffic in Beijng?Could you tell me some traffic problems in Beijing?How to solve these problems?How to avoid the traffic jam?Can you predict the future traffic?节日及活动What do you often do in Tomb -sweeping Festival?What do you eat in Spring Festival?What do you do at the night in Spring Fest

21、ival?How do you celebrate Christmas?Whats your favorite festival?What festival do you like best?Do you know about some traditional festivals in China?What is the most important festival in China?How to celebrate Mid-Autumn Day?Do you know about some festivals in western country?Who do you like to ce

22、lebrate your birthday with?Why dont you like to celebrate birthday with your parents?Do you like to celebrate your birthday alone or with other people?Do Chinese people eat dumplings in foreign countries in Spring Festival?If there are no coins in dumplings, will you eat it?How to celebrate your bir

23、thday?Do you like to decorate your room? How to decorate it?个人最近发生的事What do you do in your spare time?Do you have any classes on weekend?What subject do you like best?How many classes do you have?三一口语考试五级12月份考官问题回顾节日及假日活动What festival do you like best?Do you know about some traditional festivals in

24、China?What is the most important festival in China?How to celebrate Mid-Autumn Day?How to celebrate your birthday?Do you like to decorate your room? How to decorate it?Do you know about some festivals in western country?公共交通What do you think about the traffic in Beijng?Could you tell me some traffic

25、 problems in Beijing?How to solve these problems?How to avoid the traffic jam?Can you predict the future traffic?三一口语五级关于音乐的问题综述有关音乐Do you like listening to music?When and where do you listen to music?Who is your favorite singer?Does music affect your mood?What function does music play in your life?

26、Can you compare classical music and rock music?VWhy do so many people listen to rap music?What are the differences between China ad Western countries in music?What kind of music do you like? Why?When do you listen to music?Who is your favorite singer?Do you think its necessary to hold music courses

27、at high school?What effects there will be if we let children or students learn any instruments?What do you think of music?*Do the instruments could change a person who plays it life?三一口语五级关于最近活动的问题综述有关最近活动What did you go last weekend?Have you attended your best friends birthday party two days before

28、?Where did you go for entertainment these days?How did you do on the National Day this year?What did you go for a holiday recently?Have you watched movies in the cinema recently? What kind of movie do you like?Which did you watched TV programs recently?Did you hear the latest song? What kind of musi

29、c do you like?Did you take the subway this week?三一口语五级关于健康的问题综述健康For modern people, mental health is as important as physical health. Do you think you have a healthy diet?Are there many hospitals where you live?What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health?How are you feeling toda

30、y?三一口语考试四、五、六级考试话题三一口语四五六级话题表在自选话题讨论中考生就个人感兴趣的或任何一个熟悉的话题事先填写话题表,并带入考场与考官进行讨论。所填写的讲述点不能太笼统,话题表的内容必须是考生自己准备,考生不能机械背诵。考生要熟悉所谈的话题,理解含义,语言正确,恰当地表达个人观点并尽可能不选择与其他考生相同的话题,若选择相同的话题,应从不同的方面谈论该话题。自选话题要准备准备充分的材料,能使讨论持续五分钟。考生可借助自带的画片,照片,图表,模型或实物,进行五分钟的话题讨论,但不可以带鸟,昆虫,爬行动物或者其他活的动物进入考场:更不可带刀获利器之类的危险物品进考场。 四级样表 TOPIC FORMTitle of topic: My family holiday last year Main points for discussion1. The journey there2. Who i went with3. What we d

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