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1、六年级上册期中测试题14单元2019-2020年六年级上册期中测试题(1-4单元)一、智慧之窗(每空1分,共28分)1、米的3倍是( );( )的 是25;一枝粉笔长 dm, 枝长( ) dm。2、+ 可以简便计算为( )。3、在( )里填“”、“”或“=”。 2( ) ( )1 ( ) ( ) 假分数的倒数( )14、两个圆的半径之比是14,那么它们的直径之比是( ),周长之比是( ),面积之比是( )。5、0. 75t1kg的比值是( )。6、今年明明12岁,爸爸40岁,妈妈38岁,爸爸、妈妈与明明年龄的最简比为( )。7、看图列式: 甲: 乙: 列式: 列式: 8、甲数是乙数的 ,乙数与

2、两数之和的最简比是( ),两数之差相当于乙数的( )。9、育才小学全校共有学生1500人,五年级人数占全校人数的 ,六年级人数占全校人数的,五、六年级共有学生( )人。10、食堂有1吨大白菜,吃了;后又吃了吨,一共吃了( )吨。11、有种农药kg加水稀释后可喷洒1公顷菜地,喷洒公顷菜地需要( ) kg农药。12、剪一朵花要用张纸,亮亮剪了8朵,芳芳剪了12朵,他们一共用了( )张纸。13、在第29届奥运会上,中国获金牌51枚,比俄罗斯的2倍还多5枚,俄罗斯获金牌( )枚。 14、小明在小芳的( )偏( ) 45o的方向上。 小芳在小明的( )偏( ) ( )o的方向上。二、谁是谁非(对的打“”

3、,错的打“”,5分)1、的倒数是a。2、足球比赛的结果是30,说明0作比的后项是可以的。3、一桶水用去,再加上,此时桶里的水和原来一样重。4、两个分数相除,商一定大于被除数5 三、快乐A、B、C(将正确答案的序号填在括号内,5分)l、某校男生人数比女生多,则女生人数占全校总人数的( )。 A、 B、 C、2、一个长方体棱长之和是36dm,长、宽、高之比是4:3:2,这个长方体的体积是( ) dm3。 A、1536 B、24 C、1923、:击化简的结果是( )。 A、12 B、2 C、 214、4:3的前项增加8,要使比值不变,后项要( A、增加8 B、乘3 C: 不变5、kg糖平均分成4份,

4、每份占总数的( ) A、 B、 kg C、四、开心演算(共26分)l、用自己喜欢的方法计算下面各题(每题3分,共18分) 8 101 2 1 6 11 2、列式计算(每题4分,共8分)的一半是多少? 一个数的3倍减去的倒数,差是1,这个数是多少?五、解决问题(每小题6分,共36分) 1、一个长方形桌面,长 m,宽 m,一个正方形桌面面积是 m2,长方形面积比正方形面积少多少m2?2、张大爷养的鸡与鸭共1100只,鸡的只数是鸭的。鸡、鸭各多少只?3、果园有120棵梨树,比苹果树的还多15棵,苹果树有多少棵?4、一条道路,如果由甲队单独修,需要15天修完,如果由乙队单独修,却要20天修 完,如果两

5、队合修,多少天修完?5、甲、乙两车从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,4小时后相遇,已知乙车行了280 千米,甲、乙两车的速度比是5:7,A、B两地相距多少千米?6、星期六上午,李老师从家步行去学校接书。请你观察下面的路线图:超市70o学校李老师家家(1)填表(4分)方向路程时间李老师家超市13分超市学校6分学校超市6分超市李老师家15分 (2)请求出李老师往返的平均速度。(2分) 附送:2019-2020年六年级上册期中练习卷一、选择合适的单词补全句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. What_ interesting book! I like it very much! A. is B.

6、 an C. a( ) 2. Our school is in front _ a park. A. for B. to C. of( ) 3. You can sit in a big room and see a great film in the _. A.cinema B. museum C. supermarket( ) 4. Great! My new computer _ and its very fast! A. work B. walk C. works ( ) 5. How can we get _ there? A. to B. / C. at( ) 6. What _

7、Zoom going to do tomorrow? A. is B. are C. a( ) 7. I am going to the bookstore _this afternoon. A. on B. in C. /( ) 8. Im going to see a film _ space travel. A. with B. in C. about( ) 9. You can read books but usually cant buy books in the _. A. library B. museum C. dictionary( ) 10. Sometimes I go

8、to school by taxi, because its_, but its too_.A. fast, expensive B. fast, cheap C. far, cheap二、找出不同类的一项,将其编号填入题前括号内。( )1. A. lunch B. breakfast C. egg D. dinner( )2. A. mother B. brother C.thirteen D. grandpa ( )3. A. China B. USA C. Canada D. kite( )4.A. crossing B. plane C. train D. ship( )5.A. pe

9、ar B. watermelon C. grape D. dad ( )6.A. map B. thin C. big D. funny( )7.A building B. science C. hospital D. zoo( )8.A.evening B. trip C.tonight D.morning三、读对话,选择正确的单词填入句子中。请注意大小写。有两个是多余的。 1 - do y ou like winter? - Because I can make a snowman. 2.- birds can you see in the sky? - I can see five.3.

10、- are you going? - Im going to the hospital.4. - is he going to Hangzhou? -By train.5. - is your National Day? -Its October 1st.四、看交通标志,选择相应的意思,将字母标号填入括号中。( )( )( )( )( )( )A. Go straight or turn right.B. Only for buses.C. No parking.D. No bikes.E. You mustnt turn right.F. There is a school ahead.五、

11、猜动物,将相应的字母标号写在括号内(有两个选项是多余的)。A. bird B. elephant C. monkey D. tiger E. panda( ) 1. Hello! Look at this animal. You can see a big body and a long tail. It is yellow and black. Its a BIG cat. What is it? Guess! ( ) 2. Hi. I have a long nose and a fat body. My ears are very big. I have 4 big legs, too.

12、 Guess! What am I?( ) 3. Nice to meet you! I have black eyes and ears. I have a white body and black legs. Im fat. Guess me, please. 六、选择方框中的部分,搭配组成句子,使句子完整且意思合理。( ) 1. In Alaska, it snows a lot, ( ) 2. At a red light,( ) 3. In Jiangxi, China,( ) 4. The yellow leaves fly down from the trees,( ) 5. A

13、t a yellow light,( ) 6. In England, cars go( ) 7. We can send a post cardA. slow down and stop.B. it is the autumn season.C. stop and wait.D. in the post office.E. and some kids go to school by sled.F. some children go to school by ferry.G. on the left side.七、读短文,从方框中选择单词填空,每个单词只能使用一次。food subway go

14、od bookstore gifts happy visit Im Andy. I live in Hangzhou. It is a beautiful city in China. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. I am so _. My family is going to have a big Christmas party. Some of my friends are coming to _ me tomorrow evening. They are coming by _. My mother is going to cook yummy _ for us

15、. I want to buy some _ for my family and friends this evening. My parents always go to the _ and buy me a lot of books as my Christmas gifts. I also want to send an e-postcard to my grandparents in the USA. We will have a _ time.八、读一读,选择划线单词的反义词,把字母标号填在括号里。 ( ) 1. The girl has long hair. The boy has

16、 _ hair.( ) 2. The water is hot. The ice is _.( ) 3. Sarah is thin. Zhang Peng is _.( ) 4. I have two hands. A left hand and a _hand.( ) 5. The book is on the chair. The chair is _ the desk九、阅读小诗,完成任务。(有三线格的题目请按格式填写)I like bikingI have a nice bike(1) at home.I can bike(2) here and there.I can bike e

17、verywhere.Biking(3) is a good sport too.But I see too many cars on the road.So the air is not fresh.The sky is not blue.You cant see fish in the river.Oh,I like you -biking.You make my body healthy.You make my head smart.I like biking.1( )bike(1)means_ A.骑自行车 B. 自 行 车( )bike(2)means_( )bike(3)means_

18、2( )Can the writer(作者) ride a bike? A.Yes. B. No.3.( )There are too many cars on the road,so_.A.The air is fresh. B.The sky is blue. C. You cant see fish in the river. 4. Biking can make our healthy.Biking can make our smart.5. 在三线格上写出你知道的两种运动,如running, playing basketball等。6. How can you come to school? Usually,I come to school . Sometimes I come to school .

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