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1、教师公开招聘考试小学英语预习试题32014年教师公开招聘考试小学英语预习试题(3)试卷说明: 本卷共分为 8大题 74小题,作答时间为 150分钟,总分 150 分,90 分及格。 试卷年份:2014 年1 教育目的参考答案:教育目的有广义与狭义之分。广义的教育目的是指人们对受教育者的期望,即人们希望受教育者通过教育在身心诸方面发生什么样的变化,或产生怎样的结果。狭义的教育目的是指国家为培养什么样的人才而确定的质量规格和标准。2 有意注意 参考答案:有意注意是指有预定的目的,在必要时需要作出一定意志努力的注意。3 班主任的基本任务是教育学生努力学习,提高学生的学习成绩。()对错参考答案:错 4

2、 由于教育研究是理论性很强的研究领域,所以教师在开展教育研究上具有独特的优势。()对错参考答案:错 系统解析:教师在开展教学与研究上具有的独特的优势是能够接触到第一手的资料,能够在实际的教学情境中观察研究。5 利用信息技术的情景性、真实性,创设与主题相关的、尽可能真实的情境,激活学生的先前经验,以引起学生的学习兴趣。()对错参考答案:对 6 人的情感不仅是一种消极的内心体验,而且是一种积极的力量。()对错参考答案:错 系统解析:人的情感不是一种消极的内心体验,而是一种积极的力量。7 集中复习的效果优于分散复习的效果。 ()对错参考答案:错 系统解析:分散复习的效果优于集中复习的效果。从每题所给

3、的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。8 Now an increasing number of middle school students go abroad for further study at their own_,trying hard to realize their dreamsA.priceB.costC.expenseD.pay参考答案:C 系统解析:at ones expense为固定搭配,意为“由某人支付费用”。句意为:现在,越来越多的中学生自费出国深造,努力实现他们的梦想。9 Nowadays,many people walk to work i

4、n_to the Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle to cope with global wanningA.relationB.responseC.additionD.opposition参考答案:B 系统解析:in response to对做出反应、响应。句意为:现在,许多人步行上班,以此来响应哥本哈根会议关于低碳生活以应对全球变暖的呼吁。relation联系;addition增添、添加:0pposition反对。10 Seeing the happy_of children playing to

5、gether there,Ill be full of joy and hope for the future of our countryA.sceneB.signC.senseD.view参考答案:A 系统解析:scene意为“场面,场景”。句意为:看到孩子们一块儿玩耍的场景,我满怀喜悦,憧憬着我们国家的美好的未来。sign意为“标记,符号”;sense意为“感觉”;view意为“观点,风景”,均不符合语境。因此本题选A。11 Many people in Haiti died from the earthquake because they didnt have_to immediate

6、 rescueA.accessB.admissionC.approachD.attention参考答案:A 系统解析:句意为:许多人在海地地震中丧生了,因为他们没有得到及时的援助。have access t0表示“有机会获得”。12 A new study shows that if your friends and family get fat,_are that you will too.A.situationsB.factsC.chancesD.possibilities参考答案:C 系统解析:chances are that为固定搭配,意为“可能”。句意为:一项新的研究表明,如果你的朋

7、友和家人变胖,你也可能变胖。13 When you introduee me to MrJohnson,could you please say_for me?A.everythingB.anythingC.somethingD.nothing 参考答案:C 系统解析:句意为:当你把我介绍给约翰逊先生的时候,能为我说说话吗?这里问话者期望得到的是肯定的回答,所以应用somethin9。因此本题选C。14 Helping others is 8 habit,_you can learn even at an early age.A.itB.thatC.whatD.one参考答案:D 系统解析:代

8、词that指代可数名词时相当于the one。是特指。而0ne是泛指可数名词单数,相当于aan+名词单数。本句意为:帮助别人是一种习惯,一种你从小就学到的习惯。0ne后面是省略了that的定语从句,而one在这里又作前面a habit的同位语。15 If our pments do everything for US children,we wont learn to depend on_.A.themselvesB.themC.usD.ourselves 参考答案:D 系统解析:本题考查反身代词。depend on oneself自力更生,根据句意,本题应选D。16 He wanted to

9、 know_the English partyA.when will we haveB.when we will haveC.when would we haveD.when we would have参考答案:D 系统解析:句意:他想知道我们什么时候举办英语联欢会。本题考查宾语从句的用法。当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句的时态应与主句相一致,且应用陈述句语序,故本题选D。17 It_me two hours to get there by busA.spentB.tookC.usedD.paid 参考答案:B 系统解析:注意固定的句型,it takes sbsome time to do

10、sthsbspendon(in)ving sth表示“花时间干某事”,sbspendon(in)ving sth,sthcost,sbbuy sthfor表示“花钱于某事”。18 “Its really very kind_you to help me with the hou8Cwork on Sundays,”said GrandmaHuangA.ofB.withC.forD.from 参考答案:A 系统解析:考查介词的用法。表示真心地感谢他人的帮助时,可用“Its very kind of sbto”,故选A。19 Sam_Chinese since he came to ChinaHe

11、 speaks good Chinese now.A.learnsB.learnedC.has learnedD.will learn 参考答案:C 系统解析:根据句中since引导的时间状语从句可知,主句应使用现在完成时,故选C。20 The pet dog in your hand is very niceIs it_?Yesbut Ill save it to my friend,Lucy,as_birthday;hersC.yours;;hers 参考答案:C 系统解析:本题考查名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法和区

12、别。前者后面不用加名词,后者需要加名词,根据句意,本题正确答案为C。21 My grandpa_for a walk after dinner every goingD.go 参考答案:B 系统解析:选项是同一个动词90的不同时态,根据every day可以判断应该用一般现在时,my grandpa是单数,所以用goes,答案选B。22 Liu Xiang_by his coach to train regularlyA.advisedB.advisesC.was advised参考答案:C 系统解析:本题考查动词的被动语态。动

13、词的被动语态结构为“be+动词的过去分词”,be根据不同的时态发生相应的变化。全句意为:刘翔的教练建议他进行有规律的训练。23 根据材料,回答23-23问题。A Tom walked into a shopIt had a sign outside:“Secondhand clothes bought and sold”He was carrying fill old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop,“How much will you give me for these?”The man looked at them and

14、then said:“Two dollars” “What!”said Tom“I had guessed they were worath least five dollars”“No,”said the man,“they areat woah a cent more than two dollars” “Well,”said Tom,taking two dollars out of his pocket“Heres your moneyThese trousers were hanging outside your shopThe list price of them was six

15、doUars and a halfBut I thought that was too much money,so I wanted to find out how much they were reaUy worth” Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to sayAt first the owner of the shop thought that Tom_A.wanted to stea

16、l the trousersB.wanted to sell the trousersC.wanted to fool himD.wanted to buy the trousers参考答案:B 系统解析:Tom拿着一条裤子并且问:“How much will you give me for these?”所以店主认为Tom是来卖裤子的,故答案是B。24 根据材料,回答24-28问题。C “I would almost rather see you dead”Bobert sCassatt,a leading banker of Philadelphia, shouted when his t

17、wenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become all artist.In the l9th centur)r,playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady,but serious work in an was notAnd when the young ladys family racked among the best of Philadelphias so cial familiessuch an idea

18、 could not even be considered That was how Mary Cassatt,born 1844,began her struggle as an artistShe did not tremble before her fathers anger,she opposed him with courage and at last made him change his mind. Mary Cassatt gave up her social position and all thoughts of a thousand and a family,which

19、in those times was unthinkable for a young ladyIn the end,after long years of hard work and perseverance, she became Americas most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the timeHow did Mr Cassatt react when his daughter made her announcement?A.He feared f

20、or her lifeB.He was very angry.C.He nearly killed herD.He warned her.参考答案:B 系统解析:从开头第一句他说的那句话“我宁愿看到你死了!”可以看出他很生气。所以答案选B。25 What in fact was Mr Cassatts main reason in opposing his daughters wish?A.Drawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those days.B.He did not believe his daughte

21、r wanted to work seriously in artC.He believed an artists life would be too hard for his daughterD.Ladies of good families simply did not become artists in those times. 参考答案:D 系统解析:根据下文可以看出,对于一个生长在上层社会家庭的女性来说,这样的想法是不能有的因此答案选D。26 What made Mary Cassatts“struggle”to become a recognized artist especial

22、ly hard?A.She was a womanB.Her father opposed herC.She had no social positionD.She didnt come from an artists family.参考答案:A 系统解析:同上。27 What do we know about Mary Cassatts marriage?A.Her marriage failed because she never gave a thought to her husband and family.B.She never marIied beeause she did not

23、 want to be just a wife and mother.C.After marriage she decided to give up her husband rather than her career.D.She did not many because for a lady of her social position to marry below her was unthinkable. 参考答案:B 系统解析:根据排除法,ACD文中都没有提到这个意思,所以答案选B。28 What do we know about Robert Cassatts character fr

24、om the text?A.He was a cmel manB.He was a stubborn(固执的)man.C.He knew nothing about anD.He knew little about his daughter.参考答案:D 系统解析:虽然Robert Cassatt不同意他女儿的决定,但是最后还是改变了当初的想法,所以并不固执。文章没有提到他有什么残酷的行径,也没有提到他懂不懂艺术。而当初不同意是因为他并不够了解自己的女儿。所以答案选D。29 根据材料,回答29-33问题。D Are you going to high school to go on with

25、your study?what will you do if you cant?Dont wor ryVocational schools are Open for you because our country is in need of people with special skillsCompared with common high schools,vocational schools have more advantages,Firstly,in or der to promote the development df Vocational education,our countr

26、y spends a lot of money on itSo you need to pay only a smaller half of the school feeSecondly,in here you have already started learning practical skills that you can use all your lifeBut some other students may still worry about how to spend the long three years at hish schoolsWhy?Because they didnt

27、 choose the school that suits themAnd finally,wheh they are still wondering where to go,you are already able to live on your own hands proudlyAnd perhaps it wont be long before you are on the road to success People take different roads because they have different potentialsso different students shou

28、ld choose different schoolsGo to high school if you think that you can go farther on that roadChoose a key high school if you are lucky enough to have the chanceEnter a vocational school if you are interested in the lessons there and you are better at making things with your handsIn a word,think car

29、efully and see what kind of person you areRemember,always choose Sings that suit youWhat does the second paragraph talk about?A.The future of vocational schoolsB.How to learn a skillC.The advantages of vocational schoolsD.How to succeed 参考答案:C 系统解析:主旨大意题。第二段主要介绍了职业学校的优势。30 The underlined word“practi

30、cal”here means“_”A.fairB.usefulC.poorD.safe参考答案:B 系统解析:猜测词义题。学生可以根据上下文猜测该单词的意思。根据第二段第四句,“Secondly,in here you have already started learning practical skills that you can use all yourlife”该句译为:其次,你在这里学到的实用技能可以让你受益终生。所以这样的技能应是“有用的”,故答案为B。31 Vocational school students can_than students who choose a high school carelesslyA.spend more more worriedC.get

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