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1、二年级上册Unit3王璐小学英语(新起点) 二 年级 上 册 第 三 单元教学与评价设计 教师: 王璐 第一部分单元教学与评价设计思路1、教材分析(逐个课题分析:例题、练习题等;单元整体分析) 本套教材覆盖了六个话题:家庭(My Family)、男孩女孩(Boys and Girls)、朋友(My Friends)、社区(In the Community)、公园(In the Park)和节日(Happy Holidays)。 本单元以“My Friends”为题,主要学习有关描述人物外貌特征的六个词汇:big, tall, pretty, thin, short, handsome ;以及能

2、够用已学过的句子:He/She is 描述人物的外貌特征。本单元的单词对于学生来说会比较容易感兴趣,并且可以用一些相应的肢体语言来表现出来,同时可以来描述身边的同学和家人的外貌特征。Lesson1 :A项以生动的画面和节奏明快的歌谣呈现本单元的基本词汇;B项用活动卡片游戏操练词汇和句型;C项引导学生再次学唱A项的歌谣,巩固单词音、义之间的联系,并体会英语的语音和语调。 Lesson2:A项情景化地呈现本单元的主要功能句:Whats does he/she look like? He/She is B项通过趣味活动或游戏,帮助学生操练功能句。 Lesson3:A项通过综合活动或游戏引导学生运用本

3、单元第1、2课的词汇和功能句介绍自己的朋友,同时也滚动复现前一个或几个单元的词汇和功能句;B项以图文结合的方式,呈现字母在单词词首的常见发音,并引导学生尝试借助图片和首字母整体识别单词。 Story Time:以“小猴子想法办吃到熊猫、兔子和松鼠的美食”的小故事,一方面来复现该单元的词汇和功能句,另一方面培养学生听、读故事的能力,对学生进行初步阅读启蒙,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 2、实践分析(自己的教学经验、习题、考试、教学参考书、别人的教案、相关论文等网上材料,主要是列出每课的知识点及单元的知识结构) 本单元涉及到的是用旧句型She/He is 套上对应的形容词来描述人物的外貌特征,本单元的

4、重点是会使用Whats does he/she look like?来询问他人的外貌是怎样的? 单元内容知识结构: 单词:big, tall, pretty, thin, short, handsome 句子:Whats does he/she look like? He/She is (对应的形容词) I have a. 3、课标分析(学生能力水平的要求分析,本单元在学段中的纵向、横向联系) 二年级的学生学习兴趣很浓,接受能力、模仿能力很强。但由于年龄的特点,注意力容易分散,学习习惯还没有养成,因此,本学期英语教学重点将放在提高学生的听读、认读等基础技能的训练与提高上,以及培养学生良好的倾听

5、和阅读习惯。二年级的学生可塑性很强,学习的最佳动机就是孩子的求知欲、好奇心。学生平时上课能够积极主动的发言,学生思想比较单纯。活泼、好动,对游戏、活动很感兴趣。9-10班的学生在一年的英语学习后,对英语有着浓厚的兴趣。进入二年级后,大部分学生倾听能力比一年级有了明显进步,且还能发现同伴比较明显的错误,乐于做小老师。 本单元以“My Friends”为话题,要求学生能根据听到的词句识别或指认图片或实物,能够听懂课堂简短的指令做出相应的反应,为二级目标做准备。以及目标中,只需学生能根据录音模仿说话,而二级目标中,则需做到发音清楚,语调基本达意。 本单元为二年级上册的第三单元,滚进了一二单元已学的句

6、型结构,学生们从已会的句子串到新句子,形成了一个螺旋式上升的知识。 4、学生学习困难与障碍分析 (1)有thin 的单词发音,舌头要放在上下齿之间 (2)学生对What does she/he look like?句子询问较困难 (3)字母i, j,k,l发音会与汉语拼音易混淆 (4)句子中含有“does”一个新单词,需要纠正发音。 5、单元育人价值分析 1.学会倾听他人意见,诚实的面对小伙伴,做一个诚实友好的好孩子。 2.乐于参与,在活动中感受学习英语的兴趣,增强英语学习的自信心; 3.通过单元小故事阅读,体会阅读英语的乐趣,对英语阅读初步感兴趣。 第二部分课时教学与评价设计6、单元的课前常

7、规积累性学习活动系列(课前三分钟) Enjoy some English songs/videos Listen and have a chant about adjective 7、教案设计 Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时 教案设计教学目标:1.能够听懂、可以说表示人物外貌特征的六个形容词:big,tall,pretty,thin,short,handsome,并借助单词的首字母识别对应的单词。2.在上一个单元的而基础上,学生可以用He is a boy,He is / She is a girl. She is句型来描述人物外貌特征。能够用6个形容词来描述人物外貌特征。3.能

8、够听懂老师询问句子:What does he/she look like?4.能够听懂、会说教师补充的单词:fat, small.教学重难点重点:The expressions: He is a boy. He is / She is a girl, she is (人物外貌特征)难点:1. The pronunciation of the word thin and handsome.2.混淆He/She is a boy/girl. He/She is(人物外貌特征的形容词),有“a”和无“a”后面应该加上名词和形容词。3.Use two words or three words to d

9、escribe the person. (and的用法)教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图课前常规性积累活动1. Greeting.2. How many boys/ girls are there in the classroom?2. Listen to a song: tall and short.1. Greeting.2. According to the question, Give some answers, all students count members.2. Listen and sing.帮助学生积累一些关于数字的词,并观察办理男生和女人的人数。问候并且为本单

10、元知识学习进行初步渗透。开放式导入Show the picture of the Snow White,describe every characters appearance with adjective. At the same time, teacher should do some body language with English.Do you know some words to describe people?(Show Ss some pictures)Have a look at the picture and follow the teacher in the think

11、ing.Think and discuss in pairs.用学生比较熟悉的格林童话故事,通过老师身体语言和英语对本次课的重点词汇进行导入。让学生结合生活来思考可以用来描述人物外貌的形容词,为之后的词汇学习做铺垫。大问题设计Do you know some words to describe people?核心过程推进 (1)Sing a song that is about adjective again. (tall/ short. Big/ small)(2)Show some pictures to make Ss understand the meaning of words.(

12、Yaoming, Panchangjiang , Fanbingbing, Zhou jielun)(tall/short, pretty/handsome)(3)Give the HAHA mirror,show the big / thin .(再次会补充fat/ thin)(3)T:What does he/she look like?(4)Practice a. words bomb b. Listen and say C. What does she/he look like? d. describe classmates in the classroom(屏蔽讽刺班里同学)a. R

13、ead the words.b. Match the words.c.Whats missing? (5)Look at the CD.(1) Sing a song with body languages.(2)According to the line that teacher give, Let students understand some adjective words. (3)在教师的指导下,运用句子“She/Hes a girl/boy. She/He is ”进行回答。(3)He/She is(根据图片做答)Listen and chant again.Practice in

14、 different ways.(1)带动课堂气氛,让所有的学生都参与到歌曲中。(2)让学生通过当代的明星风格,对新授单词的理解。通过一些身边熟悉的人物,让学生更好的去理解本单元的重点词汇,并会认读。对新单词的运用和句型的操练。(3)慢慢渗透问句,为下一课时的功能句学习“下毛毛雨”,并鼓励学生回答完整句子。让学生通过不同的游戏把新授的形容词更好的用于句子中。拓展延伸书中给出的单词对应的Big-thin,应该跟学生解释清楚,big-small thin-fat对此给出情景进行操练。He/She is_.He/She is_ and_.He/She is_, _and _.Follow the t

15、eacher and think over.让学生由一个单词的描述上升为2个甚至3个。把形容词的用法具体化,不让初学的学生误导。由易到难,把句子说长。板书设计BigTallPrettyThinShortHandsome教学反思本节课,从开放式导入就试着放手让学生合作、讨论,在此学习过程中,学生能够自觉讨论并思考,尤其体现在最后一个环节,把句子说长了,挑战了自我。但是,有的学生在其他同学发言的时候还未学会倾听,尤其是那些上课不认真听讲的学生,下次课将整顿此行为习惯。Unit 1 Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时 作业设计预习性作业Read the textbook and have

16、a look at the pictures of Unit3.巩固性作业Listen to the tape and try to repeat. Unit 3 My Friends 第二课时 教案设计教学目标1.学生能够听懂,会说询问人物外貌特征的句子What does she/he look like?2.学生能够用上次课学的adjective words 来描述外貌特征和回答 He/She is.3.能够使用“我有一个朋友。”I have a friend.3. 能够会听读Lesson2 A的对话。教学重难点重点:Enable students to understand the se

17、ntence “What does she/he look like?” and answer. 难点:1、 The pronunciation of the word “does” 2、 How to help students master the sentence I have a new classmate. And describe him/her教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图课前常规性积累活动1. Greeting.2. How many friends do you have?Sing the song: tall and short.1. Greeting.2. A

18、ccording to the question, students think and count. At last give the teacher answer.Sing the song.把已学单词滚在一起,构成一个问句,并让学生积累数词。育人价值:告诉学生们应该多交朋友。Review the words.开放式导入(1) The teacher will take out some toys. Say, I have a(2) Make a sentence one by one (Show the picture.)What can you see from the picture

19、?What are they talking about?(1) Follow the teacher and have a look at it(2) One student says “I have a ” so next student says “ I have a . One by one Think, discuss and answer.用一个 “I have a”的句子复习已学的单词,最后引出“I have a new friend” 通过观察图片,猜测,让学生讨论图中人物在讨论什么,从而引出本单元功能句。大问题设计I have a new friend. She is tal

20、l and pretty.What does he/she look like?核心过程推进(1) Show a picture about my new friend. (2) Play the video about the picture A, and give some questions “Binbin and his father are talking . who are they talking about? Who is tall? Do you want know?”(3) 解读图片中人物角色的对话。The important sentence What does he l

21、ook like?让学生描述自己心中的一个人物 (4)Play the video again.(5) Practice the sentences (1) Play the video.(2) 解读图片中人物角色的对话(3) Listen and repeat.(1) Students describe her with right adjective.(2) listen and repeat ,at the same time, students should answer some questions.(3) Listen and follow the teacher. And can

22、 describe the character in their mind. Let partner guess who is she/he?(4) Listen, repeat and say.(5) 情景对话(1)Listen(2) Listen and follow the teacher.(3)Listen and repeat.正确使用形容词来描述人物。对图片内容进行学习,抓住关键的形容词。连词成句,会用形容词来描述心中的人物(爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶)对本次课句型进行操练。学会模仿和对话。(1) 听,看,并验证猜测。(2) 理解对话。(3) 练习对话。拓展延伸句型拓展:What do

23、es your father look like?What does your mother look like?Group : (2students)A: What does your father look like?B:He is tall and handsome.让学生对句型实际运用,组成对话,描述自己的爸爸妈妈外貌。板书设计Unit3 My Friendhesheyour friendclassmates nameWhat does look like?She/He is (tall, short, big, thin, pretty, handsome)教学反思通过一课时问句的渗

24、透,学生较好输出本节课的内容。通过合作学习,更好的学习了本节课的对话,但是部分学生还是有困难,下一次课还需多加强。 “放”的时候需多给“困难小组”提供帮助。Unit 3 My Friends 第二课时 作业设计预习性作业 Read the textbook and have a look at the pictures of Page21.巩固性作业1. Listen to the tape and point as repeating2. Describe friends name.1. 完成P22的画图。2. Listen and read P22. Unit 3 My Friends 第

25、三课时 教案设计教学目标1.能够综合以前学过的知识,对人物姓名、性别、外貌特征进行介绍。2.借助已学过的词汇,感知Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll在单词开头时常见的发音,通过单词首字母识别单词。3.让学生动手贴上人物后背字母,并进行简单英语描述。4.学生能够根据提问回答问题且能够介绍自己画的人物。教学重难点重点: Enable students to describe peoples name, appearance and gender.难点:1. 字母Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll,发音会与汉语拼音易混。2. 组合句子的运用:This is myHis/Her name isHe/She is

26、(adjective) 教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图课前常规性积累活动1. Greeting.2. How old are you?2.What does he/she look like?(Show some pictures)1. Greeting.2. Think oneself age.Eg. am 8.2.Answer.积累询问年龄的句型,并进行数字的复习,也为本次课的介绍别人进行知识铺垫。开放式导入Game: I do you guess.(some adjective words)Do and guess. At the same time , review som

27、e learned adjective words.实际运用形容词,看动作说英语。调动学生的课堂活跃性以及积极参与性。大问题设计Can you ask your classmates What does your friend look like?核心过程推进(1)Draw the people. Describe him/her.Ask whos he/she? What does he/she look like? Do you wan to know?(1) Draw the classmate or friend.Think three questions:a. Whos he/she

28、?b. Whats his/her name?c. What does he/she look like?(2)Show the Ss work.(2) Play the video and repeat(3) Task assignment for student. Drawing my good friend on the paper.(4) Describe the picture(3)(5) Letter and pronunciationa. show the letter Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll,b. pronunciationc. i for ice cream j for

29、 juice k for kite l for light (1) Have a look at the people and imitate the teacher.Draw and work in pairs.展示并回答问题。(2)Listen to the video carefully and understand how to describe friend.(3)Drawing(5minutes )(4) This is my friend. His name is He is (age), he is (adjective) (5) say and do the actions

30、(3)学习Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll,引导句子的构建和组织。通过绘画,增强学习的趣味性,并且联系了生活。让学生进行展示,并进行提问。不仅复习了问句,也让学生有展示的机会。还“空间”“时间”给学生。试图让学生跟读,并注意语音语调。课上增加绘画,技法学生的兴趣。看图说话,教会孩子用英语对朋友的描述。(3)(5) 感知字母在单词开头是常见的发音,并借助首字母提示整体识别单词。拓展延伸Introduction yourself in EnglishIntroduction your father/mother呈现首字母为I, j, k, l的其他单词: I, ice, idea Jack, jam, job Jump, kite, kate Leg, like, lookHello , This is myHis/Her name is .He/She is (age),He/She is (adj words)Hello. My name is Im (age), Im (adj words.)引导学生尝试在小组讨论读出单词。通过本次课的学习,学生能够至少用3句话来介绍他人或介绍自己。在

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