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1、疯狂英语突破句型29. Would you please.? 请你好吗? 这是一个非常礼貌的请求句型,要说它的礼貌程度,算得上是最高级了。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: Would you please give me a ride? (请你让我搭个便车好吗?) Top 2: Would you please calm down? (请你冷静一点好吗?) Top 3: Would you please give me a chance to explain? (请你给我一个机会解释一下好吗?) 疯狂实战 A: Would you please give me a hand? B: Sure.

2、 What can I do for you? A: 请你帮个忙好吗? B: 当然,我能为你做什么呢? A: Would you please speak a little more slowly? B: Sure, Im sorry. Let me repeat what I just said. A: 请你说慢点好吗? B: 当然可以,对不起,我来重复一下刚才说的话。10. That sounds. 听起来 对于别人的一个建议,中国人习惯用一个“好!”来作答,但美国人总喜欢用这个句型来表达自己的赞同。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: That sounds great. (听起来不错!)

3、Top 2: That sounds like a good idea. (听起来是个好主意!) Top 3: That sounds like a lot of fun. (听起来挺有意思!) 疯狂实战 A: I was thinking of taking you somewhere special for dinner tonight. B: That sounds nice! A: 我想带你去一个特别的地方吃晚饭。 B: 听起来不错! A: Lets take that Crazy English class together. We can help each other study

4、. B: That sounds like a great idea! A: 我们一起去上疯狂英语的课吧!我们可以互相帮助。 B: 听起来是个好主意。 A: I am thinking of becoming a professional tour guide and traveling around the country. B: That sounds interesting. A: 我想成为一名职业导游,到全国各地旅游。 B: 听起来很有意思。 A: I was thinking about shaving my head, getting a tattoo,opening a bake

5、ry where they play rock music and charging people just to come inside. 我想刮个光头,做个纹身,开个面包店,人们可以在那儿玩摇滚,只要进了店的人都得付钱。B: (Says) That sounds interesting. (Thinks) You are a jerk. 挺有意思的。你简直是个白痴。 十大“生存”句型实战演练 在日常生活中,以上十个句型确确实实“一个都不能少”。下面是日常生活中一段普通的对话,大家可以看到,这十个句型都在里面,而且有几个还是反复出现。这么重要的句型,你总不能不会吧? A: Hello, Ch

6、ristopher. Nice to see you again. 嗨!克里斯托弗,很高兴再次见到你!B: Nice to see you too! 我也很高兴见到你!A: Hows everything going? How was your trip? 一切还好吧?上次出差还好吗?B: It was fantastic. Let me show you some pictures. 挺不错的。我给你看一些照片。 A: Id like to see them, but I dont have much time. 我很想看,但我没时间了。B: Oh, thats too bad. Why a

7、re you in such a hurry? 哦!真不巧。怎么这么急呢?A: I need to pick up my son from school and I need to stop at the supermarket and I need to go to the bank. I really want to get finished with all my errands before it starts to rain. 我得去学校接我儿子,然后去超市,最后还得上银行去一趟。我真的希望能在下雨前将这些差事干完。B: I want to get home before this

8、storm too. 我也想在暴风雨到来之前赶回家。A: May I take a look at them some other time? 我以后再看行吗?B: Sure, can you come over to my house tonight? I am having some friends over. 当然,你今晚能来我家吗?我有些朋友要过来。 A: That sounds great. Would you please call me and remind me later this afternoon? 好啊。傍晚时打电话提醒我一下,可以吗?B: Sure, Id be gl

9、ad to. 没问题,我会的。A: OK, Ill talk to you later then. 那好,我回头再跟你聊。第二部分第一章 以How开头的疑问句型 1. How about.? 怎么样? 疯狂讲解 这个句型后半部分通常接动名词或名词短语。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How about taking a walk? (出去散散步怎么样?) Top 2: How about parking here? (把车停放在这儿行吗?) Top 3: How about going for a trip? (去旅游怎么样?) 疯狂实战 A: How about a cup of tea?

10、 来杯茶怎么样?B: Sounds great. 好的。A: How about going to a movie tonight? 今晚去看电影怎么样?B: Sounds like a good idea. 不错的主意。A: How about walking to the concert instead of taking a taxi? It will be fun! 我们不打车,而是走着去音乐会怎么样?会很有意思的。B: How 不行”怎么样?2. How do you like.? 你认为怎么样? 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How do you like l

11、iving in China? (你觉得在中国的生活怎么样?) Top 2: How do you like your new job? (你觉得新的工作怎么样?) Top 3: How do you like my new car? (你觉得我的新车怎么样?) 疯狂实战 A: How do you like my new dress? 你认为我的新裙子怎么样?B: Terrific. Where did you buy it? 简直太漂亮了。在哪儿买的?: A: How do you like the weather in Guangzhou? 你觉得广州的天气如何?B: I like th

12、e warm weather here, but it rains too much. 我喜欢这里温暖的天气,但是这里雨水太多了。3. How much shall I pay for.? 我该为付多少钱? 疯狂实战 A: How much shall I pay for this? 我要为此付多少钱?B: I wonder if you can afford it. 我怀疑你能不能付得起。A: How much shall I pay for the hotel room? 宾馆住宿要多少钱?B: Actually, its free. 事实上,宾馆住宿是免费的。4. How often d

13、o you.? 你多久? 疯狂实战 A: How often do you go on a vacation? 你多久度一次假?B: I never had a chance to go on a vacation. 我从来不曾有机会度过假。A: How often do you work overtime? 你们多久加一次班?B: Almost every day. 几乎每天都加班。: A: How often do you eat out? 你多久到外面吃一次饭?B: Oh, I eat out all the time. I hate to cook. Im too lazy. 哦,我常

14、在外面吃饭。我讨厌做饭。我太懒了。A: How often do you go to the English Corner? 你多久去一次英语角?B: I used to go to the English Corner every week, but now I seldom go because I find it more and more boring. 我以前每个星期都去,但现在很少去了,因为我发现越来越没意思了。5. How can you.? 你怎么能? Kims Note: This is a good sentence pattern because it is strong

15、. If you have a strong feeling or emotion you need to express, this is the pattern for you! 这个句型具有很强的感情色彩,是一个很好的句型,如果你想表达很强的感情,就可以用这个句型! 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How can you stand such terrible weather? (你怎么能受得了这种恶劣天气?) Top 2: How can you stand her nagging all the time? (你怎么能受得了她整天唠叨?) Top 3: How can you sta

16、nd the pressure here? (你怎么能受得了这里的压力?) 疯狂实战 A: How can you treat me like that? 你怎么能那样对我?B: Youre too sensitive. I didnt do anything wrong! 你太敏感了。我没做错什么事。A: How can you do such a stupid thing? 你怎么能做出这种蠢事?B: I dont know. I wasnt thinking I guess. Besides, what would you have done if you were in my shoe

17、s? 我不知道。可能没有思考过。再说,如果你处于我的位置,你会怎么做呢?6. How come.? 是怎么回事? 疯狂讲解 这个句型与“Why .?”的意思差不多,都是问原因的。但特别提醒大家:How come后接的句子用正常语序,不是像其它的疑问句要用半倒装语序! 疯狂操练 How come he failed the exam? Isnt he the best student in the class? (他怎么会在考试中失败呢?他不是班里最优秀的学生吗?) How come you never visit us any more? (你怎么不来看我们了?) How come I hav

18、e to go to bed so early? (为什么要我这么早睡觉啊?) How come Im not allowed to eat candy? (为什么不让我吃糖啊?) How come I cant get a new bike? (我为什么不能买辆新自行车啊?)7. How long have you been.? 你多久了? 疯狂讲解 这是一个极其复杂和用途广泛的“超级句型”!其后面可以跟名词、介词短语、现在分词或过去分词。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How long have you been learning English? (你学英语有多久了?) Top 2:

19、How long have you been in China? (你到中国有多久了?) Top 3: How long have you been feeling like this? (你感觉这样有多久了?) 现在我们用这个句型来进行一次句型大操练: 疯狂大操练 1. How long have you been married? (你们结婚多久了?) 2. How long have you been dating her? (你跟她谈恋爱谈了多久了?) 3. How long have you been working here? (你在这里工作多久了?) 4. How long ha

20、ve you been a teacher? (你从教多长时间了?) 5. How long have you been collecting stamps? (你集邮集了多久了?) 6. How long have you been doing this? (你干这干了多久了?) 7. How long have you been working on this project? (这个项目你们做了多久了?)8. How long have you been attending night classes? (你上夜校有多久了?) 9. How long have you been doin

21、g business with the Japanese? (你跟日本人做生意多久了?) 10. How long have you been a football fan? (你成为一个足球迷有多久了?) 11. How long have you been living in Shenzhen? (你住在深圳有多久了?) 12. How long have you been seeing a psychologist? (你看心理医生有多久了?) 特别奉献: 心理医生常用问题PSYCHOLOGIST QUESTIONS 13. How long have you been having t

22、hese feelings? (你有这些感觉多久了?) 14. How long have you been having this dream? (你做这个梦做了多久了?) 15. How long have you been having trouble sleeping?(你睡不着觉有多长时间了?) 16. How long have you been feeling depressed? (你感觉情绪低落有多久了?) 17. How long have you been keeping this to yourself? (你有这个秘密多久了?) 18. How long have y

23、ou been in love with your boss? (你跟你上司恋爱多久了?) 19. How long have you been thinking about killing yourself? (你有自杀的念头有多久了?) 20. How long have you been hearing voices? (你听到这种怪声有多久了?) 21. How long have you been keeping this a secret? (你保守这个秘密有多久了?) 疯狂实战 A: How long have you been waiting? 你等了多久了?B: Not ve

24、ry long, just five minutes or so. 不是很久,只不过五分钟左右。A: How long have you been staying in China? B: Ive been here for almost two months. A: 你在中国呆了多久了? B: 我到中国已经两个月了。 A: How long have you been on a diet? B: It seems like Ive been on a diet my whole life. A: 你节食多长时间了? B: 好像我一生都在节食。 A: How long have you bee

25、n in business? B: Weve been in business a long time. We were the first chemical company in Western China. A: 你们经营多久了? B: 我们经营已经很长时间了。我们是中国西部第一家化工企业。 A: How long have you been thinking about going abroad? B: All my life I have been dreaming of going abroad. A: 出国的事儿你考虑多久了? B: 我一生都在梦想着出国。8. How long w

26、ill it take.? 要多久? 疯狂讲解 这个句型后接动词不定式,用来询问“做什么事要多久”。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How long will it take to get there? (到那里要多久?) Top 2: How long will it take to make a million dollars? (赚一百万要多长时间?) Top 3: How long will it take to rebuild New York city? (重建纽约要多长时间?) 疯狂实战 A: How long will it take to conquer English?

27、学好英语要多长时间?B: It will depend on how hard you work, and how often you practice! 这要看你有多用功,是不是常练习!A: How long will it take to finish this project? 完成这个项目要多久?B: I think it will take us at least two months. 我想至少要两个月。A: How long will it take to fly from Beijing to New York? 从北京飞往纽约要多久?B: If you fly directl

28、y, it takes about eighteen hours. 如果直飞的话,大约十八小时。9. How do you know.? 你怎么知道? 疯狂讲解 这个句型后接一个宾语从句,其引导词that在口语中通常省略。 最常用的三个句子 Top 1: How do you know I cant do it? (你怎么知道我做不了?) Top 2: How do you know it wont work? (你怎么知道没用?) Top 3: How do you know which stocks to buy? (你怎么知道买哪些股票?) 疯狂实战 A: How do you know

29、 my name? 你怎么知道我的名字?B: We met last month at the IBM sales conference, remember? 我们上次在IBM的营销会议上见过,还记得吗?A: How do you know she cant do it? 你怎么知道她做不了?B: Dont you know shes a stupid girl? 你不知道她是个愚蠢的女孩子吗?10. How are you getting along with.? 你跟相处得怎么样? 最常用的三个句子Top 1: How are you getting along with your roommate? (你跟你的室友相处得怎么样?)Top 2: How are you getting along with your colleagues? (你跟你的同事相处得怎么样?)Top 3: How are you getting along with your new girlfriend? (你跟你现在的女朋友相处得怎么样?) 疯狂实战A: How are you getting along with your clas

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