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八下Unit 2 一课一练.docx

1、八下Unit 2 一课一练 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city park第一课时(Section A 1a1c)一、汉译英1. 使某人振奋 2. 分发 3.自愿做某事 4.清理城市公园 5.帮助别人 6.看望生病的孩子 二、翻译下面的句子。1.我想帮助无家可归的人。(would) 2. 你可以在粮食分发站分发食物来供养那些人。(could) 3.她想帮助孩子们做功课。(help.with) 4.我们必须想出办法来告诉人们清扫日的事情。(tell.about) 5.我们不能推迟制定计划。(putoff) 第二课时(Section A 2a2d(e)一、单项选

2、择。1.What bad weather!The plane will to 8 oclock this evening. A.put off B.take off C.turn off D.get off 2.The boss in the factory often makes the workers nine hours a day work C.working D.worked3. She looks sad.Lets cheer her up B.cheer her up cheer up her D.cheer up her 4. Gol

3、dlicks decided for a walk in the forest.A.go go C.going D.goes5. How dirty your room is!You must A.clean up it B.clean them up C.clean it up D.clean up them二、根据对话内容和首字母提示,补全单词。 A:Hi,Tom,Im m a plan to work in an old peoples home. B:W ! I enjoy it very much. And I did it last year. A:But what ca

4、n we do for them?Lets c up some good ieas. B:We could do some things like r the newspapers to the old people,or just t to them,They told me stories about the p and how things u to be. A:That s interesting. B:I b a lot of old people are l .We should listen to them and c for them A:Youre right.I mean,

5、were going to be old one day,too.第三课时(Section A 3a3c)一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. at an animal hospital every day is her future dream job. (volunteer)2. He thinks to be a good teacher is hard (work)3.I get such a strong of satisfaction when I see my pet dog better.(feel)4.She decided out for a volunteer aft

6、er-school reading program.(try)5.She still works in a hospital the sick people.(help)二、根据文章的大意和所给的首字母或所给词的适当形式补全文章。 What should we do when we meet people who need help?Of course,we should give them our hands.To be a v is a good way to help others. Mario,an animal doctor, volunteers at an anomal hosp

7、ital every Saturday morning. He b it can help him to get his future d job.He says its hard w , but he w (learn)more about how (care)for animals.He gets such a strong f of satisfaction when he sees the animals get b and the look of joy on their (own) faces. Mary from Riverside High School g up severa

8、l hours each week to help others.She loves r .She decided (try)out for a volunteer.She still works there once a week (help)kids learn to read.Volunteering here is a dream come true for h .She can do w she loves to do and help others at the same time.If everyone can do something like them ,the world

9、will be better and better. 第四课时(Section A Grammar Focus &4a4c)clean up, set up, cheer up, put off , come up with一、用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成对话。 A: Were going to have a party this evening.Do you know?B: Yes.What do we have to do for the party?A: We have to some new ideas for games.B: What do we have to do at th

10、e party?A: First we have to help the food tables.B: Do we have to do it right away?A: Yes,we cant the party.B: I hate doing this kind of work.A: Well, !Well finish it soon.B:Whats the last thing we have to do?A:We have to after the party.二、单项选择。1. We have to our sports meeting till next week because

11、 of the heavy rain.A.put on B.put up C.put off D.put down2. We believe scientist will a way to solve the problem of air pollution.A.set off B.put off C.come up with D.catch up with 3.If you still have any other questions,please your hand. A.put off B.put down C.put up D.put on4.I must look after my

12、grandma.She is in hospital for two days. A.ill,sick B.sick,ill C.sick,sick D.ill,ill5. Now I spend time what I love to do B.doing D.did第五课时(Section B 1a1f)一、 根据上下文补全对话。 Man: Hi,Jimmy,Good morning.You look ,what ? Bike boy: I want to buy some old bikes that nobody wants. Man: What do you

13、 want it? Bike boy: I can up the old bikes and give them to kids who have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man:Good idea! Do you need some ? Bike boy: I have some problems enough money.What should I do? Man: Well,you can make some and them out after school. Bike boy:Good!My parents must be of me!

14、二、翻译下列句子。1.我用完了买自行车的钱。 2.爸爸买了许多别人不想要的自行车。 3Jimmy经常修理自行车并把他们捐赠给那些买车的孩子们。 4.你的父母一定会以你为自豪。 5.我必须想办法弄到钱去买旧的自行车。 第六课时(Section B 2a2b)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Thanks for my life.(change)2.When I walked in the street,I met a friend of (I) 3.A disabled person cant walk or use his hands (easy)4.Everyone has many ,but

15、 we cant give up.(difficult)5.Im only able to have a “dog helper”because of (kind)二、根据文意和首字母提示完成空白处。 What would it be like to be b or deaf?Or i you cant w or use your hands easily.Most people would n think about this,but many people have these d ,I cant use my arms or legs w ,so normal things are d

16、for me.Then one day last year,a friend of m helped me o .She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special t dog.She also thought a dog might c me up.I love animals and I was e about the idea of h a dog.第七课时(Section B 2c2e )一、 按要求写出下列各词。1、able(有残疾的) 2、difficult(名词) 3、normal(反义词) 4、train(形容词) 5

17、、kind(名词) 6、home(形容词) 7、I (名词性物主代词) 8、possible(反义词) 9、close(现在分词) 10、bring(过去时) 二、汉译英。 1、Miss Li 把钱寄给了动物帮助中心。 2、Ben Smith 不能很好的走动。 3、Lucky 会给残疾人拿东西。 4、动物援助中心会训练像Lucky这样的动物。 5、你认为狗会用别的什么方式来帮助人类? 第八课时(Section B 3a3c)一、单项选择1. -I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation.What about you? -I havent decided

18、 where A.go B.went C.going go2. Paul made a nice cage the little sick bird till it could fly.A.keep B.kept C.keeping keep3. He lost his key.It made him in the cold to wait for his wifes stay B.stayed C.stays D.stay4. -Excuse me,could you please your cigarette?-Of course.A.put u

19、p B.put down C.put out D.put off5. The rich man decided to everything he has to charity after his death.A.give out B.give off C.give away D.give up二、根据所学得词组和文章的大意,完成短文。 Dear Sir,My name is Mike.Im London.Im in soccer.So I want to be a of the 20th FIFA World Cup. I think its a good chance for me to k

20、now more about Brazil and also I can make more new friends.Im in English and can speak Spanish.In my time,I play soccer.My favorite soccer star is Messi.I want to help out a volunteer in your group.Im free to help you every afternoon.I can help spread more information about the World tourists

21、 from countries.I will be if I can be a volunteer.第九课时(Selfcheck)一、根据句意和首字母填写空缺的单词。1.We should help d people like deaf.2.Its a special t dog.It can do many things for people.3.The earthquake made thousands of people h 4. Because the girl ran fast,her b became heavy and slow.5.My father said I made a

22、 right d to join the school soccer team.二、汉译英。1.我可以做我喜欢做的事,同时也可以帮助别人。_2.这本书对我的生活有很大影响。_3.感谢你改变了我的生活。_4.在他们的空闲时间,他们只想着如何娱乐。_5.我们正在制定为无家可归的人筹钱的计划。 单元练习一、 汉译英:(10分) 1、令人振奋 2、建立,设立 3、过去曾经 4、对有影响 5、推迟做某事 6、帮助解决 7、想出办法 8、分发食物 9、感到孤独 10、给写信 二、单项选择:(15分)( )11、Ifind_difficulttolearnmathwell.A.itB.thatc.thats

23、 D.its( )12、You go to see a doctor in a hospital. When he asks you, “Whats your trouble?” You should say“_.”A .Im feeling terrible B. Dont trouble me.C. Give me some medicine, please D. Please take care of me( )13、When you are_ trouble, why not phone the_?A. at, police B. in, policeman C. in, police

24、 D. at, policeman( )14、My mother is very busy.She has a lot of to do.We all love works,her B.houseworks,hers C.chores,her,she( )15、I met a friend of _ _ when I was walking in the B.her C.mine )16、_ofthemlikestoplaysoccer.A.EachB.Allc.Everyone D.Both( )17、The man over

25、there _ our Chinese teacher.A. may B. maybe C. may be D. be( )18、It _ her four hours_ the work yesterday.A. takes, finish B. take, finishing C. took, finished D. took, to finish( )19、He used to _very late, but now he is used to _early. A. get up; getting up B. get up; get upC. getting up; get up D.

26、getting up; getting up( )20、Thedogmakes_possibleforhimtohavefun.A.itB.thatc.its D.its( )21、 teachers and they often work hard.A.They both are B.Both of them C.They are both D.( )22、Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels.A. dont take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. dont to spe

27、nd; on( )23、Would you please at 6:00 tomorrow morning? wake me up wake up me C.wake me up D.wake up me ( )24、Mark Twain was once played a joke by a friend of A.him B.he C.his D.himself( )25、I must look after my grandma.She is in hospital for two days. A.ill,sick B.sick, ill C.sick,sick

28、l,ill三、完形填空:(10分)An old man went to a hospital.When the 36 came to see 37 ,he said“Mr.Smith,you are going to have two injections(注射),and then youll feel much 38 .A nurse will come and give you the first one this evening,and then youll get 39 one tomorrow morning. ”In the evening a young 40 came to M

29、r.Smiths bed and said to him,“Im going to give you the first injection now. 41 do you want it?” The old man was 42 .He looked at the nurse for seconds and then he said,“ 43 has never let me choose 44 before.Are you going to really let me choose now?”“Yes,Mr.Smith,”The nurse answered 45 a smile.“I wa

30、nt it in your left arm,please,”Mr,Smith said.( )26、A.worker C.teacher D.daughter( )27、A.a doctor B.a nurse D.him( )28、A.fine B.good C.well D.better( )29、A.the other B.another C.others D.other( )30、 C.nurse D.woman( )31、A.Where B.What C.When D.Why( )32、A.happy B.afraid C.surprised D.angr

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