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1、gre作文issue社会提纲完整版社会类1(2). Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。竞争对于社会的优点和缺点Topic:同意,Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.1)“物竞天择,适者生存”是自然界的普遍规律。 达尔文在研究了自然界发展的规律后,得出了一个基本规律,万物都是在竞争中,在适应环境变化的过程中才能生存,弱肉强食,自然界的变化是如此,人类社会的


3、淘汰。3,如果没有竞争,人们就会甘于落后,甘于停滞不前,社会的发展就会缺少前进的动力,就如中国50-60年代的计划经济时代。3)社会竞争的“弊”不能掩盖社会竞争带来的“利”。 任何事物都有两面性,竞争也会产生一些副作用,比如:会在社会上产生一些不正当的手段,竞争会使一部分缺乏竞争能力的人受到伤害,导致两极分化的出现,导致失业人口的增加等等,但是这些与竞争所带来的社会进步相比,是次要的,而且是可以通过不断完善法制,不断完善社会保障加以解决的。归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。-2(3). It is more important to allocate money for immediate,

4、existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。当务之急和百年大计的关系Topic:政府应该把更多的注意力放在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上是明智的,但解决当务之急不能以后代的长期性研究为代价,两者需要协调发展1)解决迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题是必须的,也是基础。Generally, immediate problems are urgent and some

5、times will cause unpredictable consequence, even disasters, without appropriate handling当务之急的社会问题直接影响社会的秩序的稳定,直接影响人们的生活和工作,比如反恐问题、局部战争问题、失业人口问题,通货膨胀问题,腐败问题,犯罪等等,如果不把这些迫在眉睫的问题花钱研究解决,就会影响社会、经济的继续发展和社会的安定。2)社会研究要处理好迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题 和后代的长期性研究之间的辨证关系,不能只顾眼前忽视将来。1,一些当前问题也是长期问题。 社会问题是一个系统,有些当前看起来是迫在眉睫的事情,比如贫


7、源的枯竭,人民生活质量被破坏。这是得不偿失的,需要人们进行反思。所以,花钱解决这些问题是有意义的。2,另外,一些将来的看似无意义的预期问题对我们人类的进一步发展有很重大的意义。Eg宇宙探测计划,对于我们了解自己所处的环境,潜在危机,发展空间等等有更清醒的认识。甚至可以为我们的后代提供新的居住地,因此一些发达国家比如美国每年都会把大量的资金投入到航天研究是有意义的。不能因为以现金发展为借口而忽略它。3)协调好两者的关系,可持续的发展。所以,既要花钱研究迫在眉睫的社会问题,又要重视花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,不能只注重当前还忽视了将来,更不能注重了当前而破坏了将来。 .-3(9). Aca

8、demic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use. 近些年来,学科已经细化到了相当的程度以至于学者们的理念只影响小范围的人群。除非学者们能拥有影响等大范围的人群,否则他们的理念将几乎毫无用处。过分专业化问题 overspecializationTopic:认为学科的细化会导致

9、他们的理念几乎毫无用处是不公平的,事实上,这是科学发展的必然趋势,而且深化有助于提高研究质量,即便范围小,只要有影响的人群存在就有其存在的价值。诚然,为了减轻细化带来的影响范围减小的问题,学者们要注意吸取不同意见。1) 承认学科细化现象,但说他们的理念将几乎毫无用处事不公平的。随着科学研究水平的不断提高,人们对问题的认识不断深入,容易导致人们对一个问题的研究越来越集中在某一个非常狭小的领域,导致学科的分类越来越细化。就如有些服装生产企业一样,有的企业从注重生产女装,到注重生产青年人的女装,到注重生产夏季青年人的女装,到注重生产夏季青年人的女装的上衣等等。细化有利提高针对性,有利提高在某一个领域


11、”,意思就是要注意多学科的配合。如果在学科细化的同时,能够不断扩大与其他学科之间的交流和合作,形成合力,就能够既保持学科研究的深度,又扩大了学科研究的广度,也就能扩大扩大学者们理念的影响范围。-4(15). The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.一个社会的稳定取决于该社会对人们极端行为所作出的反应。抽象型题目Topic:一个社会的稳定不仅仅取决于该社会对人们极端行为所做出的反应而更多的是对该类行为的预防。 It is a universal wish tha

12、t we can live in a peaceful and stable society. However, in reality, some extreme human behavior is always menacing the stability of the society. At such moments when extreme behaviors occur, a society with a highly efficient way to confront them will be better at maintaining stability than those wh

13、o hasnt. But in order to obtain a long stability, a society will also need means to anticipate such behaviors, which means it should not depend on the ways to respond to them.(可以借鉴的开头)社会的极端行为是什么,一个社会需要对这些行为做出反应以起到稳定的作用To begin with, the so called “extreme behaviour” usually include the following one

14、s: violent crimes, extreme words uttered openly, or even uproars. When such things happens, they will usually influence the stability of the society, both physically and psychologically.然而仅仅对极端行为做出反应是被动的,更要积极地防止极端行为得出现。However, merely having such an organism to respond quickly and efficiently to the

15、 extreme behaviours is not enough. Its more important to prevent such extreme behaviors from occurring. Thats why something more than a quick response should be done, something that will forestall such behaviours. 因为任何的应对都是被动的,它也许能达到效果,却不一定能产出其根源;而积极的防治就是从根源上来来解决问题。我们该怎么做:不可忽视一般问题,若处理不当,在特定情况下会转化为人们

16、的极端行为。The stability of a society even requires its adequet conduction to some seemingly ordinary human behaviors in specific situations。it is more necessary for the society to eradicate these social problems at first that are the roots of the extreme behaviors. Eg 工人对工作强度过大,时间过长,薪金太少的不满-大罢工eg移民问题The

17、 stability of a society even requires its adequet conduction to some seemingly ordinary human behaviors in specific situations. For example, emmegration and immigration are normal things to any city when a balance is kept between. However, when one of them excedes the other by an overwhelming advant

18、age and the trends do not seem to be stoppable, the stability of the society must have been reduced. Compared to the extremes of human behavior and natural disasters, the abnormal of ordinary society functions is in a darker corner and is likely to be neglected, while the distructive influence of su

19、ch abnormals can also hinder a society to function soundly and stably. Thus governments should also be able to respond to these trends, however subtle they may be, and keep them in good balances.-5(16). Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely h

20、armless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.尽管许多人认为现代生活的奢华和便利是丝毫没有坏处的,但是这实际上让人们无法成为真正强大和独立的个体。社会和个人之发展问题Topic:奢华和便利是现代生活的一种表现,也是推动人类社会前进的动力,其本身是没有坏处的但是但不可否认,奢华和便利又让人们失去了一些品格,which 能让人们成为真正强大和独立的个体。奢华和便利是现代生活的一种表现,也是推动人类社会前进的动力,其本身是没有坏处

21、的,。 Unlike our ancestors, who had no advanced science and technology, we are equipped with all the knowledge to make various kinds of rather complicated tools, including airplanes, telephones and computers. These implements are of great help to us in that they aid us in almost all the fields and to

22、some extent, they replace, maybe strengthen, us in doing different works. We sit and read a newspaper while the plane carry us to they destination; We may lay down and watch TV while the washing machine deals with our clothes. We can even leave a complex math problem to the computer.正是这种奢华和便利推动着我们这会

23、向前的步伐,其本身是没有坏处的但不可否认,奢华和便利又让人们失去了一些品格,which 能让人们成为真正强大和独立的个体。1,坚韧性格的缺失;physically:人类的体质弱了,一些小病也讲求处于现代医疗 ;汽车代替了步行,越来越多的人因为缺乏锻炼而肥胖,而我们的祖先们则在大自然的风雨中练就了一身健壮和体魄;and mentally:越来越多的奢华和便利使得 人们所处的逆境越来越少,没有了生存的压力,也就缺失了挑战的勇气;而我们的先辈们在时时刻刻与大自然的搏斗中塑造了顽强勇敢的品格,而事实上,真正的强者都是在压力和逆境中产生的eg In fact, people often think th

24、at bad living conditions often contribute to form a strong character. Like a saying goes genius often comes from the adversities Those who confront with adversities often strive to find new ways to overcome the adversities, and then train themselves as brave and self-confident person .For example, L

25、incoln,a great American former president, live as a beggar in his childhood. Perhaps just the poor surrounding mould his character of bravery, ntegrity, probity and fortitude. On the contary, the luxuries and conviences of todays life is often looked up as a root of vices.2,独立性的缺失:随着文明化程度的提高,人们越来越多地

26、依赖于技术,而不愿意去思考。Eg电脑技术的发展给人类社会带来了巨大的进步,但在欣喜的同时,我们也看到:越来越多的学生在利用电脑进行十年前与他们同龄的笔算的四则算术题;越来越多的学生和办公人员把写完的文档贴到word上去差错而不是自己查;在internet 无限便利的今天,更多的人愿意当网上去搜集他们需要的观点而不是自己独立的思考。不可否认奢华和便利的生活正在世人们变得越来越懒,这不知道是人类的进步呢还是人类的悲哀?!3 ) 坚持靠教育。The key to this problem is our education to our young generations.How does a soc

27、iety cultivate our teenagers?what should a society apply educational methods towards young people?The parental education is part-and-packle of their germinal phase,they should teach them many virtues ,such as bravery, diligence, honesty, ect, which would build a solid ground in characters forming of

28、 our children,and then as they grow up teachers inculcations are also play an important role in their latter life.In addition young people should warn themselves not to indulge into extravagant things.if they are well-educated,inculcated in a good atmosphere and have a sense of self-conscious,therea

29、fter their strong characters come into being .-6(17). There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.有两种法律:公正的和不公正的。每个社会成员都有责任遵守公正的法律,但是更重要的是,更应该不遵守和反抗不公正的法律。社会和个人之法律公正么?

30、Topic:每个社会成员都有责任遵守公正的法律,而且更为重要的是要抵制不公正的法律,并且通过合适的手段去修正他。1)法律的公正与否在一定程度上取决于个人的价值标准,所以需要一个大多数人都能接受的定义。The fairness of any law depends on ones personal value system, or ones personal interest in the legal issue at hand. Eg安乐四 thus when it comes to unjust laws, it becomes a much complex and contraversia

31、l case. What actually arouse people of their worry and fear is how to separate unjust laws from those just ones. The stability of a society, they are afraid, will be on slippery slope if everyone refuses to obey those “unjust” laws according to his own opinions. However, here I confine the word “unj

32、ust” to a cautious and relatively narrow definition by referring to those laws that are forcing prejudice and unfair classification upon people, or that are preventing people from merited freedom of activities or thoughts.2)对于不公正的法律,每个人都有抵制的权利,否则法律将变成集权When people in a society are obliged or even ready to obey such unjust laws, the ultimate aim of law has been reduced to mere tool for ruling f

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