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1、卓越14U14716彭佳伟第十九周12.5 编写一个测试一个字符串是否为回文的递归函数,是回文,返回1;不是回文,返回0。void judge (char * str, int n) int start = strlen(str) - n; int end = n-1; if (strstart = strend) if (end - start 1) judge(str, n-1); else printf(1n); else printf(0n); 13.1 编写带哨兵的直接插入排序算法,将哨兵放在a0中,被排序的纪录放在a1an-1中。#include #ifndef MAX#defin

2、e MAX 8#endifint main(int argc, char const *argv) int aMAX = 0, 1, 2, 5, 3 ,6 ,3, -2; int j,i; int tmp; for (i = 2; i MAX; +i) a0 = ai; for (j = i-1; a0 aj; -j) aj+1 = aj; aj+1 = a0; for (i = 1; i 3) split = Partition(a, left, right); QuickSort(a, left, split-1); QuickSort(a, split+1, right); else i

3、f(right - left 0) InsertSort(a, left, right); int Partition(int a, int left, int right) int split = (left + right)/2; swap(a, left, split); int i = left; int j = right+1; while (1) while(a+i = aleft & i aleft); if(i = j) break; swap(a, i, j); swap(a, j, left); return j;void swap(int a, int i, int j)

4、 int temp; temp = ai; ai = aj; aj = temp;void InsertSort(int a, int left, int right) int i; int j; int temp; for (i = left+1; i = 0 & aj temp; j-) aj+1 = aj; aj+1 = temp; 14.4 输入一行长度无限制超长字符串,用一个先进先出且每个节点接受一个输入字符的单向链表接受这个字符串。再完成下列任务:(1)遍历输出链表中的所有字符;(2)将该超长字符串无冗余地存放到一个通过动态存储分配创建地字符数组中,并且通过puts函数或print

5、f函数输出该超长字符串。#include #include typedef struct String String;struct String char ch; String *next;void SaveSring(String * head);void PrintString(String *head);void SaveToArray(String *head);int main(void) String *head = NULL; printf(Please input a stringn); SaveSring(&head); PrintString(head); SaveToAr

6、ray(head); return 0;void SaveSring(String * head) String *current = NULL; String *previous = NULL; while( 1 ) current = (String*)malloc(sizeof(String); if (*head = NULL) *head = current; if (previous != NULL) previous-next = current; previous = current; current-next = NULL; scanf(%c, ¤t-ch); i

7、f (current-ch = n) current-ch = 0; current-next = NULL; break; void PrintString(String *head) while (head != NULL) printf(%c, head-ch); head = head-next; printf(n);void SaveToArray(String *head) int cnt; String *temp = head; for(cnt = 1; temp-next != NULL; cnt+) temp = temp-next; char stringcnt; for

8、 (int i = 0; i ch; head = head-next; puts(string);14.5 用后进先出单向链表重做第14.3。#include #include #include #include typedef struct Student Student;struct Student int number; char name10; float subject1; float subject2; float subject3; float average; Student *next;void Input(Student *head);void Output(Studen

9、t *head);void ChangeInfo(Student *head);void Sort(Student *head);int main(void) Student *head = NULL; int n; int flag = 1; while (flag = 1) printf(Please input the number of options :n); printf(1 : Input Informationt 2 : Change Informationn); printf(3 : Output Informationt 4 : Sort Informationn); pr

10、intf(5 : Quitn); scanf( %d, &n); switch (n) case 1: Input(&head); break; case 2: ChangeInfo(head); break; case 3: Output(head); break; case 4: Sort(head); break; case 5: flag = 0; break; default: printf(Illegal Input! Please input again.); break; printf(nn); return 0;void Input(Student *head) / 采用的是

11、后进先出的单向链表 char answer = y; while (answer = y) Student *current = NULL; current = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student); current-next = *head; *head = current; printf(Please input the students number : ); scanf( %d, ¤t-number); printf(Please input the students name : ); scanf( %s, current-name); pri

12、ntf(Please input the score of subject1 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject1); printf(Please input the score of subject2 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject2); printf(Please input the score of subject3 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject3); current-average = (current-subject1 + current-subject2 + current-subj

13、ect3)/3; printf(Do you want to input the infomation of another student? (Y/N) ); scanf( %c, &answer); answer = tolower(answer); void Output(Student *head) if (head = NULL) printf(You have not input any information!); else printf(nnttThe Infomation Of Studentsn); do printf(name:%stt, head-name); prin

14、tf(number:%dtt, head-number); printf(average:%.2fn, head-average); printf(subject1:%.2ft, head-subject1); printf(subject2:%.2ft, head-subject2); printf(subject3:%.2fnn, head-subject3); head = head-next; while (head != NULL); void ChangeInfo(Student *head) if (head = NULL) printf(You have not input a

15、ny information!); else Student *current = head; char name10; int flag = 0; int n; printf(Please input the students name : ); scanf(%s, name); while (current-next != NULL) if (strcmp(name, current-name) != 0) current = current-next; else flag = 1; printf(Please input the number of options :n); printf

16、(1 : subject1t2 : subject2t 3 : subject3t 4 : namet 5 : numbern); scanf(%d, &n); switch (n) case 1: printf(Please input the score of subject1 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject1); break; case 2: printf(Please input the score of subject2 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject2); break; case 3: printf(Please

17、input the score of subject3 : ); scanf( %f, ¤t-subject3); break; case 4: printf(Please input the students name : ); scanf( %s, current-name); break; case 5: printf(Please input the students number : ); scanf( %d, ¤t-number); default: break; if (n average = (current-subject1 + current-sub

18、ject2 + current-subject3)/3; break; void Sort(Student *head) /采用的是冒泡排序 /交换的是数据域,不是指针 if (head = NULL) printf(You have not input any information!); else Student temp; while (head-next != NULL) Student *current = head; while (current-next != NULL) if (current-average next-average) temp = *current; = current-next-next; current-next-next = current-next; *current = *current-next; *current-next = temp; current = current-next; head = head-next;

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