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1、状语从句汇总时间状语从句1、when1)在时候:=at the time that 表示一个瞬间性动作。 The days get longer when spring comes.When he comes here tomorrow, I will call you. (at the time that)When you use the computer, you should pay attention to the software. (表示动作同时发生)When they heard the teachers footsteps,they all stopped talking. (

2、表示动作发生在主句动作之前)2)as soon as 一就 I will call you when I get there.3)在期间,当时候=during the time that 表示一个延续性动作。 When I was young, I was sick all the time。 Henry is in charge of the office when Mr. Smith is away. (during the time that)4)突然,就在那时=just then表示“(这时)突然”之意为并列连词,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如: I

3、 was taking a walk when I met him.我正在散步,突然遇见了他。 We were playing outside when it began to rain.我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了 We were about to leave when he came in.我们就要离开,就在那时他进来了。2、as引导的动作既可以是延续性也可以时瞬时性。一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生。当时候,一边一边,随着。还可以强调句中两个动作紧接着先后发生,而不强调主句开始的特定时间。1)He smiled as he stood up.2)As the students walke

4、d to their classroom,they song happily。3)Asthetimewenton,theweathergotworse4)As we was going out, it began to snow. 当我们出门时,开始下雪了。(强调动作紧接着发生)3、while意为“当时候”,指一段时间,不能用来表示一个时间点。引出的从句动作是延续性的,并且强调从句动作和主句动作同时发生,并且while强调主句表示的动作是在 while 从句的动作延续中发生。1)While he was walking in the street, he met Tim. 2)He visit

5、ed a lot of places while he was traveling.3)I was cooking dinner while/when he was playing the piano.4、whenever,every time(when,that), each time(when,that) 任何时候,每当1)Every time/each time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.2)Whenever/ each time/ every time I met her, she was studying.5、before,afte

6、rBefore 在之前,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前。当主句用将来时,从句用现在时;从句是过去时,那么主句多用过去完成时,这样以便体现动作发生的先后。1) Mr. Brown had worked in a bank for a year before he came here.2) Einstein almost knocked me down before he saw me.3) My father had left for Canada just before the letter arrived.注意before引导的从句不再用否定式的谓语,并且当before引导的从句位于主句之后

7、,有时译成“就,才”。It will be four days before they come back. 他们要过四天才能回来。Einstein almost knocked me down before he saw me.爱因斯坦几乎把我撞倒才看到我。They had not been married four months before they were divorced. 他们结婚还不到四个月就离婚了。After表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。主句和从句的动作的时间关系正好与before引导的从句相反。1) After you think it over, please let

8、me know what you decide(决定).2) After we had finished the work, we went home.6、till/ until到为止,(直到才,在之前)till和until一般情况下两者可以互换,要注意的是:1)如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬时动词时,主句必须用否定形式;直到才,在之前(1)I didnt go to bed until(till)my father came back.(2)I wont go with you until (till) I have finished my homework.2)如果主句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时

9、,用肯定或否定形式都可以,但表达的意思不同。例如:(1)I worked until he came back. 我工作到他回来为止 (到为止)(2)I didnt work until he came back. 直到他回来我才开始工作(直到才)(3)Please wait until I arrived. 请等到我来了为止;在我到来之前,请等待。3)在强调句型中多用until It is/ was not until that直到才(1) It was not until the meeting was over that he began to teach me English.(2)

10、He didnt begin to teach me English until the meeting was over.(3) It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a film star.(4) =I didnt realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.7、since,ever since 自从,从以来, 从那时起一直到现在;此后一直,since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,

11、又可以是瞬时动词。一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。1)I have been in Beijing since you left.2)Where have you been since I last saw you?3)we have never met since we graduated from school.4)Mr Green has taught in that school since he came to China three years ago.5)I have known him ever since he was a boy.在It

12、is时间since从句的句型中,主句多用一般现在时。表示的意思是:从以来多长时间了1) It is two years since we moved here./ it has been two years since we moved here.2) It is five years since we met last time.注意:在连词since引导的时间状语从句中, 用终止性动词的过去时或用延缓性动词过去时,其含义是大不相同。A、since所引导的时间状语从句中,如果句子谓语是瞬时性性动词的过去时, 则从句表示的时间是从“那一时刻开始”: He has studied very ha

13、rd since he came to our school. B、since所引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语是持续性动词的过去时,那么从句所表示的时间是从持续性动词所表示的动作结束时算起: I havent heard any noise since I slept=(woke up). “我醒后还未听到任何声音”。C、since所引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语是持续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),那么从句所表示的时间是从动作发生之时算起:I havent heard from him since he has lived there。这里haslived表示动作的持

14、续性,时间的起点应从:“开始居住”时算起。因此此句可理解为“自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信”。总结:由此可见,since引导的从句持续动词的一般过去时和现在完成时所表示的意思恰好相反。换言之,前者以肯定的语法形式反映着否定的逻辑内容,而后者的形式与内容是一致的。比较: Since Ive been at this school, we have had three headmasters.Since I was at this school, they have had three headmasters. He has never been to see me since

15、I have been ill.He has never been to see me since I was ill.注意:在“it issince”结构中,since引导的从句绝对不能用否定式的谓语动词来表示否定的意义。It is a long time since he didnt study English. Its a long time since he studied EnglishIts two months since you didnt come to see me. You havent come to see me for two months.8、由as soon a

16、s, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the instant, the minute, 等引导的时间状语从句。这些连词都表示从句动作一发生,主句动作随即发生,常理解为“一.就” “刚就”1)I will go there directly/ immediately/ instantly I have finished my breakfast.2)As soon as we got home, the telephone rang. 3)I want to see her the moment/ instant/ minute (th

17、at) she arrives.4)I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it.9、hardly(scarcely, rarely)when / before, no soonerthan相当于as soon as之意,他们只用于过去时,主句一般用过去完成,从句用过去。1)He had no sooner arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.2)The sun had no sooner risen than he began to work.3)I had

18、 hardly sat down when he came in.4)He had hardly fallen asleep when he felt a touch on his shoulder.5)The words had no sooner been spoken than he realized that had made a big mistake.6)He had hardly reached the airport when the airplane took off.当hardly, scarcely, rarely和no sooner位于句首时,主句应用倒装语序,基本结构

19、如下:Hardly(Scarcely,Rarely,No sooner)+had+主语+其他.+when或than引导的从句,例如:Hardly had I reached the airport when their plane took off.10、by the time 到为止 (主句一把用完成时)在一般情况下,如果从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词用过去完成时,如果从句的谓语动词用一般现在时表示将来的动作时,主句的谓语动词用将来完成时。1) By the time he gets there, his father has already gone.2) By the tim

20、e I got to school, the class had already began.3) By the time you come here tomorrow, I will have finished this work.11、由as long as和so long as引导的时间状语从句。这两个连词表示“有多久就多久”。例如: You can go where you like as long as you get back before dark. 你可以随意到哪里去,只要在天黑以前回来就行。 I will fight against these conditions as l

21、ong as there is a breath in my body! 只要我一息尚存,我就要反对这种境况。重点难点as, when, while都是引导时间状语从句(adverbial clause of time)的从属连词。它们的用法和区别如下:1、 如果甲事件发生在乙事件的过程之中,而且乙事件有延续性,甲事件无延续性或只有较短的延续性,这时as, when, while都可使用,但while强调过程或时间段内的含义,而as最为口语化。As we were walking past a shop,he held a diamond firmly against the window a

22、nd made a deep impression in the glass.(此处也可换用when或while,若用while则强调就在走路的过程中。)When/While/As he was eating his breakfast,he heard the door bell ring.当他在用早餐的时,听到门铃响了。(while强调吃早餐的过程。)2、 如果两个事件的发生在时间上没有先后之分,或是没有明显的先后之分时,我们称之为同时性(same time)。两个同时发生的事件如果都有延续性,而且延续时间大致相等时,用when或while,不用as。I was cooking dinne

23、r while/when he was playing the piano.I cooked dinner while/when he played the piano.他在弹钢琴的时候我在做饭。(两句意义基本相同,用进行时更加突出事情的持续性。)3、两个同时发生的事件如果都没有延续性,用when或as,不用while:The dog barked when/as it heard a noise.狗听到声音,叫了起来。4、 两个同时发生的事件如果不是一次性的,而是重复性的动作,即过去或现在的习惯性动作,那么只能用when,不能用as和while,表示“每当,的时候”,相当于“whenever

24、, every time” When(Whenever/Every time) he goes to town,he always visit his aunt.每次他去城里时,他总是去看望他的姑姑。5、 不强调特定的时间性,只是说明两个紧接着的动作时,多用as; as有时还可用来表示“随着”的含义。As I was going out,it began to rain.当我出门时,开始下雨了。(强调两个动作紧挨着。)As spring warms the good earth,all flowers begin to bloom.随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。(表示“随着”,不用when或wh

25、ile )6、 when有时还可作为并列连词,用于引导无延续性事件的分句,这时when分句不同于时间状语从句,而是相当于一个并列分句,表示“and at that time ;while和as均无此功能。注意:与第一类情况相区别,前者时间状语从句中多用进行时,主句不用进行时,而此处是when分句不用进行时。He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.(and at that time

26、)(表示“就在那时”。)I was cooking the dinner when I broke a glass.我正做着晚饭,突然打碎了一个玻璃板。比较:I broke a glass when/while/as I was cooking the dinner.我在做饭的时候打碎了一个玻璃板。7、while也可以作为并列连词,连接两个独立的句子,但它表示的是语义的转折和对比,相当于whereas. when和as都无此用法。Jean is slender, while Mary is stout.as表示当时一面一面,随着。其具体用法如下: 1、 表示当时、和同时。常指从句的动作未结束,

27、主句中的动作就已发生。从句中多用表示动作的动词,而不用be动词或表示感觉、理解、知道这类动词。As he stood there, he saw two men enter the bar. She dropped the glass as she stood up. As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for directions to the nearest station. 2、当主句、从句动作同时进行,从句动作的时间概念淡化,只能用as。这时as常表示 “一边,一边”之意,常指一个主语的两种动作同时交替进行。如:

28、 He sang as he worked. The students took notes as they listened. Thelittlegirlssangastheywent小姑娘们一边走,一边唱。Thesadmothersatontheroadside,shoutingasshewascrying伤心的妈妈坐在路边,边哭边叫。3、用于平行发展的结构中,表示随着。表示主句动作发生的背景或条件,或一种状态随另一种状态变化。句中的动词多表示状态的发展变化。 Asthetimewenton,theweathergotworse(as表示“随着”之意)Theatmospheregetsth

29、innerandthinnerastheheightincreases Asyearsgoby,Chinaisgettingstrongerandricher As the wind rose the noise increased. As it grew darker it became colder. As he grew older he became more confident. 4、表示两个短动作或事件几乎同时发生,最常用的是as或just as,也可用when As I was going out,it began to rain. As(强调句中两个动作紧接着先后发生,不是强调

30、开始下雨的特定时间)I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.While表示在的时候、在期间。它强调主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中。While从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词。如: Never get on or off a bus while it is in motion. The weather was fine while we were in Beijing. She called while I was ou

31、t. 1、如果主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生,从句常用进行时。如: While we were swimming someone stole our clothes. Dont talk so loud while others are working. 2、如果主句和从句主语相同,while加现在分词可代替状语从句。如: We must strike while the iron is hot. He took a bath while I was preparing dinner. Come and pay a visit to the park while the flowers are in bloom. 时间状语从句练习题1. _ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been. 2. _ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully. 3. I saw her just _ she was getting off the train. 4. Have a good look at that

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