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1、推荐教研活动的英语主持词亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档教研活动的英语主持词,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。教研活动的英语主持词主持词要把握好吸引观众、导入主题、创设情境等环节以吸引观众。在各种集会、活动不断增多的社会,各种集会中主持词起到的作用越来越大,那么如何把主持词做到重点主题呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的教研活动的英语主持词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。教研活动的英语主持词篇1Dear leaders, guests and teachers, good m

2、orning!In the waning March of spring flowers, we gather in this beautiful campus. First of all, Id like to thank Mr. Yang from the teaching and Research Office for his trust in our school. On behalf of all teachers and students, I would like to express my warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks to all

3、the leaders and colleagues who have come to participate in this teaching and research activity. Lets take this opportunity to speak out, study and improve together. I believe that with your participation, this teaching and research activity will certainly be a new step!This teaching and research act

4、ivity has the following links:The first part: please talk about your classroom.First of all, lets invite Wu Xiaorong, a teacher who offers lessons from Liuhu middle school, to talk about his idea of reviewing lessons.Lets invite Xia Dayin, the teacher of our school, to exchange teaching ideas and to

5、 reflect after class.The second part: invite Guo Wanjun, the teacher of Liuhu middle school, to comment and discuss the lesson.The third part: wonderful special report.Section 4: the classroom needs to be savored. In order to improve the taste of activities, enrich the connotation, give full play to

6、 the leading and guiding role of experts, and trigger the collision of thinking, we sincerely ask Mr. Yang, the political teaching researcher of the teaching and Research Office, to analyze the pulse of classroom teaching from a professional perspective, and to point out the maze for us.The fifth pa

7、rt: lets welcome President Li Chao to give a speech.Conclusion: if listening to a good lesson is a kind of enjoyment, then listening to experts comments is a kind of enjoyment. Experts comment is a kind of diagnosis and encouragement, which is an effective platform to improve the concept, adjust tea

8、ching and develop ability. Today we shared the classroom teaching of the ninth grade political review class, the same classroom, the same dream. With the encouragement and comments of the experts, I hope that the teachers will continue to move forward, practice and explore the teaching art. I believ

9、e that in the final review sprint, as long as we have more wisdom, less mediocrity, more innovation and less forms, our teaching flowers will be more colorful!Finally, once again, thank you leaders, thank you colleagues, thank you! This concludes todays event.尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、老师们:大家上午好!在这春花的漫烂三月,我们相聚在这美



12、活动到此结束。教研活动的英语主持词篇2Dear teachers Zhang and Liang, good morning!Spring in March, willow slightly inclined. Today, we are looking forward to Chinese teaching with great enthusiasm. In this spring season, we meet again with the teaching and research activities of famous teachers studio. Every teaching

13、and research activity of our famous teachers Studio records everyones efforts and efforts. It is a footmark of our progress, a spark of our communication and thinking, and a self sublimation of our harvest. Today we would like to thank teachers Zhou XX and WAN XX for their two wonderful seminars. Bo

14、th teachers have made careful preparation and paid hard work. Next, we will discuss and exchange the two classes in the morning, and take the two classes as the carrier to discuss how to improve the effectiveness of writing in primary Chinese class. I hope you still dont have to grudge your words; y

15、ou dont have to worry. Lets speak out your questions and puzzles, say your opinions, introduce your valuable experience, and sincerely hope that this teaching and research activity can contribute to our progress.The teachers sincere and wonderful communication reflects a kind of wisdom and charm in

16、the communication, and analyzes and evaluates this lesson from different aspects, which is of great value to promote our professional growth and solve the problems found in the teaching. Classroom teaching is an art with regrets. Because there are regrets forever, we will keep forging ahead and grow

17、ing up.Teachers comments are really different from each other. Because of the time, everyones comments will come to an end.Thank you for your free speech, and thank you for your wonderful comments. In the end, two hosts are invited to comment on the two classes and summarize the teaching and researc

18、h activities.Thanks to Mr. Liang and Mr. Zhang for their wonderful comments; the two hosts speeches are from a high position, concrete and vivid, and enlightening.Time flies fast. Our activity today is coming to an end. However, our steps for Chinese teaching practice never stop. There is a long way

19、 to go. We must walk from now on. Although we are far away, we should cherish it. We believe that we will see a more beautiful education landscape and enjoy a more meaningful education happiness along the way. Thank you again for your active participation. I wish you a happy return and safety.尊敬的张老师


21、介绍您的宝贵经验;真诚的希望本次教研活动能够为我们的前进推波助澜。老师真诚而精彩的交流,思如风发,言如泉涌,在交流中投射着一种智慧,一种魅力,从不同的侧面对本节课进行了分析评价,这对于促进我们的专业成长,解决教学中发现的问题具有重要的价值。 “课堂教学是一门有遗憾的艺术”,正因为永远有遗憾,我们才会不断进取,不断成长。老师们的点评真是仁者见仁,智者见智,因为时间关系,大家的评课先暂告一段落。感谢大家的畅所欲言,感谢老师的精彩点评。最后请两位主持人对两节课作点评并就本次教研活动做总结。感谢梁老师、张老师的精彩点评;两位主持人的发言高屋建瓴,具体生动,启示深刻。时间过的真快,我们今天的活动即将结束

22、,然而我们为语文教学实践的脚步永不停驻。路漫漫,我们必须从现在就走起来,虽远且行,且行且珍惜,相信我们一路会看到更加美丽的教育风景,享受到更有意义的教育幸福。再次感谢大家的积极参与,祝大家回程愉快,注意安全。教研活动的英语主持词篇3Dear Director Zhu of the district teaching and Research Office, experts, leaders of all brother schools, teachers:Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our nine-year school. In order to i

23、mplement the key points of the 20 * * year work of the District Bureau of education and sports, according to the requirements of the joint film teaching and research work of the district teaching and Research Office, the Guanmiao joint film teaching and research activity of this semester is undertak

24、en by Gongjin nine-year school. This activity has received the cordial care and guidance from the district teaching and research office and the leaders of Guanmiao middle school, and the strong support and positive response from the leaders and teachers of the five joint film schools.Also attending

25、the activity are the famous teachers and colleagues of brother school. Welcome to come.Once again, on behalf of Gongjin town center, I would like to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders, experts and famous teachers!1. Now, lets welcome President Hong Kai of Jinjin nine yea

26、r school2. Director Zhu of the teaching and Research Office of the district took the time out of his busy schedule to come to our school to check and guide the joint film teaching and research work. Now, please welcome Director Zhu with warm applause.3. Introduce the agenda of todays event.There are

27、 four main items: opening ceremony, class attendance, group assessment and expert guidance lecture.Summary meeting in the afternoon:First item of agenda: lets welcome Mr. Zhang tufang, a municipal teaching expert, to give a speech on the growth of young teachers with warm applause.The second agenda:

28、 next, lets invite the experts from the teaching and research section of the district to make brilliant comments and guidance speeches on this activity.We have highly affirmed our teaching and research activities. At the same time, we also find out the existing shortcomings, and point out the direct

29、ion for our future classroom teaching work and the growth of young teachers. Let us get enlightenment. After the meeting, we will seriously reflect and strive to promote the in-depth development of our schools teaching work, and strive to promote teachers to improve their own teaching level.Third ag

30、enda: finally, lets invite principal Luo of Guanmiao middle school to give a speech.In recent years, Guanmiao middle school has been actively organizing and guiding schools in the area to hold joint film teaching and research activities, to build a platform for exchanges and cooperation between scho

31、ols, promote school-based teaching and research, promote professional growth of teachers, create efficient classroom, and improve teaching quality. This joint film teaching and research activity can be held in our school. We are very encouraged and sincerely hope to build a bridge between our brothe

32、r schools, provide opportunities for teachers to learn, exchange and discuss, and promote every teacher to actively participate in teaching research and innovation. It can play a positive role in promoting the teaching, research and reform of the school. I believe that under the strong guidance of the district teaching and research office and Guanmiao middle school, and with the strong support of the joint film schools, more charming classes

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