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1、哈伯德微观经济学课后答案哈伯德微观经济学课后答案【篇一:哈伯德英文版微观经济学练习c02】hubbard/obrien) chapter 2 trade-offs, comparative advantage, and the market system 1) scarcity: a) requires tradeoffs. b) is due to limited wants. c) is due to unlimited resources. d) all of the above. 2) an example of a factor of production would be: a)

2、a car produced by an auto manufacturer. b) a worker hired by an auto manufacturer. c) money borrowed by an auto manufacturer. d) all of the above. 3) the production possibilities frontier shows: a) the various products that can be produced now and in the future. b) attainable combinations of two pro

3、ducts that may be produced in a particular time period with available resources. c) what an equitable distribution of products among citizens would be. d) what people want to have produced in a particular time period. 4) the attainable production points on a production possibility curve are: a) the

4、horizontal and vertical intercepts. b) the points along the production possibilities frontier. c) the points outside the area enclosed by the production possibilities frontier. d) the points along and inside the production possibility frontier. 5) the unattainable points vis-a-vis a production possi

5、bilities frontier are: a) the points within the production possibilities frontier. b) the points along the production possibilities frontier. c) the points of the horizontal and vertical intercepts. d) the points outside the production possibilities frontier. refer to figure 2.1 for the questions be

6、low.figure 2.1 6) in figure 2.1, point a: a) is technically efficient. b) is unattainable with current resources. c) is inefficient implying not all resources are being used. d) is the equilibrium. 7) in figure 2.1, point b: a) is technically efficient. b) is unattainable with current resources. c)

7、is inefficient implying not all resources are being used. d) is the equilibrium. 8) in figure 2.1, point c: a) is technically efficient. b) is unattainable with current resources. c) is inefficient implying not all resources are being used. d) is the equilibrium. 9) on a production possibilities fro

8、ntier, a combination of output that is inside the frontier is: a) allocatively efficient. b) productively efficient c) allocatively inefficient. d) productively inefficient. 10) assumed with a production possibilities frontier is that: a) only two products are produced. b) resource supplies are fixe

9、d. c) technology is fixed. d) all of the above. 1-5:abbdd 6-10:cdb-d 11) the term that means the highest valued alternative given up when a person chooses to engage in an activity is: a) accounting cost. b) dollar cost. c) opportunity cost. d) explicit cost. 12) if a firm can produce a combination o

10、f 60 units of x together with 80 units of y if it produces 70 units of x, the firm can only produce 60 units of y, thus the opportunity cost to produce 10 more units of x is: a) 20 units of y. b) 10 units of x. c) two units of y. d) one-half a unit of x. 13) increasing opportunity cost along a bowed

11、 out production possibilities frontier occurs because: a) of inefficient production. b) of ineffective management by entrepreneurs. c) some factors of production are not equally suited to producing both goods or services. d) of the scarcity of factors of production. 14) the slope or rate of change a

12、long a production possibilities frontier: a) has no economic relevance or meaning. b) is always constant. c) is always varying. d) measures the opportunity cost of producing one more unit of a good. 15) at full employment, an economy that wants to produce more war goods: a) must wait until resource

13、supplies have increased. b) must increase the production of consumer goods. c) must cut back on the production of other goods. d) must be attempting the impossible. 16) a production situation with constant opportunity cost would be graphed as : a) a negatively sloped curve bowed out from the origin.

14、 b) a positively sloped straight line. c) a negatively sloped curve bowed in toward the origin. d) a negatively sloped straight line. 17) production possibilities frontier model shows that: a) if consumers decide to buy more of a product its price will increase. b) a market economy is more efficient

15、 in producing goods and services than is a centrally planned economy. c) economic growth can only be achieved by free market economies. d) if all resources are fully and efficiently utilized, more output of good x can only be achieved by producing less of another good.18) if a nations production pos

16、sibilities frontier moves outward, this represents: a) economic growth. b) rising prices of the two goods on the production possibilities frontier model. c) an impossible situation. d) a change in producing one good in favor of the other. 19) economic growth represented is on a production possibilit

17、ies frontier model by the production possibility frontier: a) shifting outward. b) shifting inward. c) becoming steeper. d) becoming flatter. 20) without an increase in the supplies of factors of production, how can a nation grow economically? a) it cannot b) through technological advance which enab

18、les more output with the same resource supplies c) by lowering the price of factors of production d) by increasing the price of factors of production 11-15:cacdc 16-20:ddaab 21) people trade with each other because: a) by specializing in one activity people can increase production. b) people who spe

19、cialize must trade with others for what they want to consume. c) specialization by individual people implies trade by everyone. d) of all of these reasons. 22) you have an absolute advantage whenever you: a) are better educated than someone else. b) can produce more of something than others with the

20、 same resources. c) prefer to do one particular activity. d) can produce something at a lower opportunity cost than others. 23) if george can mow 10 lawns or cultivate 5 gardens a day while jack can mow 6 lawns or cultivate 4 gardens a day, then: a) jack has an absolute advantage in both lawn mowing

21、 and garden cultivating. b) george has an absolute advantage in both lawn mowing and garden cultivating. c) jack has an absolute advantage in lawn mowing. d) jack has an absolute advantage in garden cultivating. 24) if george can mow 10 lawns or cultivate 5 gardens a day while jack can mow 6 lawns o

22、r cultivate 4 gardens a day, then: a) jack has a comparative advantage in garden cultivating. b) george has an absolute advantage in both lawn mowing and garden cultivating. c) george has a comparative advantage in lawn mowing. d) all of the above are correct.25) if george can mow 10 lawns or cultiv

23、ate 5 gardens a day while jack can mow 6 lawns or cultivate 4 gardens a day, then jacks opportunity cost of mowing a lawn is: a) half a garden cultivated. b) two lawns mowed. c) two-thirds of a garden cultivated. d) one and a half lawns mowed. 26) comparative advantage means: a) a producing unit can

24、 produce more of a good or service with the same amount of resources than any other producing unit. b) a producing unit can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than any other producing unit. c) compared to anyone else, you are better at what you do. d) none of the above. 27) indivi

25、duals who have never been the best at doing anything: a) will never be able to earn a decent income. b) can still have a comparative advantage in producing some good or service. c) can only be employed at simple jobs. d) will have to be supported by the government. 28) households: a) have no influen

26、ce on the circular flow in a market economy. b) purchase resources in the factor market. c) sell goods in the product market. d) sell resources in the factor market. 29) among the characteristics of the circular flow in a market economy is: a) firms sell goods and services in the product market. b)

27、households spend earnings from resource sales on goods and services in the product market. c) firms hire resources sold by households in the factor market. d) all of these are characteristic of the circular flow in a market economy. 30) which of the following is correct about a simple circular flow

28、model? a) producers are neither buyers nor sellers in the product market. b) households are sellers in the product market. c) producers are buyers in the factors market. d) none of these are correct. 21-25:dbb-c 26-30:bbddc 31) an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations published

29、 in 1776 was written by? a) john maynard keynes b) karl marx c) alfred marshall d) adam smith【篇二:微观经济学大纲】txt(microeconomics) 制定单位:经济学院经济系 制 定 人:王晓青 江虹 梁香青 审 核 人:孙国锋 李涛 编写时间:2011年7月27日 第一部分 课程概述 一、基本信息 (一)课程代码 04110060 (二)课程属性、学分、学时 微观经济学是财经类学生的专业基础课。本课程总学时为54学时,3学分。 (三)适用对象 适用于财经类院校经济管理类专业本科生。 (四)先修

30、课程与知识准备 本门课程的先修课程:政治经济学、微积分等。 后续课程包括宏观经济学、发展经济学、货币银行学、统计学、经济学说史、国际经济学、经济学(中级)等。 二、课程简介 微观经济学是现代西方众多的经济学分支学科的理论基础,是财经类学生的专业基础课。通过微观经济学的学习,让学生掌握微观经济学的基本原理和分析方法,了解并能够清楚地解释价格形成的机理,决定价格的主要因素,且能够解释价格机制的作用和市场运作的原理,理解资源配置有效性的含义及其条件,了解并说明价格机制作用的局限性。通过微观经济学的学习,培养学生从经济学的角度独立分析问题的能力,能运用微观经济学的分析工具和方法来认识和理解现实中的单个

31、消费者和企业的经济行为,能初步回答如何管理决策、如何制定和理解公共政策,以及了解世界是如何运转的、现代经济社会是如何运作的等社会现象。 microeconomics is the theoretical basis of branch subjects of modern western economics, which is an elementary course of subject for the students in finance and economics. this introductory course teaches the fundamentals of microeconomics and analysis methods. topics include consumer theory, producer theory, the behavior of firms, market equilibrium, monopoly, and the role of the government in the economy. the course is designed to help you build an understanding of price mechanism and its main determining factors,

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