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1、牛津沪教版英语四年级上册Unit1Unit12全册同步练习课时练Module 1 Unit 1 习题一、选择填空。1. - Good morning, Lily. - A. Good morning, Jill. B. My name is Lily. C. Good afternoon, Jill.2. Whats your name? - A. His names Bob. B. My names Bob. C. Nice to meet you.3. This is my brother. names Sally.A. Her B. Shes C. His4. This is my si

2、ster. Names Jack.A. Her B. Hes C. His5.- Goodbye, Kitty. - A. Nice to meet you. B. Good morning, Peter. C. See you, Peter. Module 1 Unit 2 习题一、用下列方框中所给的词填空。fly swim jump run1. A fish can .2. A rabbit can . 3. A bird can .4. A cat can . 二、将下列句子补充完整,每空一词。1. -Can you swim?-Yes, I .2. -Can she fly?-No,

3、she .3. -What she do?-She can skate.4. -What can you do, Supergirl? - can swim and fly.Module 1 Unit 3 习题一、写出下列汉语词汇的英文单词。1. 开心的 2. 悲伤的 3. 口渴的 4. 饱的 5. 饥饿的 6. 疲惫的 Module 2 Unit 4 习题一、根据下图提示写出人物关系单词。二、补全对话,每空一词。A- 1 is this?B-This is my cousin. 2 names Dan. He can swim.A-How 3 is he?B-Hes 11 years old

4、. Do you have any 4 , Kitty?A-Yes, I have two cousins.Module 2 Unit 5 习题一、写出下列衣物的英文名称。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、翻译下列短语。1. 一件绿色的T恤 2. 一条棕色的短裤 3. 骑自行车 4. 放风筝 Module 2 Unit 6 习题一、看图回答问题。1. -What does your mother do?-Shes a . 2. -What does your father do?-Hes a . 3. -Is your uncle a ?-Yes, he is.4. -What does y

5、our cousin do?-Hes a . 5. -What does your aunt do?-Shes a . Module 3 Unit 7 习题一、看图补充句子。1. This is the . Look! Miss Fang is busy now.2. We have a . There are many computers in it.3. This is our . There are many books in it.4. Theres a big in our school. We can run and play there.5. This is a .Module

6、3 Unit 8 习题一、看图写单词。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、补全对话,每空一词。1. - What would you like, Mum?-I like some candy.2. -How are these?-Twenty yuan, please.Module 3 Unit 9 习题一、看图回答问题。 1.Where is the cat?Its the tree. 2.Where is the schoolbag?Its the bed. 3.Where is the ball?Its the desk. 4.Where are the eggs?Theyre t

7、he box. 5.Where is the plate?Its the table. Module 4 Unit 10 习题一、补全对话。 1. -Where is your home, Lily? -Its Brown Street.2. - there any shops near your home? -Yes, there .3. - your home on Green Street? -Yes, it is.4. - a park near your home? -Yes, there is.5. -Are there any shops near your school? -N

8、o, there .Module 4 Unit 11 习题一、写出下列图形的英文名称。 1 2 3 4 5 二、看图补全对话。A:Look at the picture. squares are there?B:There square.A:How many circles are there?B:There circle.A:How many rectangles and triangles are there?B:There are rectangles and triangles.Module 4 Unit 12 习题一、看图填词。 1-Hows the weather today? 2

9、- Hows the weather today?-Its . - Its . I like the . 3-Hows the weather today? 4- Hows the weather today?-Its . - Its . I dont like the .一、写出下列英语的汉语意思。 1. warm 2. hot 3. cool 4. cold 牛津上海版英语四年级上册知识点整理Unit1Meetingnewpeople生词: eleven twelvethirte enfourteenfifteensixteen newmorning classmate her name

10、sit afternoon his 句型: My/His/Her name is . Nice to meet you. See you.Hes/Shes . (age) Thisismy. Good morning/afternoon语法: 形容词性物主代词 my,her,his,your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做定语,后面必须跟一个名词。 例如: Thisismybrother.HisnameisTom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式: my 我的 , yo

11、ur 你的 , his/her/its 他的、她的、它的 。复数形式: our (我们的), your (你们的), their (他们的)。 Unit2 Can you swim?生词: run fast fly drawreadwriteswimjump welcomebut skate dance cat mouse bird rabbit fish elephant句型: I/He/She/Kitty/My sister can . I/He/She cant Can you/he/she? What can you/he/she do?Welcome to Super Show. A

12、 fish can swim. An elephant can ran fast. 语法: 1. 情态动词 can 意思是“会,能”,表示会做某事。 句子结构: 肯定句:主语 +can+do( 动词原形 )否定句:主语 +can+not+do( 动词原形 ) 一般疑问句: Canyou/he/she/theyrunfast ?特殊疑问句: Whatcanyou/he/she/theydo ? 例如: Myfriendcanrideabicycle. Icantswim.Mybrothercanhearthebird. Icantdrawflowers.注: can 的否定有两种书写形式 can

13、t 和 cannot2. 连词 butBut 是个表示转折关系的并列连词,意思是“但是,然而”。例如: Icanrun,butIcan tswim. 我会跑但是 我不会游泳。Mysistercansing,butshecan tdance. 我妹妹会唱歌但是不会游Unit 3 Are you happy?生词 :happy hungry thirsty sad fulltired bird see drinkbottle a new kite look at have some water/biscuits. little stones drink the water very thirsty

14、 have a good idea语法: Im/He/She/Peter is happy/hungry. Are you sad/tired? Yes, I am/No, Im mot.Is Kitty thirsty? Yes, she is/No, she isnt.Howdoyoufeel? Im/Were.Module2Me, myfamilyandfriendsUnit 4 Jill sfamily生词: father mother parent brother sister uncle auntgrandfather grandmother grandparent mecousi

15、n a big family Uncle Johns son Dans father 语法: I have two cousins. I dont have any cousins.Doyouhave any .?Yes, Ido. /No, Idont.How old is your brother? He is 11 years old.Who is this/that? This/That is my uncle/me.Welcome to my home. Is this your brother? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.Unit5 My friends生词:

16、 shirt T-shirtskirtshorts dress brown green redwhite black blue pink yellow purple a pair of shorts orange get out tooth/teeth sharp a brown shirt fly a kitean orange dress ride a bike skate afraid 语法: I have a black T-shirt. He/Shehas a pair of brown shortsUnit6 My parents生词: doctornurseteacherstud

17、entfire man cookbusdriverJills father kid help people fire play with 语法: Whatdoes your father do?He/Sheis a fireman.What do you/your parents do? Im/My father is a doctor.Is your sister a nurse? Yes, she is/No, she isnt.Dont play with fire. Yes, Mr Xu.Are you afraid of fire? No. I like my job.Module3

18、PlacesandactivitiesUnit7 At school生词: school office busy computer many library tryPlayground classroom toilet animal pupil forest first Climb trees teachers office an animal school no classroom语法: There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是 “ 有 ” ,表示 “ 人或事物的存在 ” 或 “ 某地有某物 ” 。There be 句型的构成形式一般为 “ There is/are + 某物 / 人

19、 + 某地 / 时 ” ,表示某地 / 时有某物 / 人1. 当动词 be 后所接的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时, be 应该取单数 is ;当其后所接的名词是复数的可数名词时, be 用复数 are 。2. There be 句型中的 be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即 “ 就近原则 ” ,如: There are five books,two pens and a ruler in the school bag.There is a ruler,two pens and five books in the school bag.Unit8 At the shop生词: shop t

20、omato(es) potato(es) soup carrot fish meatrice together bread milk water juice candy egg an egg a carrot some juice/tomatoes a pair of magic glassesglasses shop 语法: 可数名词是可以用来计数的名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式。如: desk-desks, apple-apples 等。不可数名词是不可以直接用来计数的名词。不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如: some bread , a little milk 等。 What w

21、ould you like? Id like a/an/some -.How much are these? Thirty yuan, please.Here you are. Can I help you? Yes. Id like -.Unit9 At home生词: need where in box give plate on table lunchunder beside floor angry plate kitchen have lunchin the box on the bed under the table beside the chair 语法: Where is the

22、 ball? Its -. Where are the books? They are -.Give me a plate, please. Lets have lunch. OK/Great.Module4The world around usUnit1 0 around my home 生词: home around street park near behind supermarketrestaurant live old eat nice food a lot of eat nice foodon Brown Street on a busy street Beijing Roast

23、Duck语法: some 多用于肯定句 , 而 any 多用于否定句、疑问句Is/Are there a/any -? Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.Unit11 shapes 生词: shape picture square circle star rectangle triangletoday well how many look at very well语法: Here are some biscuits for you.How many circles are there? There are six circles. Unit12 Weather生词: weather sun sunny rain rainy cloud cloudy windwindy snow snowy cold cool warmhot Sundaygo to the park fly a kite 语法: I like the rain. I dont like the sun.Howistheweather/Whats the weather like ? Its.

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