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1、高考英语语法选择题限时练习10套每套30题,15分钟(附参考答案)高考英语语法题15分钟限时模拟训练11. We had _ wonderful time_the party_ other day.A. a,on,the B./,at,on C. a,at,the D./,on,/2. Its said that _ is going to give us a lecture.A. an American famous young B. a famous American yougC. a famous young American D. a young famous American3. N

2、early_ of the surface of our planet is covered by water.A. seven-ten B. seven-tenth C. seven-tenths D. seventh-ten4. You must have waited here for a long time ,_you?A. mustnt B. didnt C. havent D. hadnt5. China has hundreds of islands, _ is Taiwan Island.A. among them the largest B. and the largest

3、of whichC. and the largest of them D. but in which the largest6. -You dont look so well, Mary. Whats the matter with you?-Why?_.A. Im quite myself B. Fine, think you C. I felt bad D. Im not myself7. This new-type machine_ little room.A. takes up B. is taken up C. has been taken up D. is taking up8.

4、It is impossible for_ little room.A. so, such B. so, so C. such a, so D. such, such9. -You forgot your keys when you left home in the morning.-Good heavens,_.A. so did I. B. so I did. C. so you did. D. so did you.10. _ it rain, the crops_.A. Shall,would be saved B. Should, would be savedC. Would, sh

5、ould be safe D. Were, might be safe11. -Do you regret paying 500 dollars for your necklace?-No, I would gladly pay_ for it.A. two times as much B. twice as manyC. twice as much D. as twice as much12._ is quite natural,a beginner cant read the books written in English very quickly.A. Which B. As C. W

6、hat D. It13. Take a taxi,_ youll miss your train. A. in B. during C. throughout D. within15. I coutdnt have got to the meeting on time_ an earlier train.A. if I had not caught B. unless I had caughC. if ! did not catch D. unless I caugh16. The black horse is_ of the pair.A. the strongest B. the stro

7、ngerC. the strong D. quite strong17. It is a rule in his family that _ comes home earlier should cook the dinner for the family.A. anybody B. who C. who that D. whoever18. I really wonder_ he has posted me many parcels_ we didnt work together.A how ,after B why,when Cwhen,before D why,since19. -How

8、long _ each other before they_ married?-For about a year.A. have they known;getB. did they know; were going to getC. do they know;are going to getD. had they known; got20. Michael _ here to see you and he_ a note on your desk.A. has come; had leftB. has been; has leftC. has come; leftD. has been; le

9、ft21. -When_ and visit our exhibition next month? - When_, I will let you know.A. will he come; he will comeB. will he come; he comesC. does he come; he will comeD. does he come; he comes22. What worried the child most was _ to visit his mother in the hospital.A. his not allowing B. his not being al

10、lowedC. his being not allowed D.having not been allowed23. I_ you somewhere before, but your name has escaped me_.A. must see;for a moment B. must have seen; for a momentC. must see;for the moment D. must have seen; for the moment24. Were leaving at six oclock ,and hope_ most of the journey by lunch

11、 time.A. to do B. to have done C. to make D. to have made25. She was afraid _ the dog in case it became dangerous.A. of exciting B. to exciteC. that she excited D. to be exciting26The bad weather meant_ the rocket launch(发射)for 48 hours,A.delaying Bhaving delayed delay Dto have delayed27D0 you

12、consider it any good_the truck again? Ato repair Brepairing Crepaired Dbeing repairing28_to somebody,a British person often shakes hands with the stranger.AIntroducing BTo introduceCTo be introduced DOn being introduced29_ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of himALosing BHaving lost CLo

13、st DTo 30Mary _to see youShe_ for you downstairs at the momentAhas come;is waiting Bcame;is waitingChas come;waited Dcame;was waiting答案详解: 1C本题是冠词的考查。have a wonderful time就相当于have a good time;the otherday表示前几天。2C本题是形容词知识的考查。famous是描绘性形容词,应放在前面,American 指的是国籍,放在young之后。3C本题是数词用法的考查。分数词的分子是基数词,分母是序数词。

14、分子除了1以外,分母的序数词要用复数。4C本题是反意疑问句的考查。must的反意疑问句不是对must进行反问,因为陈述句部分中有for a long time,所以对have waited进行反问。5C本题是复合句的考查,and连接两个并列句。6A本题是交际用语的考查。对话中why?是语气词,表示不同意的语气。Im quite myself意为自我感觉良好。7A本题是动词语态的考查。take up表示占据,此处指新式机器的优点。8C本题是副词惯用法的考查。so+adj+aan+n和such+aan+adj. +n. 但是一旦句中出现little(少),much,many,few必须用s。此题中

15、little是形容词小的。9B本题是省略的用法考查。注意两人对话中的you和I是同一个人,所以用so +I+did。10B本题是虚拟语气和它的省略的考查。主从句谓语都是对将来情况的虚拟形式。if从句中如果出现should,had,were,可以省略if,将should,had,were倒装。11C本题是比较级的倍数表达法。倍数要放在asas之前,而且钱的多少要用12B本题是连词的使用考查。as引导非限制性定语从句,表示正如那样的含义。13C祈使旬可用来取代if从句来表示评论、提出要求、发出忠告或威胁等。用祈使句比用if从句表达更强的紧迫性。在表示评论和要求时,其连词用and,表示忠告时用连词o

16、therwise,表示威胁时,用连词or。14B介词during后面总是一个表示时间的名词,这一名词可以指整段时间。这一名词也可以指一段时间中的时点或时刻,如:She has phoned him four times during the last half an hour。(在刚才的半个小时内,她给他打过四次电话。)在这个例句里during可以被介词in代替,因为in具有within a period(在一段时间内)的意思。15B ifnot和unless有时也不能互相替换。unless不能用于由于未发生B而发生A的句子里,如:1 will be quite斟ad if she does

17、not come this evening。unless常用来引导一个谈及过去的事后的想法,unless从句跟着主句,通常用破折号而不是逗号将它与主句分开。16B英语表示两个里择一的哪一个更_的名词前的比较级前面应该使用定冠词the。pair的词义是一对或一双,此处的the pair词义是two horses fastened side by side to a cart(两匹套在车辕的马)。因此,此处应该使用the stronger。17D whoever有两个词义:(1)no matter who,在这种用法时引导一个让步状语从句;(2)anybody that,在这种用法时,它连接一个名

18、词性从句,在本题中它连接的是主语从句。18D英语中的连词since有这样的特性:终止其后从句中的延续性的谓语动词的动作。第二个空白处填人since之后,这个从句的意思是:自从我们不在一起工作起。此外,since还可使其后从句里的非延续性的谓语的动作延续。例如:It is 15 years since he joined the Army(他参军已经十五年了。)19D根据句意分析,他们结婚是已过去的事,那么,他们互相了解大约一年的时间肯定发生在结婚前,发生在过去某一动作之前的动作,应该使用过去完成时。20D此处的has been here表示刚才到这儿来过,从字面上看这个表达方式是现在完成时,但

19、实际上这个表达方式的内涵是该人已不在此处了。因此这个动作是发生在过去的事,那么该在你的书桌上留便条的动作也该用一般过去时。21B第一句中的时间状语next month确定了这句的一般将来时的时态,然而第二句是由when引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中只能用一般现在时表示一般将来时。22B本题考查动名词的用法。由于allow与逻辑主语child形成被动关系,再者,动名词的否定形式是not+动名词构成。23D mlast与不定式的完成时连用表示对过去发生的事持肯定态度的推断,在疑问句中用can,在持否定态度的推断时用can not。for a moment表示一个动作延续了一会儿,而for t

20、he moment则表示目前;暂时。24B不定式的完成时用来表示这个动作发生在谓语动作之前,或是表示该动作的完成。本题中不定式的完成时表示的正是该动作的完成,因此这句话可改写为:Were leaving at six oclock,and hope that we will have done most the iourney bv lunch time25B be afraid后面既可以跟不定式be afraid t0 d0 sth,又可以跟动名词be afraid of doing sth,但前者的意思是:害怕不敢做某事;后者的意思为:对可能出现的结果的发愁或忧虑。26A mean后既可跟

21、不定式(mean to do sth),又可以跟名词mean doing sth,两者内涵是有很大区别的,前者表示故意去做;诚心去做而后者表示意味着要做。27B本题是固定用法的考查。It is good后面需接动词ing形式。28D很明显,句中的空白处应选用非谓语动词的被动形式。如果将C项填人空白处,虽然这个不定式是被动形式,但不定式短语处于句首是充当目的状语,或是充当含有虚拟意义的动名词时,其意为:一就,但介词on后带被动态的动名词,除上述意义外,还可表示:在的时候。29C过去分词有三个用途:(1)表示被动,如:the oppressed people(=people who are opp

22、ressed) 被压迫的人们;(2)表示完成,如:the fallen leaves (=the leaves which have fallen) 落叶:(3)表示状态,如lostin though陷入沉思。30. A 解本题需要使用逆向思维,先考虑第二个空白处的选项,再考虑第一空白处的答案。因为第二句中交代了一个重要的时间状语; at the moment (现在),因此应毫不犹豫地选择is waiting这一现在进行时的时态。据此,第一句的句意也就随着清晰起来:玛丽已经到这儿来看望你。很明显表示对现在选成影响的动作使用在完成时态高考英语语法题15分钟限时模拟训练21. -Have you

23、 ever seen Peter recently? -Yes. He_ me to ask you how you_ along with your new job these days.A. has asked;have been getting B. asked ;were gettingC. often asks;are getting D. asked;are getting2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next yearA. carry out B. carrying out

24、C. carried out D. to carry out3. -Ill help you whenever you need me, -I would love_.A. you helping B. that youll helpC. you to help D. that you help4. I hope_ the job shes applied for(申请).A. shes going to get B. shell get C. she is to get D. she decides to get5. Mrs. Green wants to buy that kind of

25、cloth because she_ that the cloth_ very well.A. has been told;washes B. is told;is washedC. has been told ;is washed D. is told ;is washed6. Let us not waste_ time we have left.A. the little B. little C. a little D. a little more7. I think the doctor is able to cure ofA. all B. what C. whatever D. a

26、nything8. _ , well come to see you again.A. If time will permit B. Time permitsC. Time permitting D. Time permited9. -Nancy is not coming tonight. -But she _ !A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised10._ some maddals came to live in the sea is notA. Which B. Since C. Although D. How11. -Paul, Id like to have a talk with you at tea break.

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