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1、高考英语单项选择冲刺百题单项选择冲刺百题高考英语单项选择冲刺百题1. The advertisements in newspapers help to cut the _ of making the newspaper. A. price B. pay C.costs D. value2. The _ of the exam nation show that you have all made great _. A. result, progress B.results, progress C. results, progresses D. results, progresses3. I lo

2、ve _ history because it gives us _ knowledge of past event. A. the, a B./ , a C. / , / D. a, the4. Parents complain that _ shown on TV will have bad influence on high school students moral _. A. too much violence, behaviours B. too much violence, behaviour C. too many violences, behaviour D. too man

3、y violences, behaviours5. A box of _ is a most welcome gift for ones lover on Valentines Day. A. chocolate B. chocolates C. some chocolate D. the chocolates6. The 1930s were the year when he wrote one _ after another, and when his first collection of _ was published. A.poem, poetry B. poetry, poem C

4、. poem, poem D. poetry, poetry 7. In this research, two are _, and the others are _. A. Swisses, Germans B. Swiss, Germen C. Swisses, Germen D. Swiss, Germans8. It was estimated that the thieves had stolen _ worth of jewelry from the shop. A. one-million-dollar B. one million dollars C. one million

5、dollars D. one million dollars9. I called at _ several times this morning, but nobody answered the door, where would she have gone? A. Mary B. Marys C. the Mary D. the Marys10. A. The apartment isnt within _ of the subway station as its advertiser has claimed it is. A.a stones throw B. the throw of

6、a stone C. stones throw D. a stone throw11. He left _ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep _. A. words, his words B. word, his word C. word, word D. the word, his word12. “All _ present and all _ going on well.” our monitor said. A. is, is B. are, are C.

7、are, is D. is, are13. Yesterday the League secretary and monitor _ asked to make a speech at the meeting. A. is B. was C. are D. were14. He played on the _ for 2 hours and when he returned he found half his goods _ stolen. A. sand, were B. sand, was C. sands, were D. sands, was15. About 40 _ of the

8、population of that country _ on farms. A. percent, lives B. percent, live C. percents, live D. percents, lives16. Every boy and every girl _ to attend the evening party. A. wish B. wishes C. hope D. wishing17. A series of meetings _ about the best way to market the new product A. are held B. were he

9、ld C. was held D. have been held18. Mother wrapped the baby, who was _, in a blanket gently. A. fast sleep B. sleeping fast C. fast asleep D. slept fast19. What a _ boy! I dont know what to do with him. A. tiresome B. tired C. tire D. tiredly20. The dog didnt seem to smell _, for it didnt even smell

10、 the meat, which appeared so _. A. well, sweetly B. good, sweet C. well, sweet D. good, sweetly21. - What caused the failure of the experiment? - _. A. Because of shortage of fund B. For lack of fund C. Lack of fund D. Due to lack of fund22. A cracked bell can never sound _. A. good B. well C. nice

11、D. clear23. We might not contact the rescue team. _, the rescue team itself might get lost. A. Still worse B. bad still C. Badly still D. Worse still24. There is a tradition of having a family dinner at home on lunar New Years Eve. _, however, the custom has changed. A. Late B. Later C.Lately D. Lat

12、ter25. The farmers were sure that fresh water lay _ in the earth, so they dug _ to find it. A. deeply, deeply B. deep, deeper C. deeply, deeper D. deep, more deeply26. The price was _ within the reach of the average household. A. fairly B. all C.well D. very27. When I got home I saw a message pinned

13、 to the door _ “Sorry to miss you, will call you later.” A. read B. reading C. reads D. to read28. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _. A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive29. _ Is this raincoat yours? - No, mine _ there behind the door,.

14、 hanging B. has hung C. hangs D. hung30. Obviously, he _ a bad cold. He coughs all the time. A.has B. is having C. will have D. was31. He seized me by the hand and _ let me go. A. does not B. did not C.would not D. had not32. - One of you will have to go there besides me. - Who would you rather

15、 _ there with you. Tom or I? A. have to go B. to go C.went D. go 33. Criticism and self-criticism _ necessary _ it helps us to correct mistakes. A. is, in that B. are, in that C. is, in which D. are, at that34. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. have studied B.

16、 to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying35. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remain C. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars 36. _ a reply, he decided to write again. A. Not receiving B. receiving not C. Not hav

17、ing received D. Having not received37. Have you ever stopped _ how our lie _ if the world ran out of ol? think, would change B. thinking, would change C. to think, will change D. thinking, should change38. His mind _, little tom missed the point. A. wandered B. was wandering C. was wandered D.

18、wandering39. He spoke English so well _ by us all. A. to be praised B. as to be praised C. for being praised D. that was praised40 Whom would you rather _ with you, John or me? A. got go B. to have gone C. have go D. go41. _ him speak English so fluently, and you would think him an American. A. Hear

19、ing B.Hear C. Heard D. Having heard42. There is a crowd of people in front of the house over there. What do you suppose _ there? A. is happened B. has happened C. happening D. to have happened43. I dont like _ speaking ill of each other. A. Jack and Henry B. Jacks and Henrys C. Jack and Henrys D. Ja

20、cks and Henry44. The electricity _, the light went out. A. cut off B. having cut off C. was cut off D. had cut off45. The subjects we have at school _biology. A. including B.include C. included D. to include46. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A. carry out

21、B. carrying out C. to carry out D.carried out47. One of the methods of introducing foreign genes into a plant is to make use of certain soil bacteria to infect the plant and transfer several of blue genes to the infected plant cells, _ in high rate of plant cell pision. A. results B. resulting C. to

22、 result D. resulted48. What he had done is far from _. A. satisfaction B. satisfactory C. satisfied D. satisfying49. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch. A. by B. at C. to D. from50. The ship sailed _ Xiamen _ 30 miles an hour. A. for, at B. to, at C. to, by D. for, by51. Its q

23、uite warm _ January. A. in B.for C. on D. at 52. The key _ four modernizations lies _ the science and education. A. to, on B. of, on C. to, in D. of, in 53. What one thinks and feels is mainly _ traditions, habits and education. A. because of B. due to C. since D. through 54. Get in touch with them,

24、 for they will be anxious _ news of your arrival. A. at B.for C. about D. to 55. I like the climate here _ the wind blows . A. except when B. except for C. except D. besides 56. They paid their taxes _ cash. A. with B. by C. in D. for 57. Eggs are sold _ the dozen. A. with B. for C. at D. by 58. One

25、 should speak dearly and it is the same _ writing. A. such as B. with C. in D. as 59. She must have set off for the village the other day, _ she? A. mustnt B. didnt C. hasnt D. hadnt 60. _ it with me, then Ill see what I can do. A. when left B. leaving C. If you leave D. leave 61. From the city to i

26、ts satellite town _ only less than one hundred miles. A. are is C. there is D. there are 62. _ of the family isnt willing to give up the chance to watch the exciting match. A. Any B. Everybody C. All D. Every one 63. _ to blame him for neglect of duty? The president of the company is his uncle.

27、 A. What good it is B. How good it is C. What good is it D. How good is it 64. Perseverance is a kind of quality, and thats _ it takes to do anything well. A. what B. that C. which D. why 65. Do _ you think is right _ difficulties you may have. A. what, however B. That, whatever C. whatever, however

28、 D. what, whatever 66. She asked if any of the passengers knew _ about machines or at least how to drive a car. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. all 67. We all think that he is stronger _. A. than he is looked B. than he looks like C.than he looks D. than he looked like 68. _ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows. A. Now that B. Since that C. Because of D. For 69. The blueprint is to the builder _ the outline is to the writer. A.wha

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