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1、宁波理工nit网络大学英语听力第三册答案1.A . The man keeps interrupting herB . She finds it too hardC . Shes worried about the seminarD . She lacks interest in it提交的答案:She lacks interest in it 正确答案:She lacks interest in it题目详解:2.A . The course is poorly designedB . She enjoys literature moreC . The lecturers are borin

2、gD . She prefers Philosophy to English提交的答案:She prefers Philosophy to English 正确答案:She prefers Philosophy to English题目详解:3.A . Karens friendB . Karen herselfC . Karens parentsD . Karens lecturers提交的答案:Karens parents 正确答案:Karens parents题目详解:4.A . Leaving the universityB . Getting transferred to the E

3、nglish DepartmentC . Changing her majorD . Spending less of her parents money提交的答案:Changing her major 正确答案:Changing her major题目详解:1.A . Writing papers for his classes.B . Working overtime as a librarian.C . Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.D . Meeting with his professors.正确答案: Meeting with his

4、professors.题目详解:这道题的关键在于把握对话中反复出现的paper(论文)一次。M与W所讨论的话题一直围绕着写论文而展开,不难判断,M一直在忙着写论文,正确答案为Writing papers for his classes.2.A . Spend more time in the library.B . Drop one of his courses.C . Do his research on closely related topics.D . Write just one paper for all his classes.正确答案:Do his research on cl

5、osely related topics.题目详解:W建议M选择一个主题,然后分别写三个不同的方面,完成三篇论文。与之意思最接近的是Do his research on closely related topics.3.A . Shes been studying it recently.B . She once wrote about it.C . She thinks the man should write about it.D . She particularly likes Romantic poetry.正确答案: She particularly likes Romantic p

6、oetry.题目详解:W在给M建议时提到围绕浪漫主义,写一篇侧重点不同的论文,因此选She thinks the man should write about it,其他没有涉及。4.A . Hes already helped her enough.B . He doesnt know enough chemistry.C . She knows hes very busy.D . She doesnt need any help.正确答案:He doesnt know enough chemistry.题目详解:W没有让M帮她写化学实验是因为M从来没有上过化学课(take chemistr

7、y),恐怕W对M帮忙的结果不满意,因此选He doesnt know enough chemistry.【下载】-1.A . Some teaching assistants dont have desks.B . Office supplies are taking up space.C . There is too much noise.D . There arent enough cabinets.正确答案:There is too much noise.题目详解:M在解释自己很少待在办公室的原因时说道,办公室里太吵了,让他无法工作。W说这正是她所要谈论的问题,可见,他们在讨论关于办公室

8、里太吵的问题, 因此选There is too much noise.。2.A . To hand in their assignment.B . To chat with Jack socially.C . To get help in the course.D . To practice giving interviews.正确答案:To get help in the course.题目详解:文章里共有两次提到Jack的学生来找他的目的是为了获得他在这门课程方面的帮助(“Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his

9、 course”;“We cant really ask him to stop having students come in for help”),考生只需要听懂其中一处,即可选出正确答案。3.A . Complain to the department head.B . Move the supplies to the storage room.C . Try to get a room to use for meeting.D . Give Jack a different office.正确答案:Try to get a room to use for meeting.题目详解:St

10、an认为他们不能直接要求Jack不让学生过来寻求帮助,于是提出再要一间会议室(meeting room),这样学生来了之后可以在这间会议室里与老师谈话,因此选Try to get a room to use for meeting.。4.A . Theyd have to get permission.B . The other assistants should be consulted.C . She thinks it might work.D . Jack wouldnt like it.正确答案:She thinks it might work.题目详解:考生需要在听完了全文之后才能

11、正确解答这道题。对于Stan的建议,Cathy 最初并不赞同,认为储藏室太小了,不适合当会议室。但Stan说,如果把里面的橱柜搬走,房间看起来会大一些。Cathy随后也改变了最初的想法,认为这一建议可能可行,并准备去亲眼看看,因此正确答案应该是She thinks it might work.。【下载】-1.A . Relaxing at the seashore.B . Preparing for a race.C . Sailing on a boat.D . Visiting her parents.正确答案:Relaxing at the seashore.题目详解:听完这段对后之后,

12、根据W所描述的在沙滩上进行的种种活动,可以推断出她上个周末一直在海边修养。2.A . She had an appointment.B . She has school work to do.C . She was invited only for the weekend.D . The weather was too hot.正确答案: She was invited only for the weekend.题目详解:考生需要听出“have a paper I need to work on”(有一篇论文要写),可见,W之所以这么早回来是为了这篇论文,因此选She has school w

13、ork to do.3.A . She was too tired to continue.B . She had to finish her schoolwork.C . She was thirsty.D . She had to go home.正确答案: She was thirsty.题目详解:从“how hard it is to run on the sand”(在沙子上面跑是一件多么困难的事)以及“had to sit down”(不得不坐下来)可以推断出,W之所以停止打排球是因为他实在太累了。4.A . The water was too cold.B . She doesn

14、t know how to swim.C . She didnt have enough time.D . The water was too deep.正确答案: She didnt have enough time.题目详解:W说自己本来想游泳,但是他们告诉她说水不够暖和,不能游泳,The water was too cold与之意思相近。【下载】-1.A . Whit a knife.B . On some glass.C . On the edge of some metal.D . On a piece of paper.正确答案:On a piece of paper.题目详解:在

15、对话一开始,W问M是不是把自己割伤了,M回答说是的,被这张纸的边缘割伤了(on the edge of this paper),因此正确答案是On a piece of paper.2.A . How easily he was cut.B . How concerned the woman was.C . How deep the cut was.D . How much the cut hurt.正确答案:How much the cut hurt.题目详解:“How can such a little cut hurt so much?”意思是“这么小的一个伤口怎么会这么疼?”“such

16、”和“so”这两个表示程度的副词表达了M的惊讶之情。因此正确答案是How much the cut hurt.3.A . The amount of bleeding.B . The number of nerve endings irritated.C . The amount of skin affected by the cut.D . The cause of the cut.正确答案:The number of nerve endings irritated.题目详解:据W所说,正是因为手指上的神经末端比别处多,所以手指被割伤后格外疼痛,可见,决定伤口疼痛程序是神经末端的多少。4.A

17、 . Take a pain reliever.B . Go to a doctor.C . Let the cut dry out.D . Keep the cut closed.正确答案:Keep the cut closed.题目详解:W给M的建议是:“Go get yourself a bandage.”(给你自己绑上一个绷带。)与之意思相近的是Keep the cut closed.【下载】-1.A . To renew his housing contract.B . To get information about special housing.C . To make an a

18、ppointment to look at a house.D . To ask about getting a loan to buy a house.正确答案:To get information about special housing.题目详解:这是一段电话对话,一般来说,打电话的人会在一开始就阐明自己打电话的目的。如果考生听懂了M在刚开始时所说的母的是要询问关于为研究生准备的有资助的(subsidized)低成本住房,就不能选择出正确答案To get information about special housing。选择To make an appointment to look

19、 at a house具有一定的迷惑性,因为M与W确实在电话中做了预约,考生需要听懂他们预约是为了使M获得详细的信息,而不是为了看房。2.A . With his grandparents.B . With his wifes parents.C . In his own apartment.D . In student housing.正确答案: In his own apartment.题目详解:在谈到申请住房者必须符合收入条件时,M提到自己现在正与妻子的父母住在一起,因此这道题的正确答案是With his wifes parents.3.A . His wife is a graduat

20、e student.B . He works at the university housing office.C . He is a fulltime student.D . He has more than one child.正确答案: He has more than one child.题目详解:住房者需要满足的收入条件是:除非子女数目多余一个,否则夫妻双方的收入总数必须少于1.5万美元。M的妻子仍然是研究生,自己也只有一个兼职的助理研究员,因此他认为自己在这方面显然合格。4.A . He plans to go back to graduate school.B . He thin

21、ks his rent is too high.C . Hes looking for a fulltime job.D . He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.正确答案:He earns less than $ 15,000 a year.题目详解:这道题与上一道题可谓是一脉相承。M认为自己的经济状况符合住房条件,他的妻子又没有工作,显然,M的年收入少于1.5万美元。1. What do tourists enjoy doing in Cambridge for relaxation?A . Watching traditional playsB . Vis

22、iting the magnificent librariesC . Boating on the river. Boating on the river.D . Cycling in narrow streets.正确答案:Boating on the river. Boating on the river.题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是从事的娱乐活动,从听到的第5句中 boating in a kind of flat bottom boat to see the colleges or to relax themselves断出,选项中的Boating on the ri

23、ver与本题含义相符。2. What does the road traffic in Cambridge remind one of Beijing?A . There are many students there.B . There are many bicycles there.C . There are many old streets there.D . There are many visitors there.正确答案: There are many visitors there.题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是某种存在的现象。从听到的第六句中 the stree

24、ts are full of bicycles判断出,选项中的There are many bicycles there与本题含义相符。3. What is the speakers impression of Cambridge?A . He thinks the streets are too narrow.B . He likes the place very much .C . He admires the comfortable life of the students there.D . He thinks the city is too crowded.正确答案: He admi

25、res the comfortable life of the students there.题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是某种事物给人们留下的印象。从听到的第2句中 it is one of the most beautiful places in Britain判断出,选项中的He likes the place very much与本题含义相符。【下载】-1. Why did Mr. Foster add stories about interesting people to the magazine World News?A . He was good at writi

26、ng about interesting people .B . He believed people are easier to know othersC . He believed that people are always easier to learn about other people.D . He thought people played an important role in world events.正确答案:He believed people are easier to know others题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是某件事情发生的原因。从听到的

27、第4句中 he believed all people like to read about other people判断出,选项中的He believed that people are always easier to learn about other people.与本题含义相符。2. Which magazine is a sports fan most likely to buy?A . World News.B . Action.C . Faces and places.D . Enterprise.正确答案:Action.题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是杂志的名称

28、。从听力短文第8句中Action for sports fans的提示,判断出选项中的Action与本题含义相符。3. What is Mr. Fosters profession?A . He is a photographerB . He is a publisherC . He is a sportsman.D . he is an actor.正确答案:He is a publisher题目详解:从选项提供的信息看出,问题涉及到的是从事的职业。从短文中开头第一句中Mr. Ford started his publishing business with only one magazin

29、e的提示,判断出选项中的He is a publisher 与题义相符。1.How far is the nearest distance between England and France?A . Twelve miles.B . Thirty-two miles.C . Forty miles.D . Twenty miles.正确答案:foerty miles.题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是两地之间的距离;从听力短文第1段第2句中的only about twenty miles,判断出,选项中的Twenty miles符合提问含义。2.Who made a new record in crossing the Channel in 1960?A . An Egyptian.B . A Canadian.C . An Englishman.D . A Frenchman.正确答案:A frenchman.题目详解:要点:依据选项中提供的信息判断,问题涉及到的是故事中涉及到的人物;从听力短文第2段最后一句中的a Canadian crossed in 10 hours and 23

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