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高考英语一轮复习学案 Unit78高一部分.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习学案 Unit78高一部分2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习学案 Unit7-8(高一部分).单项填空1The houses across the street were _, but they were in good condition a few years ago.Ain ruins Bin repairs Cin rows Din numbers解析:in ruins 意为“成为废墟的,荒芜的,失败的”。答案:A2He lives in a big house whose windows _ over an avenue with trees and flowers

2、 on both sides. Alook into Blook up Clook out Dlook on 解析:look into “向里面看;深入调查研究”;look up “向上看;查阅(单词等)”;look out “当心,注意;面朝向”;look on “旁观”。答案:C3Your speech at the meeting is limited _ half an hour.Aat Bfor Cin Dto解析或be limited to为固定结构,其意为“(受)限制到”。答案:D 4We wanted good weather for our holiday

3、, but _;it rained the whole time.Anot such a luck Bsuch not a luckCno such luck Dsuch no luck解析:代词such与no, not,several, one,all等连用时,应放在这些词后。答案:C5The necklace isnt _ you paid for it.Aworth Bworth what Ccosting Dcosting what解析:表“值、价值为”时,cost的主语为物,无被动语态或进行时,故将答案C、D排除;be worth (doing) sth.意为“值得”;由句意“此项链

4、不值你所付的钱”得知,此处what引导的从句作worth的宾语。答案:B6The watch _ unnoticed for several days before I found it.Ahad laid Bhad lain Chad been laying Dhad been lain解析:此处应用动词lie的过去完成时态,lie的过去分词是lain。另外,lie是不及物动词,没有被动语态形式。答案:B7Do you need a ride?No, thanks.I _ walking.Aprefer Bwant Cused to Dtake答案:A8We have physics on

5、Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;that is, we have it _.Aevery other days Bevery three days Cevery other day Deach two days解析:every other.意为“每隔一”。答案:C9How long have you been like this?_ October 13, Monday.AOn BAfter CFrom DSince答案:D10Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable.Awhi

6、ch price Bthe price of whichCits price Dthe price of whose解析:此处考查非限制性定语从句,根据句意“其价格非常合理”可知,此定语从句中的主语为price,此处the price of whichwhose price。答案:B.完形填空In the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a big grandfather clock.And always the grandfather clock stood like a(n) _1_ old family friend,watching

7、 over the laughter and gentle kidding(玩笑) that were a part of our lives.As a child,the old clock _2_ me.I often watched and listened to it during meals.Year after year,the clock chimed(鸣响),a part of my memories,a part of my heart.To me the clock was so forting and _3_.Even more wonderful to me was m

8、y grandfathers daily ceremony.He _4_ wound(wind,上发条) the clock with a special key each day.It _5_ our familys big clock ticking and chiming,a part of every holiday and every tradition,as _6_ as the wood from which it was made.He never let the clock wind down and _7_.When we grandkids got a little ol

9、der,he showed us how to open the door to the grandfather clock and let us each take a _8_ winding the key. After my beloved grandfather died,it was several days after the funeral _9_ I remembered the clock!“Mama!The clock!Weve _10_ it wind down.”The tears flowed freely when I entered the dining room

10、.The clock stood _11_ quiet,as quiet as the funeral parlor(殡仪馆) had been.The clock even seemed smaller.I couldnt _12_ to look at it.No _13_ over the dinner table,no ticking or chiming of the clockall was _14_.The hands on the clock were _15_ at the precise moment when my grandfather had stopped wind

11、ing it.I _16_ the key in my shaking hand and opened the clock door._17_,I was a child again,watching my grandfather with his silverwhite hair and twinkling blue eyes.He was _18_,winking at me,at the secret of the clocks magic,at the key that held so much power.I stood,_19_ in the moment for a long t

12、ime.Then _20_,I put the key in and wound the clock.Ticktock,ticktockIn the movement of the hands of the clock,my grandfather lived again.1A.trusted Bcautious Cconstant Dannoying答案:A2A.frightened Bfascinated Cencouraged Dadmired答案:B3A.boring Bfunny Cfamiliar Dsurprising答案:C4A.carefully Bquickly Cstea

13、dily Dcheerfully答案:A5A.struck Bhelped Cmade Dkept答案:D6A.solid Bwell Cordinary Dsteady答案:A7A.ring Bstop Cforget Dbreak答案:B8A.look Bchance Cturn Dcourse答案:C9A.before Buntil Csince Dwhen答案:A10A.helped Bheard Cnoticed Dlet答案:D11A.joyfully Bpitifully Csleepily Dhopefully答案:B12A.imagine Bwait Cbear Dagree

14、答案:C13A.meal Bquarrel Claughter Dsound答案:C14A.still Bdesperate Cchangeable Dwrong答案:A15A.kept Bfrozen Cfixed Dstopped答案:B16A.took Bwound Cput Dleft答案:A17A.In the meanwhile BFrom then onCWithout question DAll of a sudden答案:D18A.there Bdead Cangry Daway答案:A19A.puzzled Blost Cthought Dhesitated答案:B20A.

15、slowly Bquickly Csadly Dhappily答案:A.阅读理解The US government should roll out a team of mental health professionals to calm down Americans worried about the economic losses and encourage them to spend and invest,a New York psychiatrist says.Dr.Richard Friedman of the Cornell Weill Medical Center in New

16、York said he is treating 25 percent more people because of the recession,with patients suffering from insomnia due to anxiety and some even being diagnosed with clinical depression.“It creates a culture of anxiety and fears.So you are not talking about a handful of people,you are talking about a sit

17、uation in which the environment is fearful,” Friedman told reporters in an interview.“Its spreading.Even people whose jobs are secure feel frightened that they,too,could lose their jobs.”The US economy,in recession (衰退) since December xx,is declining under a heavy burden of rising unemployment.Data

18、released on Thursday showed jobless numbers rose to a record high in early February of 4.99 million,a rate of 3.7 percent.Washington has put forward a number of measures,including a 7 billion stimulus (刺激) package,to make the bleeding economy recover.Friedman said peoples anxieties need to be handle

19、d immediately and on a national scale.His answer:Replace assurances and explanations from economists and politicians with advice from mental health professionals.Fear of the economic climate should be dealt with in the same way as an unreasonable fear,he said. “Say you are afraid of the dark,you wal

20、k in a dark room and turn on the lights and see that there is nothing terrible there,” he said.“Youre afraid of heights,you climb higher and higher,you get exposed and you see nothing awful is going to happen to you.Youre afraid the market is going to collapse,you go out and you spend money.”1What h

21、as made many Americans suffer from mental illness?ABad living environment. BRising unemployment.CAnxiety about their culture. DLack of sense of safety.解析:具体信息题,在经济危机中,失业人数不断上升,人们担心会丢掉工作。答案:B2What did Dr.Friedman want to tell us in the last two paragraphs?AYou wouldnt be afraid of darkness unless you

22、 turn off the lights.BIf you decided to spend money and invest,the market would never collapse.COne must stay calm in a shocking environment and go out for a ride.DOne should face the crisis reasonably instead of being unreasonably fearful.解析:推断题,由后两段可知,人们应理性的正视经济危机。答案:D3According to Friedman,who ca

23、n help handle peoples anxieties?AMental health professionals. BOutstanding economists.CFamous politicians. DGovernment officials.解析:由倒数第四段内容可知。答案:A4The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa fashion magazine Ban official documentCa local/national newspaper Dan investing guidebook解析:推断题,综合全文信息可知。答案

24、:C2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习学案 Unit7-8(高三部分).单项填空1.Boss,Id like to take a few days _.I will have to look after my mother in hospital.Aoff Baway Cout Ddown解析:take a few days off“请几天假”。答案:A2She got upset because she had her pocket _ when she was shopping.Astolen Brobbed Cpicked Dseized解析:pick ones pocket是固定搭配

25、,意为“行窃”。此处had her pocket picked意为“她的钱被偷了”。答案:C3The two criminals had meant to go _ the police couldnt get them but without luck.Awhich Bto which Cwhere Dto where解析:where引导地点状语从句。答案:C4I suggest we _ the problem alone for some time before we find a proper solution.Aput Bset Cget Dleave解析:suggest后面从句中用

26、原形动词表示虚拟语气;leave.alone是固定词组,意为“先放一放;不考虑”。答案:D5“_ there never be another war!” she prayed,standing in front of the memorial.AShould BMay CCan DMust解析:情态动词may常放在句首表示祝愿,是一种虚拟语气。答案:B6Shall we go for a ride this weekend?Sorry,but I _ stay inside in such hot weather.Afeel like Bwould like Cwould prefer Dw

27、ould rather解析:feel like后接动名词;would like后接不定式;would prefer后接不定式;只有would rather后接动词原形。答案:D7The most _ of all is how we can distinguish the mistakes and errors _ good language.Apuzzling;from Bpuzzled;from Cpuzzling;than Dpuzzled;than解析:表“令人困惑的”事时用puzzling;distinguish常与介词from搭配。答案:A8The data suggests th

28、at the rapid growth of the Chinese economy _ for a few years.Ashould continue Bcontinues Ccontinue Dwill continue解析:此处suggest意为“表明;暗示”,后面的从句中不用虚拟语气。答案:D9_ with a special ability,people can adjust themselves _ the culture they are born in.AEquipping;to BEquipping;with CEquipped;to DEquipped;with解析:(b

29、e) equipped with sth.是习惯表达;adjust oneself to“适应”。答案:C10To be a good short story writer one needs,_,a very vivid imagination.Ain other words Bamong other things Con the other hand Dfor other reasons解析:“短篇小说家尤其需要生动的想像。”among other things意为“尤其;格外”。答案:B.完形填空Each of us fails from time to time.If we are w

30、ise,we accept these failures as a _1_ part of the learning process.But all too often as parents and teachers we disallow this _2_ right to our children.When I see a child _3_ to this kind of pressure,I think of Donnie.Donnie was my youngest third grader.His _4_ of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed.He _5_ answered questionshe might be wrong.I tried my best to build his _6_.But nothing changed until midterm,when Mary Anne,a student teacher,was assign

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