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1、全球变暖英语演讲稿全球变暖英语演讲稿 篇一:全球变暖英语演讲稿 ?Y?2?.txt10D?3?3?D?1?¥?Y?3?o?D?3?2?Global Warming There is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit . The warmest since the mid 1800?s was the 1990s. The hottest years recorded were

2、 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003. The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century?s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. If the ice caps melt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. M

3、onuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including New York City. So now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet? The answer is simpler than you may think. You don?t have to go miles aw

4、ay from home to protest, or spend masses of money. If you try to follow the few simple steps that I shall now give you, you will have started to help us all. Firstly, plant a tree. This could be easier than it sounds. Join or help out a local wildlife group and ask to plant a tree. Trees, when fully

5、 grown, will help keep the planet cooler. On the same point, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests. This is the same principle, we need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping them down to create roads or homes. Something as simple as walking instead of taking th

6、e car will help reduce pollution. As well as stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our bodies. So the next time you get into your car, or your motorbike, think - do I have to make this journey by vehicle or can I walk? When you are at home, and your getting a

7、little cold. Put a jumper on and do not adjust the heating. The extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet. So try wearing an extra layer in winter. If possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. And try to avoid imported goods. The more foreign food that we import th

8、e more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create. Keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. The more you speed the more petrol you are going to use, making the pollution higher. Also, SUV?s make about six times their own weight in CO2 each year. A small efficient diesel car

9、covering the same distance not only uses much less fuel; it makes two thirds less. If possible use solar energy, after all it is free; all you need to buy is the equipment. You can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even generate electricity. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Only buy

10、what you need; don?t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. Reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It really is as simple as that. Finally turning off unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, as

11、 well as save you money. If everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. So please take into consideration what I have said, and try to do your part. After all, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects.篇二:全球气候变暖演讲稿 (女)1、 看着清澈的河水,听着风中,瑟瑟的落叶

12、,我们听见鸟鸣,听见蛙声,我们抚摸青草,感受着河岸旁泥土的芳香,周围一片祥和与宁静,可是突然之间,似乎这些美景离我们越来越远了。一个大号的表面涂了油漆的地球仪,那层油漆和地球仪的比例就是大气层和地球的比例,它是如此的薄以至于我们可以改变其组成成分,这就是全球变暖的基本科学依据,这个我无须赘言,各位已经很清楚了,大家也看过很多与全球变暖有关的数据,在现实世界中我们也可以找到印证。 左边的是30多年前的赤道雪山乞力马扎罗山,而右边的是近照。 这是美国冰河国家公园,因全球变暖这里的冰川预计还有15年就会消失。 这是哥伦比亚冰川逐年的变化,每一年它都在缩小 喜马拉雅山脉也面对着严峻的问题,这是1978

13、年与2004年的对比 左边的是30年前的阿根廷(接下一张)和今日的景象。 种种的现象,包含了一个重要的信息,这是全球性的变暖 我们都知道二氧化碳含量与温度是有联系的,其中一点十分明确:二氧化碳越多,气温越高,因为它会将更多来自太阳的热量困在地表,那让我们看看40万年以来地球的二氧化碳含量变化,请将这一点牢记在心中:二氧化碳含量从未超过300,这里是现在的二氧化碳含量,远超我们所能统计到的历史水平,看看这已经把自然的起伏抛得老远,不过各位请注意,在50年以内,真的,50年以内,曲线还会继续爬升,会超出这个表格,50年以内就会到这里,恐怕有人会说:”这又如何?看起来不错嘛。”我在重申一遍,在温度曲

14、线上,如果最低端代表半米的积雪,上升到这么高会是怎样的景象?那些我们现在习以为常的东西,我们后代甚至没机会看到。所以说这不是一个政治问题而是道德问题,要是你我听之任之,就是极端不道德的行为。 丘吉尔曾说过继续拖延,折衷和自我安慰式的权宜之计的时代已接近尾声,取而代之的是我们将开始生活在其后果之中,过去几代人,几个世纪埋下的祸根已经给今天的我们留下恶果 海洋吸收大量二氧化碳导致酸化,导致珊瑚、浮游生物、钙化生物减少,最终导致生物多样性锐减 一些令人不安的传染病也传播得越来越广 一些疾病死灰复燃 现在物种灭绝的速度超过自然速度的1000倍以上 冰川和冰盖的消融以及海洋本身的热胀冷缩导致海平面上升,

15、让我们看看温度升高2-4度后的伦敦,乘船出行似乎成了唯一的选择 在上海这座汇集大量人口的城市,经历2摄氏度的升温后还能看到绿地和道路,等到升温4摄氏度时,只有那些高楼大厦还矗立在水平面之上。 4摄氏度的升温将直接导致亿的中国人流离失所。想象一下成百上千的难民因为环境变化而迁移,再想象若变成上亿人,会有什么影响? 看到这有人会说:“就算承认这一问题的存在,我们也无能为力了。”很多人从拒绝承认径直走入绝望的阴影中却不知道停下脚步,着手解决问题,这是我最后想谈的,目前人类已知的能有效解决这一问题的方法,我们需要做大量的工作。 如果我们能使用更节能的家电,采用别的节能设备,拥有更多续航里程的汽车,还有

16、更多别的交通工具节能,使用可再生能源,碳固存技术和其它的方法,这些都加起来,我们很快就可以降低排放水平。 每个人都在引起全球变暖,但我们可以选择改变这一现状,我们可以选择将我们个人二氧化碳排放降低到0,解药就在你我手中,我们只需要做出决定使其生效,这个问题最终落实到一点,我们,作为中国人,有没有能力完成这一伟大义举就算前方路途坎坷,我们有没有能力站起来立于人类历史之上,过去的一切证明我们有这个能力,我们获得了战争的胜利,建立了一个国家,港澳回归,神舟飞天,实现太空行走,举办了一届世界惊叹的奥运会,拥有了第一艘航母,九三阅兵,我们曾成功解决一大环境问题臭氧层空洞,这一曾被称为不可能解决的问题,因为它需要全世界联手解决,但我们成功了。只要我们齐心协力,我们就能解决这一问题。 这是NASA“朱诺”号航天器在前往木星的漫长旅途中向家乡张望时的照片,看见那个稍大的蓝色点了吗?那就是承载着数千年人类文明,以及数十亿年生命历程的地球,人类历史的一切都在这个小点上,所有的成功失败,所有的战争饥荒,这是我们唯一的家园,如今它面临危机危及到我们生存和人类文明的未来,我坚信这是一个道德问题,是时候解决着手它了,人类要站起来,保护我们的未来。

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