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1、初中毕业升学考试山东菏泽卷英语带解析189765绝密启用前2016年初中毕业升学考试(山东菏泽卷)英语(带解析)第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1Did you have _ good time yesterday?-Yeah, I really had _ fun at the party!Aa; / Ba; the C/; the【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:你昨天过得开心吗?是啊,在晚会上我们过得开心。前空表示“度过一段愉快的时光”,表示“一”,用不定冠词a/an,good的第一个音g是辅音,前加a;后句中fun是不可数名词,用原形表示种类,前不加修饰词。故选A。考点:

2、考查冠词用法辨析。2(题文)(2016山东菏泽)-_ teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Lisa?- Ms. Lee and Mr. Hunt.AWhose BWhich CWhat【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:莉莎,中学毕业后你会最想念哪些老师?李老师和享特老师。A. Whose谁的;B. Which哪一个,哪些;C. What什么。前句询问的是“哪些老师”,哪些:which。故选B。考点:考查特殊疑问词。3Oh, no! I cant find my mobile phone!-Well, where _

3、 you last put it?A. have B. do C. did【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:哦,我找不到我的手机了。哦,你上次放在哪儿了?描述过去放在哪儿的,用一般过去时态。一般过去时的疑问句,在前加助动词did,后用动词原形。故选C。考点:考查动词的时态辨析。4_ the traffic washeavy yesterday, we got to the bus station on time.AAlthough BUnless CSince【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:虽然昨天交通拥堵,但是我们按时到了公交站。A.Although虽然,引出让步状语从句;B.Unless

4、如果不,除非,引出条件状语从句;C.Since因为,既然,引出原因状语从句;虽然交通挤,但是还是按时到了。虽然:although,故选A。考点:考查连词辨析。5Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday.-OK. Shall we _ a book online for him?Aafford Border Coffer【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:我们给罗拉买个生日礼物吧。好,我们可以在网上给他订一本书吗?A. afford负担得起;B. order订购,预订;C. offer主动提供。在线订购,故选B。考点:考查动词词义辨析。6(题文)Are you

5、 free tonight?-Sorry, but Im not _. Ive got so much homework to do.Abusy Bcomfortable Cavailable【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:你今天晚上有空吗?对不起,我没有空。我有那么多的作业要做。A. busy忙碌的;B. comfortable舒适的;C. available有空的。作业太多,没空。故选C。考点:考查形容词词义辨析。7When you go abroad, youll find that so many products in local shops _ in China.Amake Bh

6、ave made Care made【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:当你去国外时,你会在当地商店里看到那么多中国制造的商品。主语products是谓语动词make的承受者,句子用被动语态,故选C。考点:考查动词的语态。8(题文)Today, WeChat(微信)becomes very popular, and more and more people like to use it to _ each other.Adepend on Bcommunicate Cbelieve in【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:今天,微信变得很受欢迎。而且越来越多的人喜欢用它来互相交流。A. depen

7、d on依赖,依靠;B. communicate交流,沟通;C. believe in信任,相信。人们用微信交流。故选B。考点:考查动词辨析。9Excuse me, but could you please tell me _?-Sure.A. where is the restroom B. when the store opens C. what time does it begin【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:对不起,但是请问你可以告诉我商店什么时候开吗?当然。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,A,提前了is,是疑问句语序;C,加了助动词does,是疑问句语序。故选B。考点:考查宾语从句。二、

8、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The book I read is A Picture to Remember by Sarah Scott-Malden. Its_a girl called Christina. One day, when she was waiting at the traffic lights, she_two men with a gun in a car next to her. They were bank robbers(抢劫者)and she saw_faces. They

9、 didnt want her to tell the police, so they planned to kill her.At first, one of the robbers attacked(攻击)Christina near the park, but_she only got her arm hurt slightly. After she called in her friend, Philippe for help, they were_in the street when the robbers drove their car into them. Philippe wa

10、s_seriously and had to go to hospital. When Cristina visited Philippe and left the_, the robbers followed her. Christina saw that they had a gun and understood_they want to do. She was scared, but she kept calm. The robbers were close behind her, but they were driving_fast that they couldnt stop the

11、 car and it turned over, so the police caught_the robbers. Thats the end of the story.10Aabout Bof Cwith11Aheard Bnoticed Cfelt12Atheir Bhis Cher13Abadly Bterribly Cluckily14Aworking Bhurrying Claughing15Asaved Bhurt Ckilled16Ahospital Bschool Cbank17Athat Bwhat Cwhich18Aso Bvery Ctoo19Aall Beither

12、Cboth【答案】10A11B12A13C14B15B16A17B18A19C【解析】【分析】试题分析:本文介绍了作者读过的一本书。这本书主要讲述的是一位女孩遇到了两位抢劫犯,差点被灭口的故事。10A 考查介词及语境理解。句意:这是关于一个叫Christina的女孩的故事。A. about关于;B. of的;C. with带有,具有。这本书是关于一个女孩的故事。故选A。11B考查动词及语境理解。句意:她注意到旁边的小车里,两个人带着一把枪。A. heard听到; B. noticed注意到,察觉到;C. felt感觉到。故选B。12A考查物主代词及语境理解。句意:他们是银行抢劫犯,而且她看到了

13、他们的脸。A. their他们的;B. his他的;C. her她的。看到了两名银行抢劫犯的脸,他们的:their。故选A。13C考查副词及语境理解。句意:但是幸运的是,她只是手臂受了轻伤。A. badly坏地;B. terribly可怕地,恐怖地;C. luckily幸运地。落入抢劫犯手中,要被灭口,却只受了轻伤,很幸运。故选C。14B考查动词及语境理解。句意:当抢劫犯们开车盯上她们时,她们正在街上匆忙行走。A. working工作;B. hurrying匆忙;C. laughing笑。求助朋友后,两人正匆忙地离开。故选B。15B考查动词及语境理解。句意:Philippe受了重伤,必须去医院

14、。A. saved拯救;B. hurt伤害,受伤;C. killed杀。由“必须去医院”可知他伤得严重。故选B。16A考查名词及语境理解。句意:当Christina看望Philippe,离开医院时。A. hospital医院;B. school学校;C. bank银行。由上句可知,philippe受伤后进了医院。故选A。17B考查代词及语境理解。句意:Christina看到他们有一把枪,明白了他们要做什么。A. that引出陈述句作宾语从句;B. what什么;C. which哪一个,哪些。知道他们想要做什么,由what引出宾语从句。故选B。18A考查副词及语境理解。句意:但是他们开的很快,以

15、致于他们停不下车,并且他们的小车翻了。如此以致于:sothat。故选A。19C考查代词及语境理解。句意:因此,警察抓住了两位抢劫犯。A. all三者及三者以上都;B. either两者之一;C. both两者都。由第一段第三句可知是两个抢劫犯。故选C。考点:考查故事类短文。三、阅读单选阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In life, everyone once struggles for a dream, whether its successful or not. I still clearly remember one day when

16、 I was in high school. I saw on a website that Chinas Got Talents mass-election(海选)for the best singers was going on. I was very excited and decided to go and try out. But it wasnt as easy as I had thought. When I got there, I saw at least 100 people already waiting in line. My hands started to swea

17、t and shake as my turn got close. I got up and started singing, but I sang so badly that I stopped before I even finished the song. Afterwards I quickly said goodbye to my friends and walked home crying. I thought that I would never be able to show my face in public again.However, after about a year

18、, that terrible experience became a funny memory. I realized that I didnt need to care about losing that dream, because I made a new and morerealisticone. Im good at English, as well as other subjects. I made it my goal to get accepted into Columbia University. Columbia is hard to get into, and abou

19、t 1,300 students from all over the world are accepted every year. Though it is hard to get into, I think my dream will come true someday by working hard.20As a _ student, the writer took part in Chinas Got Talents mass-election.Aprimary school Buniversity Chigh school21As the writers turn got close,

20、 _.Ahe felt very nervous and uneasyBhe got up and started singingCmore than 100 people were waiting in line22When the writer went back home, _.Aall his friends were with himBhe thought it a shame to have sung so badlyChe was very excited and decided to try out again.23What does the underlined word “

21、realistic” mean in the second paragraph?A有意义的 B现实的 C有创新的24After about a year, the writer _.Agot accepted into Columbia UniversityBstill cared about losing the dream of becoming a singerCmade a new dream to get into Columbia University【答案】20C21A22B23B24C【解析】【分析】试题分析:每一个人都曾经为梦想而努力奋斗过。本文讲述了作者为了梦想的奋斗历程:

22、中学时参加中国达人秀的失败,之后作者根据自己的特长:擅长英语,确定了新的奋斗目标:进入哥伦比亚大学,并坚信自己将能够实现人生目标。20C 细节理解题。题意:当什么学生时,作者参加了中国达人秀海选?A. primary school小学生;B. university大学生;C. high school中学生。由短文第二句:I still clearly remember one day when I was in high school.可知作者中学时参加的中国达人秀的海选。故选C。21A 细节理解题。题意:当作者的轮次靠近时,发生了什么?A. he felt very nervous and

23、uneasy他感到很紧张不安;B. he got up and started singing他站起来开始唱; C. more than 100 people were waiting in line一百多人在排队等候。由第一段中的My hands started to sweat and shake as my turn got close. 可知轮到作者时,他的手开始冒汗、抖动。说明他很紧张。故选A。22B 推理判断题。题意:当作者回到家时,发生了什么?A. all his friends were with him他所有的朋友跟着他;B. he thought it a shame to

24、 have sung so badly他认为唱得那么差是一种羞耻;C. he was very excited and decided to try out again.他很激动,并且决定再次参加选拔赛。由第一段最后一句:I thought that I would never be able to show my face in public again. (我认为我再也不会在公共场所露脸了)可知作者当时感到很羞愧。故选B。23B 词义猜测题。题意:第二段有下划线的“realistic”A. 有意义的;B. 现实的;C. 有创新的。作者根据自己的特长重新确定了奋斗目标,这个梦想更加现实。故选

25、B。24C 推理判断题。题意:大约一年过后,作者怎么啦?A. got accepted into Columbia University被哥伦比亚大学录取;B. still cared about losing the dream of becoming a singer还就推动了当歌手的梦想而害怕着;C. made a new dream to get into Columbia University确定了一个新的梦想:进入哥伦比亚大学。由第二段中的:I made it my goal to get accepted into Columbia University.可知作者重新确定了新的奋

26、斗目标:进入哥伦比亚大学。故选C。考点:考查人生哲理类短文阅读。阅读理解。Here are three pieces of information about summer camps in 2016.Kids Fleet Camp 2016Kids Fleet Camp is exciting with rock climbing, golfing, swimming and creative activites.Camp Dates: June 20-24Age: 6-16 years oldCost: $ 135More information:Please call at (619)2

27、38-1233 for any questions. See more at: http:/ It Out Social Skills Camp 2016We use art to teach children social skills in group, such as: listening and following instructions; making and keeping friends, improving self-confidence, etc.Campe Dates: June 13-17Cal

28、l at 770-726-9589.For pricing information and details visit our website.1640 Powers Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30067Gwinnett Young Singers Music Camp 2016Summer camp is a lot of fun! Come and join in new and fun musical activitites! Children can learn so many kinds of musical instruments here.Camp Dates:

29、 July 18-29Camp hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.$150 each weekPlease call at 770-935-6657 or visit our website.25If you like sports, you can join _.AArt It Out Social Skills CampBKids Fleet CampCGwinnett Young Singers Music Camp26In Art It Out Social Skills Camp kids can learn how to _.Aget on with

30、 othersBclimb rockes, swim and play golf.Cimprove their language skills27To spend one week learning music in the camp, youll pay _.A$150 B$135 C$30028You can visit their website or call them up to _.Amake and keep friendsBsee the manager in personCget further information about camps29Kids will probably find summer camps _.Asafe and cheapBboring and dangerousCexciting and enjoyable【答案】25B26A27A28C29C【解析】【分析】试题分析:本文是三条2016年夏令营的广告信息,介绍了各活动的内容、时间、联系方式等等。25B 推理判断题。题意:如果你喜欢运动,你可以参加什么?A. Art It Out Social Skills Camp; B. Kids Fleet Camp;C. Gwinnett Young Singers Music Camp根据广告

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