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1、中英文贷款协议境外借境内借款合同Loan Agreement本借款合同(下称“本合同)由以下双方于2015年9月25日在中国北京签署:This Loan Agreement (this ”Agreement) is made and entered into by and between the Parties below as of the 25thday of September, 2015, in Beijing, China:(1)AAA控股有限公司(下称“贷款人”),一家依照中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(以下简称“香港”)法律设立和存在的公司,地址为香港XXX;AAA Holding

2、s Limited。 (”Lender”), a Company incorporated and existing under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China (”Hong Kong”), with its address at XXX, Hong Kong;(2)_(下称“借款人”),一位中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国)公民,其身份证号码:_._ (“Borrower”), a citizen of the PRC with Chinese Id

3、entification No。: _。贷款人和借款人以下各称为“一方”,统称为“双方”。Each of the Lender and the Borrower shall be hereinafter referred to as a Party” respectively, and as the ”Parties collectively。鉴于:Whereas:1。借款人持有BBB(下称“借款人公司)30的股权权益(下称“借款人股权”);借款人公司是一家在中国深圳注册成立的有限责任公司,其注册资本为人民币10,000,000万元;Borrower, directly or indirect

4、ly, holds 30 of equity interests (”Borrower Equity Interest) in BBB Technology Co。, Ltd。 (Borrower Company), which is a limited company duly registered in Shenzhen, China with its registered capital of RMB 10,000,000.00;2.贷款人拟向借款人提供一笔贷款用于本合同规定的用途。Lender intends to provide Borrower with a loan to be

5、used for the purposes set forth under this Agreement.经友好协商,双方达成本合同如下,以资信守:After friendly consultation, the Parties agree as follows:1。借款Loan1。1根据本合同之条款,贷款人同意向借款人提供一笔等值于人民币3,000,000万元的无息贷款(下称“贷款)。贷款的期限为自本合同签署之日起10年,经双方书面同意可以延长。在贷款期限内或在延长的贷款期限内,一旦出现如下情况之一,借款人必须立即提前还款:In accordance with the terms and c

6、onditions of this Agreement, Lender agrees to provide an interestfree loan in the amount of RMB 3,000,000.00 (the Loan”) to Borrower。 The term of the Loan shall be 10 years from the date of this Agreement, which may be extended upon mutual written consent of the Parties。 During the term of the Loan

7、or the extended term of the Loan, Borrower shall immediately repay the full amount of the Loan in the event any one or more of the following circumstances occur:借款人收到贷款人发出的要求还款的书面通知后30天期满;30 days elapse after Borrower receives a written notice from Lender requesting repayment of the Loan;借款人死亡、无民事行为

8、能力或限制民事行为能力;Borrowers death, lack or limitation of civil capacity;无论由于任何原因,借款人不再是借款人公司或其关联公司的股东;Borrower ceases (for any reason) to be an Shareholder of Borrower Company or their affiliates;借款人从事犯罪行为或牵涉犯罪活动;Borrower engages in criminal act or is involved in criminal activities;任何第三方向借款人索偿超过人民币50万元以上

9、;或Any third party filed a claim against Borrower that exceeds RMB 500,000; or根据适用的中国法律,外商可以在中国控股或独资投资增值电信业务和/或借款人公司的其他业务,并且中国相关主管部门开始审批此项业务,且贷款人决定行使根据本合同描述的独家购买权合同(下称“独家购买权合同”)拥有的独家购买权.According to the applicable laws of China, foreign investors are permitted to invest in the valueadded telecommunic

10、ation business and/or other business of Borrower Company in China with a controlling stake or in the form of wholly-foreign-owned enterprises, the relevant competent authorities of China begin to approve such investments, and Lender exercises the exclusive option under the Exclusive Option Agreement

11、 (the ”Exclusive Option Agreement”) described in this Agreement。贷款人同意在本合同第2条规定的先决条件全部满足的前提下,在收到借款人需使用该贷款的书面通知日起20日内将该贷款全部汇给借款人指定的帐号。借款人应于收到上述款项的当天向贷款人出具收款确认。贷款人在本合同项下的贷款仅适用于借款人本人,不适用于借款人的继承人或受让人。Lender agrees to remit the total amount of the Loan to the account designated by Borrower within 20 days

12、after receiving a written notification from the Borrower regarding the same, provided that all the conditions precedent in Section 2 are fulfilled。 Borrower shall provide Lender with a written receipt for the Loan upon receiving the Loan。 The Loan provided by Lender under this Agreement shall inure

13、to Borrowers benefit only and not to Borrowers successors or assigns.借款人同意接受贷款人提供的上述贷款,并且在此同意和保证,将贷款用于为借款人公司提供资金,以发展借款人公司的业务。除非取得贷款人的事先书面同意,借款人不得将上述款项用于任何其他目的。Borrower agrees to accept the aforementioned Loan provided by Lender, and hereby agrees and warrants using the Loan to provide capital for Bo

14、rrower Company to develop the business of Borrower Company. Without Lenders prior written consent, Borrower shall not use the Loan for any purpose other than as set forth herein.贷款人与借款人在此一致同意并确认借款人的还款方式只能由贷款人决定可采取以下形式:根据独家购买权合同中贷款人可购买借款人股权的权利,借款人将其持有的借款人股权的全部转让给贷款人或贷款人指定的人(法人或自然人).Lender and Borrowe

15、r hereby agree and acknowledge that Borrowers method of repayment shall be at the sole discretion of Lender, and may at Lenders option take the form of Borrowers transferring the Borrower Equity Interest in whole to Lender or Lenders designated persons (legal or natural persons) pursuant to the Lend

16、ers exercise of its right to acquire the Borrower Equity Interest under the Exclusive Option Agreement.贷款人与借款人在此一致同意并确认,借款人通过转让借款人股权所取得的任何收益(在许可的范围内),均应用于借款人根据本合同向贷款人偿还贷款,全部以贷款人指定的方式支付给贷款人。Lender and Borrower hereby agree and acknowledge that any proceeds from the transfer of the Borrower Equity Int

17、erest (to the extent permissible) shall be used to repay the Loan to Lender, in accordance with this Agreement and in the manner designated by Lender.贷款人与借款人在此一致同意并确认,在适用法律允许的前提下贷款人有权但没有义务在任何时候以独家购买权合同中约定的股权买价购买或指定他人(法人或自然人)购买全部或部分借款人股权。Lender and Borrower hereby agree and acknowledge that to the ex

18、tent permitted by applicable laws, Lender shall have the right but not the obligation to purchase or designate other persons (legal or natural persons) to purchase Borrower Equity Interest in part or in whole at any time, at the price stipulated in the Exclusive Option Agreement.借款人并保证签署一份不可撤销的授权委托书

19、(下称“授权委托书”),将其作为借款人公司股东的全部权利授权给贷款人或一名由贷款人指定的法人或自然人代为行使。Borrower also undertakes to execute an irrevocable Power of Attorney (the ”Power of Attorney”), which authorizes Lender or a legal or natural person designated by Lender to exercise all of Borrowers rights as a shareholder of Borrower Company。2。

20、贷款的先决条件Conditions Precedent在下列条件全部得以满足或由贷款人书面放弃后,贷款人才有义务按照第1。1条的规定向借款人提供贷款。The obligation of Lender to provide the Loan to Borrower contemplated in Section 1。1 shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions, unless waived in writing by Lender.2。1贷款人按时收到按照第1。2条规定的由借款人正式签署的提款通知。Lende

21、r receives the written notification for drawdown under the Loan sent by Borrower according to Section 1。2。2.2借款人公司和贷款人或贷款人指定的人(法人或自然人)已正式签订一份内容已经确定的独家业务合作协议(下称“独家业务合作协议”),根据该协议,在中国法律允许的前提下,贷款人或贷款人指定的人将作为独家服务提供者向借款人公司提供技术服务和业务咨询服务.Borrower Company and Lender or other person (legal or natural person)

22、designated by Lender have officially executed an Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement (”Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement”), under which Lender or other person designated by Lender, as an exclusive service provider, will provide Borrower Company with technical service and business consult

23、ing service.2.3借款人、借款人公司和贷款人或贷款人指定的人(法人或自然人)已签订一份内容已经确定的股权质押合同(下称“股权质押合同”),根据该合同,借款人同意将借款人股权全部质押给贷款人或贷款人指定的人。Borrower, Borrower Company and Lender or other person (legal or natural person) designated by Lender have executed a Share Pledge Agreement (Share Pledge Agreement”), the contents of which ha

24、ve been confirmed, and according to the Share Pledge Agreement, Borrower agrees to pledge Borrower Equity Interest to Lender or other person designated by Lender.2。4借款人、贷款人和借款人公司已正式签订一份内容已经确定的独家购买权合同,根据该合同,在中国法律允许的前提下,借款人将不可撤销地向贷款人授予一项购买全部借款人股权的独家购买权。Borrower, Lender and Borrower Company have offici

25、ally executed an Exclusive Option Agreement, the contents of which have been confirmed, and under which Borrower shall irrevocably grant Lender an exclusive option to purchase all of the Borrower Equity Interest.2。5借款人已经签署一份不可撤销的授权委托书,将其作为借款人公司股东的全部权利授权给贷款人或其指定的人(法人或自然人)代为行使。Borrower has executed an

26、 irrevocable Power of Attorney (”Power of Attorney), which authorizes Lender or other person (legal or natural person) designated by Lender to exercise all of Borrowers rights as a shareholder in Borrower Company.2.6上述股权质押合同、授权委托书、独家购买权合同和独家业务合作协议于本合同签署日前或同时已经签署,且都具有完全的法律效力并且未发生任何该等合同或协议的违约事件或阻却事件,而

27、一切有关的备案手续、批准、授权、注册和政府程序已取得或办妥(如需要的话).双方已按照中国有关法律法规的规定完成本协议项下借款的所有必需的政府审批和登记。The aforementioned Share Pledge Agreement, Power of Attorney, Exclusive Option Agreement and Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement have been entered into before or on the date of execution of this Agreement and shall have

28、 full legal validity without any default or encumbrance related to these agreements or contracts, and all the related filing procedures, approvals, authorization, registrations and government procedures have been completed (as applicable). The Parties have completed all the necessary government appr

29、ovals and registrations for the Loan under this Agreementaccording to the relevantlaws and regulations of the PRC。2.7借款人在第3.2条项下所做的陈述和保证都是真实的、完整的、正确的和不存在误导性的。All the representations and warranties by Borrower in Section 3。2 are true, complete, correct and not misleading。2.8借款人没有违反其在本合同第4条所作的任何承诺,且未发

30、生或可预见将要发生任何可能影响借款人履行本合同项下义务的事件。Borrower has not violated the covenants in Section 4 of this Agreement, and no event which may affect Borrowers performance of its obligations under this Agreement has occurred or is expected to occur。3.陈述和保证Representations and Warranties3.1在本合同签署日至本合同终止前,贷款人向借款人做出以下陈述

31、和保证:Between the date of this Agreement and the date of termination of this Agreement, Lender hereby makes the following representations and warranties to Borrower:贷款人是一家根据香港法律注册成立并合法存续的公司;Lender is a corporation duly organized and legally existing in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong;贷款人有权签署和履行本合同.贷款人签署和履行本合同符合贷款人的经营范围和贷款人公司章程或其他组织性文件的规定,贷款人已就签署和履行本合同取得了所有必要和适当的批准和授权;和Lender has the legal capacity to execute and perform this Agreement。 The execution and performance by Lender of this Agreeme

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