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托福口语tpo 解析.docx

1、托福口语tpo 解析托福真题第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a sim

2、ple account of the book. Key Word: Important- Interesting: draws you in. - knowledge you have learnt- enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life

3、 and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgivene

4、ss, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever. 解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book) Give a simple account of the process of g

5、etting the book. Key Word: Important- It was a souvenir given by an important person - It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)- You got the book from a special event as a reward. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample ResponseOn my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-H

6、amlet-that I have been treasured for years. It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave. In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeares play despite my weak English foundati

7、on/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has bec

8、ome the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on the society. Which do you agree with and why. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.解题思路一: Posit

9、ive Influence TS: State your stand R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV: - dissemination of information and knowledge- entertainment R2:Negative influence (just mention) Conclusion Sample Response: This is indeed a controversial issue. Form my point of view; TV has far more pros t

10、han cons. Firstly, television has long been regarded as a tool to disseminate in formation and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about whats happening in the country and the world. Children watch Animal World or National Geography to gain more knowledge. At the same time, TV is also the mos

11、t prevalent and effective device to entertain the masses. Although theres no denying that TV sometimes delivers negative information to people, the public or government censorship can ensure the quality of our TV programs today. Therefore, generally speaking, TV has had a positive influence on socie

12、ty.解题思路二: Negative Influence TS: State your stand R1:Positive influence (just mention) R2:Negative influence - Lack of censorshipbad TV programinfluence social ideology - Make people lazy/unhealthy Conclusion Sample Response: In my opinion, unfortunately, television has had much more negative influe

13、nce on society than positive ones. Despite the fact that TV has kept us entertained, there are many negative elements that have infiltrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the modern Cinderella stories have created many money-worshiping young ladies who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy al

14、l the luxuries in the world. Uncensored TV programme with violent and sexual content can misguide teenagers who are very susceptible to those detrimental influences. Besides, long time watching TV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become the contributing factor for many illnesse

15、s like obesity, especially in the more developed countries. Q3 Intro: Centerville College is planning to purchase a sculpture for its campus. A student wrote a letter to the school newspaper to oppose the plan. The instruction before you read the passage is important since it gives you an overview o

16、f what the passage is about. The passageLetter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The universitys poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this

17、 year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angels! Its so large. Itll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public spa

18、ce that should be reserved for student to use.The conversation:M: Did you see Pauls letter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. Im glad we will finally have some nice art on campus. Id like to shake the

19、 donors hand and say thank you!M: What do you mean the donor?W: You didnt know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.M: Not the university?W: No. His assumptions about whos paying for, they are all wrong. M: Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space itll take up.W:

20、 Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around a soccer ball. Theyll just have to use another part of the campus to play.M: Oh, so he just doesnt want to have to move.W: Yeah. For him, its sculpture verses convenie

21、nce.Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.Preparation Steps: 4:6Step 1: Read the letter and take note of the main ideas. Omit redundant details such as numbers and peoples name. (Those may be important in Listening section). Try to form pictures in your mind to hel

22、p you memorize the content of the letter. (e.g. The 2nd reason: imagine一群本来在草地上踢球的学生很无奈的看着一个从天而降的巨大雕塑把他们的草坪占据了)Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter and conversation.Pay special attention to signaling words/sentences because they give you an idea about how many

23、points you must include. (e.g. Moreover in the letter.)Step 3: Take notes on paper while listening to the conversation. Fast and clear. Dont expect to fully spell out all the words youve heard. Just use your own spelling so that you can pronounce the word. If you didnt manage to take down some words

24、 that you think are important, dont try to recall, move on and listen to the rest of the conversation. 千万不要为了捡芝麻而丢了西瓜!Step 4: Organize your thoughts in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Ans

25、wering the question: Reason1 in the letter. Disagreement 1 in the conversation Signal words/sentence for transaction Reason2 in the letter. Disagreement 2 in the conversation ConclusionSample Response:The first reason given by Paul (if you cant remember the name, you can just omit this) in the lette

26、r against the purchasing of the new sculpture is that he assumes the financial difficulties faced by the university makes the sculpture too costly to buy. However, the woman disagrees because most of the price of the sculpture is paid by a donor. Hence the university will only bear a small sum of mo

27、ney. Besides, Paul also suggests that the huge sculpture will occupy the space in the campus which is supposed to be reserved for students activities. The woman dismissed this point because she knows that Paul is just reluctant to find another place to play soccer with his friends if the lawn they u

28、sed to play on is occupied by the sculpture. Further more, the woman thinks that the sculpture is a nice art that can actually make the campus prettier. Q4: PassageGroup thinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is know as group think. Individual members of a group attemp

29、t to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inev

30、itable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decision that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make. LectureSo, let me tell you about my own experience with this when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago. One day a cowor

31、ker and I suggested that we should give our computer a design make-over, make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advance, but the outside design looked really o

32、ld-fashioned. At first, more than half of the group supported us. There were a few senior mangers they are though who didnt support the design change. One of the senior manager said, Our focus has always been on technology. Changing the look is unnecessary cost. Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds. Even my coworker changed his mind. When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didnt want to make a bad impression on the senior mana

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