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自考 英语一 笔记 9.docx

1、自考 英语一 笔记 9Text A learned words and popular words本课主要单词1. learned adj. 有学问的,博学的;学术上的这个单词做形容词用时有两种读音,一是 ,另一个是 或 .读 时,意思是“有学问的,博学的;学术上的”;读 或 时,意思是“经过训练学到的”。a learned man (学者)a learned discussion (学术讨论)a learned doctor (医道高明的医生)a learned journal (学术刊物)a learned response 后天的反应(指非天生的)He was learned in th

2、e ways of the words. (他深通人情世故。)2. cultivated adj. 耕种的;栽培的;有修养的cultivate v. 耕种;种植;培养;陶冶;建立;教化cultivation n 耕种;栽培;培养;修养。1)The farmer was busy cultivating the land when I found him. (我找到那位农民时,他正忙着耕地。)2)His father cultivated a farm of 80 acres. (他父亲耕种一个80英亩地的农场。)3)Extensive reading can cultivate your mi

3、nd. (广泛阅读能陶冶你的心性。)4)He tried hard to cultivate good relations with his colleagues. (他努力与同事们建立良好关系。)5)He is a very cultivated young man. (他是一个非常有教养的年轻人。) 6)Her cultivated voice was pleasing to the audience. (她文雅的说话嗓音很悦耳。)7)He just cant understand why they allowed the land to go out of cultivation.(他就

4、是不理解他们为什么任土地荒芜。)8)The cultivation of good manners will be very helpful to his future.(礼貌习惯的养成对他的未来将有很大的帮助。)9)He is a man of charm and cultivation. (他既有魅力又有教养。)3.concern n. 关心;关系;关联 v.涉及,有关于;使关心,使挂念1) This matter is no concern of yours. (这件事跟你毫无关系。)2) I dont think it is my concern, go and ask the man

5、ager, please. (这事跟我没关系,请去问经理。)3) We felt concern for (或over) your health. (我们为你的健康担心。)4) He is said to have been concerned in the crime. (据说他与这起犯罪事件有关。)5) The energy problem concerns us all. (能源问题关系到我们每个人。)6) The babys poor health concerned his parents. (孩子身体不好使父母担忧。)concern oneself in sth 关心concern

6、 oneself with (about, over, in) 忙于concern oneself about (for) 担忧have no concern with 与无关to whom it may concern (用作正式信件的开头)敬启者concerned adj. 担忧的,不安的;有关联的;关心的1) We are concerned about (at, over) world peace. (我们关心世界和平。)2) He spoke to the people concerned. (他对有关的人讲了话。)3) We are not concerned with who i

7、s right or wrong. (我们对谁是谁非不感兴趣。)4) As far as ability is concerned, he is the best candidate. (就能力而言,他是最佳人选。)concerning prep. 关于1)This is a proposal concerning child health. (这是一项关于儿童健康的建议。)2)Please inform me concerning this matter. (请把关于这件事的情况告诉我。)4.possession n. 所有,拥有possess v. 拥有;具有;掌握;耐住(性子)1)The

8、 possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. (有学位不一定保证能找到工作。)2)When his father died, he came into possession of a large ranch. (他父亲去世后,他继承了一个大牧场。)3)He was a poor man with few possessions. (他是个没有什么财产的穷人。)4)The old house is now in his possession. (这所老房子现在归他所有。)5) The old lady is in possession

9、 of some gold coins. (那位老太太拥有一些金币。)6) How much money does he possess? (他有多少钱?)7) He told us that he possessed a little French. (他对我们说他懂一点法语。)8) He possessed his temper despite the insult. (尽管受到了侮辱,他还是按捺住怒气。)5.occasion n. 时刻;场合;时机 occasional adj. 偶尔的,偶然的occasionally adv. 偶然地1) Weve met each other on

10、more than one occasion. (我们已经不止一次地见过。)2) He wanted to give people a good impression on this special occasion.(他想在这个特别的场合给人们留下好印象。)3)The weather was good except for an occasional shower. (除了偶尔有阵雨外,天气很好。)4)They go into town occasionally. (他们偶尔进城。)6.acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人acquaint v. 使认识;了解1)I had som

11、e acquaintance with this subject. (对这一课题我曾有所了解。)2)He has many acquaintances. (他交游甚广。)3)Its necessary to acquaint Western readers with recent happenings in China.(向西方读者介绍中国最近的动态很有必要。)4)She decided to acquaint herself with every aspect of the question.(她决定使自己对这个问题的每一个方面都了如指掌。)5)We were acquainted with

12、 each year several years ago. (我们几年前就相互认识了。)7.formal adj. 正式的;形式的;礼仪上的informal adj. 非正式的;不拘礼节的formally adv. 正式地1) They wrote a formal letter of thanks. (他们写了一封正式的感谢信。)2) He received formal training in music when he was only 6. (他六岁时就接受了正规的音乐训练。)3)Its not appropriate to wear informal clothes on forma

13、l occasions. (在正式场合穿便装不合适。)4)Discussions were formally opened in David Camp last week. (讨论上周在戴维营正式开始。)8.elevated adj. 提高的;高贵的,庄严的elevate v. 提高;提升elevation n. 高度;提升;崇高elevator n. 起重工人;电梯1)She considers herself too elevated to eat in a fast-food restaurant. (她自视过高,不愿在快餐店用餐。)2)He spoke in an elevated t

14、one. (他用庄严的语气讲着。)3)He was elevated to a higher rank. (他晋了级。)4)They worked hard to elevate the living standards. (他们努力工作以提高生活水平。)5)He was overjoyed at his elevation to the position of general manager. (他因晋升为总经理而欣喜万分。)6)They are flying at an elevation of 8000 feet. (他们正在8000英尺高空飞行。)7)You can take an e

15、levator to the 18th floor. (你可以乘电梯去十八楼。) n. 风格;文体;式样1) They sell hats in all sizes and styles. (他们出售各种式样和尺寸的帽子。)2) He changed his style of painting when he returned from Paris. (他从巴黎回来后就改变了画风。)3) Sincerity and simplicity are his style. (真挚和简练是他的文体。)come into style (开始流行)be in style (在流行中)be o

16、ut of style (不再流行) n. 情况,事实;病例,案例;箱子,盒子1)He thought the more time he spent on his lessons, the better performance he would make. But now he realizes it is not the case. (他原以为花在功课上的时间越多,成绩就越好,现在他认识到情况并非如此。)2)If thats the case youll have to work harder. (如果真是那样,你得更加努力。)3)Dont worry too much abo

17、ut it, it is a light case of flu. (别担心,只是轻度流感。)4)The police are studying the murder case. (警察正在研究这起谋杀案。)a case in point (恰当的例子)a case of honor (荣誉攸关的问题)a civil (criminal) case (民事/刑事诉讼)a case of life and death (生死攸关的事情)a hard case (棘手的事情)in any case (无论如何)in case (假使;以防)in the case of (就来说)just in c

18、ase (以防万一)11.popularity n. 普及,流行;名望,受欢迎popular adj. 普遍的;多数人喜爱的;大众的 1)He was amazed at the popularity of table-tennis when he first came to China.(他第一次来中国时惊异于乒乓球运动的普及。)2)The new president achieved great popularity. (新任总统深得人心。)3)Books on popular science are selling well. (科普书籍销得很好。)4)He is popular amo

19、ng young students. (他深受青年学生的欢迎。)12.classification n. 分类;分级classify v. 把分类1)There are different opinions about the classification of a particular word.(对某一特定的词的分类有不同的看法。)2)They classified the books according to their contents. (他们根据内容把图书分了类。)在英语中有不少以-fy为后缀的动词,其名词形式常以-ation为后缀,如:purify-purificationqua

20、lify-qualificationsimplify-simplificationidentify-identification13.convenient adj. 方便的inconvenient adj. 不方便的convenience n. 方便1)If it is convenient for you, please inform me of the case as soon as possible.(如果于你方便的话,请把案情尽早告诉我。)2)Your visit caused him great inconvenience. (你的来访给他带来极大的不便。)3)I appreciat

21、e the convenience of living near the office. (我喜欢住处离办公室近这点方便。)14.avoid v. 避免,避开1)You should avoid being late for the meeting. ( 你应该避免开会迟到。)2)We should avoid making the same mistake. (我们应该避免犯同样的错误。)15.presence n. 出席,到场present adj. 出席的;当前的 n. 礼物 v. 呈献;送1) We shall be greatly honored to have your prese

22、nce. (你如能出席,我们将荣幸之至。)2) He felt shy to speak in the presence of a large audience. (在众多人前讲话他感到难为情。)3) All the students are present today. (今天,所有的学生都到堂了。)4) He is talking about the present situation. (他正在谈当前的形势。)5) Hes father gave him a lovely birthday present. (父亲给了他一个可爱的生日礼物。)6) He presented his tea

23、cher with a book he wrote. (他送给老师一本自己写的书。)本课主要词缀Affixation (词缀法)1.形容词后缀-ed (多接于名词之后,表示“具有”,“充满”的意思)learned, cultivated, educated, elevated2. 名词后缀-ion,-ationpossession, classification, misconception, cultivation3. 名词后缀-anceacquaintance, importance本课简介在learned words and popular words这篇课文中,对学术词汇和普通词汇进行

24、了定义。讲述了两类词汇之间的差异,并且指出把词分为学术的和普通的方便而且有道理。但是人们必须注意,把普通词汇理解为属于大众所有的词,而不是某个特定阶层的人们所拥有的东西。学术词汇也并非有学问之人专用,只是它的存在是由于书籍和文学的培养而不是日常会话的实际需要。本课主要语言点 1. In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, make up the whole vocabulary.class在本句中的意思是“种类”,相当于type, category.如:1)I

25、t is very difficult to meet the needs of various classes of readers.A large number of students have passed the exam (许多学生已经通过了考试)2)They paid a large amount of money for the house (他们付了一大笔钱买了这座房子)6.Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at homeocca

26、sion 通常可以做可数名词用,意思是“时刻、场合”;也可以做不可数名词用,意思是:“必要性、需要;机会”。如:1)Theyre met on several occasions (他们已相遇过好几次)2)They are occasions when you find it difficult to say “Good-bye”。(有时候你会觉得说“再见”很难。)3)I dont remember I had occasion to blame him (我不记得我有责备他的必要)7.In the latter, we are using a Latin Derivation which h

27、as exactly the same meaning在前一句中用了“in the first case,” 本句中的“in the latter ”是指in the latter case .对两件事分别进行表述时,可以用in the first case, in the latter case 这一类词,条理非常清楚,也可以用the former,the latter 来表述。derivation 是derive 的名词形式。Latin derivation 意思是“拉丁语词源的词”,请看例句:1)These words are derived from Latin (这些词由拉丁语派生而

28、来)2)The derivation of words is interesting (词的派生很有意思)8. The terms “popular” and “learned”, as applied to words, are not absolute definitions.本句中的term意思是“术语、名称”,如:1) I dont know how to put this term into Chinese (我不知道如何把这一术语译成中文)2) Writer is hardly the term to apply to him (“作家”这一名称很难用在他身上)term 还有“期限

29、;任期;学期”的意思,如:1)During his 4-year term of office, he did a lot of things for the common people.(在他四年的任职期间,他为普通百姓做了不少事。)2) He decided to rum for a second term (他决定竞选连任。)3) The autumn term is coming to an end (秋学期快要结束了。)apply to 在句中的意思是“用于”,如:1)This rule applies to upper class students only (这条规则只适用于高年

30、级学生。)2)I dont think what he says applies to you (我想他的话对你不适用)3)They are eager to apply the theory to practice (他们急切地想把这一理论用于实践)apply for 则是“申请”的意思,如:1)How many people have applied for the job?(有多少人申请了这个工作?)2)They applied for permission to use the tennis court (他们申请使用网球场。)9. Still the classification i

31、nto “learned” and “popular” is convenient and sound .本句中的sound是形容词,意思是“正确的;明智的”,如:1)He felt so happy that he had made a sound decision.(做了正确的决定,他感到很高兴。)2)He was so carried away by power that he could not make any sound judgement(他被权力冲昏了头脑,无法做出任何明智的判断)请看下面几个句子,注意sound 在句中的意思:1)He is sound in body and

32、 mind (他身心健康)2)The house is sound .Dont hesitate to buy it (这所房了完好无损,别犹豫,买下它)3)The baby is having a sound sleep.(宝宝在酣睡)4)Father gave him a sound beating.(父亲给他一顿痛打)10.When we call a word “learned” we dont mean that it is used by learned persons alone, but simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due

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