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1、统考英语B大学英语B统考网考在学英语B完型填空25篇完型填空BPassage 1A doctor once taught a class of students in a famous hospital in Edinburgh (爱丁堡). Someone _21_ a sick man in, and the doctor turned to one of the students and asked him, Whats wrong with this man?I dont know, sir, the student answered. Shall I examine him to _

2、22_ what his problem is?Theres no need to examine him, said the doctor. You should know without asking questions. He hurt his right knee. Didnt you _23_ the way he walked? He hurt it by burning. You see his trouser leg is burnt at the knee. It is Monday morning now. Yesterday was fine, but on Saturd

3、ay the roads were wet and muddy (泥泞的). The mans trousers are muddy all over. The man _24_ on Saturday night.Then the doctor turned to the man and said, You had your wages on Saturday and went to a _25_ and drank too much. You got wet and muddy on the way home. Because you drank too much, you fell on

4、 the fire and burnt your knee. Is that right?Yes, sir, said the man.2125 A.find out B.brought D.fell down E.notice答案:BAEDC曾经,一名医生正在爱丁堡一家知名医院给学生授课。有人带了一位病人进来,医生转向其中的一名学生问:这个人怎么了?“先生,我不知道”学生答道。“我需要对他进行检查并查明他是什么病吗”医生说:“不必做检查,你不必提问就应该知道,他的右膝受伤。难道你没看到他走路的样子吗?他是烧伤的。你看他的裤子膝盖那里有烧痕。现在是周一早上。昨天是好天气,但周六路上

5、都是泥水,这个人的裤子都沾了泥。这人周六晚上摔了一跤。”然后,医生转向那个人说:“你周六领到工资去了酒吧,喝得烂醉。你在回家路上全身沾满泥水。由于你喝太多,倒在火上,膝盖烫伤,对吧?”那人说:“是的,先生。”Passage 2A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out. A thirsty Goat, came to the same well, seeing the Fox, asked if the water was good.Its wonderful, shouted the fox _21_ the b

6、ottom of the well. Come on down. The Goat, thinking only of his thirst, jumped down, but just as he drank, he realized he was trapped!The Fox had an idea. If, said he, you will place your forefeet(前足)_22_ the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and escape, and will help you out afterwar

7、ds. The Goat agreed and the Fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the Goats horns, he safely _23_ the top of the well and ran off as _24_ as he could. What about me? shouted the Goat from the bottom of the well. _25_ the Fox was long gone, and the Goat was very upset. Look before you leap

8、.2125 A.on B.reached D.But E.from答案:EABCD一天一只狐狸掉进一口深井,找不到出路。一头口渴的山羊,来到这口井前,看到了狐狸,问它水好不好喝。“水可棒了。”狐狸在井底喊道。“下来吧。”这头山羊脑子里只有自己的口渴,跳了下去,但是当它喝水的时候,它意识到自己被困住了。狐狸有了个主意,它说:“如果你把你的前足抵在井上,把头弯下了,我就沿着你的背跑上去逃出去,然后帮你逃出来。”山羊同意了,狐狸跳上它的背。靠着山羊的角来稳定自己,它安全地达到井沿,然后飞快地跑掉了。“我怎么办?”山羊从井底大喊。但是狐狸早就跑掉了,这头山羊很伤心。三思而后行。Passa

9、ge 3A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it so hard that it broke the window of a house and fell in. A woman came to the window with the ball and shouted _21_ him, so the young boy ran away, but he wanted his ball back. A few minutes later, he came back and knocked at the doo

10、r of the house. When the woman opened the door, he said, My father is going to come up and mend your window very soon. After a few minutes, a man came to the door _22_ tool in his hand, so the woman let the boy take his ball away.When the man finished mending the _23_, he said to the woman You have

11、to _24_ me ten pounds. But arent you the _25_ of that boy? the woman asked. She looked surprised. No, he answered. He was surprised, too. Arent you his mother?2125 A.with B.window C.father E.pay答案:DABEC 一个小男孩在街上玩球。他踢得太猛了,球打破一栋房子的窗户掉了进去。一位女士走到窗前冲着这个小男孩大喊,所以他跑掉了,但是他仍然想把球要回来。几分钟后他回来了,敲了那栋房子的门。当那位女

12、士来开门的时候,他说:“我的父亲很快就会来给你修窗户的。”几分钟后一个手上拿着工具的男人来到门口,所以这位女士就让男孩把球拿走了。当这个男人修好了窗户,他对女士说:“你需要支付十美元。”“可是你不是那个男孩的父亲吗?”这个女士惊讶地问。“不,”他回答,同样惊讶:“你不是他的妈妈吗?”Passage 4Almost everyone knows the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the names of men. Mrs is used for married women and Miss is for unmarried w

13、oman. But _21_ is Ms?For some time, businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a womans name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Today, however, many women like Ms better than Mrs or Miss.The word “_22_” does not tell us whether or not a man is married. So the women

14、want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.There are some problems with Ms. Not all the women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find _23_ difficult to read. Ms _24_miz. Young women like it be

15、tter than older women _25_. It is difficult to know whether most American women will use Ms in the future. What do you think of it?2125 A.Mr C.sounds like E.what答案:EABCD很多人都知道先生,夫人和小姐的含义。先生用于男性名字前。夫人用来称呼已婚女人,小姐用于称呼未婚女士。但是Ms是什么意思呢?有一段时间,美国商人若不知道女士是否已婚就用女士来称呼。然而,现在比起夫人或小姐,许多女性喜欢被称呼为女士。先生这个词并

16、没有告知我们一个男士是否已婚。因此,女性想用这种方式和男性平等。这些女性认为让别人知道自己是否已婚并不重要。用女士也产生一些问题。不是所有女性都喜欢它。有的喜欢老派的称呼。有的人认为难读。Ms 听起来像miz。年轻女性比年长的女性更喜欢它。很难知道将来是否大部分美国女性使用女士。你有什么看法?Passage 5For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, inter-office

17、communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In _21_ a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are _22_ readers. Most of us develop

18、poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem _23_ in the actual stuff of language itselfwords. Taken individually, words have little meaning until they are strung(连成) together into phrased, sentences and paragraphs. _24_, however, the untrained reader does not read

19、groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing(倒退) to reread words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over what you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which _25_ down the speed of reading is vocalizationsounding(用言语表达) each wor

20、d either orally or mentally as one reads. 2125 A.getting B.lies C.poor D.slows E.Unfortunately答案:ACBED对很多人来说,阅读已不仅仅是放松的方式。为了工作,他们必须看信件,报告,商业报刊,办公室间的通讯,更不用提报纸杂志:报纸和杂志是文字一直延续的两种方式。为了找到工作或获得晋升,阅读能力和快速理解力决定了成败。然而,不幸的是我们绝大多数人阅读慢。很多人从早期就养成了不良的阅读习惯,从未改正。最主要的问题实际上是文字本身。就单个字而言,文字本身无意义,只有组成短语,句子,段落才有意义。然而,不幸的

21、是,没有训练过的人不是一组词一组词的读。他是费力的逐字阅读,经常会倒回去再读。倒读,是把已读过的再重读,这是阅读中一种普遍的坏习惯。另一个使阅读慢的坏习惯是逐字读出声,也就是阅读时一字一句读。Passage 6From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and weekends they are free and _21_ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others take part in

22、sports. This is decided by their own interests.There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of _22_. It may be something from colleting stamps to making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are wo

23、rth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their owners.I know a man who has a coin collection worth several _23_ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him 250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my yo

24、ungest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 kinds of them, but I wonder _24_ they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. _25_ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.Thats what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do in

25、 our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.2125 A.thousand B.of C.Nothing D.enjoy E.hobby答案:DEABC大部分人周一到周五都忙于工作和学习,但是一到晚上和周末他们就会有时间享受生活。一些人会看电视或去看电影,另一些人会参加体育活动。这取决于个人爱好。几乎每个人都有某种爱好。这可能涉及到从集邮到制作航模等各种方面。一些爱好很昂贵,但有些爱好根本没有任何花费。有些收藏会很值钱,

26、而有些收藏只会对于它们的所有者来说具有价值。我认识一个人,他的硬币收藏价值几千美元。前不久他刚刚花250美元买了一枚稀有的50分硬币!而另一方面,我的小弟弟收集火柴盒。他大概有600个火柴盒,但是我怀疑他们是否值钱。然而,对于我弟弟来说它们很珍贵。没有什么比为他的收藏增添一个新的火柴盒能让他更高兴了。我想这就是爱好的意义所在。它是我们在闲暇时光能够为我们找点乐子的事情。Passage 7How much do you know about manners? Different countries have different manners. In some Asian countries,

27、it is good manners to take off your _21_ before you go into a house. But in European countries, even if they sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. If you are a _22_ in a Chinese house, when you have a meal, you usually do not finish the food. You often leave a little to show that you have h

28、ad enough. But in England, a visitor always finishes food to show that he has _23_ it. We must know the customs of other _24_, so that they will not think _25_ bad-mannered. People all over the world agree that a well-mannered person should be kind and helpful to others. If you remember this, at lea

29、st you will not go very far wrong. Everybody likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person with bad manners. Keep your manners.2125 A.enjoyed C.countries E.foreigner答案:BEACD关于礼仪你了解多少?不同的国家有不同的礼仪。在一些亚洲国家,走进别人家之前拖鞋是一种礼貌的举动。但是在欧洲国家,即使有时候变得很脏,也不会这样做(拖鞋)。如果你是一位去中国人家里的外国人,吃饭的时候通

30、常不要都吃光。通常要剩一点表示你吃饱了。但是在英国,客人总是要吃光食物来表示他很喜欢吃。我们必须了解其他国家的风俗,这样他们就不会认为我们没有礼貌了。全世界的人都认同礼仪好的人应该和善、乐于助人的。如果你记住这一点,至少你不会错得太离谱。每个人都喜欢礼仪好的人,没有人喜欢不礼貌的人。保持好你的礼仪。Passage 8John lives alone because his wife died. He works hard all his life, _21_ he is very poor. Now he is so old that he cant work. He has three so

31、ns, but they are married, and they are very busy. They only have time to eat dinner with their _22_ once a week.The old man grows older and older, and his sons come to see him less and less. “They dont need me at all now,” he tells himself. They are afraid Ill become a burden. Then he makes a plan.T

32、he next morning, he finds a large box, fills _23_ lots of broken pieces of glass, and then locks it with an old lock.In the afternoon, his sons come for dinner. They find the box. “Whats in this box?” they ask. “Oh, nothing,” the old man says.“It must be full of gold,” they think. So they want to guard the treasure. They decide _24_ with the old man. They can loo

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