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1、华师在线英语语言学满分作业华师在线英语语言学满分作业 作者: 日期:英语语言学作 业1第题 “Whydontyu as Mary for help?” isan sane _A.represenativs.xpssivCmisives答案:C您的答案:C 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2. 2第8题Which of the follwing ars ofwrds are colete homonms?A.flo-loerB.led(to ide)-lead(a knd ometal)C.heroin-hooeD.iket-riet答案:D 您的答案: 题目分数:2.此题得分:.5 3第题 Wic

2、hofthollwing isan eampoovergenealizti?.ye.earChepDfots答案:D您的答案:D 题目分数:.5 此题得分:2.5 第18题 TheGa Wlbelongs t _ culture.A.ateriB.riual.fokDnneof he above答案: 您的答案: 题目分数:25 此题得分:2.5 5.第19题Aro the tme of heir econbrtday, hilren bei to prodce_答案:B 您的答案:B题目分数:2.5 此题得分

3、:.5 6.第0题 Whch he foowin a fron, closeand nrouedvowel?A.u:B.i:.D:答案: 您的答案:B题目分数:2 此题得分:2. 7第1题 Whch he folloing ods s NO acoindword?A.dacronB.oakCeroD.gym答案:D 您的答案:题目分数:2.此题得分:.5 8.第2题The ollowigsouds lngto the same nturassECET_.A.B.sC.u.i:答案: 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2. 9第2题 Wh of th follon unred pats

4、s a fre morphme?AndestndbeB.eastwardCotherieDwithout答案:D您的答案:D 题目分数:2. 此题得分:25 10第2题 hch of e ollwing is of ds ahomophones?A.flour-flowerB.lea (to gue)-led ( kinf metal)mouth (a speech orgn)-moh(a entranc to ave)D.aal-cow答案:A 您的答案: 题目分数: 此题得分:2.5 11.第25题 Thativist vie languageauition i hld by_.A.Blo

5、oelB.Chmsk.SaussueD.Sinner答案: 您的答案:B题目分数:2 此题得分: 2.第26题 Whih ide(s) o mscles o ors doe ourleft incontrol?A.both let d igt.leCrghD.soeimeslet,somimes ight答案:C您的答案:C 题目分数:2. 此题得分:2.5 13.第7题 ommnce and egi ar _.A.dialectal synmsB.olloatioal synoymC.stlstic yonymD.yoyms that dffer intheir emotivemeaning

6、答案: 您的答案: 题目分数:2.5此题得分:.5 4.第31题How may mopmesare ther itheword “dsordery”?A.TB.TheCFourD.Fie答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5此题得分:2. 15第35题 T lingis that distnguishe three scil vaables (iel, Moe, Tenr) tha demihe egiter i _.Chomsk.aldayC.lofildD.Firth答案:您的答案:B 题目分数:5 此题得分:.5 16.第3题 he designfetres of hua anguag

7、enlde thefolowingfaures EEP_A.dualitof strutureBgenetic fatureC.rbitrariesD.dispacemet答案:您的答案: 题目分数:.5 此题得分:2. 1.第37题 The followingunderlied arts are temed spcifieXCPT_? quiclyBalwaysmke mtakesC.very ld an答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 18.第38题 Wh of the follon is a declaration?A.pen

8、th dor,pleB.I appontou chiman of the comitte.oulyu likto go t th movie wth us?DIve never seen hr beore.答案: 您的答案:B 题目分数:25 此题得分:2.5 9.第9题 Te rd “boatl” is a(n) _.A.cronyB.bndC.cpe wrdD.oind wor答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:.5 此题得分:5 20.第4题 “Up yu go,chaps!” lngso _ lagge.AinimateBfozeCconsultave.casual答案:A 您的答案:A

9、 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.5 21.第1题 n a ookabout ghots, the clemnt isgts.答案:错误您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:5 22.第2题 Eglishis toe languae.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2此题得分:2 23第3题 heworucceptabiity has fur morpees.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:. 此题得分:.5 4第4题 n TG, trminr is oftn rten as Det.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:.5 此题得分:2 25第5题 Thworslead(领导

10、) and lea(铅球) arhomgraph答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:25 2.第6题If ith sad to ou in asuprmarket, I am thir ow, but hav no money with me , thenhis perlocutionry ct isyourbuing hima cc-cola.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:25此题得分:2 2.第10题 Comky egr mpetenea an act doingthingswith sente.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 2

11、8第11题The arowing of sace between ehard palate and e frnt o the tne rsults in th sund j答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 29.第12题 each-in is a componword答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.此题得分:2 0第3题 Te o rdg is a loan word.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:.5 此题得分:. 31第题 Vcor, a wildchi,oas depived f agua contc fr12 yer, w traie y

12、tr, but ould nly sknlytwo wods inte n.答案:正确 您的答案:正确题目分数:.5 此题得分:2. 32第1题 Te wodfl and ptnt are stylisti synonyms答案:错误您的答案:错误 题目分数:.5此题得分:5 33.第6题Accrng t leod, thfrst anguae study has erved asabckcloho ereiving ad uneranding ne facts about secnd lngaglearni.答案:正确您的答案:正确 题目分数:25 此题得分:2.5 34第1题 Subjec

13、tsta less timeto make jdgment onfrequetly usdwords tha on less commo wods. hs ialld th requencyefet.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.5此题得分:25 35.第8题 Open the door! ia irctiv.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2 此题得分:. 36.第2题Of ely and answr , thlatter is moreformal答案:错误您的答案:错误 题目分数:25 此题得分:25 37.第3题The kimos hve more wor fr sn

14、othnthe Englisav in tht sow is moe cruciatoe lof te former答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.5此题得分:. 3.第2题 鸭不吃了。 is NOT n abigus sence.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.5此题得分:2.5 39第33题Duality f lnuage means langae is a w-evl system.答案:正确 您的答案:正确 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:.5 0第4题 I fire you! is a cmmsse.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 作业

15、总得分:10作业总批注: 1第8题 Which o h follwing a eclatio?.Open hedoo, lease.B.Iappont youhaiman of the comtee.CWould you ike o go tthe mvie ith us?D.Ivenever seehe bfor答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:. 此题得分:2. 2.第10题 Whch ie(s) omucleo usdoes our let bai cntol?.th lft nd rihtB.etC.gtD.sometime left, sometimesright答案:C您的答案:

16、题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2 3.第0题 on he time oftheir econbirthda, chidnbegin to prodce_答案: 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:.5 4.第2题 The nativt view f laguage qisito i held y _.BlfilB.homskyC.Saussre.Skinner答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 5.第2题“y ont yu akMary forhl?”i an insan

17、e f _.represetativesB.exesives.dircvesmissives答案:C您的答案:C 题目分数:.5 此题得分:2. 第2题hih of he folin pairs o words e omplete homonms?Aflour-flowerB.le (to ge)-lead ( kd ofmetal)C.heroin-horieD.criket-rikt答案:D 您的答案:D题目分数:5 此题得分:.5 7第24题 Which fhe followingi anamplof ovrneraliztion?.eye.earsCheepD.oos答案:D您的答案:

18、题目分数:.5 此题得分:. 8第25题The Greatl beong t _ culure.A.maeripitu.folkD.none ofe bov答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:.此题得分:5 9第26题 Whichf he ollowin is afront, cls ad nrounevol?A.:B.i:C.uD.a:答案:B您的答案: 题目分数:2此题得分:2. 1.第27题 Wich of theollowingrds s NOT a cned word?A.aronBkdC.xrxDgym答案:D您的答案:D 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:.5 11第8题 The olowi

19、ng suns beo to the samenaralla EXCEP _A.dB.sui:答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2. 此题得分:2. 12.第29题 Wof he foloin uneline parts sa fr orpheme?A.udersndbeB.easwardC.otherwisD.with答案:D您的答案: 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:. 1第0题Whch of the folowing pas ofwos reomophones?flour-fwr.lad (to gide)-le (a kind of mt).moth (a speech rgan)-mot

20、h(n entrace to cave)Danm-cow答案: 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2. 14第31题 Cmncan begin are _.A.dialetlsynnyms.ollocatonalynomsC.styltc yonymsD.synoms that iffer in teir emtveing答案:C 您的答案: 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:5 1.第3题 How many mophemes re there in te wor “disordery”?A.oB.Thee.Fo.ive答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2. 此题得分:.5 1.第3题 Th

21、 linuist hat distingshes hreesocal vaabls (ield, Mode, Teno) tha etermine the reistr i _.A.homskyB.HalldayC.BlomedD.Firth答案:B 您的答案: 题目分数:. 此题得分:.5 .第6题 Te desn fetursofhuman lanage nclde the flong fears EXET_.dualty ofrutureB.gnetc fetureC.rbtarnessD.displacent答案:B 您的答案: 题目分数:2.此题得分:2.5 第37题 The fol

22、lowingunrlnedpart re trmed spefier CEP_?A.uuicklyB.alwaysmake msaksC.very interesngDth old an答案: 您的答案:A 题目分数:25 此题得分:25 19第38题 Teor “boael” is a(n)_.AaronmB.blendC.lied wordD.cned wr答案:B您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:. 0.第39题 “Uyou go, chaps!” belongsto _language.itimeBfroeC.onslativD.casl答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2. 此题得分:2.5 1.第1题 n boo abuthosts, th cmmets gosts.答案:错误 您的答案:错误 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 22.第2题 Elish is a tone

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