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Cambridge 9 T4 reading.docx

1、Cambridge 9 T4 reading剑桥雅思阅读真题答案:Question 16:F、NG、T、F、T、NGQuestion 713:thorium、pitchblende、radium、soldiers、illness、neutron、leukaemia/leukemiaPassage1整体分析体裁 记叙文题材 人物介绍主题 玛丽居里的生活与工作段落概括 第一段 简要介绍玛丽居里的成就第二段 介绍玛丽读书和工作的经历第三段 讲述玛丽读大学时在物理学科崭露头角第四段 介绍玛丽在研究中的初步成果第五段 绍玛丽和皮埃尔合作后的科研成就第六段 介绍玛丽在大学和实验室的主作职责第七段 讲述玛丽

2、在丈夫去世后自己独自取得的科研成就第八段 讲述玛丽将她的科研成果运用到医学中去第九段 介绍玛丽推动居里基金会的发展和镭研究所的成立第十段 讲述玛丽在镭方面所取得的成果为后人研究做的铺垫以及她的去世第十一段总结玛丽对物理学的贡献雅思阅读重点词汇第一段radioactivity n.放射性;放射能力;放射现象的第二段prodigious adj.惊人的,异常的,奇妙的,巨大的第三段fulfill v.履行;实现;满足;使结束第四段significance n.意义;重要性;意思uranium n.化学轴thorium n.化学钍(放射性金属元素)第五段pitchblende n.矿物沥青铀矿sub

3、stance n.物质;实质;资产resolve v.解决;决心;分解,溶解metallic adj.金属的;含金属的superior adj.优秀的;高傲的;上级的undertake v.从事,承担;保证radiation n.辐射;发光;放射物radium n.化学镭第六段interrupt v.妨碍;打断,插嘴;中断appoint v.任命,委派;指定;约定demonstration n.演示,示范;证明;示威游行第七段henceforth adv.今后;自此以后vacant adj.空的,空缺的;空虚的,空闲的professorship n.教授职位isolation n.分离;孤立;

4、电绝缘;化学离析第八段radiography n.核放射线照相术第九段triumphant adj.成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的inauguration n.开创,开始;开幕式;就职典礼第十段outstanding adj.杰出的,显著的;未解决的;未偿付的neutron n.中子artificial adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的accumulate v.积累;积聚,积攒abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的leukaemia n.白血病isotope n.化同位素第十一段immense adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的subsequent adj.后来的,随后的考题精解Questions

5、 1-6题型:判断题 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN解析:判断题一般都是按照正序出题,确定了第一个题目在原文中的定位,便可根据顺序原则依次寻找其他题自的答案。做判断题时注意找出定位词,定位可以帮助考生迅速在原文中找到出题位置,考点词用于确定题干的判断点。1.定位词/关键词husband, joint winner, both, Maries Nobel Prizes原文定位第一段第三句With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics

6、, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.题解根据顺序原则,本题从文章的第一段开始寻找答案,再根据定位词定位到第一段第三句。本题的考点是joint winner和both,而原文涉题句提到Marie是诺贝尔化学奖的sole winner,意思相反。答案FALSE2.定位词/关键词interested in science, child原文定位第二段第一句From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory .题解根据顺序原则寻找定位词,

7、原文涉题句提到了childhood对应题干中的child,而原文只说了Marie有着惊人的记忆力却没有提及她对科学产生兴趣。答案NOT GIVEN3.定位词/关键词Sorbonne, her sisters,financial contribution原文定位第二段最后一句和第三段第一句From her earnings she was able to finance her sister Bronias medical studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to ge

8、t an education. In 1891 this promise was fulfilled and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne (the University of Paris).题解第二段最后一句出现定位词her sister Bronia,提及她以后会帮助Marie接受教育。第三段第一句接着出现特殊定位词Sorbonne,说这个承诺实现了,Marie去了Sorbonne读书。题干中的her sisters financial contribution与原文help her to get an edu

9、cation相对应。答案TRUE4.定位词/关键词stopped doing research, several years, her children, born原文定位第六段第一句The births of Maries two daughters, Irene and Eve, in 1897 and 1904 failed to interrupt her scientific work.题解原文the births of Maries two daughter与题干中的her children were born对应,scientific work与题干中的research对应。但原

10、文中的failed to interrupt(没有中断)与题干中的stopping doing意思相反。答案FALSE5.定位词/关键词took over, teaching position, her husband原文定位第七段第二句On May 13,1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her husbands death, becoming the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne.题解题干中的took over the teachin

11、g position与原文的was appointed to the professorship对应;her husband had held与left vacant on her husbands death对应。答案TRUE6.定位词/关键词Bronia, studied, medical uses, radioactivity原文定位第九段第三句Marie had the satisfaction of seeing the development of the Curie Foundation in Paris, and the inauguration in 1932 in Wars

12、aw of j the Radium Institute,where her sister Bronia became director.题解原文出题句只是说到Bronia在Marie成立的镭研究所担任所长,但是没有说她研究放射的医学运用。答案NOT GIVENQuestions 7-13题型:笔记填空题NOTE COMPLETION解析:本题型力笔记填空题,答案一般是原文中出现的单词。做题时考生要遵循顺序原则,弄清楚空格词与周围词的搭配关系,并同时判断空格词的词性。填空题要注意答案的字数要求。7.定位词/关键词uranium, radioactive, element, same prope

13、rty原文定位第四段第二句与第三句 . Marie Curie decided to find out if the radioactivity discovered in uranium was to be found in other elements. She discovered that this was true for thorium.题解根据专业术语uranium和radioactive定位到涉题句,原文中出现的element就包含第三句话中的thorium。答案thorium8.定位词/关键词Marie and Pierre Curie, radioactivity, min

14、eral, discovery, two elements原文定位第五段第一句和第二句 Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium . Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the disco

15、very of the new elements, polonium and radium.题解根据人名和专业术语Marie and Pierre Curie, radioactivity可以找到涉题句。discovery在原文中再现,题干的two elements与polonium and radium对应。题干要求填写一种有放射性的矿物质,原文涉题句中pitchblende后面用同位语解释了它是一种有放射性的矿物质。答案pitchblende9.定位词/关键词1911, recognition, element原文定位第七段最后一句In 1911 she was awarded the N

16、obel Prize for Chemistry for the isolation of a pure form of radium.题解根据特殊关键词1911可以非常快速地定位到涉题句,空格处要填写的是一种化学元素,所以是radium。 “答案radium10.定位词/关键词Marie and Irene Curie, X-radiography, medical technique原文定位第八段第一句During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irene, devoted herself to the de

17、velopment of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known as Little Curies, used for the treatment of wounded soldiers.题解根据人名和专业术语X-radiography可以找到涉题句。题干问的是X-radiography用作什么的医疗技术。原文出现的有关X-radiography服 务的对象的是for the treatment of wounded soldiers。答案soldiers11.定位词/关键词coll

18、ecting radioactive material, research, cases原文定位第十段第一句One of Marie Curies outstanding achievements was to have understood the need to accumulate intense radioactive sources, not only to treat illness but also to maintain an abundant supply for research.题解根据顺序原则寻找答案,原文涉题句的accumulate intense radioacti

19、ve sources与题干中的collecting radioactive material为同义替换,答案需填一个名词,与research是并列关系。原文中出现not only . but also 的并列连词,其中research在but also句中,所以答案应在not only中寻找。答案illness12.定位词/关键词radioactive material, stocked, Paris, contributed, discoveries, 1930s原文定位第十段第二句和第三句The existence in Paris at the Radium Institute of a

20、 stock of 1.5 grams of radium made a decisive contribution to the success of the experiments undertaken in the years around 1930. This work prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron and, above all, for the discovery . of artificial radioactivity.题解首先根据地点和特殊时间词定位到涉题句,同时发现原文中出现stock, contribut

21、e和discovery,答案应该是discovery的宾语,同时又和artificial radioactivity并列。答案neutron13.定位词/关键词exposed, radiation, as a result, suffered from原文定位第十段第四句A few months after this discovery, Marie Curie died as a result of leukaemia caused by exposure to radiation.题解涉题句中出现的exposure to radiation与题干直接对应。答案考查的是因果关系。题干中的as

22、 a result与原文的caused by对应。答案leukaemia/leukemia剑9阅读难句解析1. Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of v

23、ery high activity.解析:在这个复合句中,主句是she found her interest drawn to pitchblende,后面的a mineral和pitchblende是同位语关系,mineral后面又出现定语从句whose radioactivity . could be explained .,中间的superior to that of pure uranium 是定语从句的插入成分。参考翻译:随着把注意力转向了矿物质,她发现自己对沥青铀矿产生了兴趣,这种矿物质的放射性优于纯铀矿石的放射性,其放射性只能够通过它存在于少量的一种未知的非常高活性的矿石中得到解

24、释。2. Marie also gave lectures in Belgium, Brazil, Spain and Czechoslovakia and, in addition, had the satisfaction of seeing the development of the Curie Foundation in Paris, and the inauguration in 1932 in Warsaw of the Radium Institute, where her sister Bronia became director.解析:首先in addition连接了两个并

25、列句。在后半句中,seeing后跟了两个并列宾语the development和the inauguration。The Radium Institute作为先行词,由关系副词where引导的一个定语从句作补充说明。参考翻译:此外,玛丽也在比利时、巴西、西班牙和捷克斯洛伐克举办了讲座,此外,她还满意地看到在巴黎的居里基金会的发展和1932年镭研究所在华沙的创立, 研究所由她妹妹波妮娅担任所长一职。剑桥雅思阅读真题答案:Question 1419:G、C、F、D、H、EQuestion 2023:D、B、E、CQuestion 2426:mirror、communication、ownershi

26、pPassage2整体分析体裁 议论文题材 学术研究主题 幼儿的身份意识段落概括A段 背景介绍:简要介绍幼儿的自我意识的特征及与之相关理论的由来B段 小孩自我认识的第一步C段 通过他人模仿和镜中反射的自我认识D段 幼儿作为主体的实证研究不足E段 自我意识发展的第二步自我作为客体F段 自我与他人、自我与社会关系的研究G段 刘易斯和布鲁克斯冈恩的研究发现H段 生动的自我意识表达通过愤怒来表现考题精解Questions 14-19题型:配对题MATCHING解析:本题型为段落信息配对题,命题的两大特点为:彻底同义替换和绝对乱序。所以,应从理解段落入手,而不是按照题目顺序来寻找答案。同时,留意题目要求

27、中是否有NB信息,这意味着是否有段落会被复选。14.雅思阅读关键词account, method, researchers, a particular study原文定位G段第三句开始到本段结尾In one experiment, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn unless other cues such as movement are present.题解原文涉题句描述了一个experiment,研究人员通过在小孩的鼻子上涂抹红色的粉末来观察小孩的反映。原文中对整个实验的细节描述对应了题干中的account(记述),涂抹粉末这个方法就对应了题干中的method,experime

28、nt 对应题干的study,人名Lewis and Brooks-Gunn 对应题干中的researchers。答案G15.雅思阅读关键词imitation原文定位C段第一句Another powerful source of information for infants about the effects they can have on the world around them is provided when others mimic them.题解首句中的mimic对应题干中的imitation。答案C16.雅思阅读关键词age, identify, static image原文定

29、位F段第一句和第二句Lewis and Brooks-Gunn argued that an important developmental . to recognize themselves visually without the support of seeing contingent movement. This recognition occurs around their second birthday.题解第一句中的recognize对应题干中的identify,without the support of seeing contingent movement对应题干中的stat

30、ic。答案G17.雅思阅读关键词reason, limitations, scientific research, self-as-subject原文定位D段最后一句Empirical investigations of the self-as-subject in young children are, however, rather scarce because of difficulties of communication .题解self-as-subject是合成词,可以预测应该会原词再现,原文涉题句中的investigation与题干中的scientific research为同义替换,limitation与scarce为同义替换,because of与rea

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