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1、最新英语人教版七年级上册Unit5单元练习题含答案最新英语人教版七年级上册Unit5单元练习题含答案Unit 5 单元练习题一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1After _(课) we play basketball.2Youre _(迟到),Wang Tao.3Does he like _(运动)?4Jim _(爱) his parents.5I dont play basketball. Its _(困难的) 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。6Jenny only _(watch) sports games on TV.7We have ten _(basketball) in the sc

2、hool.8Lets _(play) soccer after class.9Lets play tennis.That sounds _(interest)10Let _(we) play sports. 三、 按要求完成下列句子。 11他只有一支铅笔。(汉译英)He _one pencil.12英语对我来说很容易。(汉译英)English is _me.13我们上同一所学校。(汉译英)We go to _14She plays sports after school with her classmates.(英译汉) _。 15That sounds great.(英译汉) _。四、 句子

3、改错。(下列各句子中只有一处错误,找出并改正) 16My father doesnt has a tennis ball. _17My cousin play sports every day. _18English is very difficult of her. _19There are many book on my desk._ 20Can you play the soccer?_ _五、 阅读理解。 Barry is my friend.He has a baseball,but he doesnt play it.He thinks its difficult.His fath

4、er is David.He has a tennis racket(球拍)He plays tennis every day.He thinks its fun.Mona is Barrys mother.She has a volleyball,but she doesnt play it.She thinks its boring.Barrys brother is Tommy.He has a basketball.He plays basketball every day.He thinks its relaxing.Barrys sister is Kelsey.She has a

5、 pingpong ball and two bats.She plays pingpong every afternoon.She thinks its interesting.21.Barry thinks playing baseball is _AboringBrelaxing Cdifficult Dinteresting22.Barrys father plays _ every day.Abaseball Btennis Cvolleyball Dpingpong 23.Kelsey has a _Abaseball Bpingpong ball Cvolleyball Dten

6、nis racket24._ thinks playing basketball is relaxing.ATommy BBarry CDavid DMona25._ doesnt play baseball and _ doesnt play volleyball.ABarry;Kelsey BDavid;MonaCKelsey;David DBarry;Mona六、 短文填空。 Hello,friends!My name is Daniel.Im 12 years old.I have many pen 26. _ (friend)The boy in the picture is one

7、 of them.27. (he) name is Li Yufei.He is in Beijing,China.He is 12 years old,too.So we are of 28. _ same age (年龄)Li Yufei 29. (like) sports very much.He 30. (have) two soccer balls,one basketball,two 31. (volleyball) and some baseballs.32. his favorite (最喜爱的) sport is soccer.He thinks soccer 33. _ (

8、be) an interesting game.He 34. (play) soccer every day.His favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi.He often watches him play soccer 35. TV.参考答案:一、1. class 2. late 3. sports 4. loves 5. difficult 二、6. watches 7. basketballs 8. play 9. interesting 10. us 三、11. only has 12. easy for 13. the same school

9、14. 她放学后和同学一起做体育运动15. 那听起来不错/很棒四、16. hashave 17. playplays 18. offor 19. bookbooks 20. 去掉the五、21-25 CBBAD六、26. friends 27. His 28. the 29. likes 30. has 31. volleyballs 32. But 33. is34. plays 35. on 最新英语人教版七年级上册Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball测试题(B卷)Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?选择可以替代划线部分的选项( )1His fa

10、mily name is White. Alast name Bmiddle name Cfirst name Dgiven name( )2I think the math class is boring, so I dont like it. Ainteresting Bdifficult Cnot interesting Dnot difficult( )3Thanks a lot. Amany Bvery much Cvery Dmuch( )4Ed likes sports. Ahas Bhave Cdoes Dloves( )5Lets have a look at the col

11、lections. Ahave a watch Bsee Clook at Dlook用所给词的正确形式填空6That _(sound) interesting. 7_ you _(have) a tennis racket? 8My brother _(have) a baseball bat. 9We have many _(club) in our school. 10Let watch _(they) on TV11She _(play) sports every day. 12Can you _(bring) your new picture books here? 13_ your

12、 friend _(like) sports? 14Let _(we) play tennis. 15Thats an _(interest) computer game. 单项选择( )16I _ TV at night(在晚上)Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )17Lets _ the map on the wall. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )18I can _ many things on the table. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook( )19The question is not easy. Its

13、 very _. Adifficult Bdifficulty Crelating Dnot difficult( )20Lets play _ basketball. I dont like playing _ violin(小提琴)at home. Athe, the Bthe, C, the D, ( )21_ your friend like English? ADoes BDo CIs DHas( )22_ our club, please! AJoin BJoin in CCome DGo( )23Lets _ and _ football on the playground. Ato go, to play Bgo, play Cto go, play Dgo, to play( )24_ they have any sports collections? Yes, they _.AAre, are BDo, do CCan, do DDo, can( )25Can you _ it _ English? Aspeak, in Bsay, in Ctalk

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