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1、中考英语完形填空经典例题2020-2021年中考英语完形填空经典例题一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In Chicago, the USA, there was a girl called Jenny. She was very polite and ready to help everybody. One day she found a brown paper bag on the way to school. She opened it and saw there was a lot of

2、 1 in it. She thought she should hand it in to the teacher, so she 2 it in her schoolbag first. When she went to the office, her teacher wasnt 3 . As it was time for class, she hurried to the classroom. After class, she told her friend, Linda, about the money that she 4 . Then, her greedy (贪婪的) frie

3、nd 5 away the bag. After school, Jenny wanted to go to the 6 office again, but she found the money was missing. The next day when the children were playing a game, Linda fell down and was hurt very badly. The other children stood around her and didnt know 7 to do. Jenny kept calm and did 8 to stop b

4、leeding. She told the others to go to teachers for 9 . Soon a teacher took Linda to the 10 and the doctor examined her carefully. Within a week she was all right again. Jenny became very 11 in the school. 12 three days, Linda came to Jennys house. Her 13 turned red. She was crying. She gave Jenny th

5、e 14 paper bag with the money in it and said, Jenny. I have taken the money away. That day when you helped me, I felt very ashamed and now I decide to tell you the 15 . You are such a nice friend! 16 please dont tell the teachers about this! Then Jenny said, You are now 17 , but you have done a bad

6、thing. Though I will not tell anyone. I want you not to be greedy and never to do anything wrong. The girl thanked Jenny and 18 . At the end of the term Jenny was given a 19 for being a very helpful girl in the school. Linda became an honest girl and was 20 greedy. Once wrong, never be wrong forever

7、.1. A. breadB. paperC. moneyD. fruit2. A. gotB. keptC. SentD. caught3. A. awayB. outC. oftD. in4. A. lostB. foundC. SavedD. made5. A. tookB. broughtC. putD. moved6. A. workersB. teachersC. doctorsD. headmasters7. A. whereB. howC. whenD. what8. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. anything9. A. leav

8、eB. treatmentC. actionD. help10. A. officeB. classroomC. hospitalD. school11. A. popularB. healthyC. proudD. quiet12. A. InB. AfterC. LaterD. Before13. A. eyesB. faceC. noseD. ears14. A. redB. blackC. pinkD. brown15. A. lieB. storyC. truthD. result16. A. ForB. ButC. OrD. So17. A. honestB. politeC. g

9、enerousD. friendly18. A. got upB. cheered upC. gave upD. woke up19. A. reportB. giftC. prizeD. reply20. A. neverB. sometimesC. alwaysD. usually【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)D;(4)B;(5)A;(6)B;(7)D;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C;(11)A;(12)B;(13)A;(14)B;(15)C;(16)D;(17)A;(18)B;(19)C;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:文章讲了两个小女孩的故事。乐于助人的珍妮在上学的路上捡

10、到一个钱包,想教给老师,但是却被贪婪的朋友琳达给拿走了。第二天,玛丽在玩耍时摔伤了。珍妮帮她止血并让其他通知老师送她去医院。琳达很感动,给珍妮讲明了真相。珍妮告诉她,做人要诚实,不要再做错事。(1)考查名词及语境理解。句意:她打开它看到里面有许多钱。根据文章第三段第一句中 After class, she told her friend, Mary, about the money 可知,书包里面装的是钱,bread 面包,paper 纸张,money钱,fruit 水果,故选C。(2)考查动词及语境理解。句意:她认为她应该把它交给老师,所以她把它放在书包里面。根据 She thought s

11、he should hand it in to the teacher, 所以她先把钱保存在书包里。get 得到,keep保存,catch 抓住,send 发送,故选B。(3)考查介词及语境理解 句意:当她走进老师的办公室时,她的老师不在里面。根据 As it was time for class, she hurried to the classroom 可知老师不在,in the office 在办公室,out 在外,away 离开,off 离开;脱落,in在里,故选D。(4)考查动词及语境理解。 句意:课后,她把她发现钱告诉了她的朋友琳达。根据文章第一段第三句和第四句 One day s

12、he found a brown paper bag on the way to school She opened it and saw there was a lot of money in it 可知是他发现了钱,lose 丢失,find发现;save 节省;保存,make 制作,故选B。(5)考查动词及语境理解。根据 After school, Jenny wanted to go to the teachersoffice again, but she found the money was missing. 可知,她贪婪的朋友带走了她的包,take带走;bring带来;put放下;

13、move移动,故选A。(6)考查名词及语境理解。 句意:放学后,Kate 想再去老师的办公室,但是她发现她的钱不见了。珍妮之前去过一次老师的办公室,所以 again 表示再次去老师的办公室。workers 工人的,teachers老师的;doctors 医生的,headmasters 校长的,故选B。(7)考查代词及语境理解。 句意:其他的孩子们站在她周围,不知道应该做什么。句中缺少宾语从句的引导词,what 作 do 的宾语。how 如何;怎样,when 什么时候,where 哪里,what什么,故选D。(8)考查代词及语境理解。 根据 Jenny kept calm Jenny非常镇定,可

14、知,她想做些什么来止血。nothing没东西;everything每样东西;something每样东西;anything任意东西,故选C。(9)考查名词及语境理解。句意:她让其他人去找老师寻求帮助。ask sb. for help向某人求助, 固定搭配,treatment 治疗,action 行动,leave 许可,同意;休假,help帮助,故选D。(10)考查名词及语境理解。句意:不久一个老师带着 琳达来到医院,医生为她仔细检查。根据 the doctor examined her carefully 可知她们来到了医院。school 学校,classroom 教室,hospital医院,o

15、ffice 办公室,故选C。(11)考查形容词及语境理解。句意:珍妮在学校里也非常受欢迎了。根据上文可知他乐意助人,可知在学校很受欢迎,popular受欢迎;healthy健康的;proud骄傲的;quiet安静的,故选A。(12)考查介词及语境理解。句意:三天之后,琳达来到珍妮家。此处指她回到学校三天后,after+一段时间,多长时间后,in里;after在后;later后来;before在前,故B。(13)考查名词及语境理解。根据She was crying她哭了,可知,她的眼睛红红的,eye眼睛;face脸;nose鼻子;ear耳朵,故选A。(14)考查形容词及语境理解。句意:她把那个装

16、着钱的棕色纸袋给了 珍妮根据文章第一段第三句中 One day she found a brown paper bag 可知,纸袋是棕色的,red 红色的,black 黑色的,pink粉色的;brown棕色的,故D。(15)考查名词及语境理解。句意:我觉得很羞愧,现在我决定告诉你真相。根据 said, Jenny. I have taken the money away. 可知是告诉珍妮实情,lie 谎言,story故事,truth实情,真相;result 结果,故选C。(16)考查连词及语境理解。句意:你是如此好的一个朋友!所以请不要告诉学校这件事情两句前后为因果关系,所以用 so 连接;f

17、or为了,表并列关系,but 但是,表转折关系,or 或者,表选择关系,so因此,表示因果关系,故D。(17)考查形容词及语境理解。句意:你现在是诚实的,但是你做了一件错事。Linda对珍妮 说出了真相,所以 琳达是诚实的。honest诚实的,polite 有礼貌的,generous慷慨大方的,friendly 友好的,故选A。(18)考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:这个女孩感谢珍妮,并欢呼起来。女孩得到珍妮的谅解,可知很高兴,get up 起床,cheer up高兴,欢呼,wake up 醒来,give up 放弃,故选B。(19)考查名词及语境理解。句意:在学期末,珍妮因为在学校里是一个非常

18、乐于助人的女孩而获奖。report报告 ;gift礼物;prize奖励;reply 回复,故选C。(20)考查副词及语境理解。句意:琳达成为了一个诚实的女孩,再也不贪婪了。never从不;sometimes有时;always一直,总是;usually通常,根据 Once wrong, never be wrong forever. 可知琳达改错了不再贪婪了。故选A。【点评】此题考查完形填空。解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。把握短文大意后再认真复读短文,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先确定空格处所需词语的意义。再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填的词的正确形式。2

19、请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,找出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Grass is, of course a plant which grows in the field; a plant which some kinds of animals like to eat. When there has been plenty of 1 , the grass is green. When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is 2 an

20、d fresh. And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals 3 to eat that grass. An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field 4 greener. But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the

21、grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance(远处). So thats the 5 of the expression The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. We sometimes only say The grass is 6 greener on the other side. We use the expression to describe the situation someone looks at distant things an

22、d feels they are better than the things around him. But 7 he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So dont always think that other people have a better situation. Just be 8 with what you have had. Enjoy and value it!1. A. rainB. snowC. sunlight2. A. green

23、B. brownC. yellow3. A. refuseB. preferC. agree4. A. smellsB. tastesC. looks5. A. formB. meaningC. advice6. A. seldomB. sometimesC. always7. A. whenB. becauseC. unless8. A. angryB. strictC. happy【答案】 (1)A;(2)A;(3)B;(4)C;(5)B;(6)C;(7)A;(8)C; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:人们认为远处的草更绿,但是却不尽然,文章通过这件事告诉我们一个道理:要满意你所拥有的,享受并珍

24、惜它。 (1)句意:如果一个地方雨水充足,草会更绿。rain 雨水,snow 雪,sunlight 阳光。根据 the grass is green. 可知雨水充沛,故答案是A。 (2)句意:动物们喜欢吃绿色新鲜的草。green 绿色的,brown 棕色的,yellow黄色的。根据 Animals like to eat grass,可知草是新鲜的是绿的。故答案是A。 (3)句意:如果一个地方的草更绿,动物会更喜欢吃那里的草。refuse拒绝,prefer更喜欢,agree 同意。根据可知,动物们会更喜欢,故答案是B。 (4)句意:田野里的动物可以越过篱笆望向另一片田野,那里没有动物,田野里的

25、草也看起来更绿。smells 闻起来,tastes 尝起来,looks 看起来。根据green是一种颜色,应该是看起来,故答案是C。 (5)句意:所以这就是那句俗语的意思。form 形式,meaning 意思,advice 建议。根据前文的叙述,可知这种现象正好应了言语的意思,故答案是B。 (6)句意:别的地方的草总是看起来更绿。seldom 很少,sometimes 有时,always 总是。根据人的一般地心里得到的都不是最好的,没有得到的总认为是好的,所以总是认为别的地方的草更绿。故答案是C。 (7)句意:但当他能走到远处的草地时,他会发现,那边的生活也不好过。When当.时,becaus

26、e 因为,unless 除非。根据两句话的意思可知,这是一个时间状语从句,应使用when连接,故答案是A。 (8)句意:满足你所拥有的。angry 生气的,strict 严厉的,happy 开心的。be happy with,固定搭配,对满意,故答案是C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 After school on Friday, I waited at the school

27、 gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend. At dinner, Mom asked. Is Jemma coming by tomorrow? I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing. The next morn

28、ing. Mom asked. Today is 3 . What are you and Jemma going to do? I shrugged again. 4 is Jemma? Mom took a look at me. Them she said, Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please? 5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went 6 her. Grandma w

29、elcomed me at the door with a warm hug. Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table . Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair. Thats Beth Lambert, she said. My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo. I was 8 at that. Beth and I were best f

30、riends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didnt want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt 10 that. I didnt say anything. I couldnt. I knew Id start 11 if I opened my mouth. Grandma hugged me again. Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen

31、 to anyone, she continued. Then, see him? Grandmas finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said hello. And we became friends. So, if we want to start a new friendship, she smiled. One 15 is all it took. As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, Hello.1. A. itB. themC. herD. him2. A. lostB.

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