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1、bec中级教材word精品文档21页New Words and Expressions 国际商务英语2 12级、班新编剑桥商务英语(中级)学生用书第二版Unit 1aVocabulary relating to Team /Teamworkteammate n. 队友 teamplayer:善于与同伴配合的队员 team game/team sport :成队比赛的运动项目(篮球、排球、足球等) team spirit: 合作精神, 团队精神 an effective team / a high-performance unit 高效团队 attach importance to team b

2、uilding 重视团队建设 develop teamwork开拓团队协助 nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力 emphasize / promote team spirit强调、提倡团队精神project team项目研究小组/攻关队伍: 多是在特殊情况下组建的,抽取精英共同完成一个项目,项目完成后项目组解散,各回各处。 group decision making集体决策 work towards a common objectiveto allocate roles to contribute to/ make a contribution tobe under pr

3、essure 有压力Reading 1 : notes & vocabulary Cussons Polska and Uroda SA. - Company name, “SA”, =Incacquire, acquisition: take over, buy, mergeWarsaw-based 总部位于华沙;-based: 总部位于toiletries (n.) plural things such as soap and toothpaste 日化用品regulation and control, 管制take on responsibility 承担责任be accountable

4、: be responsible bring in management consultant expatriate (n. / a.) a person living outside his own country; foreign managerial skillscreative thinking 创造性思维effective management style 有效的管理模式We wanted to throw new light on old problems,用新思路解决老问题put on,表演 put on discosat a profit, 盈利, at a loss 亏损po

5、les apartReading 2: vocabulary profile n. 简介、概况 a survival course 生存技巧培训课程 complementary skills : 互补的,补充的 board game: 管理层竞赛游戏。一种高层管理模拟游戏,让参加者分小组模拟解决实际商业问题,以培训参加者的组织管理能力 simulations模拟商业活动 marketing mania 营销激情 go for profit 追求利润Unit 1bReading: Language pointsofficial corporate language 正式工作语言dominant,

6、 dominancebi- : bilingualover- over-estimate, over-complicate (v.), oversleep, over-react, overcook overstate 夸大的叙述, 夸张 over-sensitive, over-cooked (a.) , over-estimated -able manageable, achievable. available, under- understate打着折扣说, 保守地说, 有意轻描淡写 underestimate culture-specific 某个文化所特有的be sensitive

7、to / be insensitive to cross-culture / cross- cultural follow-up evaluation 后续评估Ericsson = Ericsson Telecommunications (瑞典)爱立信电讯公司 Sweden 瑞典 Stockholm(capital of Sweden) Swedish 瑞典人, 瑞典语Do you speak Swedish?( Switzerland 瑞士 Swiss )Listening: Notes &Voc. Helsinki: the capital of Finland Scandinavian:

8、 斯堪的纳维亚(北欧地区包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛等国家) Copenhagen:the capital of Denmark Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair:丹麦电子通信交易会 complimentary ticket:免费赠送的票 half-year sales report 半年度销售报告unit 2b corporate hospitality商务接待 企业社交 a fact-finding mission实地考察(任务) to offer a substantial contract 提供一份大(利润可观的)合同 to place an or

9、der with 向订购,签订购单 finalise one or two small details concerning. fashion sportswear时装运动服 a two-day stopover为期两天的中途停留 social setting/ context 社交场合 corporate event 公司社交活动 a social event 社交活动 poor timing时间选择不当、不合时 the recipe for success成功秘诀 enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解 mix business and pleasure e

10、ffectively 工作与娱乐有效结合*meet all your expenses *put at your disposal *Milan:米兰(city of Italy)* West End: 伦敦西区(娱乐中心,有高档商店、剧院)Unit 3aMail order company 邮购公司Placing an ordre 下订单Headquarters 总部Vendor 销售商Summer collection 夏季新装商品目录Recommendation 推荐信Catalogue 商品目录 item article 商品 standard length 标准长度Measureme

11、nts charts 尺寸图样Unit 3bLead-in vocabularycash flow: movement of money into and out of a company as goods are bought and sold 现金流量、流动cf: 流动资金 、资本 working /operating capital 营运资本 working fund 流动资金 liquidity 流动资产 circulating fund 流动资金inflow (n.&v.): (资金)流入、回笼 all the money which is coming into the compa

12、ny: operating income (e.g. income from sales) (营业收入) receipts from debtors债务人偿还的债务收入 investment returns (e.g. receipts from rent /rent revenue 租金收入)outflow: (资金)外流 all the money which is going out of the company: operating expense (营业开支) ( like wages, money used to buy raw material and equipment, to

13、 pay suppliers, overheads, etc.) cash purchases 现金交易 financing cost ( e.g. loan interest) taxes paid to government payments to creditors 向债务人偿还债务的支出 investment capital 投资资金Reading part : notes cash flow gap 现金流量差额 the gap between inflow and outflowtotal sales prices 总售价down payment 订金bill (v.) 要求支付的

14、费用 be billed / be billed forImproving cash flow (Email reading and Listening) order books 订货本a shortage of cash 现金短缺turnover 营业额average monthly turnover 平均月营业额margin 利润cash on delivery 货到付款penalty 处罚inventory 库存 over-trade 贸易透支,指超过公司财务能力的贸易 financing costs 融资成本,资金筹措成本 financing your cash flow gap me

15、ans筹措资金填补现金缺口意味着unit 4aListening 11) looks sporty, sporty car 2) easy to get onto the Internet and send e-mail 3) how much they cost, monthly service, tariffs (fares), a one-year all-inclusive package 一年全包服务 4)energy, ozone layer(臭氧层), CFC gases(碳气), harmful gases kitchen appliances 厨房用具 5) a well-k

16、nown make of video recorder 一个著名品牌的录像机Vocabulary for reading and listening 2brandstretching / brand extension /extending/ developing to extend / stretch / develop brand brand awareness brand preference / loyalty brand licensing 品牌许可(允许其他厂家使用该品牌,但必须付费) brand strength selling point 卖点,(吸引顾客的)产品特色,销售特色

17、等 diversify (v.) 多元化经营,增加产品种类 diverse (a.) to diversify into new markets , the supermarkets diversification own-label clothing (名牌超市)贴自己品牌的服装 cut-price 削价的 : ( cut-rate esp. American English) cut-price toys 削价的玩具 a cut-price shop sells goods at reduced prices cut-price supermarkets 底价超市saturate (v.)

18、 使饱和 be saturated saturate the market 市场饱和 / the market is saturated boost profits 提高利润 publicity 招引公众的注意,名声,宣传 bonus points (消费)积分 loyalty scheme 忠实(顾客)奖励计划 incentive 鼓励,刺激 air miles / air miles awards 航空里程奖 voucher 优惠奖劵 overheads 管理费用 target customer 销售对象,目标顾客 customer-focused mentality 以顾客为中心的理念

19、bank on: to have confidence in; rely on.Tesco,J Sainsbury, Asda (均为英国著名大型零售超市)Unit 4b1. public image公众形象 2. company value 公司价值观3. dealership 特许经销权,特许经销商4. point-of-sale 销售网点/ POS5. showroom 展厅 6. display (n.)陈列品7. press coverage 报界对的报道 8. motoring magazine 汽车杂志9. freelance journalist 自由撰稿的记者(为各种报纸而不

20、是为某一家撰稿)10. information packs 资料袋 (装有各类有关材料,分给会议参加者)11. senior executive 高级主管 12. itinerary 路线,旅程 13. brief (n. = briefing)要领简介,情况通报会14. advertising campaign广告宣传活15. to maintain goodwill: 维持友好关系 maintenance (n)16. manufacturing facility/plant生产设备(工厂)17. to finalise (the details):最终确认(细节)18. to monit

21、or (replies):检查(回复情况)19. misconception:misunderstanding 20. Skoda 斯柯达公司(著名汽车公司) Unit 5aReading 1 1 running costs: overheads, operating costs 2. pro-business environment:对商务有利的环境 3. state-of-the-art telecommunications:发达的电讯服务 4. sophisticated: advanced 5. employment costs:雇工成本 6. rate of inflation 通涨

22、率 7. telecommunications tariff: 电讯资费 8.(government) grants:政府拨款 9.set-up costs:创办成本10. R & D projects (Research and Development Projects )研发项目11. successive: 继承的,连续的 successive governments: 历届政府 on three successive days12. infrastructure 基础设施13. regulatory authority: 管理机构14. start-up and expansion p

23、lans Many small businesses started up in the 1980s to cater to this growing market. (v.) He founded the company with a start-up loan of $20,000 from the bank. ( a.) It grew from a tiny start-up to a multimillion-dollar corporation. (n.) Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.15. logisti

24、cs: 物流 ( physical distribution)16. distribution network:物流网络,配送网络17. scheduled flights:定期航班18. cosmopolitan (a.):世界性的,全球的19. leisure activities: 休闲、娱乐活动20. corporation tax rates 公司所得税率21. cost of payroll 工资总数 22. Ireland : 爱尔兰23. Dublin: capital of Ireland24. Seattle 西雅图(美国一城市) Reading 225. service(

25、s) : 服务性商业机构 China Travel Service, shoe-repair service, Relocation Services 26. internet pre-viewing:网上预览27. work permit: 工作许可证28. integration programme: programmes that train / teach new comers how to integrate themselves into the new place (种族、宗教、文化)融合、协调等方面的计划或课 程29. orientation: 新员工培训,迎新情况介绍(介绍情

26、况使对方熟悉、适应工作等) I needed some orientation at this stage. They run orientation and cultural integration programmesUnit 5b Vocabulary ( reading: a property ad.) premises n.(企业、机构等使用的)经营、生产、办公场所 property consultancy: 地产咨询公司/ real estate agency tenure:使用权(方法) lease (v.):租赁,出租,租得/租有(土地,厂房) (rent租用,租借房子等) l

27、easehold:租赁(权) tenant (n.):租户,租用人corporate business area: business district, commercial district, commercial area 商务区,商务地段 (写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店等集中的地段) in the immediate locality: in the nearby area underground car parking : 地下停车场 surface car parking: 地面停车场 full amenities / facilities: 全套设备 passenger and g

28、oods lifts:客用和货用电梯 prestigious reception:(无线电、电视、网络等)优质接收质量 quality finishes throughout: (material for) final decoration standby generator:备用的发电机 Vocabulary (reading p61)homogenise (v.) 使雷同,使单一化 a homogenised / homogeneous society 单一发展的社会 endorse (vt.) 请名人为商品做广告 celebrity endorsement establishment:

29、公司,商业机构 underline (v.) stress, emphasize business development : 商业区 industrial estate: trading estate, industrial park 工业园区 run down (rundown) (a.) :失修的, 破败的 (be) attached to :与相连的 a Miro or a Monet: 一幅米罗或莫奈的画 Miro (Joan Miro 1893-1983): famous Spanish painter Monet (Claude Monet 1840-1926): French

30、painter Vocabulary (speaking p62) office space 办公地点 、场地 floor / ground plan 楼层平面图 Managing Director 总裁、总经理 = chief executive , president Accounts (Department)会计部门 chief accountant 首席会计 shipping manager 运输部经理 clerical staff 文秘人员 boardroom董事会会议室 post room 收发室 stores / stationery:仓库、办公用品储藏室 movable partitioning : 活动隔板 unit 6a company performance: 公司绩效 performance evaluation: 绩效评估 to measure performance: 评估绩效 pre-tax profits:税前利润 breakeven (a. n.): 盈亏相抵 ,收支平衡 to break even : to cover cost cash surplus:现金盈余Vocabulary ( Reading p85 )exchange rate: 汇率、汇价 resource

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