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2、现场演唱36.有一天37.一年到头,终年38.在过去39.去过某地40.游乐园41.去不同的地方42.一个过周六下午的好方法43.以如此迅猛的方式44.厕所的发展45.一个品茶的好地方46.数以千计的47.国际厕所博物馆48.一个讲英语的国家49.做某事很困难50.在白天51.鼓励某人做某事52.一方面,另一方面53.查看,观察54.棋类游戏55.不再,不复56.说实在的57.依据,按照58.庭院拍卖会59.依看60.同分开61.成千上万的,无数的62.关注 63.的象征64.为了65.决定做66.似乎做某事二. 根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的正确形式完成句子.(一)1. The p_ of C

3、hina is 1.3 billion.2. We should protect the _(大自然) , because it is our home.3. The _(政府) is doing something to protect the whales from being killed.4. He stayed _(醒着的) all night, because he was worried that he couldnt finish his work on time.5. We should try our best to p_ endangered animals.6. Man

4、y _(游客) come to Beijing at this time of the year.7. You are 20 years old. You should act like an _(成年人).8. An elephant w_ 5,000 kilos.9. The Caspian Sea is 1,025 m_ deep.10. You wont s_ in the end unless you work hard.11. Oliver Twist is about a boy who went out to sea and found an _ (岛屿) full of _(

5、珠宝).12. The book must _(属于) to Tom, because his name is on it.13. Peter _(匆忙) to go to school because he got up late this morning.14. That man cant be at home, because he has been _(在国外).15. Can you read the first four l_ of the passage for me?16. One day, Robinson saw some cannibals _(try) to kill

6、two men from a broken ship.17. I used to _(get) up late. But now I am used to _ (get) up early.18. My grandparents are coming, I cant wait_(see) them!19. Have you _(read) Jane Eyre?20. Mrs. Chen told us to finish _(read) the book by this Friday.21. Shanghai is the biggest a_ these cities.22. Can the

7、 little girl c_ the numbers from one to a hundred?23. They are c_ going to Hong Kong for vacation.24. He is from Shanxi and his h_ is Taiyuan.25. The old things that my father made in the room bring me many m_ of my father.26. We r_ him as our brother.27. Look! A train is running fast on the r_.28.

8、Brush your hair with a s_ baby brush so that the hair wont break.29. To be h_, I dont like Mr. Smith very much.30. To my _(羞愧) , I never thanked him for his kindness.31. For _(某种) reasons, Mr. Li left there without saying anything.(二)Three students are talking about the most interesting museums they

9、 have ever been. Ken enjoyed v_ the American Computer Museum. He learned something about different computers and who _ them. He also saw a special computer. It could play chess better than humans! Amy thinks the International Museum of Toilets in India is a very_(不寻常的) museum. She saw many different

10、 kinds of toilets there. The museum not only teaches people about the history and the d_ of toilets, but also encourages governments and social groups _(思考) about ways to i_ toilets in the future. Linlin _(曾去过) to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. She thinks it is a relaxing and _(安宁的) place. She le

11、arned how to make a perfect cup of tea by watching the tea art p_. She said watching the tea preparation is as _(享受的) as drinking the tea itself.三根据汉语提示完成句子。1.世界上最高的山峰是什么?-_ _ _ _ _ _ _?-珠穆朗玛峰-Qomolangma.2. -珠穆朗玛峰有多高? -_ _ is Qomolangma? -8844.43 米。它比其它任何山峰都高。 -Its 8844.43 meters high. Its _ _ _ _ _

12、 .3. -世界上最深的咸水湖是哪一个? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? -里海是世界上所有咸水湖中最深的。 - The Caspian Sea is the deepest _ _ the salt lakes.4. -你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗?- Did you know that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the world. -是的。它比美国历史悠久的多。 - Yes, I did. Its _ _ _ the US.5. 中国有世界上最多的人口。China has _ _ _ _ in the world.6. 人们在困难面前想挑战自己。People wan

13、t to _ _ _ _ _ of difficulties.7. 我们永远不应该放弃实现我们的梦想。We should never give up _ _ _ .8. 出生时,小熊猫只有0.1 到0.2 千克重。_ _ , a baby panda _ 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.9. 当你接近山顶时,呼吸时非常困难的。Its very hard _ _ _ air as you get near the top.10. 我们希望将会有更多的森林能让熊猫居住。We all hope that there will be more forests for pandas _ _ _.11.

14、 我刚刚从加拿大回来。I _ _ _ back from Canada.12. A:你读过哈利.波特吗? B:没读过A: _ you _ Harry Potter yet? B: I _13. 我们每天至少要认真完成作业。We _ _ finish _ our homework every day.14. 你已经决定要写哪本书了吗?Have you decided _ _ _ _ about yet?15. 我已经决定假期去哪儿了。I have decided _ _ _ on vacation.16. 你知道Tom 会在什么时候离开吗?Do you know when _ _ _ ?17.

15、我从没去过科技博物馆。I _ _ _ to a science and _ museum.18. 喧闹的音乐总是让我很兴奋。Loud music always _ _ _.19. 你听说过有个叫“汤姆组合”的乐队吗?_ you _ _ a band called “ The Toms” ?20. 这首歌充满能量,让我有种想要跳舞的感觉。This song is _ _ _, it makes me feel like dancing.21. 你去过陕西的兵马俑吗?_ _ _ _ the Terracotta Army in shanxi province?22. 数以千计的大学生在美国上大学。

16、_ _ _ go to college in the United States.23. 有出国学习经历的学生和外国人交流没有问题。Students who have studied abroad _ _ _ _ with native speakers in English.24. 你愿意什么时候来我家就什么时候来。You can come over to my house _ _ _ .25. 一方面我想把房子卖掉,另一方面我又不愿意搬家。_ _ _ _ , I want to sell the house, but _ _ _ _ , I dont want to move.26. 随着

17、孩子们长大,房子似乎越来越小了。As the kids get bigger, our house _ _ _ _ .27.从上周四开始,我们全家一直在清理卧室的东西并准备卖掉。Since last Thursday, my whole family has _ _ _ things from our bedrooms for a yard sale.28. 托尼决定卖掉他不会再用的东西。Tony _ _ _ sell the things he _ _ _ .29. 他从八岁生日起就拥有一套小火车组合玩具。He _ _ a little train set _ his eight birth

18、day.30. 虽然和某些玩具分开让她很悲伤,但是我女儿们很理解.Although my daughters was sad to _ _ certain toys, she _ _ .31. 他的工作很艰辛,没有太多时间回家乡。He doesnt _ _ _ to visit his hometown because of his hard job.32. 说实在的,我有段时间没有踢球了。_ _ _ , I _ _ soccer for a while.33. 许多人像钟伟一样十分关注他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化。Many people like Zhong Wei _ _ great _ how their hometowns have changed.34. 中学生活在我心中留下了许多温柔而甜蜜的记忆。Middle school life _ _ many soft and _ _ in my heart.35-你有那辆自行车多长时间了? -三年了- _ _ _ you _ that bike over there?-Ive _ it _ three years.答案在下页 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)

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