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1、软件工程复习1. Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer (a) 现如今的软件工程师不再考虑以下哪个问题 a. Why does computer hardware cost so much 计算机硬件为什么如此昂贵 b. Why does software take a long time to finish c. Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software d. Why cant software errors be removed fr

2、om products prior to delivery 2. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because(c) 软件通常是变坏而不是磨损的原因是 a. Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments b. Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often c. Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interact

3、ions 在组件交互中需求发生变化导致错误 d. Software spare parts become harder to order 3. Most software continues to be custom built because(d)大多数软件产品是定制的原因是 a. Component reuse is common in the software world b. Reusable components are too expensive to use c. Software is easier to build without using someone elses co

4、mponents. d. Off the shelf software components are not commonly available 现成的软件组件不常用4. The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information(d) 软件应用的本质可以被特色化,通过他们信息的 a. complexity b. content 内容 c. determinacy (确定性) d. choices b and c5. Adding more people to a project that is

5、already behind schedule is a good way to catch up. (F)添加更多的人到一个项目,已经落后于时间表是赶上一个很好的方式6. Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless a system was designed with change in mind.(T) 需求变化不适应于大多数的软件系统,除非软件在设计之初便考虑了变化因素7. Which of the items listed below is not one of the software e

6、ngineering layers(b)下面列出的项目是不是一个软件工程的层 a. Process b. Manufacturing 制造业 c. Methods d. Tools8. What are the three generic phases of software engineering (a) 软件工程的三个一般的阶段是 a. definition, development, support 定义阶段、开发阶段、维护阶段 b. what, how, where c. programming, debugging, maintenance d. analysis, design,

7、testing 9. Which of these terms is a level name in the Capability Maturity Model(b) a. Ad hoc b. Repeatable 可重复的 c. Reusable d. Organized 10. The linear sequential model of software development is (a) 软件开发中的线性模型是 a. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. 当需求被良好定义时的合理开发方式。 b. A goo

8、d approach when a working program is required quickly. c. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d. An old fashioned model that is rarely used any more. prototyping model of software development is (b)软件开发中的原型模型是 a. A reasonable approach when requirements are well define

9、d. b. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. 当客户无法清晰定义需求时的有效开发方式 c. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d. A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product. 6. The rapid application development model is (c)快速开发模型是 a. Another name

10、for component-based development. b. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. c. A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model. 线性顺序模型的高速适应方式 d. All of the above. 7. The incremental model of software development is(b) 软件开发中的增量模型是 a. A reasonable approach when req

11、uirements are well defined. b. A good approach when a working core product is required quickly. 当核心产品需要被迅速开发时的良好开发方式 c. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d. A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products. 8. The spiral model of software development(c

12、) 螺旋开发模型 a. Ends with the delivery of the software product b. Is more chaotic than the incremental model c. Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration在每个迭代中都包括项目风险评估 d. All of the above 1. One of the most difficult parts of software requirements analysis is ensuring the developer unders

13、tands the customers needs.(T)软件需求分析中最困难的部分之一是确保开发人员了解客户的需求。2. Which of these people would not be likely to part of the FAST team (a) a. software engineers b. developing representative c. marketing representatives d. senior financial officers3. Which of these requirements are not considered during qu

14、ality function deployment(QFD)(a) a. exciting requirements b. expected requirement c. normal requirements d. technology requirements 4. Information flow represents the manner in which data and control (b)信息流表示其中数据及控制以这样的方式 a. are related to one another. b. change as each moves through the system. 转变

15、为整个系统的每个动作。 c. will be implemented in the final design. d. none of the above. 5. In the context of requirements analysis, two types of problem partitioning are (a)在需求分析的背景下,两种类型的问题划分为 a. bottom-up and top-down b. horizontal and vertical c. subordinate and superordinate d. none of the above 6. Which

16、view should be considerd first during software requirements analysis(c) 在软件需求分析中哪个看法首先应该考虑的 a. actor view b. data view c. essential view d. implementation view7. Which of the following is not a principle that should be followed when creating a specification以下哪一项不是必须建立一个规范时,应遵循一个原则(b) a. create a cog

17、nitive model rather than a design model b. make sure the specification dots every i and crosses every t c. Establish the context in which software operates d. separate functionality from implementation8. Which of the following is not a guideline for representing requirements(d) a. diagrams should be

18、 restricted in number and consistent in use b. representation format and content should be relevant to the content c. representations should be revisable d. use no more than 7 plus or minus 2 colors in any diagrams 1. The state transition diagram (d)状态转换图 a. depicts relationships between data object

19、s b. depicts functions that transform the data flow c. indicates how data are transformed by the system d. indicates system reactions to external events 用于显示系统反应外部事件2. The data model consists of three pieces of interrelated information (d) a. attributes b. data objects c. relationships d. all of the

20、 above 3. The relationships shown in a data model must be classified to show their(c)在一个数据模型中显示的关系必须被分类,以显示他们的 a. Width and depth b. Directionality and reliability c. cardinality and modality 基数和方式 d. probability and risk 4. For purposes of behavior modeling a state is any (c) 对于行为建模的目的,一个状态是任何 a. c

21、onsumer or producer of data. b. data object hierarchy. c. observable mode of behavior. 观察到的行为模式 d. well defined process. 5. The data dictionary contains descriptions of each software(b) 数据字典包含了每个软件的说明 a. configuration item b. data object 数据对象 c. diagram d. notation 6. The data flow diagram must be a

22、ugmented by descriptive text in order to describe the functional requirements for a software product. (T) 数据流图必须通过描述性文本以描述为一个软件产品的功能性要求进行扩充。1. Which of the following is not an area of concern in the design model (d) 以下哪一项不是在设计模式关注的一个区域 a. architecture b. data c. interfaces d. project scope 项目范围2. Th

23、e importance of software design can be summarized in a single word (d)软件设计的重要性,可以归纳为一个字 a. accuracy b. complexity c. efficiency d. quality 质量3. Which of these is a characteristic of a good design (b) 哪一个良好的设计特点 a. exhibits strong coupling between its modules b. implements all requirements in the ana

24、lysis model 实现在分析模型中的所有规定 c. includes test cases for all components d. incorporates source code for descriptive purposes 5. The control hierarchy represents the (b)控制层次代表了 a. decision order b. organization of modules 组织模块 c. repetition of operations d. sequence of processes6. Software procedure focu

25、ses on the (c)软件过程关注于 a. control hierarchy in a more abstract sense. b. processing details of each module individually. c. processing details of each the set of modules collectively. 每个处理的细节的模块集合统称 d. relationship between control and procedure.7 To achieve high modularity of software components you

26、need (C)为了达到你需要的软件组件的高度模块化 a. high coupling and high cohesion b. high coupling and low cohesion c. low coupling and high cohesion 低耦合和高聚合 d. low coupling and low cohesion8. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module (b) 凝聚力是在何种程度上一个模块的定性指示 a. can be written more compactly.

27、b. focuses on just one thing. 专注于一件事 c. is able to complete its function in a timely manner. d. is connected to other modules and the outside world. 9. Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module (d)耦合是一个模块在何种程度上定性指标 a. can be written more compactly. b. focuses on just one t

28、hing. c. is able to complete its function in a timely manner. d. is connected to other modules and the outside world. 连接到其他的模块和外界1. In transaction mapping the first level factoring results in the(c) 在事务处理映射的第一层因子分解结果在 a. creation of a CFD b. derivation of the control hierarchy c. distribution of wor

29、ker modules 职工的模块分布 d. refinement of the module view 2. A necessary supplement to transform or transaction mapping needed to create a complete architectural design is (c)一个必要的补充,改造或交易映射需要建立一个完整的体系结构设计 a. entity relationship diagrams b. the data dictionary c. processing narratives for each module 每个模

30、块的处理叙述 d. test cases for each module 1. Which of the following interface design principles does not allow the user to remain in control of the interaction with a computer (d)以下哪项界面设计原则不允许用户保持与计算机的交互控制 a. allow interaction to interruptible b. allow interaction to be undoable c. hide technical interna

31、ls from casual users d. only provide one rigidly defined method for accomplishing a task 只为完成任务提供1个严格的定义方法2. Which of the following interface design principles reduce the users memory load (d)以下哪项界面设计原则减少用户的记忆负担 a. define intuitive shortcuts 定义直观的快捷键 b. disclose information in a progressive以循序渐进的信息公开 c. establish meaningful defaults 建立有意义的默认值 d. all of the above 3. Interface consistency implies that (a)接口的一致性意味着 a. input mechanisms remain the same throug

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