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1、上海市牛津版英语高二下Unit3知识梳理上海市牛津版英语高二下Unit3知识梳理Module2 The power of images Unit 3 Colors 知识要点梳理Reading Vocabulary Personality n 性格、个性 Fascinating adj 迷人的 Emotional adj 情绪的、情感的 Energetic adj 精力充沛的、积极的 Adventurous adj 有冒险精神的、大胆开拓的 Firmness n 坚定 Ambitious adj 有雄心的 Remind.of 使.想起(类似的人、地方、事物) Peace and quiet 宁静

2、 Relaxed adj 放松的、冷静的 Familiar adj 熟悉的 Rare adj 稀少的、稀罕的 Injury n 伤害、损害 Associate.with 联想、联系 Stimulate v 促进、激发 Thus adv 因而、从而 Think 把.看作. Reliable adj 可靠的、可信赖的travel agent 旅行代办人、 旅行代办商symbolize v 象征more reading Vocabulary association n 联想、联系depend on 取决于make a difference 有影响wrap v 包装circumstance

3、s n 【pl】复数 环境、状况offend v 冒犯、得罪embarrass v 使窘迫funeral n 葬礼mourning n 哀悼 bride n 新娘、即将或刚刚结婚的女子virtue n 高尚的道德、德行purity n 纯洁、纯净stick to 坚持做某事smart adj 光鲜的、漂亮的Brazil n 巴西unpack v 打开、取出mistake.for把什么错当成Key Words 重点单词1. Personality n 性格、个性 His personality left a deep impression on us. 他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。 知识拓展

4、Personal adj 个人的、亲自的They made a personal visit to the famous writer. 他们亲自拜访了那位著名的作家。2 Fascinating adj 迷人的 He found world travel fascinating. 他发现周游世界是一件非常美妙的事。知识拓展Fascinate v 迷住、强烈吸引Be fascinated bywith 被.、迷住The child was fascinated with his new toy. 那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。3.Emotional adj 情绪的、情感的Winning gave u

5、s emotional satisfaction. 获胜给予我们感情上的满足。2)易动情的、感情脆弱的She is an emotional woman. 她是个易动情的妇人。知识拓展Emotion n 感情、情感Love, hatred, and grief are emotions. 爱、恨和悲都是感情。4.energetic adj 精力充沛的、积极的He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。知识拓展Energy n 精力、能量 They are working with energy.他们真正干劲十足地工作。指点迷津Power、stren

6、gthforce1)power 权力、能力、电力、强权He lost his power of speech. 他失去了说话的能力。2)strength 力气He hasnt got enough strength to remove that stone. 他没有足够的力气搬走那块石头。3)force 力量、暴力、武力、影响力The writer writes with force. 这位作家的文章很有说服力。5. Adventurous adj 有冒险精神的、大胆开拓的 Tom was very adventurous, always willing to try new things.

7、汤姆富有冒险精神、总是愿意尝试新事物,知识拓展Adventure n 冒险、冒险经历He is a man full of adventure. 他是一个充满冒险精神的人。6.firmness n 坚定I have never doubted the firmness of his belief in his own abilities. 我从来不怀疑他对自身能力的坚定信念。知识拓展Firm adj 坚定的He is a firm believer in traditional family values. 他坚信传统家庭观。7.ambitions adj 有雄心的Being quite am

8、bitious, the chef worked day and night to make his restaurant a success.那位厨师雄心勃勃,为了使他的餐馆一举成功,他夜以继日地工作着。常用搭配Be ambitious forof sth to do 对某事有雄心的。He is ambitions for successto succeed. 他很渴望成功。知识拓展Ambition n 雄心、抱负Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。8. relaxed adj

9、 放松的、冷静的Lying in the bed and listening to music, Tom felt very relaxed and happy.常用搭配Be relaxed about sth 对某人放心的My parents are fairly relaxed about me staying out late.我在外面待到很晚父母非常放心。知识拓展Relax v 放松、缓和She relaxed her mind by listening to music. 她听听音乐使大脑得到休息。Relaxation n 放松、休息、消遣There must be no relax

10、ation in our high standards. 我们坚持高标准、决不容许有任何放松。Relaxing adj 令人轻松的You can listen to the relaxing music in the bath. 你可以在洗澡的时候听轻松的音乐。9.familiar adj 熟悉的常用搭配Sth be familiar to sb 某事对于某人来说很熟悉This pop song is familiar to many people. 许多人对这首流行歌曲很熟悉。Sb be familiar with sth. 某人熟悉、通晓某事I am very familiar with

11、the life in Qingdao, for I spent my childhood there.我非常熟悉青岛的生活,因为我在那儿度过了童年。10.rare adj 稀少的、稀罕的These flowers are very rare in this country. 这些花在该国很少见。知识拓展Rarely adv 很少、难得I rarely have time to read a newspaper. 我很少有时间看报纸。11.injury n 伤害、损伤、损害The driver was rushed to a nearby hospital with serious leg i

12、njuries.司机由于腿部严重受伤被迅速送到附近一家医院。知识拓展Injure v 损害、伤害He fell and injured his back. 他摔倒了,背部受伤了。受伤的 Injured adj His shoulder was injured. 他肩部受伤了。指点迷津Injuryharmdamage 这一组词有“伤害、损害”的意思。1)injury 主要指人的身心受损Overwork did him much injury. 超负荷劳动给他造成了很大的损害。2)harm相对于injury 而言语气较弱,可用于身体、名誉、权利、事业等损害。Bad books do great h

13、arm to the young people in various ways.坏书给年轻人造成多方面的损害。3)damage 常用于物质上的损害(损坏)An earthquake often causes great damage. 地震常常造成很大的损害。12. stimulate v 促进、激发The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth.政府将竭尽全力去刺激经济发展知识拓展Stimulation n 刺激、鼓舞Lazy people need stimulation to make

14、 them work.懒人需要激励才能使他们工作。13.thus adv 因而、从而She always finishes her homework on time every day, thus setting aside some time for piano practice.他总是每天按时完成作业,这样能留出时间练钢琴。友情提示 thus 可以放在句子的前面、后面或中间,表示与前句的因果关系。也可以后面加doing表示因果关系。He didnt work hard. Thus he was fired. 他工作不努力、因此被解雇。14.reliable adj 可靠的、可信赖的I fo

15、und this to be a reliable brand of washing machines.我觉得这是一种牌子可靠的洗衣机。知识拓展Rely v Rely on 依靠、指望常用搭配Rely on sbsth(for sthdoingto do) 依靠、指望某人、某物做I rely on you for good advice. 我仰仗你的好建议。15.symbolize v 象征、代表The dove symbolizes peace. 鸽子象征和平。知识拓展Symbol n 象征、标志、记号常用搭配Symbol of sth 是.象征The white bird is a sym

16、bol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象征。Symbolic adj 象征的、象征性的、作为象征的常用搭配Be symbolic of sth 象征.的The cross is symbolic of Christianity. 十字架是基督教的象征。II Key Expressions 重点词组1. remind of 使.想起(类似的人、地方、事物等Those old photos remind me of my happy childhood.那些老照片使我想起了快乐的童年时光。2.peace and quiet 安宁、宁静The writer moved to the co

17、untry to find some peace and quiet.那位作家搬到了乡村以求安宁。3. Associate.with 联想、联系 The Chinese often associated with happiness.中国人经常把红色和喜庆联系起来。4.think 把看作近义词组 regardas. treatas. look onas.Nearly everyone thinks of Mr Smith as someone to be trusted. 几乎所有人都认为史密斯先生是个值得信赖的人。Key Sentence

18、s 重难点句子 1. Those who prefer blue are calm and in control, and prefer a peaceful life.(1)prefer 之后既可加不定式,又可接动名词,常用于以下三种结构:Prefer+不定式/动名词Prefer+动名词+to+动名词Prefer+不定式+rather than +不定式(无to)Eg. Dont tell me his secret. I prefer not to know.(2)in control 在控制之中= under control, being controlled or governedE.

19、g. You should learn to keep your temper in control.知识拓展(1) out of control no longer under control 失去控制E.g. The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea.飞机失控,坠入大海(2) have control of sth. Control sth 控制E.g. They have good control of him.他们能够很好控制他(3) . Lose control of sth. Not in control at al

20、l 失去控制E.g. You shouldnt have lost control of your temper on such an occasion.你不应该在这种场合发脾气。2. Green means firmness, a dislike of change and a fear of failure.本句中的dislike是名词E.g. She took an immediate dislike to him 她一见面就不喜欢他知识拓展做动词时,dislike 后可接名词,代词或动名词,不能接不定式。E.g. I dislike selfish people. 我不喜欢自私的人。3

21、. Each color affects us in a different way.1.affect v.影响E.g. The change in climate may affect your health. 气候的变化可能影响你的健康。指点迷津: affect , effect(1) affect 一般做动词用,意为“影响,感动”E.g. The entire country was affected by drought. 整个国家都受到旱灾的影响;(2) effect 常用作名词,有“影响,效果,作用”之意。E.g. The decorations made quite an eff

22、ect.友情提示Effect的常见词组搭配有 come into effect(实行,实施),take effect(生效,奏效)等。2、 way n.方面E.g. The two brothers are alike in many ways. 这两兄弟在许多方面都相似。常用搭配All the way 一直;从头到尾 in no way 决不 in a way 在某种程度上;从某一点看;4. Peoples pulse rates decrease and they feel more relaxed when they see.指点迷津Decrease, reduce(1). Decrea

23、se 可做名词,及物/不及物动词,意指“在数量、大小、体积等方面逐渐变小”E.g. Decrease the dose of medicine as you feel better.(2)reduce 可做及物动词,意指“使.减少,降低,减低”E.g. She set herself the task of reducing the amount of waste to a minimum.5. It is not only natural that red should make people tense.(1). It is not natural that.意为 “.是很正常的”知识拓展

24、这个句型要注意从句用 should do, 这是虚拟语气的一种用法。某些形容词在 it is. that.的句型里需要虚拟,例如:important, essential, strange, impossible, surprising, regrettable, advisable, desirable, incredible等, should 通常可以省略。E.g. It is important that I (should) speak with Mr.John immediately.我要立刻和约翰先生讲话,这很重要。(2)tense adj.紧张的;引起紧张的;E.g. The s

25、ituation suddenly became tense. 局部突然变得紧张起来。6. Not only does it stimulate the appetite, but it also makes people feel energetic, so that after they have eaten they will leave more quickly, thus making space for more customers.(1) not only 放在句首时需要用部分倒装, 但在 but (also) 后面还是要用陈述句语序。 需注意的是, also属于引起注意的副词,

26、通常放在需引起注意的副词之前。E.g. Not only did the parents enjoy the holiday but also their children had a good time. 不仅父母喜欢这次度假,而且他们的孩子也玩得很开心。(2) so that 引导的是一个目的状语从句,从句中一般含有情态动词 can/could may/might will/would should等。E.g. She decided to do a part-time job in the summer vacation so that she could earn some money

27、 to afford her daily expenses in the next term.她决定在暑假做兼职,这样就能赚些钱来支付下学期的生活费。(3) make space for. 意为 “为.腾出空间”Make space for= make room forE.g. The young lady moved aside in order to make space for the fat man.为了腾出空间给那位肥胖的男子坐,年轻女士往旁边移了一下。7. These persuade people to think of the bank as a safe and reliab

28、le place. Persuade sb to do sth “说服某人做某事”E.g. Its a waste of time persuading him to give up smoking, for he always turns a deaf ear to others advice.说服他戒烟是浪费时间,因为他总是对别人的建议置之罔闻。8. Yellow makes us think of sunshine and holidays,.此句为make+宾语+不带to的不定式结构。知识拓展(1) “ make/let+宾语”之后的不定式不可有to. 但make用作被动语态时,后面的

29、不定式里的to不可省略。E.g. Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨(2) 助动词 will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, do, does, did之后所接的不定式不可有toE.g. We should be kind to others. 我们应该善待他人。(3) 在had better, would rather等之后的结构不用to.E.g. I would rather not drink anything. 我宁愿什么都不喝。9. Colour is a powerful too

30、l.指点迷津: tool, instrument(1) tool通常指手工劳动中使用的工具(以节省时间和劳力为目的),也可指任何为职业或工作所需的工具或手段。E.g. Hammers, saws, axes, etc. Are all tools.(2) instrument 指使用于科研或艺术活动中的器具;E.g. Surgical instruments 外科器具 musical instruments 乐器More readingI.Key Words 重点单词1.wrap v. To cover something completely with paper or other mate

31、rials 包装常用搭配Wrap sth (up) around sth. 把.缠绕, 包在.外面Wrap sth (up) in sth. 把.包在.里面E.g. She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 她把一条围巾围在脖子上。2.Circumstance n.Pl. The conditions and facts that are connected with a situation, an event or an action (复数)环境;状况常用搭配In/under. Circumstance 在.情况下E.g. In normal circumstance I wou

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