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1、学年度曲师附中第二学期初二阶段性质量监测初中英语20192020学年度曲师附中第二学期初二阶段性质量监测初中英语英语试卷第一卷 选择题共 80分一、听力测试 20 分1听录音,选择你所听到的句子。 5分1 A When the girl was buying ice cream , the UFO took her away B When the girl was eating ice cream , the UFO took off C when the girl was making ice cream , the UFO took off 2 A It was raining when

2、I stayed in London .B It was raining when the train arrived in London CIt was snowing when the train left London 3ALucy said she would talk on the phone at 9 :00 am tomorrow B Lucy said she was talking on the phone at 9 : 00 am yesterdayCLucy said she was repairing on the phone at 9 :00 am yesterday

3、4AWe all know Yang Liwei is a famous astronaut B We all know Yang Liwei wants to be a famous Star CWe all know Yang Liwei knows a famous astronaut 5AIm going to send the letter to Beijing B Im going to spend the holiday in Beijing CIm going to go with my son to Beijing n.听句子,选择恰当的答语。 5分6ASo do IB So

4、 am I C It is May 7AI didnt sleep yesterdayB I won the girls 400metersCI lost my bike 8ASo am IB Really ? That sounds good COK thats too bad 9AI was in a barber shopB I was cleaning my room C I often sleep late 10 A Yes, you should B Thats all right CYou should say sorry 川.听以下五段对活,选择最正确答案。 5分11What

5、was the woman doing at eight o clock yesterday? 、21 .22.23.How much do you have to pay if you go a mile by taxi here?What did the lion want to do?Were the parents happy when they heard the lion words?What do you think of the pare nts?Why did the lion take out all his teeth

6、?A . Because he was afraid to hurt the pare nts.B . Because his teeth were not useful for him .C . Because he loved the girl very much .What happe ned at the end of the story?A . The lion lived with the girl happily .B . The girl and her parents beat the lion out of their house .C . The lion ate the

7、 girl and her parents .单项选择题20分-Will people live to be 200 years old?A . No, they are ntB . No, they wontC . No, they dontD .No, they cantThere will bepollution next year than this year .A . fewerB . muchC . lessD .manyI havehaircut you .A . same; asB . the same; likeC . the same; asD . same; likeA.

8、 walkB. walkingC. walkedD. to walk24. . hope you are good health.A. inB. atC. forD. withBeijing was made host to the 2018 Olympics .It was one of the most importa ntinChin ese history .A . thi ngsB . activitieseventsaccide ntsMary I was havi ng a shower w

9、he nthe phone rangA . the phone was ringingC . the phone ringsthe phone has rangI say whe n I meet my teacher in America?that something is wrong with the computer .is a good idea to have a party this evening .beautiful weather it is! Why not go out for a walk?A . WhatB . HowC . What aHow aMay isat S

10、pani sh . She has a hard tikeit .A . good; learnB . good; learning C . poor; learnpoor: learning-Im sorry Imy homework at home .-But dont forget it here tomorrow .A . forgot, to bringB . left, to bringC . forgot, bringingleft, bringingOn weeke nd, youllyourselves move casually .A . be able to dress

11、B . can wearC . be able to wearcan dress100 yearswill the world be like?A . After, What B .Before, howC . In , WhatD . On, how40 . The two girls wereat then ews .A . amazing; amazingB . amazed;amazedC . amazing ; amazedD . amazed;amaz ing三、完形填空10分When you laugh , youll open your mouth and show your

12、teeth . The 41 your teeth are, the happier you look 42 is that?Its because your teeth are import 43 many ways. If you take care of them, they can also help to 44 you. Strong, healthy teeth help you eat the right food and help you grow45 . They also help you speak clearly .You can take care of your t

13、eeth by doing like these :Brush your teeth 46 a day after breakfast and before bedtime .Brush all of your teeth , not just the front ones . 47 some time on the teeth along thesides and in the back.Take your time while brushing . Spend 48 3 minutes each time .Be sure your toothbrush is soft 软的. Ask y

14、our parents 49 a new toothbrush every three mon ths for you .Care about what you eat and drink . Eat more fruits and vegetables and less junkfood . Drink more 50 and less drin ks .41.A .healthyB .healthierC . healthiestD .un healthy42 .A .WhatB .WhereC . WhyD .When43 .A .onB .forC . withD .in44 .A .

15、look afterB .look forC . look upD .look at45 .A .earlyB .easilyC . happilyD .quickly46 .A .twoB .twiceC . oneD .once47 .A .Spe ndB .TakeC . CostD .Pay45 .A .1ess tha nB .more tha nC . lessD .more49 .A .buyB .buy ingC. to buyD .bought50 .A .teaB .apple juiceC . coffeeD .water四、阅读明白得:AIm taking my fam

16、ily to other countries to have a trip . My elder brother decided to go with us . It s thesftrtime for him to go to other countries . So he is even more excited than my two children . My father is so old that he d like to stay at home and take care of the houseBefore the trip, it took us a long time

17、to decide where to go . We would like to go to England, France and Italy . My wife is very interested in France because she is a teacher of French . And my brother, who speaks Italian well , is looking forward to the trip to Italy .We also talked about how we would go to Europe . At first we wan ted

18、 to fly because it would be faster and would save more time . But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the children enjoy that, too.At last, we made our plan . Were going to New York by train , and then take a ship to Europe . When we arrive in Europe, were going to some countries for sightseein

19、g . Well go to those places either by train or by bus . Were going to fly home .I thi nk well have a very in teresti ng trip .51.The writers brother is very excited becauseA . he has many friends in other coun tries53 .The writers brother and childre n would like togo sightsee ing at the seaside go

20、to France and Italy by train go to differe nt coun tries by train or by shipgo from one place to ano ther by train or by busKatrina was worried about her health . She could riot walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs . She was soon out of breath .Im afraid I have to go to see

21、 the doctor . she thought .She went to the doctors and told him her problem .Im not surprised at all, he said . I know what your problem is .He looked her over and the n gave her some advice .If you dont do what I say, Mrs. Katrina, he said . You will have a heart attack 心脏病.It can kill you .Katrina

22、 was very worried as she left the doctors . She knew that she had to take his advice but it would not be easy and it would take time .The next day she went shopping . She went into a butchers shop肉铺.Id like ten pounds of steak, please, she said.Certainly, madam, the butcher replied and went into the

23、 cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of steak back in to the shop and put it on the scale .That just under ten pounds, he said.That s bignough, Mrs. Katrina said .The butcher worked out the price .At $ 4.99 a pound that will be $ 49.50, please. Would you like me to

24、cut it up into smaller pieces for you?Oh, I don twant to buy it, Mrs. Katrina said .If you don t want to by it, the butcher replied angrily . Why did you ask me to get itfor you?My doctor told me that I was overweight . I have to lose ten pounds. I want to see what tenpounds of meat looks like .56 .

25、Why did Mrs. Katri na go to see the doctor?A . She had a bad heart attack.B . She could not sleep well .C . She had a problem with her health .D . She was un happy about her weight57 .What did the doctor advise her to do?A . To lose weight.B . To eat more meat .C . To run every morning .D . To took

26、after her heart .58. Why did Mrs. Katri na ask for ten pounds of steak in the butchers?A . She wan ted to buy some for her dinn er.B . Her husband liked steak very much .C . Her doctor wan ted her to eat steak .D . She wan ted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like .59. What was Katri nas real p

27、roblem?A . She ate too much steak. B . She was too heavy .C . The doctor did not know . D . She could not walk very quickly60. What does the underline下划线Word mean?A.柜台 B .天平 C.冰箱 D .购物筐CTwo traveli ng an gels天使stopped to spe nd the ni ght in a rich family . The family were unfriendly and let them li

28、ve in a cold basement 地下室.When they were making the bad on the hard floor, the elder年长的an gel saw a hole洞in the wall and repaired修补it. The youn ger an gel asked, Why do you help them? The elder an gel replied Things aren always what they seem.On the next ni ght the two an gels came to a poor family

29、. The family were very frien dly . They let the an gles sleep in their bed . The next morning, the an gels found the farmer and his wife were very sad. Their only cow died in the field The family have nothing but is kind to us, and why do you let the cow die? the youn ger an gel said an grily .Things aren always what they seem . the elder an gel replied . Whe n we were in thebasement, I saw there was gold in that hole in the wall . I didn twant the owner to find it .Last ni ght whe n we slept in the farmer s bed . The an gel of death死came for his wife . I gave him the cow in stead

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