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1、四川省泸州市中考英语试题2017年四川省泸州市中考英语试题一、选择题1. Would you like some tea?_( ) A.Yes, please B.My pleasureC.Help yourself D.The same to you【答案】A【考点】其他情景交际话题【解析】你想喝些茶吗?是的,请【解答】分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是你想喝些茶吗?是的,请A是的,请,B我的荣幸,C请自便,D你也一样故选:A2. Mum, Im old enough to wash_own clothes You can have a rest after work( )

2、C.mine D.myself【答案】A【考点】物主代词【解析】妈妈,我长大了可以洗自己的衣服了下班后你可以休息一下【解答】根据语境推测句意是妈妈,我长大了可以洗自己的衣服了下班后你可以休息一下 ,设空处后面有名词 ,所以用形容词性物主代词my作定语故选:A3. Jack eats a lot and never exercises, so he becomes the_in his class( ) A.thinner B.heavier C.thinnest D.heaviest【答案】D【考点】形容词的比较级和最高级【解析】杰克吃的很多,从不运动,所以他变成他班里最重的了【解答】根据Ja

3、ck eats a lot and never exercises结合给出的四个选项,结合空格前面的关键词是定冠词the,因此可知这句话的意思是杰克吃的很多,从不运动,所以他变成他班里最重的了故选:D4. What are you going to do next week?I am not sure I_work in an old peopled home( ) A.must B.may C.should D.can【答案】B【考点】情态动词【解析】下周你打算干什么?我不确定,可能在老人院工作吧【解答】答案:B 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是下周你打算干什么?我不确定,可能在老人院工作吧A

4、必须,B可能,C应该,D可以故选:B5. It s a good habit for us that we should never_( ) A.put off B.put on C.turn off D.turn on【答案】A【考点】其他动词短语【解析】对我们来说不要拖延是一个好习惯【解答】分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是对我们来说不要拖延是一个好习惯A拖延,推迟B穿上,C关闭,D打开故选:A6. Its very dangerous to swim in the pool Look at the signOh,I_notice it Thanks for telling me( ) A.w

5、ont B.don,t C.havent D.didnt【答案】D【考点】陈述句【解析】在池塘里游泳非常危险的看这个标志我没看到,谢谢你告诉我【解答】根据题意:在池塘里游泳非常危险的看这个标志我没看到,谢谢你提醒我可知时态为一般过去时故选:D7. Alice, will you take a taxi to the party with us?_ Ill take a bus there( ) A.Thats right B.No, thanks C.Youre welcome D.I dont think so【答案】B【考点】其他情景交际话题【解析】爱丽丝,你将和我们一起打车去参加聚会吗?

6、不了,谢谢我将坐公交车去那里【解答】首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:对;B:不了,谢谢;C:别客气;D:我不这样认为;根据前面一个人表达的意思是爱丽丝,你将和我们一起打车去参加聚会吗? ,确定设空处填 不了,谢谢 符合语境故选:B8. It gets cold at night _you dont wear your coat,youll catch a cold( ) A.If B.How C.While D.Unless【答案】A【考点】从属连词【解析】晚上很冷,如果你不穿外套,你会感冒的【解答】答案:A 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是晚上很冷,如果你不穿外套,你会感冒的A如果,B怎样,C

7、当的时候,D除非故选:A9. Many people believe that tea_first in China about 5,000years ago,( ) A.drank drunk C.was drunk D.has drunk【答案】C【考点】各种时态的被动语态【解析】很多人相信大约五千年前中国人就开始喝茶了【解答】根据语境推测句意是很多人相信大约五千年前中国人就开始喝茶了句子表述的是过去的事情,判断句子中的谓语动词用一般过去时,主语tea是动作drink的承受者, 所以用被动语态,一般过去时被动语态的构成是:主语+was/were+动词的过去分词,故选:C10. C

8、ould you please tell me_ tomorrow?At 8oclock( ) will she start she will startC.what time she will start D.what time will she start【答案】C【考点】宾语从句【解析】你能告诉我她明天几点出发吗?在8点【解答】考查宾语从句宾语从句要用陈述语序,A和D是疑问语序,故排除AD,答语是时间在8点,应该问什么时间,B项不合题意故选:C二、完形填空 ItsTeachers,Day today We didnt buy any card (1)_ teach

9、ers Our teachers always tell us not (2)_ money on cards, because cards are made from wood If all of us dont buy cards, (3)_ trees will be cut downSowe drew a bunch (一束)of flowers and (4)_ Happy Teachers Day,J on the blackboard Teachers were all very happy They said the best present for the teachers

10、(5)_ the progress students made (1)A.for C.on D.with (2)A.waste waste C.wasting D.wasted (3)A.few B.little C.fewer D.less (4)A.write B.writes C.writing D.wrote (5) B.are C.was D.were【答案】ABCDA【考点】记叙文完形【解析】文章大意:主要介绍的是作者老师在教师节不希望学生们送卡片,送上祝福即可,同时老师最希望看到的是学生们的进步【解答】11题A 考查介词辨析A为;B到;C在.上;D和;

11、根据题干,buy sth for sb为某人买某物是固定短语,故答案是A12题答案:B 考查动词辨析根据题干,tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不做某事是固定短语,故答案是B13题答案:C 考查形容词辨析little和less要修饰不可数名词;few和fewer修饰可数名词,根据后面trees是可数名词,同时 结合句意 If all of us dont buy cards, (13)trees will be cut down如果我们不买卡片,应该是更少的树被砍伐,要用比较级,故答案是C14题答案:D 考查动词辨析根据drew a bunch (束)of flowers an

12、d可知时态是过去时,and是并列关系,也要用过去时,所以动词write要用过去式wrote,故答案是D15题答案:A 考查词辨析根据句意 They said the best present for the teachers ( ) the propress students made他们说,对老师最好的礼物是学生的进步后面陈述的是事实,所以时态是一现在时,主语the best present是单数形式,所以用is,故答案是A Itwas the last day of school and Alonzo was on the bus He knew his mother would soon

13、 ask him if he wanted to go to summer camp He started to (1)_ about last years summer campHeremembered arriving and how scared he was He did not know (2)_, and had not beenbefore He remembered (3)_ if anyone else felt the same way All the other children (4)_ to know someoneAshe unpacked his clothes,

14、 his (5)_ came in His name was Jack and it was his second year Jack unpacked his clothes and then ran out to meet his friends (6)_ saying hello to AlonzoAlonzo remembered how (7)_ he felt that first day of camp He (8)_ out a book and sat on his bed At least he could read a book for something to do H

15、e began reading, (9)_ he kept hearing the boys playing outsideFinally Jack came back inside and introduced (10)_Hello, said Alonzo (11)_Im(12)_ I didnt say hello before,said JackI saw a friend outside and went to talk to himThats okay, said Alonzo, feeling betterSodid you bring a baseball? I like to

16、 play baseball, but (13)_ to bring one! said JackActually I did! said Alonzo, and they ran outside to play in the (14)_ sunThinking of those, Alonzo smiled and felt his world full of sunshine He couldnt (15)_ to arrive home (1) B.think D.tell (2)A.anyone B.someone C.something D.nothing

17、(3)A.thinking B.believing C.knowing D.wondering (4)A.used B.liked C.seemed D.hoped (5)A.mother B.friend C.teacher D.roommate (6)A.on C.with D.without (7)A.lovely B.lonely C.helpful D.wonderful (8)A.put B.pushed C.pulled D.carried (9)A.and B.or C.but (10)A.himself B.herself C.itself D.yours

18、elf (11)A.sadly B.luckily C.shyly D.angrily (12)A.sorry B.glad C.proud D.afraid (13)A.wish B.have C.forget D.remember (14)A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter (15)A.hope B.wait C.plan D.want【答案】BADCDDBCCACACBB【考点】记叙文完形【解析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了Alonzo 因为夏令营的经历感到自己很孤独,后来主动向Jack打招呼而和他成为了朋友,这些经历让他自己感受到世界其实充满了阳光【解答

19、】(1)B 考查动词,结合句意可知,他开始想(think)关于去年夏令营的事情talk 意为讲话;谈论;read 意为阅读;tell 意为告诉;判断均不符合文意故正确答案为B(2) A 考查代词,结合句意可知,他不认识任何人(anyone),并且他之前从没离开家出过远门someone 意为某人;something 意为某事;某物;nothing 意为没有一个,没有一点均不符合文意故正确答案为A(3) D 考查动词,结合句意可知,他记得他想知道(wonder)是否其他任何人也有同样的感受wonder if 为常用搭配,意为想知道是否,因此D项符合文意think 意为认为;思考;believe 意

20、为相信;认为;know 意为知道;认识均不符合文意故正确答案为D(4) C 考查动词,结合句意可知,所有其他的孩子似乎(seem)都认识某些人seem to 意为似乎,符合文意used使用liked喜欢seemed似乎是hoped希望, 故正确答案为C(5) D 考查名词,结合句意可知,当他取出他的衣服的时候,他的室友(roommate)进来了应该是在宿舍里取出衣服整理,因此这里应该填 roommatemother妈妈friend朋友teacher老师roommate室友, 故正确答案为D(6) D 考查介词,根据第七段第一句 Im I didnt say hello before 可知,此句

21、应意为,杰克取出了他的衣服,然后没有(without)跟阿隆佐打招呼就跑到外面去见他的朋友了故D项符合文意on 意为关于;在之上;在时候,by 意为通过,with 意为和;带着,均不符合文意故正确答案为D(7) B 考查形容词, 根据上面提到的阿隆佐不认识这里的任何人可知,此句应意为,阿隆佐记得他第一天到夏令营的时候感到多么的孤独(lonely)故B项符合文意lovely 意为可爱的;helpful 意为有帮助的;wonderful 意为美妙的;精彩的均不符合文意故正确答案为B(8)C 考查动词,结合句意可知,他抽(pull)出一本书,然后坐在床上pull out 为常用搭配,意为抽出,故C项

22、符合文意put 意为放;push 意为推;carry 意为携带;搬运均不符合文意故正确答案为C(9) C 考查连词,结合句意可知,他开始读书,但是(but)他一直听着那些男孩们在外面玩耍的声音前后句为转折关系,故C项符合文意and 意为和,而且,表并列关系;or 意为或者;否则,表选择关系和让步关系;so 意为因此,所以,表因果关系均不符合文意故正确答案为C(10) A 考查代词,结合句意可知,最后杰克回到了里面并且介绍了他自己(himself)杰克是男生,应用反身代词 himselfhimself 他自己herself她自己itself它自己yourself你自己, 故正确答案为A(11)

23、C 考查副词,结合上文内容可知,阿隆佐不认识夏令营里面的任何一个人,而且室友杰克之前也忽视了他,没有跟他打招呼,而现在杰克主动跟他介绍自己,因此,此句应该意为你好,阿隆佐害羞地(shyly)说故C项符合文意sadly 意为伤心地;luckily 意为幸运地;angrily 意为生气地均不符合文意故正确答案为C(12) A 考查形容词,根据上文内容可知,杰克之前看到一个朋友就跑出去了,因此没有跟阿隆佐打招呼,根据常理可推测此句应意为我很抱歉(sorry)我之前没有打招呼,故sorry 符合文意glad 意为高兴的;proud 意为骄傲的;自豪的;afraid 意为害怕的均不符合文意故正确答案为A

24、(13) C 考查动词,结合句意可知,我喜欢打棒球,但是忘记(forget)带了forget to do sth 为常用搭配,意为忘记要做某事,因此 forget 符合文意wish 意为祝愿;希望;have 意为有;remember 意为记得均不符合文意故正确答案为C(14) B 考查名词,根据上文内容可知,阿隆佐参加的是夏令营因此此句应意为然后他们跑到外面在夏天的(summer)阳光下打棒球故B项符合文意spring 意为春天;autumn 意为秋天;winter 意为冬天均不符合文意故正确答案为B(15) B 考查动词,结合句意可知,他迫不及待(wait)地要回家couldnt wait

25、to do sth 为固定搭配,意为迫不及待要做某事,故B项符合文意hope 希望wait等待plan计划want想要, 故正确答案为B三、阅读理解 Oncethere was a relative who offered a manand his three sons two baskets of peaches (桃子) One basket of peaches were just ripe (成熟) while the other were already overripe and would go bad at onceThefather asked, Which way of ea

26、ting can avoid wasting a peach?Theeldest son said, Of course,we should eat those overripe, for they cant be kept for threedaysButafter you eat up those, the peaches in the other basket will go bad! Certainly, the father was not satisfied with the eldest sons adviceThesecond son thought for a while a

27、nd said,We should eat the peaches just ripe Choose the good ones!Ifso, wont the overripe peaches be wasted?Dont you think it pity?Thefather turned to the youngest son,What good idea do you have?Ifeel,thinking for a while, the youngest son said, wed better mix them together, givesomeof them the neigh

28、bors, and let them help us eat, so that we wont waste a peach at allHearing this,the father nodded and said with a smile,OK It is really a good way Thenlets do it by your way (31)AAbossBAfriendCArelativeDaneighbor(32)Aavoid wasting a peachBsell the peachesCeat the overripe peachesDsend the ripe peaches(33)AEating them upBEating those ripe peaches firstCGiving some to the neighborsDEating those overripe peaches first(34)AHe felt sadBHe felt worriedCHewas satisfi

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