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1、履约保函中英文对照履约保函中英文对照履约保函中英文对照中文文本:(一)国际工程履约保函格式(公司)日期:致:亲爱的先生:_号合同履约保函题目:鉴于_公司(以下简称“XXX”)就油田地面设施施工、试运和移交与_(以下简称承包商)于_年_月_日签订了_号合同(以下简称合同),我们_,是遵照_法律组建的一家公司,总部设在_,(以下简称担保人),在此想XXX提供以下担保:(a) 保证承包商全面完整地履行和完成合同项下的义务以及由更改通知单和合同修改可能引起的需要承包商适时完成的工作。(b) 如果承包商在某方面未能履行合同项下义务过违约,我们作为担保人将执行或采取必要的措施来按照合同的规定履行义务,由于

2、承包生闻能履行合同或违约所造成的损失、赔偿、花费和费用将由我们担保人承担。(c) 担保人不会因XXX放弃或节制对支付、工期、履约或其他方面的要求而解除自己承担的责任。(d) 一旦担保人承担合同项下承包商的义务,在此期间,担保人应享受合同授予承包商的所有权利和利益。(e) 为了履行保函和合同的目的,担保人同意接受英国法庭的唯一管辖。(f) XXX及其继承人、受让人的利益,对担保人及其继承人、受让人具有约束力。PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMATDate :To :Dear Sirs,PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO:TITLE:_(C

3、ompany Name)That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as XXX) entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field Surface Facilities.(CONTRACT) dated_ day-of_ _with_ hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR (S)We, _a company incorporated under the laws of _with a

4、principal business address at_(hereinafter referred to as GUARANTOR) do hereby enter into the following undertakings with XXX:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subs

5、epuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s).(b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligati

6、ons thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF)CONTRACT

7、NO:XXX/30/98-163(c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by XXX whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under t

8、he said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) Thi

9、s Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of XXX and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the_ day of _199_.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its au

10、thorized representative on this _day of _199_.For and on behalf:_(Company)signature : _name :designation :WITNESSSignature: _Name: _Designation: _Date: _(二)国际工程履约保函格式(银行)致:_公司,该公司执行_国家法律,注册办公地址为_(以下简称XXX)。鉴于:(1) 甲方(XXX)和乙方(承包商)就_达成协议,并签订本合同,承包商同意完成合同规定的内容。(2) 合同明确规定了此条款,即由_银行(以下简称担保人)及时递交给XXX该保函。_银行

11、不可撤消和无条件地向XXX担保以下内容:1 如果承包商在任一方面不能履行合同或违约,则根据XXX第一次提出的不带证据和条件的要求,担保人在收到其要求后14天内,不论承包商或任何第三方是否有异议或反对,担保人都应立即师父总额为_美元的担保金。2 在征得或未征得担保人同意的条件下,无论承包商和XXX间签订何种协议,或者无论承包商在合同项下的义务发生何种变化,或者无论XXX对于付款时间、履行情况以及其他事项作出何种让步,或无论XXX或承包商的名字组织机构发生何种改变,都不能免除担保人的担保重任。3 本保函持续有效,有效力将相应地保持到最终验收通知单签发日期,或合同终止后3个 ,二者以先为准。4 担保

12、人同意,无论未偿还金额能否通过法律行为或仲裁方式获得,并且无论这笔偿还金额是否由于承包商亏损、损坏、花费以及由于XXX的某些原因造成的,担保人同样给予担保。本保函由担保人于_年_月_日签订。_银行签字:_名字:_职务:_银行印章:英文文本:FERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT (BANK LETTERHAD)TO: _(Company name),a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at _(hereinafter called XXX)WHEREAS(1) by

13、 an agreement for the _(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and XXX of the other part, the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT.(2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by XXX of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:)

14、_(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR) who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to XXX as follows:i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of this obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to XXX on first demand without

15、 proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar _(USD: _) within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party.ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONT

16、RACTOR and XXX with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or constitution of XXX or the CONTRACTOR.iii) This guarantee is conti

17、nuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three(3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the grauantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss, damages costs ,expenses or otherwise incurred by XXX is recoverable by legal action or arbitration.IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the_ day of _199 _.For and on behalf of _(name of banker)signature: _name: _designation:banker s seal: _

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