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5、方法根据本课程的目的要求,应考者在学习中应该着重掌握以下几个环节:1认真阅读教材。阅读教材是基本的教学环节。只有把教材仔细消化了,其他学习环节才能搞好。如果不把教材真正弄懂弄通,就忙于阅读其他学习资料、做复习题,必然事倍功半。阅读教材前,应先了解考试大纲中的考核目标,理解每一章节的要点,然后再系统地读书。读书时,首先要掌握每一章的梗概,弄清每一章热处理 点内容;其次在全面理解每章内容的基础上,要把本章与以前各章的内容联系起来加以思考。2做好读书笔记。写读书笔记是巩固所学知识的一个重要方法,这对于自学尤为重要。阅读教材是理解课程内容的基础,但看了书并不一定就能弄懂弄通,更不一定就能学得扎实。要切




9、考试的内容是覆盖全部考核目标的,因此,社会助学单位和辅导教师都应指导自学者全面系统地学习教材,掌握全部考试内容和考核要点。要引导自学者把全国理解和重点深入探讨结合起来,切忌孤立地抓重点。英语国家概况考核目标一、英国概况1Land and People Different names for Britain and its parts 2Origins of the NationArrival and settlement of the CeltsBasis of modern English race: the Anglo-SaxonsThe Viking and Danish invasio

10、nsKing Alfred and his contributionsThe Norman Conquest and its consequences3Shaping of the Nation Englands feudalism under the rule of William the ConquerorContents and the significance of the Great CharterOrigins of the English ParliamentThe Hundred Years War with France and its consequences Conseq

11、uences of the Black Death4Transition to the Modern AgeHenry VIII and the English ReformationElizabeth I and ParliamentElizabeths religious reform and her foreign policyDistinctive features of the English RenaissanceThe Civil Wars and their consequencesThe Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell The Resto

12、ration and the Glorious Revolution5Rise and Fall of the British EmpireWhigs and ToriesAgricultural changes in the late 18th centuryThe English Industrial Revolution and its impact on the develop-ment of BritainThe Chartist Movement and its consequencesThe building of the British EmpireBritain and th

13、e First World WarBritain and the Second World WarPostwar BritainThatcherism 6Government and AdministrationThe British ConstitutionThe British Parliament and its functionsThe British government7Social AffairsReligion in British society Festivals and public holidays in Britain 8Cultural AffairsThe edu

14、cation system in BritainThe collage system and the tutorial system Quality papers and popular papersThe BBC and its programsSports in BritainMajor forms of art in Britain二、美国概况1Population, Race and Ethnic GroupsCharacteristics of the American populationBlack people and the Civil Rights Movement2Amer

15、ican History (16001900)The discovery of the New World Causes of the colonization of the New World The original 13 coloniesThe American War of Independence and its consequencesEstablishment of a federal form of government Consequences of territorial expansion and the Westward Movement The American Ci

16、vil War and its impact on the development of the USRapid growth of capitalism after the Civil War3American History (1900-1945)Economic growth in the early 20th centuryProgressivism and some of the reform effortsRole of the USin WW ICharacteristics of the 1920sEffects of the Great Depression on Ameri

17、can society Franklin Roosevelt and the New DealAmerica in WW II4America in Postwar Era(1945-1980s)Origins of the Cold WarThe Truman Doctrine and the Marshall PlanEffects of McCarthyism on American societyThe postwar boom in the USThe USand the Vietnam WarUS-China relations (1949-1972)Counterculture

18、in the USThe New Right and their Program5The USEconomyFactors that contribute to the fast growth of the economyCharacteristics of the USeconomyThe importance of foreign tradeProblems facing the USeconomy6Political InstitutionsA workable form of government under the ConstitutionSeparation of powers w

19、ith checks and balances under the ConstitutionSafeguards for individual liberty under the ConstitutionPowers of the American PresidentPowers of the House of RepresentativesPowers of the SenateThe judicial systemThe two-party system and the characteristics of the two major parties7EducationCharactert

20、ics of American educationElementary and secondary education in the USDifferent types of colleges and universitiesThe admission system in USuniversitiesThe role of the community collegeContinuing educationEducation reform in the 1980s and early 1990s 8LiteratureMajor American writers and their worksH

21、arlem Renaissance and black writing in American literature9Holidays and Festivals New Years Day celebration in the USPractices of Valentines Day Easter in the USIndependence Day HalloweenThanksgiving DayChristmas三、拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和爱尔兰概况1CanadaCanadas geography and historyCanadas geographical featuresGeog

22、raphical regions and their characteristicsThe European discovery of CanadaThe rivalry between the British and the FrenchSelf-government and the founding of the ConfederationCanada in WW I and WW II2AustraliaAustralias geographical featuresAustralias geographical structuresFactors that affect Austral

23、ias climate Composition of Australias populationAustralias built environmentPolitical divisions in Australia3New Zealand New Zealands geographyCharacteristics of New Zealands climateNative plants and animalsHistorical background of New ZealandThe Treaty of Waitangi 1840Characteristics of Maori cultu

24、re(Maoritanga)4IrelandIrelands geographical featuresClimate in IrelandEthnic composition of IrelandLanguages in IrelandIrish CatholicismConflict between the English and the Irish The issue of Northern Ireland英语国家概况样卷1Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully, For each unfinishe

25、d statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are givenChoose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the questionWrite the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet(50 points, 1 point each)1The British Isles are

26、 made up of _Atwo large islands and hundreds of small onesBtwo large inlands and Northern Ireland Cthree large islands and hundreds of small onesDthree large islands and Northern Ireland2There are three political divisions on the island of Great BritainThey are _ABritain, Scotland and WalesBEngland,

27、 Scotland and WalesCBritain, Scotland and IrelandDEngland, Scotland and Ireland3The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries _Athat have a large number of British immigrantsBthat fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars Cthat speak English as their native languag

28、eDthat were once colonies of Britain4In British history, both Saxons and Angels came from _Anorthern Europe Bnorthern Germany Csouthern EuropeDsouthern Germany 5It was _ who laid the foundations of the English stateAthe VikingsBthe DanesCthe CeltsDthe Anglo-Saxons6_ is perhaps the best-known event i

29、n English historyAThe Norman Conquest of 1066BThe Great Charter of 1215CThe Hundred Years War with FranceDThe English Renaissance7In the reign of the Norman kings _ flowered on the English soilAthe German cultureBthe British cultureCthe Danish cultureDthe Norman culture8_ has long been popularly regarded as the foundation of English libertiesADomesday BookBMagna CartaCThe Reform Act of 1832DThe Greater Charter of 18329During the Hunderd Years War which ended in 1453, the expulsion of the English from France is regarded as a blessing for

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