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本文(推荐学年度六年级下册英语期中试题期中测试题 译林版三起含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

推荐学年度六年级下册英语期中试题期中测试题 译林版三起含答案.docx

1、推荐学年度六年级下册英语期中试题期中测试题 译林版三起含答案小学英语译林六下 期中 测试卷姓名: 班级: 分数: 第一部分 听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( ) 1. A. work B. weak C. woke( ) 2. A. shout B. should C. short( ) 3. A. because B. become C. became( ) 4. A. bread B. red C. head ( ) 5. A. about B. boat C. but( ) 6. A. half B. have C. habit( ) 7. A. didnt B. did C.

2、 dont( ) 8. A. they B. their C. them( ) 9. A. bad B. bag C. had( ) 10. A. dinner B. being C. eat二、听录音,根据所听内容判断下列句子正误,正确的选“”,错误的选“”。( ) 1. John says “Good morning” to his teacher.( ) 2. Liu Tao gets up early and has breakfast every day.( ) 3. We must clean the classroom.( ) 4. He is looking for a zeb

3、ra crossing.( ) 5. You cant cross the road with other people.三、听录音,根据问句选择答句。( ) 1. A. No, I cant. B. Yes, she does. C. He gets up early.( ) 2. A. Its green. B. Yes, it is. C. No, please wait.( ) 3. A. Its nice. B. It means we can go. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I dont. C. By bike.( ) 5

4、. A. We must go home. B. No, I didnt.C. I mustnt play here.四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。 1. To keep _, lets wait _ the pavement. 2. Listen _ the tape and _ the teacher. 3. Do you have a _ _?4. Liu Tao has a good _. He _ goes to bed late.5. The _ laughed _.第二部分 笔试部分一、英汉互译。1. 我的好习惯 _ 2. finish the housework _3. 做一个好

5、学生 _4. from then on _5. 保持开心 _ 6. run quickly _ 7. 跟着他 _ 8. in class _9. 提防 _ 10. stop and rest _二、根据句意及首字母提示填入恰当的单词。1. Amy is a good girl. She g up early every day.2. There is a story a Bobby and Sam.3. Mike h breakfast early last Sunday.4. Please drink some water b dinner.5. An old woman is w on t

6、he road. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There are a lot of _ (people) in the park.2. Helen _ (say) “Good morning” to Miss Li every day.3. She watches TV after work and _ (do) some cleaning in the evening. 4. I can have a lot of _ (meat) for lunch.5. You mustnt _ (go) to bed late.6. The children talked _ (happy).

7、7. Be _ (quite), lets start our class.8. We all know Liu Tao _ (good).9. I sometimes feel _ (sleep) in the morning. 10. Can you give me some _ (bread)?四、单项选择。( ) 1. My brother gets up early and _ his teeth every morning.A. brush B. brushed C. brushes( ) 2. -Are you thirteen or fourteen?- _A. Yes. B.

8、 No. C. Im thirteen.( ) 3. _ a healthy diet, there must be a lot of fruit.A. For B. On C. In ( ) 4. There _ a lot of pork in the fridge.A. has B. is C. are ( ) 5. -I am a student.-I _ a student.A. am too B. am also C. also am ( ) 6. -What do you have for dinner?-I have _ meat.A. a few B. many C. a l

9、ittle ( ) 7. -Did you have _ rice yesterday?-Yes, I _ some rice.A. any; have B. some; have C. any; had ( ) 8. Each student _ some storybooks.A. have B. has C. having ( ) 9. -Do you like water?-Yes, its good _ our health.A. of B. for C. at ( ) 10. -How can I get to the train station _?-You can take a

10、 bus.A. safe B. safety C. safely五、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。I II( ) 1. What are you doing? A. Great!( ) 2. May I speak to. Tina? B. Because the light is red.( ) 3. Lets go there by bus. C. Im going to the supermarket.( ) 4. Whats on the road? D. This is Tina speaking.( ) 5. Why do you stop here?

11、E. Three.( ) 6. Where are you going? F. I have some milk and bread.( ) 7. Can I watch TV? G. No, its too late.( ) 8. How many lights can you see? H. I am dancing.( ) 9. Does your mother like eggs? I. Many buses and cars.( ) 10. What do you often have for breakfast? J. No, she doesnt.六、根据中文完成句子。1. 我爸

12、爸午餐和晚餐通常吃许多牛肉。My lather usually eats _ _ _ beef _ lunch _ dinner.2. 萨姆有时上学迟到。Sometimes Sam _ _ for _.3. 在她过马路前她等绿灯。She _ _ the green man before she crosses the _.4. 我们千万不能在马路上奔跑。We must _ _ _ the road.5. “冰箱里有水吗?”“是的,有一点。”-_ there _ water _ the fridge?-Yes, a little.6. 不要喝太多可乐。Dont _ _ _ cola.七、看图完成

13、对话。 A: Lets cross the road.B: There isnt a zebra _.A: There arent any traffic _ here either. _ can we cross the road safely?B: We must first look left, then _ and then left again.A: Can we play football on the road?B: No, we cant.A: _?B: Because there are many cars and buses.八、根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“”,

14、错误的写“”。Many parts of the world have four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring follows winter. It becomes warmer and the days become longer. Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies. Summer is the hottest season. It does not get dark until 7 oclock. Plants grow fast. I

15、n autumn, the days get shorter. The weather turns cooler. The leaves fall from the trees. Some birds fly to warmer places. Winter is the coldest season. It gets dark early in the evening. Plants stop growing and many trees are bare (光秃秃的).( )1. All parts of the world have four seasons. ( )2. Many an

16、imals have babies in spring. ( )3. Summer is the hottest season. ( )4. The days become longer in autumn. ( )5. The plants stop growing in winter. 九、根据实际情况回答问题。你是一名好学生吗?请结合自己的体会写写如何成为一名好学生。1. I must _2. I must _3. I must _4. I mustnt _ 5. I mustnt _听力原文:一、1. woke 2. short 3. become 4. bread 5. but 6.

17、 habit 7. didnt 8. their 9. had 10. being二、1. A: Good afternoon, Miss Li. B: Good afternoon, John.2. A: Do you get up early, Liu Tao? B: Yes. And I have breakfast every day.3. A: What must we do? B: We must clean the bedroom. 4. A: Is he looking for a zebra crossing? B: Yes, it is.5. A: I cant find

18、a zebra crossing. B: You can cross the road with other people.三、1. Does Helen get up early?2. Can I cross the road now?3. What does it mean?4. Do you go to school by bus?5. What must you not do?四、1. To keep safe, lets wait on the pavement. 2. Listen to the tape and follow the teacher.3. Do you have

19、a healthy diet?4. Liu Tao has a good habit. He never goes to bed late.5. The students laughed loudly.听力答案:一、1-5 CCBAC 6-10 CABCB二、1-5 三、1-5 BCBBC四、1. safe; on 2. to; follow 3. healthy diet 4. habit; never 5. student; loudly笔试答案:一、1. my good habit 2. 完成家务 3. be a good student 4. 从那时起 5. keep happy 6.

20、 快速奔跑 7. follow him 8. 在上课 9. look out for 10. 停下休息二、1. gets 2. about 3. had 4. before 5. walking三、1. people 2. says 3. does 4. meat 5. go 6. happily 7. quiet 8. well 9. sleepy 10. bread四、1-5 CCCBB 6-10 CCBBC五、1-5 HDAIB 6-10 CGEJF六、1. a lot of; for; at 2. is late; school 3. waits for; road 4. not run on 5. Is; any; in 6. drink too much七、crossing; lights; How; right; Why八、1-5 九、(答案不唯一)1. go to school early2. listen to the teachers carefully3. do my homework early4. shout in the classroom5. run quickly on the road

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