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1、初三英语上册外研版Module7Greatbooks知识点总结初三英语上册(外研版)Module 7 Great books知识点总结一、重点词汇原文再现 I want to join an Internet group to discuss great books by great writers. 我想加入一个网络群讨论名著,列出一系列的伟大作家。基本用法 discuss v. 讨论;谈论(过去式:discussed 过去分词:discussed 现在分词:discussing 第三人称单数:discusses) We will discuss the proposal at the me

2、eting. 我们将在会议上讨论这项提议。 discuss可用于以下结构中: 1. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事。如:I have something important to discuss with you. 我有一些重要的事和你讨论。 2. discuss about sth.讨论关于某事。如: Well have to discuss about the price. 我们不得不讨论一下价格问题。 3. discuss+带有疑问词的动词不定式。如:They discussed how to solve the problem. 他们商量如何解决该问题。知识

3、拓展-相关单词 discussion n. 讨论,under discussion在讨论中;class discussion课堂讨论;group discussion小组讨论。如: Their case is now under discussion. 他们的案件正在讨论中。原文再现 He was a very wise man. 他是一个很英明的人。基本用法 wise adj. 有判断力的;明智的,在句中可以作定语,也可作表语。如: To a wise person, time is like a diamond. 时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。知识拓展-词义辨析:wise/cl

4、everclever: 强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。 wise: 侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。原文再现 Well, each of us reads a favourite book and writes a review for the discussion. 嗯,我们每一个人看一本最喜爱的书并为讨论写一个书评。基本用法 1. review n. 评论(文章),write a review意为“写评论”。如: Please write a review after you read this book.读完这本书后请

5、写一则评论。 2. review v. 评论;温习。如: They review their lessons night after night. 他们每夜都温习功课。 He promised to review the film in one of the evening papers. 他答应在一家晚报上评论这部电影。原文再现 Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas, and Shakespeares plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 我们仍然受孔夫子思想的影响,而且莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们

6、来说也仍然很有意义。基本用法 1. influence v. 影响;作用于(过去式:influenced 过去分词:influenced 现在分词:influencing 第三人称单数:influences) Dont let me influence your decision. 不要让我影响你的决定。2. influence n. 影响力;影响,have an influence on/upon意为“对有影响”。如: He has an great influence on the team. 他在队中起着举足轻重的作用。原文再现 Were still influenced by Conf

7、uciuss ideas, and Shakespeares plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 我们仍然受孔夫子思想的影响,而且莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也仍然很有意义。基本用法 1. sense n. 道理;意义;合理性,make sense意为“易理解;合情理;有意义”。如: I lost my sense of taste. 我丧失了味觉。This sentence doesnt make any sense. ( make sense 意为:有意义) 这个句子没有意义。 It would make sense to leave

8、early. (make sense 意为:合情理) 还是早点走好。 Can you make sense out of what this book says? (make sense 意为:易理解) 你能理解这本书的内容吗? 2. sense v. 感觉;意识到;理解;检测。如:Lisa sensed that he did not believe her. 利萨意识到他不相信她。原文再现 By the way, what do you think of Mark Twain, the great American writer in the nineteenth century? 顺便问

9、一下,十九世纪伟大的美国作家马克*吐温怎么样?基本用法 by the way意为“顺便一提;附带说说”,常用作插入语,表示离开现在的话题去说些别的事。如: By the way, have you finished your homework? 顺便问一下,你完成作业了吗?知识拓展-相关短语1. on the way:在途中;在路上,这里的the可换为物主代词,其后接地点名词时用介词to;若为地点副词,则把to省去。如: On the/my way home, I had a rest. 在回家的路上,我休息了一下。 2. in the way:挡路;妨碍,way后一般不加介词短语,且这里的t

10、he也可以用物主代词来代替。如: You must say “sorry” to him when you are in the/his way. 你挡了别人的路时,一定要向人家说“对不起”。原文再现 He was important, but I suppose heisntas well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare. 他是个重要人物,但是我认为他没有孔夫子或莎士比亚那样著名。基本用法 1. suppose v. 推想;假设 Suppose you are a great scientist. 假设你是一名伟大的科学家。 2. suppose v.想;

11、认为;料想,此时其后接否性的宾语从句时通常将否定转移到主句上。如: I dont suppose he is really ill. 我看他不是真病了。知识拓展-相关短语 be supposed to 意为“应该;理应”,其后接动词原形,有时为进行式或完成式。如:You are supposed to be there before dark. 你应该在天黑前赶到那儿。 Hes supposed to be doing his homework at home now. 他现在应该在家里做作业。 He is supposed to have written us a letter. 他本来应该

12、给我们写封信的。原文再现 He was important, but I suppose heisntas well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare. 他是个重要人物,但是我认为他没有孔夫子或莎士比亚那样著名。基本用法 well-known adj. 众所周知的;著名的,be well-known as意为“作为而著名”,相当于be famous as。如: She was well-known as an excellent dancer. 她作为一名优秀的舞蹈演员而出名。原文再现 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.汤姆索亚历险记。

13、基本用法 adventure n. 冒险(经历);奇遇。如: No matter how hard he tried, hecouldntpersuade his friends to give up the adventure. 无论他怎么努力,都不能说服他的朋友们放弃冒险。知识拓展-相关单词 adventure v. 冒险;尝试 No man would adventure it. 无人会冒这个险。 He thinks it is foolish to adventure. 他认为去冒险是愚蠢的。原文再现 He does not like people telling him what t

14、o do, so he always gets into trouble. 他不喜欢别人告诉他做什么,所以他总是惹麻烦。基本用法 get into trouble 意为“遇上麻烦”,be in trouble意为“处于困境中”。如: Nobody likes to get into trouble. 没有人愿意惹麻烦。Can you help me when I am in trouble? 当我遇到困难时,你愿意帮我吗?出题建议 题型可选择完成句子,同时在关键词中输入:trouble。原文再现 He and his best friend, Huck Finn, run away to an

15、 island in the middle of the Mississippi River. 他和最好的朋友哈克*费恩跑到密西西比河中游的一个岛上。基本用法 run away 意为“逃走;逃跑”。如: He broke the window and ran away. 他打破窗子逃跑了。知识拓展-相关短语1. run out 意为“用尽”。如: It looks as if oil will run out faster than coal. 石油似乎要比煤炭耗尽得快。 2. run after 意为“追赶;跟踪”。如: If you run after two hares, you wil

16、l catch neither. 同时追两兔,全都抓不住。原文再现 Later, Tom escapes from a cave with another friend, Becky. 后来,汤姆与另外一个朋友贝克逃离了一个山洞。基本用法 escape v. 逃离;逃跑 escape from sth.意为“逃离某事”,escape from doing sth.意为“避免做某事”。如: To my surprise, he could escape from that big fire.令我惊讶的是,他能够从那场大火里逃脱出来。 Theres no way to escape from do

17、ing the work. 根本无法避免干这个工作。原文再现 But when they hear that everyone thinks they are dead, they feel very sorry, so they come back home. 但是当他们听说所有的人都认为他们死了的时候,他们感到很难过,所以他们回到家乡。基本用法 dead adj. 死的;去世的。如: He has been dead for two years. 他已经死了两年。知识拓展-相关单词 1. die vi 死亡(过去式:died 过去分词:died 现在分词:dying 第三人称单数:dies

18、) Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。 Many people die from famine in Africa. 在非洲许多人死于饥荒。 2. dying adj. 垂死的The little girl cried when she saw her dying cat. 看到快死的小猫,小女孩哭了。原文再现 Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive. 首先每个人见到他们都很惊讶,但是发现汤姆和哈克

19、还活着都很高兴。基本用法 surprised adj. 惊奇的;惊讶的,be surprised to do sth.意为“很惊讶”。如: I was surprised to meet him here. 我很惊讶在这里见到他。知识拓展相关单词 1.surprise v. 使吃惊,使惊讶。如: The news surprised Mike. 那则新闻使迈克很吃惊。 2. surprising adj. 令人惊讶的;出人意料的。如: It is surprising that a man like that was elected. 那样的人竟然当选真是令人惊讶。词义辨析:v-ing/v-e

20、d 有一类动词后面加ing和ed转化为形容词。加ing表“令人.的”,加ed表“使人感到.的” 如:interesting/interested; terrifing/ terrified; exciting/ excited; amazing/ amazed; relaxing/ relaxed等。例句: The book is interesting. 这本书很有意思。 I am interested in the book.我对书很感兴趣。原文再现 Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find t

21、hat they are alive. 首先每个人见到他们都很惊讶,但是发现汤姆和哈克还活着都很高兴。基本用法 alive adj. 活着的,通常在句中作表语。如: Are you grandparents still alive? 你的祖父母还在世吗?知识拓展-词义辨析:alive/live/living/lively alive,live,living均有“活着的,活的”之意。 1. alive: 其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。She does not know if he is alive or dead. 她不知道他是活还是死。 2. live: 通常作定语

22、,指活生生的,生气勃勃的,还可表示现场直播的。 They watch all the live matches. 他们观看所有现场直播的比赛。 He has just eaten a living fish. 他刚刚吃了一条活鱼。3. living: 其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。 4. lively 指轻快,机智,有生气。如: She is such a slim and lively woman. 她是一个如此苗条的、生气勃勃的女人。原文再现 It describes peoples lives in the southern states of Am

23、erica at that time. 它描述了那个时代美国南部各州人们的生活。基本用法 southern adj. 南方的,它是south的形容词。如: He lives in southern China.他住在中国南部。知识拓展-相关单词 east东部eastern东部的;north北方northern北方的;west西部western西部的。如:The eastern situation becomes better now. 东部的情况现在有所好转。 These handkerchiefs sell well in the western market. 这些手帕在西方市场销路很好。

24、 Thats a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个大城市。 注:western还可用作名词,意为“西方人;西部片;西部小说”。如:India is a mysterious land in the mind of Western. 在西方人心目中,印度是一片神秘的土地。原文再现 It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. 它讲述了年轻人如何成长,人们如何相亲相爱,以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出

25、代价。基本用法 pay for 意为“支付;付钱;为付出代价”。如: His parents have paid for the new house. 他的父母已经付了新房的房款。The boy has paid for his mistake. 那个男孩已为他的错误付出了代价。知识拓展-相关短语 1. pay back 还钱,但不一定还清 Ill pay back the money you lent me next week. 下星期我把你借给我的钱还给你。 2. pay off 还清 Pay off your credit cards. 还清你的信用卡欠款。原文再现 It tells h

26、ow young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. 它讲述了年轻人如何成长,人们如何相亲相爱,以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。基本用法 action n. 行动,它是由动词act+-ion构成的名词,这是一种常见的构词法。如: Your action has affected her normal life. 你的行为已经影响了她的正常生活。知识拓展 同类词 graduate+-ion graduation 毕业congratulate congratulatio

27、n 祝贺 相关短语 1. take action 采取行动。如: We have to take action to stop them. 我们得采取行动来制止他们。 2. action movie 动作片。如: I want to see an action movie.我想看动作片。3. out of action 失去作用。如: The engine of the car is out of action. 这辆小汽车的发动机出了故障。原文再现 And it is written in everyday English, and the dialogues sound especiall

28、y real. 这本书用日常英语写成,对话听起来尤其真实。基本用法 everyday adj. 日常的;普通的,可以用来作定语。如: I study everyday English every day. 我每天学日常英语。知识拓展-词义辨析:everyday/every day every day是副词词组,意为“每天、天天”,在句中作状语。如: We go to school every day.我们每天去上学。二、重点句型基本用法 1. join后通常要接某个组织,指正式成为组织的成员,如 join the army 意为:参军。 join in后面通常接某种活动,多指参加正在进行的活动

29、;take part in也指参加活动,但是不强调正在进行 的活动。如: They are going to join in the singing. 他们将参加唱歌。Lets take part in the game. 我们加入这个游戏吧。 2. to discuss great books是动词不定式在句中作目的状语。基本用法 这句话是that引导的宾语从句,其中accept作动词,意为“接受;承认;认可,认为”。accept sth. 意为 “接受某物”;accept后一般不接不定式,要表示“接受做某事”,可用agree to do sth.。如: He accepted the gift that she gave. 他接受了她给的礼物。 His idea was such a good one that we all agreed to use it. 他的主意很好,我们都接受这么做。(此时不用accept)

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