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高中英语 高考真题中的构词法与巩固练习.docx

1、高中英语 高考真题中的构词法与巩固练习高考真题中的构词法与巩固练习英语中常见的构词法有派生法(Derivation)、合成法(Compounding)和转化法(Conversion)三大类。在每年的高考英语试题中,都会出现大量的派生词、合成词和转化词,而这些词很有可能会影响学生的阅读速度和精准度。一、派生词全国I卷ensure (en- + sure) v 确保;保证en-:使(make)additional (addition + -al) adj 额外的-al:的(of)familiarity (familiar + -ity) n 熟悉;亲近-ity:表示具有某种特征的状态(the co

2、ndition)transformative (transform + -ive) adj 革命性的;变革的-ive:具有性质的(having the quality of ing)physically (physical + -ly) adv 身体上approximately (approximate + -ly) adv 大约uncommon (un- + common) adj 不常有的;罕见的 un-:不(not)employee (employ + -ee) n 受雇者;雇员-ee:被者(a person who is ed)harmful (harm + -ful) adj 有害的

3、-ful:易于的(having the tendency of)treatment (treat + -ment) n 处理;治疗-ment:的行为(the act of ing)empower (em- + power) v 授权;使能够em- (=en-):使(make)apparently (apparent + -ly) adv显然地merely (mere + -ly) adv仅仅;只不过absolutely (absolute + -ly) adv绝对地;完全地unreasonable (un- + reasonable) adj 不合理的un-:不(not)repeatedly

4、(repeated + -ly) adv 重复地;再三地temporarily (temporary + -ly) adv 暂时地casually (casual + -ly) adv 偶然地;随意地extremely (extreme + -ly) adv 极其;非常全国II卷inspirational (inspiration + -al) adj 启发灵感的-al:有性质的(having the nature of)psychologist (psychology + -ist) n 心理学家-ist:从事的专家predictor (predict + -or) n 有预测作用的事物-o

5、r:物(a thing that s)developmental (development + -al) adj 发展的-al:的(of)environmentalist (environmental + -ist) n 环保主义者-ist:主义者ecologist (ecology + -ist) n 生态学家ecosystem (eco- + system) n 生态系统eco-:生态(abstracted from “ecology”)biologist (biology + -ist) n 生物学家risky (risk + -y) adj 冒险的-y:有特征的(characteriz

6、ed by)wonderment (wonder + -ment) n 惊奇;惊喜-ment:the state of ing(的状况)excitement (excite + -ment) n 激动;兴奋-ment:the state of ing(的状况)novelist (novel + -ist) n 小说家announcement (announce + -ment) n 宣布;宣告-ment:the act of ing(的行为)uneasy (un- + easy) adj 不自在的;忧虑的-un:不(not)soften (soft + -en) v 使变温和-en:使(cau

7、se to be)enable (en- + able) v 使能够en-:使(make)conversational (conversation + -al) adj 交谈的;谈话的-al:的(of)certainly (certain + -ly) adv 必然;肯定地renewal (renew + -al) n 恢复;更新-al:行为(the act of ing)surely (sure + -ly) adv 一定;必定;想必全国III卷tasty (taste + -y) adj 美味的-y:有特征的(characterized by)enrich (en- + rich) v 丰

8、富en-:使(make)treasury (treasure + -y) n 宝库exceptional (exception + -al) adj 非凡的multigenerational (multi- + generation + -al) adj 多代的multi-:多的(many)traditionally (traditional + -ly) adv 历来coastal (coast + -al) adj 近海的;沿海的characteristic (character + -istic) n 特征;特色;特点registry (register + -y) n 登记处unpac

9、k (un- + pack) v 打开(盒子、包或手提箱等)取出(物品)un-:取走(to remove)speechless (speech + -less) adj 说不出话的-less:无(without)milky (milk + -y) adj 奶制的;像奶的-y:多的(full of)gently (gentle + -ly) adj 温柔地;温和地effectiveness (effective + -ness) n 有效性-ness:的性质或状态(the quality or condition of being)guidance (guide + -ance) n 指导;引导

10、-ance:的行为(the act of ing)popularity (popular + -ity) n 受欢迎;普及;流行-ity:的状态(the condition of)浙江卷meaningful (meaning + -ful) adj 有意义的-ful:充满的(full of)widen (wide + -en) v(使)变宽-en:使(cause to be)analytical (analytic + -al) adj 分析的managerial (manager + -ial) adj 管理的multitasking (multi- + task + -ing) n 同时做

11、几件事情multi-:多的(many)environmental (environment + -al) adj 环境的;环保的loneliness (lonely + -ness) n 孤独-ness:的性质或状态(the quality or condition of being)helpful (help + -ful) adj 有帮助的;有益的-ful:充满的(full of)colorful (color + -ful) adj 颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的-ful:充满的(full of)machinery (machine + -ery) n 机器;机械-ery:的群体或集体(a gr

12、oup of s)山东卷disqualification (dis- + qualify + -tion) n取消资格dis-:取消(undo)warmth (warm + -th) n 温暖;热情-th:的性质或状态(the quality or condition of being)architectural (architecture + -al) adj 建筑学的;建筑方面的sadden (sad + -en) v 使悲哀;使悲痛-en:使(cause to be)reportage (report + -age) n 事件报道-age:行为(the act or of ing)eve

13、ntful (event + -ful) adj 多事故的;经历丰富的-ful:充满的(full of)viewership (viewer + -ship) n(电视节目或频道的)观众人数;观众类型-ship:的数量(the number of s)significantly (significant + -ly) adv 显著地;明显地extremely (extreme + -ly) adv 非常;极其overweight (over- + weight) adj 超重的over-:过多(too much)earthen (earth + -en) adj 陶制的-en:由制成的(be

14、made of)二、合成词全国I卷timetable (time + table) n 时刻表wheelchair (wheel + chair) n 轮椅workplace (work + place) n 工作场所houseplant (house + plant) n 室内盆栽植物groundwater (ground + water) n 地下水lifetime (life + time) n 一生;终生daylight (day + light) n 日光highway (high + way) 公路;大道onboard (on + board) adj 在船(或飞机、车)上的全国I

15、I卷award-winning (award + winning) adj 获奖的parkland (park + land) n(如乡村大宅院周围的)有草木的开阔地fine art (fine + art) n 美术(尤指绘画和雕塑)math-related (math + related) adj 与数学相关的high-income (high + income) adj 高收入的self-control (self + control) n 自制力showcase (show + case) v 展示guilt-free (guilt + free) adj 没有负罪感的wetland

16、(wet + land) n 湿地;沼泽outcome (out + come) n 结果全国III卷footstep (foot + step) n 脚步声;足迹waterway (water + way) n 水路;航道in-depth (in + depth) adj 彻底的;渗入详尽的underground (under + ground) adj 地下的fur-coat-wearing (fur + coat + wearing) adj 穿毛皮大衣的full-body (full + body) adj 全身的filmmaker (film + maker) n 电影制作人real

17、istic-looking (realistic + looking) adj 逼真的off-set (off + set) adj 在拍摄场外的doorway (door + way) n 门口;门道mother-in-law (mother + in + law) n 岳母;婆婆standpoint (stand + point) n 观点;立场household (house + hold) n 一家人;家庭carefree (care + free) adj 无忧无虑的;无牵挂的;无责任的highland (high + land) n 高地;高原houseboat (house +

18、boat) n 船屋shellfish (shell + fish) n(尤指可以吃的)水生有壳动物underwater (under + water) adv 在水下;在水中housewarming (house + warming) n 乔迁聚会firewood (fire + wood) n 柴火;木柴businesswoman (business + woman) n 女商人;女企业家handbag (hand + bag) n 手提包shopkeeper (shop + keeper) n 店主salesperson (sale + person) n 售货员lifelike (li

19、fe + like) adj 逼真的;生动的;栩栩如生的masterpiece (master + piece) n 杰作;名著;代表作waterfall (water + fall) n 瀑布浙江卷playgoer (play + goer) n 经常去戏院看戏的人;爱看戏的人play-reader (play + reader) n(为出版商、演出人或剧团等阅读并评价剧本的)剧本读评人houselight (house + light) n 剧院灯光cure-all (cure + all) n 万灵药;灵丹妙药overall (over + all) adj 全面的teamwork (t

20、eam + work) n 协作;配合decision-making (decision + making) n 决策high-level (high + level) adj 高级的babysit (baby + sit) v 代人临时照看小孩cardboard (card + board) n 硬纸板leftover (left + over) adj 剩余的lifelong (life + long) adj 终身的;毕生的motorway (motor + way) n 高速公路山东卷round-trip (round + trip) adj 来回旅程的willpower (will

21、+ power) n 意志力first-generation (first + generation) adj 第一代的well-rounded (well + rounded) adj 全面的intake (in + take) n(食物等的)摄取量undergraduate (under + graduate) n 本科生daytime (day + time) n 白天rainwater (rain + water) n 雨水naturally-grown (naturally + grown) adj 自然生长的postcard (post + card) n 明信片三、转化词全国I卷

22、However, race walking does not pound the body as much as running does.pound v 名词动词化 连续重击Were thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every v 名词动词化 改变(动植物等的)基因结构The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms.light v

23、名词动词化 照亮全国II卷It was a special time to bond with my v 名词动词化(与某人)培养一种特殊的关系Frequent them and talk about them when you can.frequent v 形容词动词化 常去;常到The plum trees are the first to flower even as the snow is melting.flower v 名词动词化 开花全国III卷Discover the China of “past ages,” its walled cities,

24、temples and mountain scenery with Prof. Robert Thorp.wall v 名词动词化 用墙把围住The creative team . and later processes it with computer graphics to create a final image(图像).process v 名词动词化 处理And there are questions about the films . are not monitored as closely as productions filmed in the v 名词动

25、词化(把)拍成电影The Bajau, as these people are known, number in the hundreds of thousands in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.number v 名词动词化 总计They made a living as divers, spearfishing or harvesting shellfish.harvest v 名词动词化 捕猎(动物、鱼等)浙江卷To get the most out of reading these plays, try to picture the

26、 play on stage. picture v 名词动词化 想象;设想Challenging work that requires . might help your brain stay sharp as you age.age v 名词动词化 变老My brother, of course, raced off to be with his friends, while I had plenty to do myself. race v 名词动词化 快速移动Theyre all memories I treasure today.treasure v 名词动词化 珍惜;珍视Ive be

27、en farming sheep on a hillside for 54 v 名词动词化 饲养山东卷Watering young plants in the dry season was tough for a lone boy.water v 名词动词化 给(植物)浇水如果你还不满足于只学不练,别着急,小编为你量身打造了检测小卷,希望你能小试身手,一气呵成。构词法检测小卷一、根据所给提示填空。1. en-( 使 )+ sure ensure v 确保;保证2. addition + -al(的) additional adj 3. familiar + -ity(表示

28、具有某种特征的状态 ) familiarity n 4. transform + -ive(具有性质的) transformative adj 5. physical + -ly physically adv 6. un-( )+ common uncommon adj 不常有的;罕见的7. employ + -ee(被者) employee n 8. harm + -ful(易于的) harmful adj 9. treat + -ment(的行为) treatment n 10. em-( )+ power empower v 授权;使能够11. psychology + -ist(从事的

29、专家) psychologist n 12. predict + -or(物) predictor n 13. environmental + -ist(主义者) environmentalist n 14. eco-(生态)+ system ecosystem n 15. risk + -y(有特征的) risky adj 16. wonder + -ment(的状况) wonderment n 17. soft + -en( ) soften v 使变温和18. renew + -al(行为) renewal n 19. taste + -y(有特征的) tasty adj 20. mul

30、ti-( )+ generation + -al multigenerational adj 多代的21. un-( )+ pack unpack v 打开(盒子、包或手提箱等)取出(物品)22. speech + -less(无) speechless adj 23. milk + -y(多的) milky adj 24. effective + -ness(的性质或状态) effectiveness n 25. guide + -ance(的行为) guidance n 26. popular + -ity(的状态) popularity n 27. meaning + -ful(充满的) meaningful adj 28. machine + -ery(的群体或集体) machinery n 29. dis-(取消)+ qualify + -tion disqualification n 30. warm + -th(的性质或状态) warmth n 31. report + -age(行为) reportage n 32. viewer + -ship(的数量)

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