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1、中考英语考点词语填空专练 Revised final draft November 26, 2020中考英语考点词语填空专练中考考点词语填空专练1. a/an/theA. Theres u and _ s in _ word us.B. There is _ young man and _ old man in the photo. _ old man is _ young mans father.2. one/onesA. I dont like this skirt. Show me that _.B. The new skirts are mine. The old _ are your

2、s.3. by/with/in/useA. Jay can sing the song _ either Chinese or English. How great!B. I wont believe it until I see it _ my own eyes.C. We usually _ a ruler to draw a straight line.D. Miss Zhao goes to work _ bike.4. put on/wear/in/dressA. The twins dont always _ the same clothes,B. The woman _ a re

3、d hat is our new English leacher.C. Its very cold today. Please _ more clothes when you go out.D. Mother is _ my baby sister now.5. a lot/a lot of/many/muchA. I like eating oranges _, so there are always oranges at my home.B. There are so _ people that I cannot count them.C. _ people think living in

4、 China is _ better than living in Japan.D. Ive learned _ from him.6. look for/find/find outA. Please try to _ who stole the computer.B. Please help me _ my mobile phone, I cant _ it.7. look/read/see/watchA. _ at the picture! What can you _ in it?B. Ill _ a book instead of _ TV tonight.8. and/or/with

5、A. There is no air _ no water on the moon.means There is no air _ water on the moon.B. The boy _ his parents go to Hong Kong every year. means The boy _ his parents goes to Hong Kong every year.9. also/tooA. I was at her birlhday party, and he was _ there.B. Andy Law is a famous actor. Hes a good si

6、nger,10. take/bring/carry/getA. The woman was _ a big bag. Lets help her.B. Next lime when you come, _ me the book,please.C. Whos _ away todays newspaper. I havent read it yet.D. Go and _ me some water, rm thirsty.11. each/everyA. _ of them speaks a foreign language. means _ one of them speaks a for

7、eign language.B. There are some big shops on _ side of the street.12. problem/questionA. What is the biggest _ in the world Can you answer this _B. The _ is that hes always asking me such foolish _.13. learn/studyA. He _ hard and at last _ the language.B. The children are _ the maths problem now.C.

8、We _ in the same school, so we often _ from each other and help each other.D. We _ English in the morning and _ to play football in the afternoon.14. in/on/atA. There are many good apples _ the tree.B. He gets up _ six _the morning and goes to bed _ ten _ night _ weekdays.C. Does he have lunch _ hom

9、e _D. The man _ duty is reading a book _ medicine _the desk.E. In the twins bedroom, the windows _ the wall are very big, the pictures _ the wall are not very new.15. sometime/sometimes/some time/some timesA. Please read the text _ until you can recite it.B. I will go shopping _ tomorrow.C. He waite

10、d for _ then left.D. They _ play football after school.16. have/has/there is/there areA. In Class One _ 25 boys and 25 girls.B. In Classroom One _ a map of China.C. Does your brother _ a map of China?D. _ your brother got a map of China?17. right/all right/thats right/thats all/thats all rightA. - T

11、hanks a lot for your help. - _.B. - Are you a student - Yes._.C. - Lets go shopping. - _.D. Could you tell me whether it is _ or wrong?E. I want to buy a cup of tea, a piece of bread and an apple. _.18. how many/much/long/old/oftenA. -_ does it take by plane -It takes about eleven hours.B. -_ is you

12、r father - He is fifty.C. -_ is the fish -Its ten yuana kilo.D. -_ do you wriie Io your father. - Once a month.E. -_ students are there in your class - Forty-five.19. look up/look at/look after/look like/look the sameA. Please _ Lucy and Lily because they are new here.B. Please _ Lucy and Lily! Can

13、you find any differences between them?C. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They _ each other very much.D. Lucy and Lily _.E. Please _ the new words in your dictionary.20. what/which/who/whose/where/howA. - _ do you like China - Very much.B. - _ do you like about China -The food and the people.C. - _ i

14、s Mr. Green Heis an English teacherD. - _ is Mr. Green -He is Jims father.E. - _ falher is Mr. Green -Jims.F. - _ man is Mr. Green -The man on a black bike.G. - _ is Mr. Green from -Hes from America.H. - _ is Mr. Green like -He is tall and thin.21. class/lessonA. He listens to the teacher carefully

15、in _.B. There are four _ in each unit of the English textbook.22. in time/on timeA. You must give back the book to me _.B. Youre just _ for the last bus.23. for short/short forA. TV is _ television,B. They callme Tom _ .24. may be/maybeA. Tom, _ you are right.B. The mon over there _ Li Leis English

16、teacher.25. begin/startA. When can we _ off for Beiiing?B. He didnt know how to _.26. other/another/the other/others/the otherA. Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me _ pair.B. There are six people in the room. Three are girls, _ three are boys.C. He is always helping _.D. There are ma

17、ny books in the box. Ten of them are mine, _are my sislers,E. Mr Liu and Miss Sun and four _ teachers are teaching this class.27. must/have toA. We _ follow our Party to go.B. He _ get up earlier because his mother asks him _to cook breakfast.28. be good/be good to/be good atA. My parents _ me.B. He

18、 _ English.C. Chocolate _ your health, do you agree?29. road/way/streetA. Can you tell me the _ to your school?B. I met him in the _.C. They drove along the country _.30. in front/in front of/in(at) the frontA. Ricky stood _ lhe stage and began to sing.B. He sits _ and I sit not far behind him.C. A

19、tree stands _ the house.31. hope/wishA. I _ you to win the competition.B. I _ you can win the competition.C. We have no _ to finish the work in time. What shall we do?D. Best _ to all of you in the coming year!32. ago/beforeA. Everyone should come back _ five oclock.No one should be late.B. He came

20、back two days _. means He came back the day _ yesterday.33. by the way/on the way in the wayA. The chair is _. Please move it away.B. _, have you got a computer at home?C. Roy happened to meet his father _ to school.34. match/game/sportA. The Chinese basketball team had a _with the American basketba

21、ll team in the last Olympic _.B. I often do _ or play with my classmates after school.C. There will be a _ meeting next week.35. go on/go on doing/go on to doA. After they had read the text, the students _the exercises.B. They _ the farm work in the field though it was raining hard.C. I hope everyth

22、ing _ well.36. at the end/in the end/by the end/to the endA. Go down this road _ and youll find the police station on your left.B. Which building is _ of the road Is it a supermarket or a hospitalC. Tim laughed _ because he won the game,D. How many English words had you learnt _ of last term?37. wha

23、t/howA. _ a good film! means _ good the film is!B. _ beautiful music! means _ beautiful the music is!C. _ is the weather means _ is the weather like38. in/to/onA. Japan is _ the east of China and Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.B. Henan is _ the north of Hubei.39. just now/right nowA. I must go t

24、o my officeB. I made a telephone call to my friend _.40. how often/how soon/how long/what timeA. - _ will he be beck - In a week.B. - _ does he come back - Once a week.C. - _ were you in Beijing last year. - For a week.D. - _ did you go to bed last night - At eleven.41. few/little/a few/a littleA. T

25、heres _ time left. Well be late if we dont hurry.B. We still have _ apples at home. We.neednt buy any now.C. Therere _ apples at home. Youd better go and buy some.D. I still have _ money on me, so I can buy apples with it.42. neither/either/noneA. _ of them is here. All of them have gone to Shanghai

26、.B. _ of his parents is a doctor. They are teachers.C. _ Damao or Xiaomao will go there for the dinner. One of them should stay at home.D. He speaks _ English nor Japanese. Hespeaks Chinese.43. both/all/wholeA. _ the books are here. You may choose any of them!B. _ of the twins like spending _ their

27、money on books.C. What bad weather! It has snowed for five days.D. The workers worked the _ day. means. The workers worked _ day.44. cross/across/through/over/pass/pastA. The car _ by with a thick smoke behind iust now.B. The boss walked _ me without saying a wore at half _ one. I dont know why.C. T

28、he sunlight is shining in _ the window.D. Go _ the bridge. means _ the bridge.E. They climbed _ the tall wall, didnt they?45. arrive/get/reachA. Please tell me when youll _in Taiyuan. Ill meet you at the airport.B. Can you tell me how to _ to the nearest police station?C. Please call me when you _ Shanghai.D. The passengers were worried because the train didnt _ on time.46. noise/sound/voiceA. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than _.B. You have a beautiful _, the man said to her in a sweet _.

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