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1、新视野大学英语第三版视听说4Unittest18新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说 4 (Unit test 1-8 )Unitl短对话5题Directi ons: Liste n to five short con versati onsand choose the best an swer to each question you hear.1)A.The woma n does nt worry about importa nt things in society.B.The woma n does nt know whats importa nt in society.C.The man

2、does nt con sider himself part of society.D.The man does nt care about childre n say ing maam or sir.参考答案:1) D听力文本:W: When was the last time that you heard a child use the words maam and sir? Honestly,I th ink civility is fadi ng from society.M: Come on! Is nt there anything more importa nt to worry

3、 about?Q: What can be in ferred from the conv ersatio n?A收起答案2)A.The reasons why the woman is important.B.The reasons why the woman is wrong.C.The womans working experienee.D.The womans work as a writer.参考答案:2) D听力文本:W: Whe n I took this writ ing job, I thought youd give me someth ing worthwhile to

4、do.When will I be able to write a big story?M: I think youre looking at your job all wrong. Write about these small things as if they are importa nt.Q: What are the speakers talk ing about?A收起答案3)参考答案:3) B听力文本:W: My teacher gets angry every time I dont agree with her. This is ridiculous! She should

5、en courage in depe ndent thought!M: I dont think shed get angry if you were a little more respectful when you disagreed.Try that n ext time.Q: What does the man want the woman to try?A收起答案(S)4)A.The company policy.B.The shop.C.The shirt.D.The service.参考答案:4)C听力文本:M: I bought the shirt last week, but

6、 it is too small for me. Can I change it for a larger size?W: Sorry, Sir. Thats aga inst the compa ny policy.Q: What are they talki ng about?A收起答案(S)5)A.Ones own values.B.Ones hard work.C.On es pers onal con tacts.D.Ones special abilities.参考答案:5)D听力文本:W: What do you thi nk is more importa nt to succ

7、ess in the arts tale nt or hard work?M: Tale nt, I suppose. But I would nt discredit the value of hard work. Oh, and good looksare importa nt too, as are pers onal con tacts.Q: According to the man, whats the most important?A收起答案长对话5题Directi ons:Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answ

8、er to each questionyou hear.6)A.Responsibilities in the home.B.Things they do together.C.Troubles in their marriage.D.The worst day.7)A.They agreed to share the work.B.They have responsibilities.C.They are both tired.D.They are bothered by it.8)A.The state of the marriage.B.The silly things they did

9、.C.The terrible cold she had.D.They have nt gotte n married.9)A.Go to their parents.B.Have arguments.C.Walk in the park.D.Go to the cinema.10)A.The park.B.The cinema.C.A pare nts home.D.Their home.参考答案:6)C 7) A 8) A 9) A 10) D听力文本:W: You kno w, it does nt look like youve clea ned the livi ng room.M:

10、 No, I have nt. Ugh. I had the worst day. I am so tired. Look, I promise ril do it this weeke nd.W: Listen, I know the feeling. Im tired, too. But I came home and I did my share of the housework. I mean, thats the agreeme nt, right?M: All right. We agreed. Ill do it in a min ute.W: Come on. Dont be

11、that way. You kno w, I should nt have to ask you to do anythin g. I mean, we both work, we both live in the house, we agreed that housework is . is both of our resp on sibility. I dont like to have to keep rem inding you about it.M: Whats the matter with you today? You seemed bothered by someth ing?

12、W: Its us.M: What do you mean by us?W: Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married. Remember?M: What do you mean? We are talk ing now, arent we?W: Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together.M: We still go to the cinema together, dont we?W: Yes, but we used to go out for walks togethe

13、r. Remember?M: Of course.W: And we used to do silly things, like running barefoot through the park .M: Yes. I used to catch terrible colds. Honestly, you are being totally ridiculous.W: But we never argued. You used to think I was wonderful. Once . Where are you going?M: Back to live with my parents

14、. Thats something else we never used to do before we were married.Q 6: What are the speakers talking about?Q 7: Why did the woma n say she should nt ask the man to do anything?Q 8: What is the woman bothered by?Q 9: What did they never do?Q 10: Where is the conv ersati on tak ing place?A收起答案短文理解5题Di

15、recti ons: Liste n to a short passage and choose the best an swer to each questio n you hear.11)A. A lawyer friend, Patricia.B. High fees for lawyersC. Public interest lawyersD. Clients who need legal help.12)A. Public interest lawyers are expensBe. Some people cant afford lawyeCk Some lawyers dont

16、make much mon ey.D.Some clie nts n eed legal help.13)A. Public interest lawyers are expensive.BPublic interest lawyers are unfair.C.Some lawyers have nothing at aD. Some lawyers choose to receive less money.14)A. Sometimes clie nts cheat lawyers.B. Sometimes lawyers are like criminals.C. Sometimes s

17、tores get legal hDp. Sometimes lawyers dont charge a client.15)A. Trouble with a client.B. Trouble with a lawyerC. Trouble with onesIan dlordD. Trouble with a crim in al.参考答案:11) C 12) B 13) D 14) D 15) C听力文本:A lawyer friend of mine, Patricia, has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her spec

18、ial area is called public in terest law.Many other lawyers represe nt only clie nts who can pay high fees. They have had expe nsive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happe nsto the people who n eed legal help and cannot afford to p

19、ay these lawyers fees? It is unfair if these people cannot get the legal help they need.Public in terest lawyers, who also have had expe nsive and highly specialized training, fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because

20、she is willi ng to take less mon ey, her clie nts have the help they n eed, eve n if they can pay nothing at all.Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty goods. Others are in un safe apartme nts, or are threate ned to be drive n out of their homes and have no place t

21、o go. Their cases are all called civil cases. Still others are accused of crim inal acts, and seek those public in terest lawyers who han dle crim in al cases.Q 11: What is this passage about?Q 12: What is un fair accordi ng to the speaker?Q 13: What can be in ferred from this passage?Q 14: What do

22、we know from this passage?Q 15: What is an example of a civil case?A收起答案复合式听写10题Directi ons: Liste n to a short passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hea

23、r. When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have writte n.A few years ago, my friend and I were walkin) at noon on a street n ear my home ina northern 17) section of Teheran. This area is well-known becauseit is a beautiful ave nue tha18) conn ects two major traffic circles. It is

24、 located9) at the bottom of a high mountain.That day, the sun wa20) shining , but the weather sudde nly cha ngetl.) As we were walk ing betwee n the two circles, it started raining very hard. We started) cross the boulevard to get to the sec ond circle. It was rai ning so hard that we decided to go

25、in side a restaura nt in stead. Ten mi nu tes later, as we were look ing out the wi ndow, we saw every one was23) running away from somethi ng. At first, we did not know what was going on.We went outside the restaura nt to see what was happe ning. People seemed shocked.A huge flood was24) stream ing

26、 dow n the mountain. We were sta nding on a higher place, so we could see everyth ing. We were scared. Cars, rocks, and people were float ing on the water like little toys toward the little market at the south end of the circle. The height of the water was almost to the top of the trees.After a few

27、minu tes, the floods flow was reduced, so we decided to leave the area before the water en tered the street we were on.It was reported that the flood 25) destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day. Later, we also learned that a dam had burst during the rai

28、n.Un it2短对话5题Directi ons: Liste n to five short con versati onsand choose the best an swer to each question you hear.1)A. Young people are too quick in making decisions. Young people seldom stay long on the same jobC. Young people lose their jobs easily.D.Young people are too eager to succeed.参考答案:1

29、)B听力文本:M: It was the third time Cliff had phoned me to say he had a new job.W: Its difficult to keep a young man on one job for life no wadays.Q: What does the woma n mean?A收起答案2)A. To go and see if the supervisor can meet him right now.B.To put him through to the supervisor.C. To have a talk with t

30、he supervisor about his work. To arra nge anappointment for him with the supervisor.参考答案:2)D听力文本:M: Id like to have a talk with your supervisor sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me?W: Hes rather busy these days. But ril see what I can do.Q: Whats the man ask ing the woma n to do?A收起答案3)A.

31、 Atte nd a meeti ng.B. Have an in terview .C. Atte nd the graduati on ceremonyD. Join a company.参考答案:2)C听力文本:W: I dont know what Im going to wear to the graduation ceremony? All of my clothes are so casual.M: Why dont you wear your n ewly bought gree n suit?Q: What is the woma n going to do?A收起答案()4)A. He agrees with the womaB. He does nt agree with the womaC. He has no idea of that.D. He has seen Adam playing.参考答案:3)B听力文本:W: Adam is really a gifted pia no player.M: Is he? You should have see n him whe n he

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