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本文(精人教版丨八年级英语下册Unit 5知识梳理+词汇讲解+句型解析.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

精人教版丨八年级英语下册Unit 5知识梳理+词汇讲解+句型解析.docx

1、精人教版丨八年级英语下册Unit 5知识梳理+词汇讲解+句型解析人教版丨八年级英语下册Unit 5知识梳理+词汇讲解+句型解析知识梳理【重点短语】1.make sure 确信;确认2.beat against. 拍打3. fall asleep 进人梦乡;睡着4. die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失5. wake up 醒来6. in a mess 一团糟7. break.apart 使分离8. in times of difficulty 在困难的时候9. at the time of 当.时候10. go off (闹钟)发出响声11. take a hot shower 洗热水澡12.

2、 miss the bus 错过公交车13. pick up 接电话14. bring. together 使靠拢15. in the area 在这个地区16. miss the event 错过这个事件17. by the side of the road 在路边18. the Animal Helpline 动物保护热线19. walk by 走路经过20. make ones way to. 在某人去的路上21. hear the news 听到这个消息22.important events in history 历史上的重大事件23.for example 例如 kille

3、d 被杀害25. over 50 50多(岁)26. a school pupil 一个小学生27. on the radio 通过广播 silence 沉默;无声29.more recently 最近地;新近30.the World Trade Center 世贸中心31.take down 拆除;摧毁32.have meaning to 对有意义33.remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 first 首先;最初【重点句型】1. What were you doing at eight last night? 昨晚8点你在干什么? I was taking

4、 a shower. 我在洗淋浴。2. When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚饭。3. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? 琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在干什么? While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework. 琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在帮玛丽做作业。【话题写作】Susanna所在的城市昨天晚上发生了一场地震。很幸运,地震并不强烈,他们全

5、家安然无恙。假如你是Susanna请描述一下地震发生时家里人的活动情景,80词左右。【优秀满分范文】My name is Susanna. In our city, there was an earthquake at 8:32 yesterday evening.At that time, I was taking a shower in the bathroom. My motherwas cleaning up the kitchen and my father was watching TV in the livingroom. My elder sister Alice was wo

6、rking on her computer in her room. We were very scared.Luckily, the earthquake was not heavy and it didnt last long. And we were all safe.词汇讲解1. miss:miss作动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如:Ill miss you when you go toCanada.你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。【拓展】(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如:I tried to hit the ball but I missed.我努力地想击中球,

7、但却未成功。(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如:I missed the football match on TV last night. 我错过了昨天晚上电视中的足球赛。(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; cant help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如:I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight. 我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。2. suddenlysuddenly作副词,意为“

8、突然,忽然”,在句中多修饰动词或句子,做状语。例如:I suddenly remembered that I didnt bring my key. 我突然想起来我没有带钥匙。It all happened so suddenly.一切都发生得那么突然。3. either(1) either作副词,意为“也不”,用在否定句中。例如:He cant play the violin. I cant, either. 他不会拉小提琴,我也不会。(2) either pron.(两者中)任意一个。例如:There are many trees on either side of the street.

9、 在街道的每一边都有很多树。(3) eitheror为连词短语,连接两个相同的句子成分,意为“要么要么;或者或者;不是就是”。例如:He either stays at home or visits friends on the weekend.在周末,他要么待在家里,要么拜访朋友。They will come either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow他们不是明天来,就是后天来。【注意】eitheror连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式与紧靠谓语的那个主语的形式保持一致,即遵循就近原则。例如:Either I or he is on duty today.

10、今天不是我值日,就是他值日。4. light(1)light作不可数名词,意为“光;光亮;光线”。例如:The sun gives out light and heat.太阳发出光和热。He read the letter by the light of the candle. 他在烛光下读那封信。(2)light作可数名词,意为“电灯;光源”。例如:Dont cross the road when the traffic lights are red.当交通灯是红色时,不要横穿马路。(3)light作形容词,意为“轻的;浅色的”。例如:Is the box heavy or light?那箱

11、子是重还是轻?I like the light green dress.我喜欢哪件浅绿色的裙子。(4)light作动词,意为“点燃;照亮”。例如:He sat down and lit a cigarette.他坐下来,点了一支烟。5. beat:beat是及物动词,有以下用法:(1) 意为“赢;打败;战胜”,后接人或某一团队、组织等,其过去式为beat。例如:I beat him at long jump yesterday. 昨天跳远我赢了他。(2) 意为“打;击”,表示连续不断的打击。例如:Who is beating the drum? 谁在打鼓?(3) 表示“(心脏)等跳动”。例如:

12、I feel my heart is beating fast. 我觉得我的心脏在剧烈跳动。【拓展】beat和win都有“赢”的意思,但用法不同:beat的宾语为人或相当于人的团体、组织;而win的宾语为比赛或某个项目,过去式为won。例如:Though we were weak, we beat them. 虽然我们弱,但我们赢了他们。Who won the first prize in the competition?谁在比赛中赢得了一等奖?6. against:against是介词,其用法如下:(1) 反对,违反。对应的反义词为for,常用于be against sb. / sth.反对

13、某人/某事 例如:Are most people against having a part-time job?大多数人反对做兼职工作吗?(2) 和交战(指竞争、比赛等)。例如:Well have a basketball match against the team from No. 2 Middle School next week.下星期我们将于二中的球队举行一场篮球赛。(3) 碰、撞、擦。例如:Rain beats against the window. 雨打在窗户上。(4) 倚着、靠着。例如:There was a ladder propped up(支撑) against the

14、wall.一把梯子靠着墙。(5) 防备,抗。例如:She saved money against old age. 她攒钱防老。(6) 逆着。例如:We are sailing against the wind. 我们(的船)正逆风航行。(7) 衬托,相映,对照。例如:Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得分外鲜艳。7. try:try作动词,意为“尝试,努力”。主要用法如下:(1) try to do sth. 意为“设法去做某事,尽量去做某事”,其否定形式为try not to do sth.。例如:Try

15、 not to be late again.尽量别再迟到了。Try to get here in two hours.尽量在两小时之内到达。(2)try doing sth. 意为“试着做某事”,强调尝试做某事。例如:You should try eating more vegetables.你应当试着多吃点蔬菜。(3)try ones best to do sth. 意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。例如:We should try our best to finish the work on time.我们应该尽最大努力准时完成这项工作。8. hard/hardlyhardly和hard形式上

16、很接近,但意义截然不同。(1)hard作形容词时,意为“困难的;硬的;勤奋的;严厉的;苛刻的”。hard作副词时常用来表示程度,意为“努力地;猛烈地;剧烈地”。例如:I work hard at school. 我在学校努力学习。This ground is too hard to dig. 这块地太硬,挖不动。They tried hard to succeed. 他们努力工作,以求得成功。【拓展】work hard at意为“努力于”。例如:He is working hard at English. 他正在努力学习英语。(2)hardly是表频率的副词,意为“几乎不;几乎没有”,相当于a

17、lmost not,并非hard的副词形式。例如:There is hardly any coffee left. = Theres almost no coffee left.几乎没有剩余的咖啡了。练一练:I. 英汉短语互译。1沉默;无声_2remember to do _3首先;最初_4have fun doing sth_5感觉;好像_6on the playground _7(闹钟)发出响声_8report sth. to sb. _9逐渐变弱、消失_10fall asleep _II. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1Maybe there will be a thunder _(暴

18、风雨)2My mind _(突然) switched back to my conversation with Jeremy3The smoker tossed away the lighted _(火柴)and so caused a fire4I cant read while you are standing in my _(光线)5It was _(报道) that there was going to be a football match6The farm is about 50 or 60 square kilometers in the _(地区)7You should fly

19、 your kite a _ the wind8It rained so _(大) last night that the lake is full of water now9John was very tiredHe soon fell a _10I just want to b_ this bad guyIII. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1I guess from his red eyes that he has been working too _ (hard) recently2Please remember _(clean) the room after work3Wish y

20、ou have fun _(learn) English this term4Why didnt you attend yesterdays presentation?Sorry,I _(wait)for an important EMS then from an editor5Almost everyone knows that the moon _(rise) in the east【参考答案】I. 英汉短语互译。1. in silence2. 记得做某事3. at first4. 做某事很有趣5. feel like6. 在操场上7. go off8.向某人报告某事9. die down

21、10. 睡着II. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. storm 2. suddenly 3. match4. light 5. reported 6. area7. against 8. heavily9. asleep 10. beatIII. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. hard 2. to clean 3. learning4. was waiting 5. rises重点句型解析1. When he woke up, the sun was rising.was rising意为“正在升起”,为过去进行时态,该时态表示在过去某时间某动作正在发生,由“助动词was/were

22、+ doing”构成。例如:They were playing in the park.他们正在公园里玩。She was reading a book when I came in.我进来时她正在看书。2. But luckily, the driver was fine.luckily作副词,意为“幸运地;幸亏”,做状语。例如:Luckily,she found my book.幸运的是,她找到了我的书。Luckily, we caught the last train.很幸运,我们搭上了末班火车。【拓展】(1)lucky作形容词,意为“幸运的;有好运的”。例如:Some people se

23、em to be always lucky.有些人似乎总是很幸运。Nine is my lucky number.9是我的幸运数字。(2)luck作不可数名词,意为“好运;幸运;运气”。例如:I hope it will bring you luck.我希望它会给你带来好运。Good luck to you!祝你好运!3. The roads were icyicy作形容词,意为“结冰的;冰冷的;冷淡的”。例如:Its not easy to walk on the icy roads.在结冰的路面上行走不容易。Because of the icy street, they cant driv

24、e the car. 因为街上结满了冰,他们不能开车。Most people dont want to swim in the icy water. 大多数人都不想在冰冷的水里游泳。【拓展】ice作不可数名词,意为“冰”。例如:The ice is thick enough to skate on.这冰够厚的,可以在上面滑冰。The boy isnt afraid of cold. He is holding a piece of ice.这个男孩不怕冷,手里握着一块冰。4. But when I pointed it out to my friendpoint out意为“指出”,是“动词+

25、副词”结构,人称代词作宾语时应放在动词之后、副词之前。例如:There is a mistake in this sentence. Can you point it out?这个句子有一处错误,你能把它指出来吗?He pointed out the woman from these photos. 他从这些照片中指出了那个女子。【拓展】(1)point作不及物动词,意为“指;指向”,常与介词at,to,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。例如:She pointed at me, laughing.她指着我笑。(2)point作可数名词,意为“点;要点”。例如:Lets disc

26、uss the difficult points in the passage. 让我们讨论一下文中的难点。5. Why did you call so many times?so many 意为“那么多”,修饰复数名词,例如:He has so many friends.他有那么多的朋友。There are so many people in the exhibition.展览会上有那么多人。练一连:I. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1The old man couldnt find anywhere to live. (改为同义句)The old man could _ _ to liv

27、e.2Mother was cooking while I was doing my homework(对画线部分提问)_ _ your mother _ while you were doing your homework?3Lily was reading in the room at that time(改为一般疑问句)_ Lily _ in the room at that time?4I was sleeping at nine last nightLinda was doing her homework at nine last night(用while将句子合并为一句)I _ _

28、 _ Linda _ _ her homework at nine last night5Dont forget to lock the door before you leave(改为同义句)_ _ _ the door before you leaveII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1这时,我要做的只是默默地服从他。All I had to do now was to obey him _ _2天在下雨,记着随身携带你的雨衣。Its raining_ _ _ your raincoat with you3起初我们并没有意识到她的伤口的严重性。_ _ we didnt realize the

29、 severity of her wounds4我今天不太想散步。I dont _ _ _ very much today5昨天我和我的朋友打篮球打得很开心。I _ _ playing basketball with my friends yesterday6据报道约200人在芦山地震中丧生。It _ _ that about 200 people had lost their lives in Lushan earthquake7一直到早上4点聚会的人群才渐渐散去。The party didnt _ _ until about four in the morning8当我去接电话时,没有人说话。When I _ _ the phone,no one spoke9我室友的闹钟总是在午夜响起。My roommates alarm clock always _ _ at mid-night10如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。If I fell asleep at the wheel,_ me _III. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。AWhats you

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