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届高三英语一轮复习 Unit8 Sports教案 人教大纲版.docx

1、届高三英语一轮复习 Unit8 Sports教案 人教大纲版Unit 8 Sports考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:1. 重点单词与短语continent; tie; athlete; medal; torch; dive; shooting; competitor; further; prepare; effect; compete; weight; position; point; title; gesture; facial; in ones opinion; with the help of; so far; make oneself heard; stand for; becaus

2、e of; would rather; take part; in preparation for; preferto; haveeffect on; by hand2. 句型Id rather watch it than play it. would rather的用法Every four years, athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 表示“每隔”的说法To make it the best ever games, the capital city will make several big c

3、hanges. 不定式做目的状语It is true / certain.that. it作形式主语代替主语从句Yao Ming has more than just size. more than 的用法3. 语法:一般将来时的被动语态(1)描述食物将受到某种影响或某种处理-使用将来时被动语态。(2)描述人物将被动的接受某种行为或某种处理-使用将来时被动语态。 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握tie; medal; dive; competitor; further; prepare; effect; weight; position; point; gesture; in ones opin

4、ion; with the help of; so far; make oneself heard; stand for; because of; would rather; take part; in preparation for; preferto; haveeffect on; by hand等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握“宁愿怎么样而不愿怎么样的”的用法;不定式作目的状语的用法;it作形式主语代替主语从句的用法以及more than 的用法教材知识归纳知识归纳1.What do the five Olympic rings stand for?stand for 代表;象征The

5、 American flag stands for freedom and justice.美国国旗代表自由及公平。What do the letters UN stand for?字母UN代表什么?主张;支持,拥护We stand for self-reliance.我们主张自力更生。容忍,忍受I cant stand for your speaking to your mum like that.我不能容忍你用那样的方式和你母亲讲话。stand by袖手旁观Dont just stand by; cant you lend a hand?别站在一旁观看,你不能帮一下忙吗?相关归纳:表示容忍

6、的结构:(以下句子都可译为“我不能容忍你用那样的方式和你母亲讲话”)1 stand ;stand for; put up with;wont have sb. doing sth.;bearI cant stand your speaking to your mum like that.I cant stand for your speaking to your mum like that.I cant put up with your speaking to your mum like that.I wont have you speaking to your mum like that.I

7、 cant bear your speaking to your mum like that.注意:stand ;stand for; put up with;wont have sb. To do sth 后只可以接动名词但是bear 后可以接不定式也可以接动名词。I cant bear to be laughed at.= I cant bear being laughed at.我不能容忍被嘲笑。2. How many times have the Olympic Games been stopped because of war?because of与 because的区别:(1)be

8、cause是连词,用来引导表语从句或状语从句。She was worried because her daughter came home late.由于她的女儿回家的比较晚她很担心She looks worried. That is because her daughter hasnt come home.她看起来很担忧。那是因为她的女儿回家晚了。(2)because of是介词,用于名词、代词、what从句或动名词前。Her daughter came home late because of the busy traffic.由于交通拥挤她的女儿回家晚了。She was angry be

9、cause of what you said.她对你说的话很是生气。Because of missing the last bus, we had to take a taxi.由于错过了末班车我们不得不乘出租车。My views of the world have changed because of traveling.由于旅游我对世界的看法改变了。3. Id rather watch it than play it.我宁愿看球而不愿意打球。(1)总结“宁愿而不愿”的 表达方法: would / had do sth rather than do sth宁愿而不愿I would rathe

10、r stay at home than go for a walk.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去散步。Shed rather die than lose the children.她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。2 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.I prefer to stay at home rather than go for a walk.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去散步。3 prefer doing sth to doing sthI prefer staying at home to going for a walk.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去散步。would

11、do sth rather than do sthI would stay at home rather than go for a walk.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去散步。(2)would rather 的用法:would rather +do sth. 指现在或将来愿意做某事=would rather sb. did sthMr Li would rather not listen to rock music.李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。If youd rather be alone, well all leave here.如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。John wants to se

12、e me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today.约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来)Dont come tomorrow. Id rather you came next weekend.明天别来。我希望你下周末来。would rather +have done sth. 指现在或将来愿意做某事=would rather sb. had done sth.I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home nigh

13、t.= I would rather I had gone to the theatre than stayed home night.我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。4. Every four years athletes from all over the world took part in the Olympic Games.every与数词或few、other连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,一般形成以下结构:(1)every+基数词+复数名词,意为“每”;(2)every+序数词+单数名词,意为“每第”;Every third year he will go on a holid

14、ay.每三年他度一次假。(3)every + other+单数可数名词,指“每隔”;Please write every other line.请隔行写。(4)every+ few+复数名词,译成“每隔几Every few days he will go shopping.每隔几天他就会去购物。5. Many of the sports were the same as they are now.该句中as为连词,引导状语从句。as 作为连词,可以引导5种从句。(1).时间状语从句。As time went by, it became colder and colder.随着时间的流逝,天变得

15、越来越冷。(2).原因状语从句。As he was taken a bad cold, he didnt go to school yesterday.由于昨天他感冒了,他没有去上学。(3).方式状语从句。Do as I tell you to.按照我告诉你的去做。Do in Rome as the Romans do.人乡随俗。(4).让步状语从句。注意要采用倒装句型,即把表语、状语、动词原形提前到as前面。当表语为a + n必须省aChild as he is, he knows a lot.尽管他是个小孩,他却知道很多。Much as he tried , he cant pass th

16、e exam.尽管他尽力了,可是他还不能通过考试。Try as he did , he cant pass the exam.尽管他尽力了,可是他还不能通过考试。(5).比较状语从句。It is not as hot in Beijing as in Wuhan北京不及武汉热。6.some of the games in which the young men competed were: running, jumping and pete 的用法派生词:competition n. 比赛,竞赛He came first in the poetry competition.他获诗歌比赛第一名。

17、We are in competition with several other companies for the contact.我们与另几家公司角逐争取这项合同。competitor n.竞争者,比赛者competitiveadj. 比赛的,竞争的,不亚于或超过他人的The firm has better products than its competitors.这公司的产品比其对手的好。Our firm is no longer competitive in world markets.我们公司在世界市场上已不占优势。知识梳理:(1)compete in参加 比赛Twenty gir

18、ls competed in the race.二十位姑娘参加了赛跑。(2)compete with/ against sb. for sth.与竞赛;竞争某事物Several companies are competing against/with each other for the contract.几家公司正为争取一项合同而相互竞争。6. It means that every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher and throw further.farther与further的区别:farther与further都是形容词和副

19、词far的比较级:(1)farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”:On the farther side of the street there was a large shop. 在街的那一边有一家大商店。We cant go any farther without a rest. 我们不休息就不能再走了。(2)farther既可表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”;还可表示“更多的”;“另一些”;“进一步的”;“而且”;“此外”等等。Its not safe to go any further. 再往远走,就不安全了。Have you any further questions

20、 to ask? 你们还有问题要问吗?We intend to stay for a further two months. 我们打算再停留两个月。If you need further information, I suggest you go to the library.如果你需要进一步的资料,我建议你去图书馆查查。The school will be closed until further notice. 学校将关闭,开学时间另行通知。Well enquire further into this question tomorrow. 明天我们将进一步调查这个问题。He said th

21、at he could not find it and further that nobody would ever find it.他说他找不到它,而且还说谁也找不到它。7. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries.在悉尼奥运会上。中国队共获28枚金牌,在所有的参赛国中,金牌总数名列第三。(1)该句中的ranking为v-ing形式作状语表示结果,表示自然而然的结果。Football is played in over 100 countries,

22、making it the most popular game.足球现在在100多个国家被踢,这使足球成为最受欢迎的运动。The crocodile can eat a man in a few minutes, leaving only bones.鳄鱼能在几分钟之内把一个人吃掉,结果只剩下骨头。(2)rank的用法:等级;地位,身份社会阶层;军阶,军衔;高地位,高身份They served everyone regardless of social rank.他们为所有人服务而不计较其社会地位。He was promoted to the rank of captain.他被提升到上尉军阶

23、。把.分等;把.评级She ranked her students according to their grades.她按成绩排列学生的名次。列为(指名次或等级)They ranked high in their class.他们是班上的优等生。8.To make it the best ever Games, the capital city will make several big changes.ever 的用法:(1)(多用于疑问句、否定句和表示条件和比较的附属从句)在任何时候;从来;至今If you ever see George, give him my kind regard

24、s.如果你见到乔治,请代我向他致以亲切的问候。She was happier than she had ever been.她比以前任何时候都更高兴。He is one of the very best men I have ever met.他是我遇见的最好的人之一。No such person ever existed.这样的人从来没有存在过。Have you ever been to London?你到过伦敦吗?(2)永远,始终;总是He is ever ready to help you.他总是乐意帮助你的。(3) (用于疑问副词或代词之后,加强语气)究竟,到底Who ever can

25、 it be?那究竟会是谁呢?What ever put that idea in your head?到底是什么使你想出那个主意的?9. The people of Beijing will be preparing to light the Olympic torchprepare 的用法:派生词:preparation n. 准备,预备 prepared adj. 准备好的精制的相关归纳:(1) prepare (sth.) for./ to do sth. 为作准备(强调动作)The whole class is working hard preparing for the exam.

26、全班都在用功准备考试。(2)prepare sb. / oneself for. / to do sth. 使某人自己准备好The college prepares students for a career in business.这个学院是培养商务人才的。The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration.警察正在准备防范示威时可能出现的骚乱。(3) be prepared for.准备好(强调状态)I was not prepared for all the problems it caused.我对这

27、事引起的诸多麻烦毫无准备。(4)be prepared to do sth.(有能力并且)愿意做We are not prepared to accept these conditions.我们无意接受这些条件。He is always prepared to help others.他总是乐意帮助别人。(5) in preparation for 作为的准备I has been training hard in preparation for the coming exam.我一直在努力训练为即将到来的考试做准备。(6) make preparations for 为作准备The stude

28、nts are making preparations for the coming exam.学生正在为即将到来的考试做准备(7)prepare sb. sth. 为某人准备The host and the hostess prepared us a delicious meal.主人为我们准备了美味佳肴。注意:prepare sth. 宾语必须是动作的直接承受者。prepare the lesson / a speech / a meal。(备课;写演讲稿;做饭)prepare for sth.中for的宾语是表示准备的目的。prepare for the exam / an operat

29、ion / a trip。(为考试、手术、旅游做准备)10. Yao Ming scored 32.4 points per gane.point的用法:知识梳理:(1)观点,见解,论点;From my point of view you are right .以我的观点看你是对的。She made several interesting points in the article.在这篇文章中她提出了几个重要的观点。(2)要点,重点 核心问题;前要加theThe point is that you should not wait so long to see a doctor.关键是你不应该

30、等那么长的时间去看医生。I think I missed the point .我认为我没能理解重点。I will come straight to the point ; we need more money.直说主题吧,我需要些钱。(3)目的, 意义;I dont see the point of doing it all again.我看不出再次做这件事的意义。(4)时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段;At this point I dont care what you decoded to do.在这个时候我不介意你决定做什么。I think you have come to the point

31、where you must make a change .我认为你达到了这样的阶段:你必须做出改变。(5)得分;lose the game by a point 以一分只差输掉了比赛(6)小数点相关归纳:(1)to the point简明恰当;简洁中肯The letter was short and to the point.这封信简明扼要。(2)to the point of (doing) sth.达到某种程度;近乎He was rude to the point of being aggressive.他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的程度。(3)to a point在某种程度上=in a way =to an extent=in

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