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1、我的房间英语作文小学我的房间英语作文小学 导语:如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦。如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。以下XX为大家介绍我的房间英语作文小学文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!我的房间英语作文小学1走进我的小房间后,你第一眼看到的肯定就是我的课桌了!它的颜色是淡绿淡绿的,上面有:橡皮、笔袋、书本、作业本每当我坐在椅子上写作业时,它就像一位家庭教师,不会的题,由它来为我引导思路,从困境中逃出,它还经常对我说:“快点写,写完了就能玩了!”现在我的作业写的又快又好!再往东南方向看一看,有书柜,在它的大肚子里装着:淘气包马小跳、虹猫蓝兔七侠传、


3、就是我的床了!要是你们见到我的床一定会觉得很奇怪,因为这张床实在是矮上加矮!不过这样也好,想知道为什么吗?哈哈,其实道理非常简单,就是不用怕掉下床呗!我喜欢我的小房间!In my little room, you first see is definitely on my desk! Its color is light green light green, there are: rubber, pencil, books, homework. Whenever I sit on a chair and do my homework, it is like a tutor who doesnt

4、 want to ask for guidance and escape from difficulties. It often says to me, write quickly and finish playing, now my homework is written quickly and well.To the southeast of a look, a bookcase, filled in its belly: naughty little horse jumping, biography, Greens fairy tales, HMLT the adventures of

5、the little tigers,. But in so many books, which one do you think I like best? Of course, the most popular selling bag now is Ma Xiaotiao. I want to know that I have six or seven books. There are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter on the bookcase. Spring is the spring flower, the summe

6、r is the lotus, the autumn is the chrysanthemum, the winter is the plum. The yellow flowers of the spring, bring the beautiful spring, the ice and snow melt, all things resuscitation, and I learn happily in this beautiful spring breeze. The lotus flower in the pond is smiling and bringing summer to

7、our side. Noble chrysanthemum the fruits brought, autumn is a harvest season! Plum flower, it represents a firm and indomitable spirit. I want to learn the spirit of it and be a strong and ambitious student. Whenever I read the four kinds of flowers, they are like four Hua Xianzi playing around me!

8、The moment brings me a happy mood.In the middle part of the small room is my bed. If you see my bed, it will be very strange for you to see my bed, because the bed is really short and short. But its so good. Why do you want to know why? Ha ha, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, dont be afr

9、aid of falling off the bed.I like my little room!我的房间英语作文小学2我有一间自己的房间。房间的中间放着小床,旁边是书桌、书柜和我心爱的电脑。墙上还挂着妈妈亲手绣的十字绣钟表。我的房间温馨而整洁,但我还是希望我的房间能与众不同一些。我希望我的房间是食品加工厂,当我饿的时候想吃什么就有什么。不论是可口的中餐,还是造型好看的西餐都应有尽有,可以供我尽情享用。我希望我的房间是一间电脑房,可以查资料、学习还有玩游戏,有空的时候还可以和同学联系呢。我希望我的房间是一个秘密的军事基地,在里面可以看到世界上最先进的武器、也可以看到最新型的宇宙飞船和发送飞船用

10、的火箭,说不定还可以看到传说中的外星人飞碟。虽然有这么多奇奇怪怪的想法,但我还是最喜欢我现在的房间,因为在这里我可以读书、写作业、玩游戏和幻想。I have a room of my own. There is a small bed in the middle of the room, next to the desk, the bookcase and my beloved computer. The wall is also hung with her hand embroidered cross stitch clocks.My room is warm and tidy, but I

11、 still hope my room can be a little different.I hope my room is a food factory, and what I want to eat when Im hungry. Whether it is a delicious Chinese food, or a beautiful style of Western food, I can enjoy it.I hope my room is a computer room, can look up information, study and play games, when t

12、here is no time to contact the students.I hope my room is a secret military base, where we can see the most advanced weapons in the world, the newest models of spaceships, and the Rockets for sending the spacecraft. Maybe we can see the legendary alien flying saucers.Although there are so many stran

13、ge ideas, but I still love my room, because I can read books, homework, play games and fantasy.我的房间英语作文小学3我有一间自己的房间。那是一间有电脑、台灯和玩具的屋子。妈妈经常把我的房间收拾的一干二净,爸爸常来陪我下象棋。我的悠悠球,围棋,我从海滩上捡来的贝壳,都放在那里。我很喜欢我的房间。可是,有时候,我希望我的房间跟现在不一样。我希望我的房间长着一对轮子,这样,我就可以开到海面,看见一望无际的大海。我更希望我的房间长了一对翅膀,这样,我就可以飞到浩瀚无垠的宇宙,去探索神秘的UFO飞船,和外星人

14、交朋友。我也希望我的房间是一间魔术屋,墙壁是饼干,窗户是棉花糖,枕头是奶酪,水龙头流出来的全是可乐,啊!太爽了!天气冷的时候我希望我的房间是一个火炉,我坐在旁边,把火烧的旺旺的,那一定比被子还暖和。把房间当作运动场也不错!我当裁判,小熊和飞机成为运动员,它们争分夺秒的跑着,我还给它们水喝呢!争取让它们到玩具奥运会上比赛。可是,我还是喜欢我现在的房间,在这里,我可以读书,可以玩耍,还可以幻想。I have a room of my own.Its a room with a computer, a desk lamp and a toy. My mother often clean up my

15、room. Dad often comes to play chess with me. My Yo Yo, go, the shells I picked up from the beach, all there.I like my room very much. But sometimes, I hope my room is not the same as it is now.I wish my room had a pair of wheels, so that I could go up to the sea and see the boundless sea.I also hope

16、 that my room has a pair of wings, so that I can fly to the vast universe, explore the mysterious UFO spacecraft, and make friends with the aliens.I also hope that my room is a magic house, the walls are biscuits, the windows are marshmies, the pillows are cheese, and the faucets are all out of coke

17、, ah! Its so cool!When the weather was cold, I wanted my room to be a stove. I sat next to the fire, and that must be warmer than the quilt.Its good to use the room as a playground! I was the referee, the little bear and the plane became an athlete. They ran for the second, and I gave them water to

18、drink. Try to get them to play in the toy Olympics.But I still like my present room, where I can read, play, and fantasize.我的房间英语作文小学4我有一间自己的房间,我房间放着小床、书桌和我心爱的电脑。我的房间温馨而整洁,但我还是希望它与现在的不同。我希望我的房间是全自动的,所有的家具都镶嵌在墙壁上。我要学习时桌子会自动伸出来;我要查资料时,电脑从天而降;当我要休息时,我柔软的沙发就伸展开来变成一张大床。我希望我的房间会飞,这样我就可以和世界上每个国家的小孩交朋友,看看他们

19、是怎样生活的。我希望我的房间能飞向太空。停在月球上,那样我就能看看美国的空间站。我希望我的房间是食品加工厂,那样我就可以把许多食物送到灾区,让那里的人们不再忍饥挨饿。我希望我的房间是一个万能图书馆,里面的每一本书都有一个芯片,当我遇到不认识的字时,只要一点就会出现这个字的所有内容,当一本书看完时他就会讲给我一个奖章。我希望我的房间是一个通向地心的隧道,这样我就可以去看看里面有没有像地心游记里面说的另一个不为人知的世界。但想来想去我还是最喜欢我现在的房间,因为在这里我可以读书、幻想。I have a room of my own. My room is with a small bed, a d

20、esk and my beloved computer. My room is warm and tidy, but I still hope it is different from the present.I hope my room is fully automatic, and all the furniture is inlaid on the wall. When I want to learn, the table will automatically come out; when I want to check the information, the computer com

21、es down from the sky; when I want to rest, my soft sofa stretches to a big bed.I hope my room will fly so that I can make friends with the children of every country in the world and see how they live.I want my room to fly into space. Stop on the moon, so I can look at the American space station.I ho

22、pe my room is a food processing plant, so I can send a lot of food to the disaster area, so that people there are no longer hungry.I hope my room is a universal library. Every book in it has a chip. Whenever I meet a word I dont know, it will appear all contents of this word if only I want to see it

23、. When a book is finished, he will give me a medal.I hope my room is a tunnel leading to the earths core, so that I can see if theres another unknown world in the travel of the earths heart.But I am still love my room, because I can read books, fantasy.我的房间英语作文小学5我有一个属于我自己的小房间。我的房间有一张舒服的小床,有一个整齐的书柜,

24、还有一个可以学习的书桌。我希望我的房子是一所热闹的体育馆,在那里我可以和我的小朋友一起锻炼,一起成为奥运会上的冠军。我希望我的房间是一朵白云,我可以摸摸洁白的云朵,看它有多柔软,再去看看蔚蓝的天空有多辽阔。我希望我的房间是一所飞船,去看看宇宙有多浩瀚,看看到底有没有外星人。我又希望我的房间是一个机器人,如果我想让他去替我遛狗,聪明的机器人就会按一下绿色的按钮,就会出来一个跟我差不多大的机器人,那个小机器人就会去遛狗了。我希望我的房间是一辆汽车,我要开车去尼斯湖,潜入海底去见神秘的尼斯湖水怪。可是想完了所有的幻想之后,我还是最最喜欢现在的房间,因为这里有温暖、有幸福。I have a small

25、 room of my own. My room has a comfortable small bed, a neat bookcase, and a desk that can be learned.I hope my house is a busy gymnasium where I can exercise with my little friends and be the champion of the Olympic Games.I hope my room is a white cloud, I can touch the white clouds, see how soft i

26、t is, and see how vast the blue sky is. I want my room to be a spaceship to see how vast the universe is, and see if there are any aliens. I also hope that my room is a robot. If I want him to walk the dog for me, the smart robot will click on the green button and come out a robot that is almost the same size as me. The little robot will walk the dog. I want my room to be a car. Im driving to Loch Ness and diving into the sea to see the mysterious Loch Ness monster.But after all the illusion, I still like the best room, because there are warm and happy.

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