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1、人教版九年级Unit7Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes单元设计意图和依据:本单元出现的被动主态主要是情态动词should+be+动词的过去分词构成的。例如:Students should be allowed to wear their clothes on weekends.通过学习本单元。结合生活实际,复习、巩固句型I agree/I disagree.即表示同意或不同意的方式。在教学中,要充分利用多媒体等教学设备,创设与本课话题相关的情景,如谈论青少年日常行为规范,学校校规,家规等。围绕着本单元的

2、教学目标,设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务,让学生辩论一些学校规章制度,例如学生是否应该在学校使用手机这种焦点话题。学生在使用所学目标语言进行辩论时,教师要不断鼓励学生,让学生勇于发表自己的真实观点和想法,增强学生开口讲英语的自信心。教学内容分析:本单元以学生是否应该挑选自己的衣服为话题,以谈论学生在生活中应当遵守的规矩和学生自己的意见为主线,向学生展示了的用于表达被或不被允许做某事和同意不同意的目标语言。教学目标:1词汇:allow, pierce, silly, stay up, drivers license earring, strict, concentrate, volunteer,

3、 目标语言:I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs? No, I dont.2通过目标语言的学习,学生学会谈论自己平时需要遵守的规则,并能发表自己的看法或独特见解。3教育学生要在培养自己的独立思想的同时注意遵守规章制度。教学重点及难点:1 本单元重点在于新单词及目标语言,并再次出现了被动语态。2 难点

4、在于学生运用目标语言进行自由表达及对被动语态的掌握。课时分配(4课时):第一课时:Section A 1a-2c Grammar Focus 第二课时:Section A 3a-4 第三课时:Section B 1a-2c第四课时:Section B 3a-4 Self Check 2教学指导思想:以素质教育为指导思想,促进学生个性发展,注意对学生进行思想引导,培养学生正确认识个性及美丑。教学方法:听说读写相结合,循序渐进;设计合理并具有挑战性任务,让学生在完成任务时练习使用目标语言,体验成功之快乐教学过程设计:Period oneTeaching aims: should be allowe

5、d toTeaching key points: I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I disagree. I think sixteen is too young.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs?No, I dont.Teaching difficult points: Reflecting Transforming informationTeaching Steps: Step 1: Greeting a

6、nd a small talk The S on duty gives a small talk on her unpleasant shopping(her mother didntlet her choose her own clothes) to lead in the topic of Unit 3 “Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes” Then, Ss show their own opinion by saying “agree” and “disagree”.Step2:Lead-in by talki

7、ng about the school rule and family rules. Let ss make a survey of the family rules: Write down what you are allowed to do and what you arent allowed to do at home. be allowed to do be not allowed to doStep3: Discuss and learnA:What should teenagers (not) be allowed to do?B:I think teenagers should

8、be allowed to go out with their friends.A:I agree. They need to relax./ I disagree. They are not old enough. Step4: Practice in pairs:Look at a model and read together:S1 :I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.S2 :I agree. They need to relax./ I disagree. They are not old

9、enough. Make conversations using the phrases in the box and the statements in Activity 1a.As students work in pairs, move around the room listening in on various pairs and giving pronunciation and language help as needed.After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to co

10、me to the front of the classroom and say their conversations.Step5: Listening:1, 1b :Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and choose.Listen and circle “T” for true or “F” for false beside the statements in the box on

11、page18. TapescriptWoman:So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna?Girl:Im going to the mall with John. He just got his drivers license.Woman:Im sorry. You cant go with John. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. They arent serious enough at that age.Girl:But I have to go to th

12、e mall. Gabys getting her ears pierced and I want to watch.Woman:I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later.Girl:I agree, but its fun to watch. Is it OK if we take the bus?Woman:Well, I guess so.Girl:Great! I want to buy a new blouse at the

13、mall, too.Woman:What kind are you going to buy? Maybe I should go with you.Girl:Aw, Mom. Im not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Woman:Well, I just want to be sure you get something nice.Check the answers.1b: 1, T 2, F 3. T2.2a Listening and checkingNext we ar

14、e going to listen and check on page 19 what Kathy thinks. You may circle “Agree”, “Disagree”, or “Doesnt know” to show what Molly thinks.TapescriptMolly: Larry is working late again tonight, Kathy.Kathy: I know, Molly. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night. Young people n

15、eed to sleep.Molly: I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry shouldnt work every night.Molly: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homework.Kathy: You know, Molly he should really cut his hair.Molly: Oh, I disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!Kathy: You know

16、what worries meLarry doesnt seem to have many friends.Molly: Yeah, I know. I think he shouldnt work on weekends.Kathy: Oh I agree, Molly. He needs to spend time with friends.Molly: Like you and me?Kathy: Maybe.3.2b Listening and numbering You are going to listen again to the recording just now tonum

17、ber Kathys and Mollys reasons in the correct order on page 19.Now you shall copy all the important expressions from the listening late, sixteen-year-olds, be allowed to work at night,disagree with, get tired, work every night, do homework, cut ones hair, kind of like, looks cool, have ma

18、ny friends, work on weekends, spend time with Step6:Make a survey and report:What should . (not) be allowed to do? Do you agree? Why?hang out with friendsYour friends nameYour namebecausebecausehave part-time jobschoose their own clothesReport:My friend thinks/doesnt thinksixteen-year-olds/ teenager

19、s/students should be allowed to because . I agree /disagree becauseStep7:Grammar FocusAsk different pairs of students to read the statements and questions.Write them on the blackboard. Point out I disagree, I agree and Do you think ? If necessary, give students more practice.Step 8:Summary and Homew

20、orkSay, In this class, weve done a lot of listening and speaking practice using the target language. And weve also talk about agreement and disagreement.Review the grammar box to get afurther understanding of the target language.1.Write a letter to your parents or teachers to tell them what you shou

21、ld be allowed to do/ not be allowed to do? Why?2.Read and try to recite the listening material (Unit 3 Section A 2a )on Page 129 板书设计:can do cant dosurf the Internet play soccer ball watch TV go shoppingis allowed to isnt allowed tosurf the Internet play soccer ballwatch TV go shoppingS1 :I think te

22、enagers should be allowed to-.S2 :I agree.-./ I disagree. -Period Two1. Teaching Aims and Demands(1) To make students learn and grasp the structure should be allowed to do.2. Teaching Key PointsTo learn the key vocabulary and the target language.To learn the usage of the structure should be allowed

23、to do.To learn to agree and disagree.3. Teaching Difficult PointsTo learn what you should be allowed to do and learn to agree and disagree.4. Teaching steps:Step 1 Greeting Greet the class and check the homeworkStep 2 A duty report The S on duty gives a report on the rules in his home and lead in 3a

24、 “Sun Feis and Wu Yus rules” Step 3 Warming up by guessing games. Step 4: Revision by pair workA: What should teenagers (not) be allowed to do?B:I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.A:I agree. They need to relax./ I disagree. They are not old enough. Step5:ReadingSs read

25、the conversation and write the two girls rules in the chart. Check the answers.Get Ss to read after the tape and then read aloud by themselves. Then, T explains the language points.Step 6 Pairwork 3b Role play. Use the information in chart to practice with the conversation in 3a covered. They can lo

26、ok at the sample conversation in the right box.Step 7 A debate Choose one statement (No.3 Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.) as the topic forthem to debate. Those who agree sit on one side, those who disagree sit on the other side. Before starting, each group have 2 minutes to get pre

27、pared. See which group is the winner.While debating, Ss should write down the opinions they hear for their homework.Step 6 Summary grammar “ should be allowed to “Step 8 homework:Write a letter to your headmaster(校长) to tell him your ideas about the school rules .板书设计:A:What should teenagers (not) b

28、e allowed to do?B:I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends.A:I agree. They need to relax./ I disagree. They are not old enough. Period Three1. Teaching Aims and Demands(1) To make students learn and grasp the structure should be allowed to do.2. Teaching Key PointsTo learn th

29、e key vocabulary and the target language.To learn the usage of the structure should be allowed to do.To learn to agree and disagree.3. Teaching Difficult PointsTo learn what you should be allowed to do and learn to agree and disagree.4. Teaching steps:Step 1 Greeting and a duty report The S gives a

30、duty report talking about his experience of being late for school. Lead in the question “Do you ever get to school late? How often do you get to school late? Always, usually, sometimes, or never?Step 2 1a Reading and checkingRead the questions on page 21 and write either “A” for always, “U” for usua

31、lly, “S” for sometimes or “N” for never.Do you ever1.get to class late? with friends?3.finish a test early?4.worry that youll fail a test?Step 3 Pairwork 1b Get Ss to talk about their answers with their partners using the sample conversation in the box on the right.Do you ever have your ears pierced?Yes, I sometimes have my ears pierced.Do you ever stay up at weekends night?Yes, I sometimes stay up at weekends night.Do you ever drive alone?Yes, I sometimes

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